Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Title: Teenage Drunken Fumbling is Disqualifying, Mod Addtion to fix merge.

But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Mod Note: Nothing to do with this post. This thread is a MERGE of 26 threads created on this date which are mostly opinion, speculation, analysis of this junior high dust-up. DO NOT CREATE NEW THREADS.. 13 moved in from Current Events. DON'T DO IT THERE EITHER.

Use existing threads. Especially these daily merges. We're are gonna be closing or deleting all opinion threads that couldn't find an existing convo..

Who knows--if or when Ford will testify?

It's a little more political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearings and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so Republicans could campaign on the SCOTUS, so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

BUT I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh. At least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both run the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory who stated during confirmation hearings that ROE V WADE is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh. You'll note that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Diane Feinstein confirmed them both to Federal Court positions.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and we're headed into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth. Women are already pissed, and you can click this link that will redirect you to another thread on this board to see if for yourself. Pictures included.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
We have gone from Kavanaugh making an unwanted advance on a fully clothed women to full gang rape of students at a major college. All this in a matter of days. What could be next? Serial murder?

Pinning someone down on a bed, covering her mouth, and trying to get her clothes off is a bit more than "an unwanted advance." I'm not sure where you got the gang-rape thing.

Actually, there have been serial murders on campus.

She has to prove that happened. So far there is 0 evidence and 0 witnesses to support her claim. Maybe she likes it 'rough' and was drunk and fantasizing. :04:

Michael Avenatti Joins Attack: Claims Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge Got Women Drunk at Parties for 'Train Gang Rapes'

"Avenatti replied: Mr. Davis, Thank you for your email. We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a “train” of men to subsequently gang rape them. There are multiple witnesses that will corroborate these facts and each of them must be called to testify publicly. As a starting point, Senate investigators should pose the following questions to Judge Kavanaugh without delay and provide the answers to the American people:"
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.

Maybe by expecting bad behavior you create a space for it. But then each relationship is a unique 'dance' between two people. It is a blessing to have 100% trust between partners. 98% trust is OK but is always going require proof which, IMO, is like a burden to a truly committed relationship. Moreover, If my wife told me she only trusts me 98% of the time I'd be greatly insulted and maybe even suspect infidelity in her.
Last edited:
What is so difficult about this? You tell false accusers to go fuck themselves. If you don't the democrats will use this rotten tactic from now to eternity. Huge mistake letting them ever get away with it. Never appease the enemy.
We have gone from Kavanaugh making an unwanted advance on a fully clothed women to full gang rape of students at a major college. All this in a matter of days. What could be next? Serial murder?

Pinning someone down on a bed, covering her mouth, and trying to get her clothes off is a bit more than "an unwanted advance." I'm not sure where you got the gang-rape thing.

Actually, there have been serial murders on campus.

She has to prove that happened. So far there is 0 evidence and 0 witnesses to support her claim. Maybe she likes it 'rough' and was drunk and fantasizing. :04:

Michael Avenatti Joins Attack: Claims Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge Got Women Drunk at Parties for 'Train Gang Rapes'

"Avenatti replied: Mr. Davis, Thank you for your email. We are aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s during which Brett Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs in order to allow a “train” of men to subsequently gang rape them. There are multiple witnesses that will corroborate these facts and each of them must be called to testify publicly. As a starting point, Senate investigators should pose the following questions to Judge Kavanaugh without delay and provide the answers to the American people:"
Avenatti is porn whore Stormy Daniels lawyer as well. The cockroaches are coming out of the woodwork to stop Kavanaugh confirmation.
Title: Teenage Drunken Fumbling is Disqualifying, Mod Addtion to fix merge.

But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Mod Note: Nothing to do with this post. This thread is a MERGE of 26 threads created on this date which are mostly opinion, speculation, analysis of this junior high dust-up. DO NOT CREATE NEW THREADS.. 13 moved in from Current Events. DON'T DO IT THERE EITHER.

Use existing threads. Especially these daily merges. We're are gonna be closing or deleting all opinion threads that couldn't find an existing convo..

Who knows--if or when Ford will testify?

It's a little more political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearings and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so Republicans could campaign on the SCOTUS, so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

BUT I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh. At least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both run the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory who stated during confirmation hearings that ROE V WADE is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh. You'll note that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Diane Feinstein confirmed them both to Federal Court positions.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and we're headed into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth. Women are already pissed, and you can click this link that will redirect you to another thread on this board to see if for yourself. Pictures included.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Any decent woman can't stand false accusations any more than any decent man can stand for rape.

It will be a drought.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
Your loyalty appears to belong to Marxist theory.
Title: Teenage Drunken Fumbling is Disqualifying, Mod Addtion to fix merge.

But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Mod Note: Nothing to do with this post. This thread is a MERGE of 26 threads created on this date which are mostly opinion, speculation, analysis of this junior high dust-up. DO NOT CREATE NEW THREADS.. 13 moved in from Current Events. DON'T DO IT THERE EITHER.

Use existing threads. Especially these daily merges. We're are gonna be closing or deleting all opinion threads that couldn't find an existing convo..

Who knows--if or when Ford will testify?

