Kavanaugh Accuser Won't Testify

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?

She has a number of obstacles to overcome.

1. The timing stinks to high heaven.
2. She's offered zero evidence beyond her simple accusation that anything happened. The witnesses she's named say nothing happened.
3. When given the opportunity to testify under oath, she backed away.

These things lead inevitably to political hit job, not substantive accusation.
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

What else are you doing? Not much. You should teach him. Don't be rude. Assfaceias.
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?

She has a number of obstacles to overcome.

1. The timing stinks to high heaven.
2. She's offered zero evidence beyond her simple accusation that anything happened. The witnesses she's named say nothing happened.
3. When given the opportunity to testify under oath, she backed away.

These things lead inevitably to political hit job, not substantive accusation.
She has zero obstacles to overcome. This is on congress and Drumpf to do or not do something.

1. Timing doesnt matter.
2. No the witness said he "couldnt recollect" which is a legal way of protecting your ass in the event you end up in court.
3. Not a problem. The FBI wasnt asking her to testify. Congress was.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Its a dog and pony show. Congress is split down party lines. No real investigation could possibly happen in that circus. Thats why the FBI needs to investigate.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.

The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.
If he was innocent he would be demanding the FBI investigation to clear his name. Is he doing that?

ummmmmm, no, no he wouldn't

that's complete and total horseshit (as are you)
Innocent people tend to want their name cleared. If he is self righteously indignant as he claims to be then he should be calling for an FBI investigation.

Not necessarily if all he wants is a chance to face her and get her testimony under oath. If she can't produce any better evidence the whole thing should collapse under its own weight.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.
What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Its a dog and pony show. Congress is split down party lines. No real investigation could possibly happen in that circus. Thats why the FBI needs to investigate.

How can the FBI investigate when it is a local case? Never croseds state lines. It is a local PD case but there is no chance Kavanaugh would be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The FBI had investigated Kavanaugh on six separate instances. Has the accuser even filed a police report? Doesn't Kavanaugh have a right to face his accuser? This is to your point and I agree with you a stupid dog and pony show. Why did Feinstein sit on this for so long. She is part of the reason so many people dislike my people, the Jews. Find us dishonest. She is case in point. Thanks, Diane.
The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.
If he was innocent he would be demanding the FBI investigation to clear his name. Is he doing that?

ummmmmm, no, no he wouldn't

that's complete and total horseshit (as are you)
Innocent people tend to want their name cleared. If he is self righteously indignant as he claims to be then he should be calling for an FBI investigation.

Not necessarily if all he wants is a chance to face her and get her testimony under oath. If she can't produce any better evidence the whole thing should collapse under its own weight.
Bullshit. Everyone knows its a kangaroo court with a repub majority. His reputation will always have that stench. If he is as indignant as he claims to be he would welcome the FBI proving there is nothing to her story so his name is clear.
What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Its a dog and pony show. Congress is split down party lines. No real investigation could possibly happen in that circus. Thats why the FBI needs to investigate.

How can the FBI investigate when it is a local case? Never croseds state lines. It is a local PD case but there is no chance Kavanaugh would be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The FBI had investigated Kavanaugh on six separate instances. Has the accuser even filed a police report? Doesn't Kavanaugh have a right to face his accuser? This is to your point and I agree with you a stupid dog and pony show. Why did Feinstein sit on this for so long. She is part of the reason so many people dislike my people, the Jews. Find us dishonest. She is case in point. Thanks, Diane.
You seem to be another person that is clueless about the fact that it wouldnt be a criminal case. It would be just like the FBI investigation during the Anita Hill drama or when they did the background check 6 times prior without this new information.
What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

It has, in many cases been highly suspect, except for the Little Green Men and their anal probing, that I am sure is real.
Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Its a dog and pony show. Congress is split down party lines. No real investigation could possibly happen in that circus. Thats why the FBI needs to investigate.

How can the FBI investigate when it is a local case? Never croseds state lines. It is a local PD case but there is no chance Kavanaugh would be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The FBI had investigated Kavanaugh on six separate instances. Has the accuser even filed a police report? Doesn't Kavanaugh have a right to face his accuser? This is to your point and I agree with you a stupid dog and pony show. Why did Feinstein sit on this for so long. She is part of the reason so many people dislike my people, the Jews. Find us dishonest. She is case in point. Thanks, Diane.
You seem to be another person that is clueless about the fact that it wouldnt be a criminal case. It would be just like the FBI investigation during the Anita Hill drama or when they did the background check 6 times prior without this new information.

Explain how this is an FBI case? LOL. It is local PD and it happened allegedly 36 years ago. The Anita Hill case was proven to be BS and actually the approval ratings for Thomas skyrocketted post case when compared to pre case. If you had to bet your life would you bet she is being honest.
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.
Not really. The only thing is that the therapist said different was that 4 males were in the room instead of 2 in the room and 2 outside the room.
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.

But both Dr. Ford and her husband have declared those notes to be bogus, thus they are useless.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.
Its a dog and pony show. Congress is split down party lines. No real investigation could possibly happen in that circus. Thats why the FBI needs to investigate.

How can the FBI investigate when it is a local case? Never croseds state lines. It is a local PD case but there is no chance Kavanaugh would be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The FBI had investigated Kavanaugh on six separate instances. Has the accuser even filed a police report? Doesn't Kavanaugh have a right to face his accuser? This is to your point and I agree with you a stupid dog and pony show. Why did Feinstein sit on this for so long. She is part of the reason so many people dislike my people, the Jews. Find us dishonest. She is case in point. Thanks, Diane.
You seem to be another person that is clueless about the fact that it wouldnt be a criminal case. It would be just like the FBI investigation during the Anita Hill drama or when they did the background check 6 times prior without this new information.

Explain how this is an FBI case? LOL. It is local PD and it happened allegedly 36 years ago. The Anita Hill case was proven to be BS and actually the approval ratings for Thomas skyrocketted post case when compared to pre case. If you had to bet your life would you bet she is being honest.
Easy. The POTUS says..."investigate FBI" Just like he did in the Anita Hill case.
Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.
Not really. The only thing is that the therapist said different was that 4 males were in the room instead of 2 in the room and 2 outside the room.

And she said she was in her late teens vs. being 15. And 15 is NOT late teens. That is enough to create reasonable doubt.
Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.

But both Dr. Ford and her husband have declared those notes to be bogus, thus they are useless.

LOL. No.
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.

Very fishy. From my observations, many people who are professional therapists or psychology experts have emotional problems themselves. She may very well believe that something happened. Without witnesses or other corroborative, contemporaneous evidence (i.e. telling friends or parents), it's just an accusation. Not Proof!
Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.

Do you guys realize that the only evidence Congress has is from newspapers / websites? They have not spoken to one witness. Crazy.

There is no evidence. There is only the recovered memory from a professional therapist-patient. Repressed memory therapy is highly suspect and is not Evidence.

The notes from her therapist don't match her testimony. A lot of holes. Doesn't mean she is lying but it seems fishy.
Not really. The only thing is that the therapist said different was that 4 males were in the room instead of 2 in the room and 2 outside the room.

Ohhhhhh, that's all! Well then, they are disputing THE KEY FACT IN THE EVIDENCE.

You can't make this shit up, you really can't

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