Kavanaugh Accuser Won't Testify

Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Delay, Delay....does Merick Garland ring a gotdamn bell bitch!!!! We can hurry this shit up yesterday, why not let the GOP saintly bastard take a fuckin LIE DETECTOR TEST IF HE'S SO GOT DAMN FBI INNOCENT!!!!
No. I posted that because someone asked me a question. If you werent so retarded you would have figured that out
Everyone you're debating (trolling) here has figured you out a long time ago. You have no credibility with any of us. Whose side are you on with the Keith Ellison matter? Him or the woman he abused?
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Ford is a political operative...just a kook...like disgraced FBI agent Strok.
Yeah thats smart. Give Kav the confirmation on a silver platter by refusing to testify. She must be a rookie.

Guess why she shied away? Because she knows under tough questioning the entire thing disintegrates.

What year? I don't know.

Whose house? I don't know.

Who was there? I don't remember.

How did you get there? I don't remember.

How did you get home? I don't remember.

How many people were in the room? I don't remember.

IOW it's a total crapshow for her.
Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Delay, Delay....does Merick Garland ring a gotdamn bell bitch!!!! We can hurry this shit up yesterday, why not let the GOP saintly bastard take a fuckin LIE DETECTOR TEST IF HE'S SO GOT DAMN FBI INNOCENT!!!!
Hey there dingbat. It is up to the accuser to prove the accusations. She cant. Results of a lie detector are not admissible.
Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Delay, Delay....does Merick Garland ring a gotdamn bell bitch!!!! We can hurry this shit up yesterday, why not let the GOP saintly bastard take a fuckin LIE DETECTOR TEST IF HE'S SO GOT DAMN FBI INNOCENT!!!!
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
She'll have to use the FBI to jog her memory.

This is obviously a bunch of bullshit. Vote the man onto the SC and move on.
Guess I stumped the peanut gallery? Anyone want to tell me why Drumpf ordering the the FBI to investigate this is a problem?

It gives the claim legitimacy when it is a very weak allegation.

It gives the democrats yet another platform from which to further erode the credibility of women who actually are victims.

It plays right into the original purpose of the democrat ploy, which is to delay until they control the process.

Any questions?

Tell you what, let's compromise. Let's go ahead and seat Kavenaugh on the bench. That will take the time pressure completely off the table and the investigation can proceed at its own pace. Let's have all the concerned parties testify under oath before Congress, complete with the normal penalties for perjury. Sound good?
So if you were accused of rape you would want the FBI to investigate you? Really? Interesting!
Hell yeah. If I had this much riding on the line and I was innocent I would be begging the FBI to investigate. It speaks volumnes that the repubs are scared of an investigation that would clear his name.....if he was innocent that is.
He has been investigated six times. How many times has she been investigated?
Can you explain why this information you just posted is relevant to what we are talking about?
What info do you speak of?
The info you posted. What does Kav being investigated 6 times and this woman never have to do with the current situation?

It goes to the high standard she has to meet in order to prove he's a sexual predator. Predators don't try it once as a teenager and never again, they display a pattern of behavior. See Bubba Clinton. The FBI has investigated Kavenaugh very thoroughly, and any such pattern would have shown up by now. She has a long road ahead trying to prove her case.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.

I swear it happened.....
No....i don’t remember where...
.....no I don’t remember when....
......but their were 4 boys........
.....no......there were 2 boys......

We should get the FBI involved! This is a hot case!
How sweet would it look for the repubs if the FBI investigated and found nothing zilch?

It would be so sweet the democrats would spend the next 5 years whining about the FBI being biased, partisan and corrupt. They would, of course, refuse to accept the results of the investigation they demanded and would forever insist that Kavenaugh is a rapist. IOW, no good reason to investigate.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.

I swear it happened.....
No....i don’t remember where...
.....no I don’t remember when....
......but their were 4 boys........
.....no......there were 2 boys......

We should get the FBI involved! This is a hot case!
How sweet would it look for the repubs if the FBI investigated and found nothing zilch?
They already found that.
I thought you said the FBI didnt investigate this issue?

The accusation was forwarded to them and they refused to investigate. IOW, you want the president to override their professional opinion of what is worth investigating. I thought you didn't trust the president to have that kind of judgement.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.
How can anyone investigate? No date, no names but her and (at first four) two others, they say never happened. No idea where it happened. No idea how she got there. No idea how she got home.