It's a little more political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearings and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so Republicans could campaign on the SCOTUS, so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

BUT I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh. At least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both run the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory who stated during confirmation hearings that ROE V WADE is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh. You'll note that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Diane Feinstein confirmed them both to Federal Court positions.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and we're headed into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth. Women are already pissed, and you can click this link that will redirect you to another thread on this board to see if for yourself. Pictures included.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Time for Grassley to put the hammer down and stop the liberals and their media circus.
Surprise, surprise. But it doesn't matter. The right will defend him no matter what. He could have raped their own mother, and they would accuse their own mother of lying.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
Your loyalty appears to belong to Marxist theory.

And yours belongs to a party of bigots and rapist sympathizers.
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
Your loyalty appears to belong to Marxist theory.

And yours belongs to a party of bigots and rapist sympathizers.

You talking about Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Keith Ellison, and Ted Kennedy again?
Wow, more breaking news about Kavanaugh. Doesn't look good...


Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s, has described a dormitory party gone awry and a drunken incident that she wants the F.B.I. to investigate.

She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Sexual-Misconduct Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh

Oh it doesn’t look good? Lol.
Wow, more breaking news about Kavanaugh. Doesn't look good...


Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s, has described a dormitory party gone awry and a drunken incident that she wants the F.B.I. to investigate.

She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Sexual-Misconduct Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh

Liberal harpies seek to destroy him with events they may or may not remember. And why, you may ask? Oh, because they perceive that he might stand in the way of them offing their own babies in the womb.

That's where we are, America. They want to destroy a man's life because maybe he won't let them off their own babies.

And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
Your loyalty appears to belong to Marxist theory.

And yours belongs to a party of bigots and rapist sympathizers.
Oh...the race card again. So you don’t deny you are a Marxist?
And you will believe baseless accusations, no matter what, it seem.

If you have a husband or a son and a woman attempted to mess up their lives with no evidence whatsoever and with faulty memories because of drinking, you might Come to appreciate why presumption of innocence exists in the first place.

I have a husband. And if a woman came forward about accusations that my husband was sexually inappropriate with her, I wouldnt immediately brush off her accusations.

I love my husband, but human beings are unpredictable, they often have double lives or do things when their family and friends aren't around.

I'm 98% sure my husband wouldn't do something like that. But there is a 2% he could have because of the nature of human beings unpredictability.
That says something about either your choice in men, or your loyalty to your man. Neither is flattering...

It's about being realistic about human beings. You can never say someone wouldn't do something.

I don't have blindly loyalty for anyone.
Your loyalty appears to belong to Marxist theory.

And yours belongs to a party of bigots and rapist sympathizers.

Does Keith Ellison ring a bell in your partisan sheep little mind?
Wow, more breaking news about Kavanaugh. Doesn't look good...


Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh’s, has described a dormitory party gone awry and a drunken incident that she wants the F.B.I. to investigate.

She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

Senate Democrats Investigate a New Sexual-Misconduct Allegation Against Brett Kavanaugh

Liberal harpies seek to destroy him with events they may or may not remember. And why, you may ask? Oh, because they perceive that he might stand in the way of them offing their own babies in the womb.

That's where we are, America. They want to destroy a man's life because maybe he won't let them off their own babies.


Abortion is truly a sacrament to them. Demonic.
Kavanagh allegation script:
“I was at a drunken party :alcoholic:with Kavanaugh in grade school and he (fill in blank with false allegations)”

“I was at a drunken party with Kavanagh :alcoholic:in middle-school and he (fill in blank with false accusations)”

“I was at a drunken party with a Kavanaugh :alcoholic:in junior-high school and he (fill in the blank with false allegations)”

“I was at a drunken party with Kavanuagh :alcoholic:in high-school and he (fill in blank with false accusations)”

“I was at a drunken party with Kavanaugh :alcoholic:in college and he (fill in blank with false accusations)”

“I was at a drunken party with Kavanuagh :alcoholic: last night and he (fill in blank with false accusations)”

“I’m going to be at a drunken party with Kavanuagh :alcoholic:in the future and he is going to (make some shit up)”
Senate Democrats Investigate a New Allegation of Sexual Misconduct, from the Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s College Years

As Senate Republicans press for a swift vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats are investigating a new allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. The claim dates to the 1983-84 academic school year, when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale University. The offices of at least four Democratic senators have received information about the allegation, and at least two have begun investigating it. Senior Republican staffers also learned of the allegation last week and, in conversations with The New Yorker, expressed concern about its potential impact on Kavanaugh’s nomination. Soon after, Senate Republicans issued renewed calls to accelerate the timing of a committee vote. The Democratic Senate offices reviewing the allegations believe that they merit further investigation. “This is another serious, credible, and disturbing allegation against Brett Kavanaugh. It should be fully investigated,” Senator Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, said. An aide in one of the other Senate offices added, “These allegations seem credible, and we’re taking them very seriously. If established, they’re clearly disqualifying.”

“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,' ” she said.

Have you courage sufficient to admit if Kavanaugh was a proven pro-choicer or abortionist apologist, you'd be singing his praises in a sermon on Mt. Care Bear? I will go ahead and presume not.
Have you the courage to admit that if Kavanough were a proven pro-choicer or abortion apologist, you'd be calling for nailing his hide to dry on a rack in front of the supreme Court?
You're admitting that politics is the only reason you're swallowing this horseshit.
You betcha! However, it is his past writings and speeches that does it for me. AND the stalling tactic of the Republican party in holding back his documentation, then dumping thousands of pages the night (late night) before a hearing.
Republican BULL SHIT can't face the truth about your perverted swine
...says the guy who's party is so perverted and criminal that they set up a committee in the Senate whose sole purpose for decades was to use tax dollars to silence their sex crimes victims...

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