Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

That LIE again? Cant help your self can you? As for resistance, HISTORY shows you are wrong. Learn some.

Actually, most history shows people are perfectly willing to go along with a bad government.

No Germans rushed out to save their Jewish neighbors from being turned into bars of soap and lampshades. They had guns, they just didn't want to get involved.
Nope, it's a theory.

Here's a better one.

Because Trump wrecked the economy and we all spent months locked in our homes, the murder rate went up because most murders are people killing people they know. This is something the NRA doesn't want people to know, that a gun in the house is more dangerous to the people living with it than the bad guys.

Okay. Let's assume he could get the Army to obey that obviously illegal order. (They wouldn't.) Well, your gun isn't going to do much good against a tank or a platoon of well-trained soldiers.

This is why this excuse of "why I needs me muh guns" is pretty fucking retarded. Tank Beats Gun. Bomber Beats Gun.
Trump wrecked the economy?...lol

Tell the Taliban that...lol. If an armed citizenry isn't a threat to the government's power, then why do so many politicians want to ban guns? Surely you aren't stupid enough to think it's because they care about your safety. Right?...lol
Actually, most history shows people are perfectly willing to go along with a bad government.

No Germans rushed out to save their Jewish neighbors from being turned into bars of soap and lampshades. They had guns, they just didn't want to get involved.
You're proving that.

The Jews were disarmed. That happened for a reason.
Yet you can never really refute anything I say.. even about your own fucked up cult.

So tell me again why it was okay for Joseph Smith and Brigham Young to fuck 14 year olds, but not okay for Roman Polanski?

A huge difference is that Roman Polanski actually fucked a 13-year old.

Your persistent and outrageous lies notwithstanding, there is no evidence and no rational reason at all to believe that either Joseph Smith or Brigham Young did any such thing.

In any event, your bizarre and hateful lies about my religion are not relevant to this topic, nor to any other topic in which you persist in telling them. The only thing that they tell us about any topic is how little credibility you have on that or any other topic.
We aren't talking about the last 27 or five years. We are talking about why Murder Spiked in 2020, when most of us were in our homes.

It wasn't because of the BLM riots. Only about 35 deaths can be linked to those. Most of them were people killing their family members because being locked in your house for months can make you a little crazy.

Yes......after the democrat party began the direct attacks on the police in 2015, the police gradually stopped pro-active police work, you doofus.....

gangs started running around with guns in their pants because they knew cops wouldn't stop them.....you idiot.

Gangs didn't obey the covid lockdown, they continued to sell drugs and shoot each other...you know, the people they know.
Actually, most history shows people are perfectly willing to go along with a bad government.

No Germans rushed out to save their Jewish neighbors from being turned into bars of soap and lampshades. They had guns, they just didn't want to get involved.

Moron....the national socialists, while the police watched, beat the crap out of anyone who stood up to them as they rose to power....by the time they murdered 12 million people, no one was willing to stick their necks out, knowing that the police weren't going to help them...

The same way the democrats have kept the police from stopping the blm, and Antifa terrorists the democrats have used to burn and loot these cities.

They haven't burned and looted the suburbs because they have guns there...as those two lawyers showed the blm rioters...
The struggle over voting rights in the United States dates all the way back to the founding of the nation. The original U.S. Constitution did not define voting rights for citizens, and until 1870, only white men were allowed to vote.
Because all elections are state elections.
Two things to note:
- Until 1864, not every state chose its electors through a vote of the people ( jus FYI)
- Free black men in certain states had the right to vote upon, or prior to, the adoption of the US constitution
Trump wrecked the economy?...lol

Tell the Taliban that...lol. If an armed citizenry isn't a threat to the government's power, then why do so many politicians want to ban guns? Surely you aren't stupid enough to think it's because they care about your safety. Right?...lol

Politicians and a lot of Americans want to ban guns because we have 39,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes...

And if you really think Afghanistan with 40 years of civil war is a model you want to emulate, where a gang of armed thugs can come in and behead your daughter because she was showing too much ankle, you have some real problems.

You're proving that.

The Jews were disarmed. That happened for a reason.

But most Germans were not. (ALso, if you were a GERMAN Jew, you had a 75% chance of getting out of Germany and surviving the war... Polish Jews, not so much.)

The point was, the Germans who kept their guns never once got out their houses, ran to their Jewish Neighbor's house and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!!!"
A huge difference is that Roman Polanski actually fucked a 13-year old.

Your persistent and outrageous lies notwithstanding, there is no evidence and no rational reason at all to believe that either Joseph Smith or Brigham Young did any such thing.

In any event, your bizarre and hateful lies about my religion are not relevant to this topic, nor to any other topic in which you persist in telling them. The only thing that they tell us about any topic is how little credibility you have on that or any other topic.

No evidence? So you think they married all those teenagers for tax purposes?

The fact that Smith and Brigham "Likes them" Young married these young girls is a matter of historical record.

Now, yes, I'm sure your church told you for years this wasn't the case, but they are finally coming clean about it.

Brigham Young had 62 wives and 56 children...

