Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We have posters crying rape with zero understanding of what must occur for that charge to apply. Another case of liberal sentiment attempting to vacate fact and truth
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Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
Compared to the best democrat....I am a great man......

Pee Wee Herman is a great man by that standard.
Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,' ” she said.
Deep State Lawyers for Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, and Andrew McCabe show up & suddenly there is a 2nd Accuser....

....what a coincidence.

SSDD from the despicable POS Democrats...
and soon you freeking repubs can bash a 3rd
Sounds like the Democrats are finding more fake accusers for Kavanaugh so they out-number the number of real Ellison accusers...

What have I been predicting would happen?
Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Rush Limbaugh predicted Wed, hour 1 I believe, that Fords story would unravel and another would appear to replace her.
Well, I guess Rush knows how they operate too. No surprise, he gets 'em.
We have people crying rape with zero understanding of what must occur for that charge to apply. Another case of liberal sentiment attempting to vacate fact and truth
She isn't crying rape she's crying sexual assault d u h. And there is no statute of limitations in in Maryland. And a Yale alumna is speaking up. Try real news sometime.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
The ignorant slut is just doing the Democrat's bidding by trying to delay the vote on Kavanaugh until after the November elections in the hope they will be back in power and can fill the court vacancy with another lefty liberal loon. .... :cool:
Even if the Democrats win in November, the Republican Majority is in power until January 2019 when the new Senators are sworn in... there is plenty of time, so that's not the strategy.... besides, it is NOT the Senate that the Dems are suppose to win the majority, it is the House....

Maybe if the FBI had reopened their back ground check when this was revealed, and taken the 3 days to investigate, this would all be over with already, but nooooooooooooooo, they could not do that...oh Lordy, they could not do that.... instead we have a long, dragged out, dog and pony show....
You don't need the stinking FBI to investigate this.............Both parties employ Private eyes and investigating groups like Fusion GPS.............LOL

The media is crawling around harassing everyone that went to that school looking for dirt...................if there were supporting evidence it would already be all over the News..................

The 4 she said were there..............say it didn't happen.........or remember nothing.............it's a he said she said that would be thrown out of any court in the country..........

They need to schedule the vote and proceed..........
Why would you NOT want the FBI doing the investigation and want to go private? This is an issue BEFORE our government, and the government's investigative arm, is who should be doing the investigation.... the I, in the FBI, stands for Investigation... they could be very quick to rule out her claim, if they had only been allowed to investigate....

instead you want private investigators do it? Who are hired by a particular side, which only will cause more division?

Just have the FBI do it, like they are suppose to.... and do it quickly.... you may not even need your hearing, if all goes well for Kavanaugh in their fact finding mission.
There is nothing to investigate.
We have people crying rape with zero understanding of what must occur for that charge to apply. Another case of liberal sentiment attempting to vacate fact and truth
She isn't crying rape she's crying sexual assault d u h. And there is no statute of limitations in in Maryland. And a Yale alumna is speaking up. Try real news sometime.
Go back and read some of the posts here and you will see a dozen or more that categorize the allegations as rape or “attempted” rape
This is the democrat method. Baseless claims of sexual innuendo.

Confirm Kavanaugh now. The enemy democrats will do the same thing no matter who is nominated.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...
This is the democrat method. Baseless claims of sexual innuendo.

Confirm Kavanaugh now. The enemy democrats will do the same thing no matter who is nominated.

And bless their hearts......you have to hand it to them, they fight with the heart of the tiger.
Never giving up....never giving in and flat out REFUSING to give the opposition an INCH.

Now...let's listen in to the fighting roar going on with the Right opposition.......

<<<<, CRICKETS >>>>>
i just got word that Bert and Ernie are gonna come out with similar sexual accusations of Kava by Wednesday.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
You missed the part about the allegation being about an incident that allegedly occurred 38 yrs ago and the woman having zero evidence, not even an address or a date.
If you’d doubt your husband on those grounds, he probably deserves someone better.
Just all in good fun. Boys being boys. We're America's elite, it's PARTY TIME!! JUDGE KNOWS SHIT! Wonder if he has DISAPPEARED.

