Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
Trump is not anti-abortion, he only "changed" his stance when he decided to run for POTUS as a Repub. Trump does not have any desire to see RvW over turned, hell he might have chosen him for that very reason.

Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him

I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......

LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him

I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......

LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

LOL if you don't say so yourself
Dang? You don't say. Another storm cumming. As KavaPredo seems to never score.

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One thing obvious is that Dims don't give a damn about justice or common decency
That's nice, but I think you are losing focus.

The Republicans know there is an election right around the corner. Do you not understand that there is a reason Trump was so heavily coached about this (but cracked anyway... trump will be trump...)? Do you understand why Grassley is letting this play out? These are political calculations.
Why do you imagine I don't understand the political consequences of this smear campaign? What is it you imagine the Republicans should have done differently, force Kennedy to retire earlier?

Do you understand that you're a pretentious imbecile?
I "imagined" that you didn't understand that republicans are sensitive to public opinion, when your response to my declaration of the importance of it here was to say, "Republicans get to choose". A fair assumption, on my part. To which I have responded that there moves demonstrate that they recognize the importance of this. and your response to this is... well, to just be you.
You imagine a lot of things that are total horseshit.

You're only confirming that you're a pretentious imbecile.
You are so dang whiny. Geez man, get some self respect.

Chew on this: If republicans start to think they are better to abandon Kavanaugh, that is what they will do. Will you be upset, if that happens?
So if the Republicans decide to abandon Kavanaugh, they will abandon Kavanaugh?

You are a veritable font of genius political insights!
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.

OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142

BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

And this looks at the allegation.....where she states that she didn't see Kavanaugh do anything.......but after 36 years and talking for 6 days with a democrat lawyer, she finally realized something....anything.....had happened....

Another Kananaugh accuser comes after Dem lawyer persuades her she's a victim

I won’t attempt to summarize the New Yorker’s report on Ramirez’s allegations. Instead, let me point to several obvious problems with them.

First, Ramirez says she was completely inebriated when the misconduct supposedly occurred.

Second, she told the New Yorker she wasn’t certain what happened until “after six days of talking with her attorney” a former elected Democrat.

According to Farrow and Mayer, “in her initial conversations with The New Yorker, [Ramirez] was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” But one can do plenty of brain washing in six days.

We’ve all heard of the “MeToo” movement. Now we have the “MeToo, My Democrat Attorney Thinks” movement.

Third, Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

Fourth, none of the other dozen people the New Yorker contacted said that Kavanaugh was even at the party where the misconduct allegedly occurred, let alone that misconduct actually occurred.

Fifth, multiple other students went on the record disputing that this happened.

For these reasons, this latest ambush, at least as reported by Farrow and Mayer, doesn’t rise to the level of something the Judiciary Committee should consider.

JOHN adds: This claim is so absurd that it is hardly worth rebutting, but those who knew Kavanaugh and Ramirez at the time unanimously say it’s false:
Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe roll in and suddenly there is a 2nd woman ... or what Hillary would call a '2nd Trailer Trash Bimbo Eruption' ... Gee, what a coincidence.

(Bet they had to pay this woman more than a dollar dragged through a trailer park to get her to come forward and lie...)
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.
OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142
BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

Well obviously, the Dems don't think they have enough in Maragaret Blasey Chjrissy Ford. For now on, anytime you want to stop a GOP nominee, just role out the trolls. They hate Trump so much they're probably doing it for free. This Ford nonsense was just enough to get the 1 or 2 week delay they needed to roll out a few more skanks. So what the GOP has to do is clear now. The Left will call for even more time now to vet these other women and let them be heard. Then as October rolls on, yet more women, more unfounded charges, more delays.

Let's review the history of similar events:

Anita Hill: turned out to be totally baseless. Lying tramp.

Herman Cain: there was no truth behind it. More lying skanks, but the damage was done and Herman folded.

Here we go with Kavanaugh. What Grassley needs to do is what every government agency does: set firm deadlines and stick to them. Folks have had a long time to come forward and present evidence. The FBI never found a single woman complaining of such stuff in any of their six background checks! Thursday is the deadline. Facts, proof, and evidence are all that matter, not baseless allegation. Review the evidence presented this Thursday and make your decision to confirm Kavanaugh.

LMAO you could be right on the " free " statement, they probably would do it for free because the hate runs soul deep. Oh wait they don't have souls. Well you get my point haha.

Sure they are doing it for free. And do you think that fancy lawyer who jumped in is charging Ford? Think she can afford him? Think that after 36 years she is going to spend $10,000 in legal fees just to stop a SC nomination? No, this lawyer is working free too. If he wins, he gets to stick a finger in Trump's eye, best of all, something great to add to his CV.
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.
OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142
BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

Well obviously, the Dems don't think they have enough in Maragaret Blasey Chjrissy Ford. For now on, anytime you want to stop a GOP nominee, just role out the trolls. They hate Trump so much they're probably doing it for free. This Ford nonsense was just enough to get the 1 or 2 week delay they needed to roll out a few more skanks. So what the GOP has to do is clear now. The Left will call for even more time now to vet these other women and let them be heard. Then as October rolls on, yet more women, more unfounded charges, more delays.

Let's review the history of similar events:

Anita Hill: turned out to be totally baseless. Lying tramp.