Not a federal crime. Statue of limitations ran out. No police report made.

Do they build a time machine and follow her around for a year or two?
Thats why the FBI are the FBI. They investigate things you ordinary people have no clue how they were able to investigate.

They have to investigate anything Drumpf tells them to investigate.
They can spend millions of man hours but they have to have a starting point. There is no dna. There is nothing to work with. There is not even a credible story. They could even try behavioral analysts and they would tell them that it did not happen. There are no finger prints. There are no pictures. There are no videos. There may be a hundred billion to one chance that there was a satellite overhead that might have seen her leaving the party, but you would still need a time to try and check, plus you would need better then a thirty year old satelitte as the resolution would not be good enough to even tell it was her. You could perhaps try and go back and track every party either one was at but chances are not even that would get even close.

We have been trying to prove the existence of God, ghosts and all sorts of cr*p. They would be farther ahead in investigating these then a thirty year old she said/ he said.
They have a starting point. They can speak to Judge, Kav and this woman. People tend to tell the truth when they are questioned with consequences for lying.

Congress has set up precisely that. Yet you want what you can't have.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.
How can anyone investigate? No date, no names but her and (at first four) two others, they say never happened. No idea where it happened. No idea how she got there. No idea how she got home.

Not a federal crime. Statue of limitations ran out. No police report made.

Do they build a time machine and follow her around for a year or two?
Holy shit, the actual legal reasons had already been spelled out, yet still you were still unable to answer

you have to try hard to miss this much

Third reason, there is not even a crime alleged

Unless you think that the Federal B I should investigate potential underage drinking

You really aren't very good at this
No reasons have not been spelled out. Youve only stalled.

It doesnt have to be a crime for them to investigate. is this one of your reasons?
So we’re going to spend a lot of time and money investigating democrat bullshit not crimes. That sounds reasonable.
Yes were going to spend a lot of time and money making sure a sexual predator doesnt become a SC justice.

Gotta prove he is one first. I've said it before and I'll say it again, sexual predators don't try it once in high school and never again. They leave a pattern of behavior, like Bubba Clinton did. Can you point to any such pattern in Kavenaugh's life?
Really? I dont think so. After 35 years theres even less chance the FBI can prove a damn thing. At least the woman can confront him to his face then if he cracks people will make a decision off of that.
What exactly is the FBI suppossed to come up with? even if they were both at the same party, it proves nothing unless you have some real evidence. After 35 years all it comes down to is both of their words.
It's just a judgement call people have to make.

Unless you have other women coming forward... something in his rulings that points to a defect in his character.. it all comes down to who is more believable.
All they have to prove is one of them is lying. In Kavs case he said he was never at the party which is odd because she cant remember which party.

Its hard to prove that being Incorrect after 35 years is actually Lying though.
If you emphatically say you were not at the party she was and its found out you were then you are definitely lying. Like I said, how can you deny you were at a party that she doesnt even remember was the one in question?
How can one accuse someone of doing some thing to them at a party if they cant remember which party it was?
Pretty easy. Say you go to a party and you get into a fight. Someone kicks your ass and you leave humiliated. 40 years later you remember you got your ass kicked but you are foggy on exactly which party it was. Do you remember all the parties you went to? I know for dam sure I dont.
We all remember the ones something significant happened especially something like this.
They already found that.
I thought you said the FBI didnt investigate this issue?
They got your senators stupid letter and passed. Done deal. The FBI doesn’t give a shit about your political hack job.
Get your story straight. Did they already investigate this issue or not? You keep contradicting yourself.
They didn’t waste their time. You should take that as a hint.
So they didnt investigate this right?

They didnt investigate it because its past the statutes of limitations so its not a crime anymore. They dont have the power to investigate it on their own. The POTUS however can order them to investigate it.

For what purpose, other than the only honest answer, which is to delay the vote? Unless you can show a pattern of sexual predation, Kavenaugh is not a sexual predator and there's no reason to keep him off the bench. It hasn't even been proven that he attempted to have sex with her.
Now the woman want testified unless the FBI investigate!


She does't remember anything! But she was there! The other person refuses to testify!

Plum bat shit crazy!
The sad part is that Kavanaugh is being destroyed just for the corrupt Democratic Party's greed for power
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.

The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.

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