Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

Your avatar is disturbing, dumb Leftist. And of course you want to refute an accuser's claim if it is not true.
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.
This is a sign of victory for those who don't support rape. :cool-45:
It won't matter.
It is interesting though. Is there really a picture of them together at a wedding?
/----/ Yes. From left, Deborah Ramirez, Kerry E. Berchem, Doug Millet, Karen Yarasavage, Kevin Genda, Brett Kavanaugh and David White pose for a photo at the rehearsal dinner before the wedding of Yarasavage and Genda in 1997.Photo obtained by NBC News
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

Your avatar is disturbing, dumb Leftist. And of course you want to refute an accuser's claim if it is not true.
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.

It makes her a hypocrite, you Holocaust denier. Duh.
Indisputable fact of life #4.

If a leftist is communicating, they're either willfully lying or parroting a lie they've been programmed to believe.


Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.

You mean "tactics" like cock-blocking Merrick Garland for a year without a single hearing.
"Tactics" - like that? :rolleyes:
you come at me like i was *for* that activity.

i think it was bullshit but it was predicated by bidens "no lame duck pres should decide" bullshit. if we're gonna trace back don't stop where it gives you personal wood. trace back to the root of this tree overall.

and even as bad as that was, they *NEVER* defamed, attacked, or made up shit about garland now did they?

Why would anyone bother? - Bitch McTurtle had him in a lockbox.
But if they had - They'd have found NOTHING
Garland is clean as a whistle and straight as a string ...
Hell, compared to Bart O'Kavanaugh he's Jesus F-ing Christ!
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

Your avatar is disturbing, dumb Leftist. And of course you want to refute an accuser's claim if it is not true.
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.

It makes her a hypocrite, you Holocaust denier. Duh.
What is hypocritical about being for women's rights and "sporting a stripper"?
Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.

You mean "tactics" like cock-blocking Merrick Garland for a year without a single hearing.
"Tactics" - like that? :rolleyes:
you come at me like i was *for* that activity.

i think it was bullshit but it was predicated by bidens "no lame duck pres should decide" bullshit. if we're gonna trace back don't stop where it gives you personal wood. trace back to the root of this tree overall.

and even as bad as that was, they *NEVER* defamed, attacked, or made up shit about garland now did they?

Why would anyone bother? - Bitch McTurtle had him in a lockbox.
But if they had - They'd have found NOTHING
Garland is clean as a whistle and straight as a string ...
Hell, compared to Bart O'Kavanaugh he's Jesus F-ing Christ!
so was kavanaugh until the left went on their defamation war on him. then when the trunked up allegations fall short of reality, it's now "look, he lied!!! look he witness tampered!!! look he gets mad and emotional when you lie about him and attack his family!!!"

the point is - the left is making shit up and then trying to act like they're not. nobody believes the left anymore cause they do it time and time again when it suits their purposes.
I'm watching the parade of fools continue on different stations.. Now that the Ford claim is falling apart the goal post are being moved to temperament just as Lyin Chuck tried to do in his statement. Now throwing a piece of ICE at someone is reason to keep Kavanaugh off the court...

This has gone from outright silliness to completely absurd.. Every democrat pundant is trying to spin it...
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

Your avatar is disturbing, dumb Leftist. And of course you want to refute an accuser's claim if it is not true.
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.

It makes her a hypocrite, you Holocaust denier. Duh.
What is hypocritical about being for women's rights and "sporting a stripper"?

Because while she works for dollar bills, Avenatti makes tens of thousands off her. Exploitation is terrible. Duh. Stupid, holocaust denying leftist.
Wait....are you saying that Men = Rapists? I would NOT go that far.

I’m saying that much of what was once considered basic Male behavior and courting is now considered sexual assault or rape. Men are genetically programmed to be sexually aggressive. To expect anything else is folly.
Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.

You mean "tactics" like cock-blocking Merrick Garland for a year without a single hearing.
"Tactics" - like that? :rolleyes:
you come at me like i was *for* that activity.

i think it was bullshit but it was predicated by bidens "no lame duck pres should decide" bullshit. if we're gonna trace back don't stop where it gives you personal wood. trace back to the root of this tree overall.

and even as bad as that was, they *NEVER* defamed, attacked, or made up shit about garland now did they?

"Bitch McTurtle." Did you make that up??
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

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