Herman Cain: there was no truth behind it. More lying skanks, but the damage was done and Herman folded.

Here we go with Kavanaugh. What Grassley needs to do is what every government agency does: set firm deadlines and stick to them. Folks have had a long time to come forward and present evidence. The FBI never found a single woman complaining of such stuff in any of their six background checks! Thursday is the deadline. Facts, proof, and evidence are all that matter, not baseless allegation. Review the evidence presented this Thursday and make your decision to confirm Kavanaugh.

Yep.....and the stories are getting weaker and weaker with the next woman...

I won’t attempt to summarize the New Yorker’s report on Ramirez’s allegations. Instead, let me point to several obvious problems with them.

First, Ramirez says she was completely inebriated when the misconduct supposedly occurred.

Second, she told the New Yorker she wasn’t certain what happened until “after six days of talking with her attorney” a former elected Democrat.

According to Farrow and Mayer, “in her initial conversations with The New Yorker, [Ramirez] was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” But one can do plenty of brain washing in six days.

We’ve all heard of the “MeToo” movement. Now we have the “MeToo, My Democrat Attorney Thinks” movement.

Third, Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

Fourth, none of the other dozen people the New Yorker contacted said that Kavanaugh was even at the party where the misconduct allegedly occurred, let alone that misconduct actually occurred.

Fifth, multiple other students went on the record disputing that this happened.

For these reasons, this latest ambush, at least as reported by Farrow and Mayer, doesn’t rise to the level of something the Judiciary Committee should consider.

JOHN adds: This claim is so absurd that it is hardly worth rebutting, but those who knew Kavanaugh and Ramirez at the time unanimously say it’s false:
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
There's no proof. But yet you all didn't say that when Anita Broddrick pressed charges against Bill Clinton ........
All this whining......
Face it....the Left is getting it done....BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

In war.....doesn't matter who fights dirty, or how dirty....all that matters is who wins.....and ALL the spoils go to the victorious.

I'm definitely on the losing side these days with these Kunservative do-nuffins
Watch Live: At Least 2 More Women Set To Accuse Kavanaugh To Stop Critical Vote
Last Tuesday, the 19th of September, Alex Jones predicted that at least two more women will be rolled out by the Democrats to destroy Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. With the second accuser Deborah Ramirez appearing on cue, Jones explains how he predicted it and what that means for the future of the Supreme Court.

OMG more paid off jackasses trying to sink this guy just like Trump , and of course we make next years news today and those who have no idea wtf is going on in reality just can't figure out the political games of LIE, CHEAT, STEAL and we might as well add set people up, and pay them off in order to make false claims.

Hey if you are a Republican just get your democratic kk...uuunts out there to lie and scream rape.


and since most jerk offs will fail to click hte provided link

View attachment 218142

BREAKING: Second Kavanaugh Accuser is a ‘Never Trumper’

And this looks at the allegation.....where she states that she didn't see Kavanaugh do anything.......but after 36 years and talking for 6 days with a democrat lawyer, she finally realized something....anything.....had happened....

Another Kananaugh accuser comes after Dem lawyer persuades her she's a victim

I won’t attempt to summarize the New Yorker’s report on Ramirez’s allegations. Instead, let me point to several obvious problems with them.

First, Ramirez says she was completely inebriated when the misconduct supposedly occurred.

Second, she told the New Yorker she wasn’t certain what happened until “after six days of talking with her attorney” a former elected Democrat.

According to Farrow and Mayer, “in her initial conversations with The New Yorker, [Ramirez] was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” But one can do plenty of brain washing in six days.

We’ve all heard of the “MeToo” movement. Now we have the “MeToo, My Democrat Attorney Thinks” movement.

Third, Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

Fourth, none of the other dozen people the New Yorker contacted said that Kavanaugh was even at the party where the misconduct allegedly occurred, let alone that misconduct actually occurred.

Fifth, multiple other students went on the record disputing that this happened.

For these reasons, this latest ambush, at least as reported by Farrow and Mayer, doesn’t rise to the level of something the Judiciary Committee should consider.

JOHN adds: This claim is so absurd that it is hardly worth rebutting, but those who knew Kavanaugh and Ramirez at the time unanimously say it’s false:

I know and it's getting more sickening by the day or should that be by the hour.

The TARSDS are to fkn stupid to realize the dangers of thes accusals , should any of these women succeed just as they tried to do with Trump using that slut it could set a dangerous prescident for " MEN" in general. Some bitch comes along forty years later and all she has to do is say " HE RAPED ME". WTF is that bs!! There is no proof needed like most of these tards seem to think there is. No in these cases.

Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him

I have stated for a VERY LONG time, Trump is a liar. We actually agree on that.

A liar cannot be trusted, period.

Moron, all politicians are liars...... obama was the most damaging liar compared to Trump......

LOL Guess you're a very very fine man like Cohen and Manafort

Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
You want us to read your sig line for your post content?

You know... Despite bk supposedly destroying this woman, caused her PTSD and all kinds of other problems...she's managed to make herself a portfolio to be proud of.

So many real victims... I mean so many victims are traumatized to the point they'd find it hard to impossible to stay focused, ambitious and driven to be that much of a success.
Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,' ” she said.
Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe show up & suddenly there is a 2nd Accuser....

....what a coincidence.

SSDD from the despicable POS Democrats...

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