Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him

I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......
LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him

I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......
LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,' ” she said.
Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe show up & suddenly there is a 2nd Accuser....

....what a coincidence.

SSDD from the despicable POS Democrats...
and soon you freeking repubs can bash a 3rd
Let it happen! This evil shit will explode back into their smarmy faces!

The don't stop at anything. How these losers can get up there and lie through their teeth is beyond me.... Oh wait they are unemotional punta's . Desensitized pos losers after all they will abort a human life twenty times in one month if they had to.
. If these women don't prove their accusations, then they should be put in federal prison for life. Maybe thT will stop the Democtat deception.
Let it happen! This evil shit will explode back into their smarmy faces!

The don't stop at anything. How these losers can get up there and lie through their teeth is beyond me.... Oh wait they are unemotional punta's . Desensitized pos losers after all they will abort a human life twenty times in one month if they had to.
Are you watching Mark Levin? He is showing those memos that Leahy was whining about being stolen! :)

Was watching Levin.....brilliant stuff.
I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......
LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......
LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,' ” she said.
Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe show up & suddenly there is a 2nd Accuser....

....what a coincidence.

SSDD from the despicable POS Democrats...
and soon you freeking repubs can bash a 3rd
Sounds like the Democrats are finding more fake accusers for Kavanaugh so they out-number the number of real Ellison accusers...

Let it happen! This evil shit will explode back into their smarmy faces!

The don't stop at anything. How these losers can get up there and lie through their teeth is beyond me.... Oh wait they are unemotional punta's . Desensitized pos losers after all they will abort a human life twenty times in one month if they had to.
. If these women don't prove their accusations, then they should be put in federal prison for life. Maybe thT will stop the Democtat deception.

Trump's Executive order has much to do with deep state, and deep state ties into this bs... but of course my article explaining so much information on these topics gets shoved right into conspiracies. LOL
Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

The cosmic humor in all of this is that when you are a kid going to college, that is what most of them go to college frat parties to do, get wasted, fool around and get laid. If something happened that night, it wasn't as if Ford wasn't looking for some action herself, she looks big enough to beat the crap out of Kavanaugh, had it been anything serious, she would have reported it to friends and authorities, she's no wilting flower, and the FBI would have turned it up long ago and there would almost be something wrong with a guy at a frat party if a drunk pretty girl was laying beside him late at night in the dark clothes half undone and he DIDN'T cop a feel.

That used to be called "sewing your wild oats" back then. The stuff of legends at college parties. We all know what really goes on in college, look at that kid that DIED because they got him so drunk a couple years ago he fell down and hit his head. No one even helped him as they stepped over his body partying all night long.

If Kavanaugh went through 4-12 years of college never going to a party, never feeling up a girl, never getting drunk or laid, he'd be one abnormal SOB.

then every single SC nominee in the future will be subjected to deliberately false allegations.

The standard has to be some form of proof.

Allegations with no evidence cannot stop nominations of any kind, otherwise they will stop all....
Sorry, but the GOP started that ball rolling with Garland.
Fuck you and fuck Garland. He was never going to get voted in and you dems knew it.
On what basis?

Garland never raped anyone and he wasn’t even granted a hearing
Kav never raped anyone either. He has the votes though. Garland never did.
Three what you fucking nut bag?
Wake me up when someone actually comes forward with something that someone else can confirm seeing.
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.
OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142
BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

Well obviously, the Dems don't think they have enough in Maragaret Blasey Chjrissy Ford. For now on, anytime you want to stop a GOP nominee, just role out the trolls. They hate Trump so much they're probably doing it for free. This Ford nonsense was just enough to get the 1 or 2 week delay they needed to roll out a few more skanks. So what the GOP has to do is clear now. The Left will call for even more time now to vet these other women and let them be heard. Then as October rolls on, yet more women, more unfounded charges, more delays.

Let's review the history of similar events:

Anita Hill: turned out to be totally baseless. Lying tramp.

Herman Cain: there was no truth behind it. More lying skanks, but the damage was done and Herman folded.