‘They treated women like meat’: Mark Judge’s college girlfriend calls him out for down-playing Georgetown Prep culture


23 SEP 2018 AT 21:54 ET

Brett Kavanaugh buddy Mark Judge (Photo: Facebook)

A three-year girlfriend of Mark Judge has serious allegations that call into question his account of incidents at Georgetown Prep.

Former Georgetown Prep student Eric Ruyak nailed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge in a Facebook post this week. He claimed Judge not only attacked him for outing a priest who molested youth but tried to blame it on “unchecked liberalism.” But now, Judge’s ex-girlfriend is backing him up.

In a story that outlined a second sexual assault accuser, Elizabeth Rasor came forward about her information on Judge and Kavanaugh.

Rasor told New Yorker reporter Ronan Farrow that she met Judge at Catholic University and that she felt morally obligated challenging his characterization of “horseplay” in high school.
“Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t reveal information that was told in confidence,” she said. However, “I can’t stand by and watch him lie.”

Judge told her a different story about an incident involving him and other boys taking turns having sex with a drunk woman. Judge made it sound consensual and never named any other men involved. She does not know whether Kavanaugh participated.

After hearing the accusations and Judge’s response, she noted dismissal of the high school incidents were not “sexual innocence of Georgetown Prep.”

A second woman who attended high school in the 1980s in the same county as Georgetown Prep refuted Judge as well. In a letter to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her attorneys, the woman said she witnessed boys at parties including Georgetown Prep students that engaged in “sexual misconduct.”

The woman recalled male students who “would get a female student blind drunk” on what they called “jungle juice,” which was grain alcohol and Hawaiian Punch. They would then try to take advantage of her.

“It was disgusting,” the woman said. “They treated women like meat.”

She wanted her identity withheld out of fear of political retribution.

'They treated women like meat': Mark Judge’s college girlfriend calls him out for down-playing Georgetown Prep culture

They likely acted like meat.

Feminists have been teaching women to act like meat for a few decades now. It never comes out good.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.

If you think there is 2% chance your husband would cheat on you maybe you married the wrong person...or...maybe he did.
Welcome 13 MORE merged threads from Current Events. Don't post duplicate convos there either. If it's opinion, or projections, or speculation --- FIND AN EXISTING THREAD. We're gonna close all threads like that from now on.

Got so cluttered, you couldn't TELL if your particular comment or opinion had already been said. We're all shouting PAST each other. Put it HERE.. In the daily merges...
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN you allow just one incident accusation hit job derail democracy(see what happened to Roy Moore) thus opening the door for others to know you will not fight back to protest these tactics. The DOJ is not preventing these hit jobs, Sessions is missing in action, because he's probably been threatened himself (compromised) and we see Rosenstein is not gonna prevent the hijacking of our democracy.
Notice The accusers never file charges even now, because they would be open to a false charges charge. As long as false charges and defamation cases go unchallenged or charged the law favors the false accusers and defamers have nothing to lose. Once you show no backbone, no brass balls you open yourselves up to being easy targets again and again till you stand up and end this practice. Start charging these people, go on the offensive, out the players in this coup and charge them for treason otherwise bend over and stop complaining about the pain you choose to allow..
Sorry, but the GOP started that ball rolling with Garland.
Fuck you and fuck Garland. He was never going to get voted in and you dems knew it.
On what basis?

Garland never raped anyone and he wasn’t even granted a hearing

Who did Kavanaugh rape?

Got proof?
hey will 2nd woman came forward how many you need?

one with facts will do
Yet more 35 year old allegations that only surface when expedient.
Oh, and another case of the accusers ‘witnesses’ denying any knowledge that it happened. The Dems are really scraping the barrel.