Hate to break it to you but in the 1840's and up 14 was a marriable age Many people married that young, As for Smith he had numerous wives he never slept with and he married everyone including 60 year olds.
Hate to break it to you but in the 1840's and up 14 was a marriable age Many people married that young, As for Smith he had numerous wives he never slept with and he married everyone including 60 year olds.

Actually, the historical context wasn't any better. People were NOT cool with Joseph Smith's sex cult at the time. A local newspaper wrote stories about it, and Smith's reaction was to send in his thugs to break up their press. When he was arrested for that, a mob heard that his militia was going to break him out and stormed the prison and shot him and his brother.

Actually, the historical context wasn't any better. People were NOT cool with Joseph Smith's sex cult at the time. A local newspaper wrote stories about it, and Smith's reaction was to send in his thugs to break up their press. When he was arrested for that, a mob heard that his militia was going to break him out and stormed the prison and shot him and his brother.

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Ya the hatred of religious types runs deep with some.
Ya the hatred of religious types runs deep with some.

Not really.

The Mormons actually made themselves unwelcome.

They started in New York, where J Smith was run out of the state for fraud in 1825.
They then moved to Ohio, where Smith started a "bank" and swindled people out of thousands of dollars. It included filling strongboxes with sand and a top layer of coins, and issuing bank notes that were worthless. They got run out of Ohio.

Smith then took his merry band of cultists to Missouri. They proceeded to try to take over a couple of counties by using terror squads called Danites. The governor of Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, issued an extermination order.

They then moved across the river to Illinois, where Smith declared himself a Lt. General and organized his own private army. He also had a harem of little girls and other men's wives because that's what you do when you run a cult.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?
Original and Extra Crispy!!!

Finally, the Mormons under Brigham "I like them" Young moved to Utah while the US was in the process of stealing the west from Mexico, hoping to set up his own country. (Seriously, these early Mormon leaders were like fucking Bond Villains!) This resulted in a farce known as the Utah War of 1857, where the Mormons bravely murdered a wagon train of settlers heading to California. The Army got quite fed up with this shit and put a bitchslap down on Young.

Ah, the missed opportunity. If only James Buchanan put them on trial for treason, hanged them, and sent the photos to Jefferson Davis as a warning. We could have avoided the Civil war.
Not really.

The Mormons actually made themselves unwelcome.

They started in New York, where J Smith was run out of the state for fraud in 1825.
They then moved to Ohio, where Smith started a "bank" and swindled people out of thousands of dollars. It included filling strongboxes with sand and a top layer of coins, and issuing bank notes that were worthless. They got run out of Ohio.

Smith then took his merry band of cultists to Missouri. They proceeded to try to take over a couple of counties by using terror squads called Danites. The governor of Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, issued an extermination order.

They then moved across the river to Illinois, where Smith declared himself a Lt. General and organized his own private army. He also had a harem of little girls and other men's wives because that's what you do when you run a cult.

The difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?
Original and Extra Crispy!!!

Finally, the Mormons under Brigham "I like them" Young moved to Utah while the US was in the process of stealing the west from Mexico, hoping to set up his own country. (Seriously, these early Mormon leaders were like fucking Bond Villains!) This resulted in a farce known as the Utah War of 1857, where the Mormons bravely murdered a wagon train of settlers heading to California. The Army got quite fed up with this shit and put a bitchslap down on Young.

Ah, the missed opportunity. If only James Buchanan put them on trial for treason, hanged them, and sent the photos to Jefferson Davis as a warning. We could have avoided the Civil war.
Keep up the lies you are so good at them.
Keep up the lies you are so good at them.

Documented history are "lies"?

Every last event I listed happen. True, the Mormon Cult doesn't like to talk about them, which is why Mormon Bob gets so upset when I bring them up. .

Just like when I grew up Catholic, the nuns didn't talk about all the sleazy shit the Church did over the centuries.
Politicians and a lot of Americans want to ban guns because we have 39,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes...

And if you really think Afghanistan with 40 years of civil war is a model you want to emulate, where a gang of armed thugs can come in and behead your daughter because she was showing too much ankle, you have some real problems.

But most Germans were not. (ALso, if you were a GERMAN Jew, you had a 75% chance of getting out of Germany and surviving the war... Polish Jews, not so much.)

The point was, the Germans who kept their guns never once got out their houses, ran to their Jewish Neighbor's house and said, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!!!"
Very few citizens of the republic want to ban guns and your numbers are lies.

Armed thugs coming to my home? You just strengthened my argument for owning a gun.

Most Germans didn't know about the death camps.
Very few citizens of the republic want to ban guns and your numbers are lies.

Armed thugs coming to my home? You just strengthened my argument for owning a gun.

Yeah, funny thing, Afghanistan had a shitload of guns, has it brought them peace? Prosperity?

Do you really want to live like Afghan people do? I don't.

Most Germans didn't know about the death camps.

Sure they didn't...


YOu do realize why that was such a funny joke in the 1960's... it was all these Germans who claimed they had no idea what Hitler was doing.

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