Here we go with Kavanaugh. What Grassley needs to do is what every government agency does: set firm deadlines and stick to them. Folks have had a long time to come forward and present evidence. The FBI never found a single woman complaining of such stuff in any of their six background checks! Thursday is the deadline. Facts, proof, and evidence are all that matter, not baseless allegation. Review the evidence presented this Thursday and make your decision to confirm Kavanaugh.

The FBI? Then can't even find Russian collusion, yet, they will all rally round these women like they do the Hillary dossier.
Liberals confuse the terms “accuser “ and “sainted victim”.
5 days or week is no problem. After the job the scumbag GOP did on Garland We need a better candidate. Not a hyper hyper partisan idiot.
Thanks for giving the real motive. You and many others are still pissed off about Garland, and now the dems are trying to run out the clock in hopes of taking the majority in the senate. Then Trump will get no conservative judges through the nomination process.
There is a reason for good government that you brainwashed Dupes don't know anymore. Anita Hill investigation took three days. You're an American brainwashed functional Nazi. Can't have evidence and a court room anymore, just take your BS bought off propaganda's word for it... You already know she is a liar and it's a conspiracy I suppose like most chumps...

Well maybe we are brainwashed Dupes but at least we dont spend every day of our lives miserable as fuck.:113::113:
We're fine thank you, just not duped. Politics is not our whole life d u h, like many Republicans it seems. Are brainwashed to the point where everything is political LOL
This is getting ridiculous. Can't have 30 threads on this when so much is just hype and speculation. If you have an OPINION --- find one of the EXISTING 20 threads to put it in.. I'm not exaggerating. There are MORE than 20 existing active threads on this. MANY of them completely redundant.

Can't even SEE if your particular is already posted. We're just gonna start deleting and closing opinion threads and dupes. Because there's no reason you can't put that comment in an EXISTING THREAD.

Don't care if it's media speculation or gossip or a tweet. Don't open a NEW thread on this galactic cluster fuck.

Merged 13 in this thread just from today. Merged more than 12 yesterday..

Sorry, but the GOP started that ball rolling with Garland.
Fuck you and fuck Garland. He was never going to get voted in and you dems knew it.
On what basis?

Garland never raped anyone and he wasn’t even granted a hearing
Kav never raped anyone either. He has the votes though. Garland never did.
Three what you fucking nut bag?
3 accusers Avannetti has at least one more that makes 3 You didn't pass math in grade school ?
Just all in good fun. Boys being boys. We're America's elite, it's PARTY TIME!! JUDGE KNOWS SHIT! Wonder if he has DISAPPEARED.

‘They treated women like meat’: Mark Judge’s college girlfriend calls him out for down-playing Georgetown Prep culture


23 SEP 2018 AT 21:54 ET

Brett Kavanaugh buddy Mark Judge (Photo: Facebook)

A three-year girlfriend of Mark Judge has serious allegations that call into question his account of incidents at Georgetown Prep.

Former Georgetown Prep student Eric Ruyak nailed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge in a Facebook post this week. He claimed Judge not only attacked him for outing a priest who molested youth but tried to blame it on “unchecked liberalism.” But now, Judge’s ex-girlfriend is backing him up.

In a story that outlined a second sexual assault accuser, Elizabeth Rasor came forward about her information on Judge and Kavanaugh.

Rasor told New Yorker reporter Ronan Farrow that she met Judge at Catholic University and that she felt morally obligated challenging his characterization of “horseplay” in high school.
“Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t reveal information that was told in confidence,” she said. However, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.”

Judge told her a different story about an incident involving him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Judge made it sound consensual and never named any other men involved. She does not know whether Kavanaugh participated.

After hearing the accusations and Judge’s response, she noted dismissal of the high school incidents were not “sexual innocence of Georgetown Prep.”

A second woman who attended high school in the 1980s in the same county as Georgetown Prep refuted Judge as well. In a letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her attorneys, the woman said she witnessed boys at parties including Georgetown Prep students that engaged in “sexual misconduct.”