In a statement, two of those male classmates who Ramirez alleged were involved in the incident, the wife of a third male student she said was involved, and three other classmates, Dino Ewing, Louisa Garry, and Dan Murphy, disputed Ramirez’s account of events: “We were the people closest to Brett Kavanaugh during his first year at Yale. He was a roommate to some of us, and we spent a great deal of time with him, including in the dorm where this incident allegedly took place. Some of us were also friends with Debbie Ramirez during and after her time at Yale. We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it—and we did not. The behavior she describes would be completely out of character for Brett. In addition, some of us knew Debbie long after Yale, and she never described this incident until Brett’s Supreme Court nomination was pending. Editors from the New Yorker contacted some of us because we are the people who would know the truth, and we told them that we never saw or heard about this.”

The former friend who was married to the male classmate alleged to be involved, and who signed the statement, said of Ramirez, “This is a woman I was best friends with. We shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it; I never heard of it happening.” She said she hadn’t spoken with Ramirez for about ten years, but that the two women had been close all through college, and Kavanaugh had remained part of what she called their “larger social circle.” In an initial conversation with The New Yorker, she suggested that Ramirez may have been politically motivated. Later, she said that she did not know if this was the case.

Ramirez is a registered Democrat, but said that her decision to speak out was not politically motivated and, regarding her views, that she “works toward human rights, social justice, and social change.” Ramirez said that she felt “disappointed and betrayed” by the statements from classmates questioning her allegation, “because I clearly remember people in the room whose names are on this letter.”...

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years
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We need to start praying that the Democrats are exported for what they are doing and get out and vote
So this is just about exposing himself in college?


So they fake a story about an actual harmful crime and when that falls apart, they go with something far more benign.
The accuser was too drunk to even be sure it wasn’t a plastic penis ....
It just gets lamer and lamer.
Leftards have absolutely no shame.
Fuck you and fuck Garland. He was never going to get voted in and you dems knew it.
On what basis?

Garland never raped anyone and he wasn’t even granted a hearing

Who did Kavanaugh rape?

Got proof?
hey will 2nd woman came forward how many you need?

one with facts will do
Yet more 35 year old allegations that only surface when expedient.
Oh, and another case of an accusers witnesses denying any knowledge that it happened. The Dems are really scraping the barrel.

In a statement, two of those male classmates who Ramirez alleged were involved in the incident, the wife of a third male student she said was involved, and three other classmates, Dino Ewing, Louisa Garry, and Dan Murphy, disputed Ramirez’s account of events: “We were the people closest to Brett Kavanaugh during his first year at Yale. He was a roommate to some of us, and we spent a great deal of time with him, including in the dorm where this incident allegedly took place. Some of us were also friends with Debbie Ramirez during and after her time at Yale. We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it—and we did not. The behavior she describes would be completely out of character for Brett. In addition, some of us knew Debbie long after Yale, and she never described this incident until Brett’s Supreme Court nomination was pending. Editors from the New Yorker contacted some of us because we are the people who would know the truth, and we told them that we never saw or heard about this.”

The former friend who was married to the male classmate alleged to be involved, and who signed the statement, said of Ramirez, “This is a woman I was best friends with. We shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it; I never heard of it happening.” She said she hadn’t spoken with Ramirez for about ten years, but that the two women had been close all through college, and Kavanaugh had remained part of what she called their “larger social circle.” In an initial conversation with The New Yorker, she suggested that Ramirez may have been politically motivated. Later, she said that she did not know if this was the case.

Ramirez is a registered Democrat, but said that her decision to speak out was not politically motivated and, regarding her views, that she “works toward human rights, social justice, and social change.” Ramirez said that she felt “disappointed and betrayed” by the statements from classmates questioning her allegation, “because I clearly remember people in the room whose names are on this letter.”...

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years
Another baseless claim made by a drunk slut... Bottom of the barrel gutter sluts are all democrats got... Time to charge these sluts with Criminal Defamation and put them in jail..

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