Kavanaugh gives us the opportunity to talk "White Privilege".

Clearly Kavanaugh was demanding the open seat in the Supreme Court be turned over to him.

He played football.

He lifts weights.

He plays basketball.

He drinks beer.

Underage drinking? OK.

Drinking parties? OK.

He went to a prep school and Yale.

He's white.

Therefore, he deserves to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Is that the message from the GOP?

When I read this my first thought was this had to be written by an ignoramus. When I saw who the poster is I said oh yeah, right you are.
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American privilege.

In the Republican mind a puff of marijuana and attempted rape are exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing.

This shows us what Republicans think of women.

Thanks for pointing that out, I really appreciate it.
.... Is that the message from the GOP?

Not at all. Kavanuagh is a highly qualified candidate for the open SCOTUS seat. He’s an originalist instead of a Progressive waste of flesh and oxygen.

He would vote based on this nation’s founding documents. - THAT is what scares the Democrats; who would prefer a Justice vote on emotion and Progressive fantasies.

What has occurred in the last two weeks is a disgrace to this nation and an offense to all that’s good and decent. It’s also an affront to a man who has served this country with grace and dignity on an Appellate Court for years.

That the POTUS would allow for this further delay is the biggest slap in the face of Bret Kavanuagh and his nomination.

You know that’s a lie right?

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the president is immune from law and that’s what Kavanaugh insists.

That’s the whole reason Trump wants to get him as the supreme court justice.

LOL white privilege is some BS dreamed up by left loons to create division
Yeah let’s take a look at that.

On one side you have 90% white Republicans who include the American Nazi party the KKK the Aryan nation, the alt white, and on the other side you have everyone else.

So it must be everyone else who is dividing the nation because Republicans can’t get their fuking way all the time?
American privilege.

In the Republican mind a puff of marijuana and attempted rape are exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing.

This shows us what Republicans think of women.

Thanks for pointing that out, I really appreciate it.

Actually more to the point. Drug use trumps, unsupported accusation of attempted rape.

This shows what Democrats think of the Truth.
American privilege.

In the Republican mind a puff of marijuana and attempted rape are exactly the same thing. Exactly the same thing.

This shows us what Republicans think of women.

Thanks for pointing that out, I really appreciate it.

You literally couldn’t be any dumber if you tried. You consider me a Republican I’m sure and I’m for marijuana legalization so take your pathetic ignorance and shove it.
LOL white privilege is some BS dreamed up by left loons to create division
Yeah let’s take a look at that.

On one side you have 90% white Republicans who include the American Nazi party the KKK the Aryan nation, the alt white, and on the other side you have everyone else.

So it must be everyone else who is dividing the nation because Republicans can’t get their fuking way all the time?

I'm a Polish Fascist, Supremacist, and Racialist.

I'm voting against Republicans this next time.

Trump's done next to nothing about illegal immigrants, that just leaves his WW3 provoking Zionist maniac Neocon admin pushing for everybody to attack the U.S.A, as he isolates the allies, and neutral parties of America into enemies, be it EU, Russia, Iran, or China etc, etc.

Heck, Trump's even pissing me off as a Polish American, by insisting that Poland owes Jews monetary compensations.

You know that’s a lie right?

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the president is immune from law and that’s what Kavanaugh insists.

No. Kavnaugh insists that it is improper to commit Treason by degrading the ability of the POTUS/Commander in Chief to carry out his duties while in office.

The current investigation against POTUS is an attempt at baseless political assassination, so it really doesn’t have any value. - before you respond to that realize this: Until and unless you can show added, removed or changed ballots, there is no crime in my mind.
Clearly Kavanaugh was demanding the open seat in the Supreme Court be turned over to him.

He played football.

He lifts weights.

He plays basketball.

He drinks beer.

Underage drinking? OK.

Drinking parties? OK.

He went to a prep school and Yale.

He's white.

Therefore, he deserves to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Is that the message from the GOP?
Did the guy not work hard to put himself in the position to be offered the spot on the court?
Some people had to work hard just to get through college. College costs money.
Why I know a president who went into the White House still paying on his student loans. And Republicans said he was born in another country. He could afford to pay for a massive coverup, but couldn't pay for college. Many t@rds believe that to this day. None of them are Democrats.
Clearly Kavanaugh was demanding the open seat in the Supreme Court be turned over to him.

He played football.

He lifts weights.

He plays basketball.

He drinks beer.

Underage drinking? OK.

Drinking parties? OK.

He went to a prep school and Yale.

He's white.

Therefore, he deserves to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Is that the message from the GOP?
Did the guy not work hard to put himself in the position to be offered the spot on the court?
Some people had to work hard just to get through college. College costs money.
Why I know a president who went into the White House still paying on his student loans. And Republicans said he was born in another country. He could afford to pay for a massive coverup, but couldn't pay for college. Many t@rds believe that to this day. None of them are Democrats.
And Obama's life journey led him to the White House. I would think he has not many regrets about the path he took to get there.

But why should that discount the work Kavanaugh put into his career? Why is he to be penalized for being born into modest privilege in an economic system that Democrats generally support? Because you are still angry at the way conservatives handled Obama? Where is this road leading us when you are no different than those you criticize?
Clearly Kavanaugh was demanding the open seat in the Supreme Court be turned over to him.

He played football.

He lifts weights.

He plays basketball.

He drinks beer.

Underage drinking? OK.

Drinking parties? OK.

He went to a prep school and Yale.

He's white.

Therefore, he deserves to be a Supreme Court Judge.

Is that the message from the GOP?
Sounds like Obama, but then he was half white. How does that make sense?

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