The woman recalled male students who “would get a female student blind drunk” on what they called “jungle juice,” which was grain alcohol and Hawaiian Punch. They would then try to take advantage of her.

“It was disgusting,” the woman said. “They treated women like meat.”

She wanted her identity withheld out of fear of political retribution.

'They treated women like meat': Mark Judge’s college girlfriend calls him out for down-playing Georgetown Prep culture
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.
OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142
BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

Well obviously, the Dems don't think they have enough in Maragaret Blasey Chjrissy Ford. For now on, anytime you want to stop a GOP nominee, just role out the trolls. They hate Trump so much they're probably doing it for free. This Ford nonsense was just enough to get the 1 or 2 week delay they needed to roll out a few more skanks. So what the GOP has to do is clear now. The Left will call for even more time now to vet these other women and let them be heard. Then as October rolls on, yet more women, more unfounded charges, more delays.

Let's review the history of similar events:

Anita Hill: turned out to be totally baseless. Lying tramp.

Herman Cain: there was no truth behind it. More lying skanks, but the damage was done and Herman folded.

Here we go with Kavanaugh. What Grassley needs to do is what every government agency does: set firm deadlines and stick to them. Folks have had a long time to come forward and present evidence. The FBI never found a single woman complaining of such stuff in any of their six background checks! Thursday is the deadline. Facts, proof, and evidence are all that matter, not baseless allegation. Review the evidence presented this Thursday and make your decision to confirm Kavanaugh.

The FBI? Then can't even find Russian collusion, yet, they will all rally round these women like they do the Hillary dossier.

Let's get real. If Brett copped a feel at a party the night in question, it was only because Chrissy Ford WANTED IT, she enjoyed it, and bragged about it the next day to her girl friends. Girls don't go to college frat parties expecting to meet priests. You go there to get drunk, get stoned and fool around.

Then she grew up, became a bitter liberal and one day heard that a guy she once knew in college was now a conservative judge picked by her most-hated Trump to be on the Supreme Court, and the skank jumped into action hoping she can accuse him of anything she can to throw a monkey wrench into the GOP's gears. All planned with the help of the Dems of course.
Just the kind of resume that would belong to someone who would do anything including lie to stop someone she disagrees with.
Liberals confuse the terms “accuser “ and “sainted victim”.
5 days or week is no problem. After the job the scumbag GOP did on Garland We need a better candidate. Not a hyper hyper partisan idiot.
Thanks for giving the real motive. You and many others are still pissed off about Garland, and now the dems are trying to run out the clock in hopes of taking the majority in the senate. Then Trump will get no conservative judges through the nomination process.
There is a reason for good government that you brainwashed Dupes don't know anymore. Anita Hill investigation took three days. You're an American brainwashed functional Nazi. Can't have evidence and a court room anymore, just take your BS bought off propaganda's word for it... You already know she is a liar and it's a conspiracy I suppose like most chumps...
There’s a reason why you sound like a pussy whipped bitch… because you are
I'm sure the Nazis had that same argument, super duper hater dupe LOL sorry about thinking and everything LOL...
Liberals confuse the terms “accuser “ and “sainted victim”.
5 days or week is no problem. After the job the scumbag GOP did on Garland We need a better candidate. Not a hyper hyper partisan idiot.
Thanks for giving the real motive. You and many others are still pissed off about Garland, and now the dems are trying to run out the clock in hopes of taking the majority in the senate. Then Trump will get no conservative judges through the nomination process.
There is a reason for good government that you brainwashed Dupes don't know anymore. Anita Hill investigation took three days. You're an American brainwashed functional Nazi. Can't have evidence and a court room anymore, just take your BS bought off propaganda's word for it... You already know she is a liar and it's a conspiracy I suppose like most chumps...
There’s a reason why you sound like a pussy whipped bitch… because you are
Yeah, who needs good government and Truth LOL? You dupes are pretty deplorable...

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