Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.

You mean "tactics" like cock-blocking Merrick Garland for a year without a single hearing.
"Tactics" - like that? :rolleyes:
you come at me like i was *for* that activity.

i think it was bullshit but it was predicated by bidens "no lame duck pres should decide" bullshit. if we're gonna trace back don't stop where it gives you personal wood. trace back to the root of this tree overall.

and even as bad as that was, they *NEVER* defamed, attacked, or made up shit about garland now did they?

Why would anyone bother? - Bitch McTurtle had him in a lockbox.
But if they had - They'd have found NOTHING
Garland is clean as a whistle and straight as a string ...
Hell, compared to Bart O'Kavanaugh he's Jesus F-ing Christ!
so was kavanaugh until the left went on their defamation war on him. then when the trunked up allegations fall short of reality, it's now "look, he lied!!! look he witness tampered!!! look he gets mad and emotional when you lie about him and attack his family!!!"

the point is - the left is making shit up and then trying to act like they're not. nobody believes the left anymore cause they do it time and time again when it suits their purposes.

"Suits their purposes" LoL ---
Very inconsistent to yammer about "due process" and "preponderance of the evidence" and "innocent until proven guilty" ONE minute.
And point out that it was "not trial" the next ;)
Why are you in such a hurry? Got a hot date?

Why hurry? Let’s see, he’s already two days late for the beginning of the SCOTUS schedule and he’s got a date with destroying Progressives and their demonic agenda as part of that court.
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Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
He said Kavenaugh was partisan and misleading in his testimony

He is correct
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
He said Kavenaugh was partisan and misleading in his testimony

He is correct
How did Kavanaugh mislead ewe and chuckles?
"Bitch McTurtle." Did you make that up??

McTurtle isn't mine - but adding Bitch may be an original :)

Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
He said Kavenaugh was partisan and misleading in his testimony

He is correct

Garland was a partisan
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

If so, why didn’t Democrats do the same thing with Gorsuch?
They had more motivation

The reason is that Gorsuch was clean
Kavenaugh isn’t
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

If so, why didn’t Democrats do the same thing with Gorsuch?
They had more motivation

The reason is that Gorsuch was clean
Kavenaugh isn’t
If you heard Schumer speak just now ewe wouldn’t ask that question.
Just Now..... FOX News reporting..

FBI Announces all credible witnesses have been interviewed... Judge was the last one and it is finished!

LOL...How soon do we see the vote?
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

If so, why didn’t Democrats do the same thing with Gorsuch?
They had more motivation

The reason is that Gorsuch was clean
Kavenaugh isn’t
Gorsuch didn't matter, he was replacing another conservative. Kavanaugh will be replacing a swing voter.
Chuck is now claiming that Kavanaugh is too partisan and to angry to be on the court.
The Democrats know their false claims are falling apart, so they're moving the goalposts.
Now, supposedly, Judge Kavanaugh had no right to be angry that the Democrats lied about him and claimed he was a rapist.
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
He said Kavenaugh was partisan and misleading in his testimony

He is correct

Garland was a partisan
And he used "social justice" as a legal standard which is nuts...
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

If so, why didn’t Democrats do the same thing with Gorsuch?
They had more motivation

The reason is that Gorsuch was clean
Kavenaugh isn’t
Gorsuch didn't matter, he was replacing another conservative. Kavanaugh will be replacing a swing voter.
Sorry, but every conservative judge is a swing voter.
They believe in following the law, not re-writing laws from the bench.
After all, the law is the law, despite the fact that you don't like the law.
Your job is to uphold those laws, not change them or ignore them.
Chuck is now claiming that Kavanaugh is too partisan and to angry to be on the court.
The Democrats know their false claims are falling apart, so they're moving the goalposts.
Now, supposedly, Judge Kavanaugh had no right to be angry that the Democrats lied about him and claimed he was a rapist.
Its far worse than just falling apart.. They are losing the court of public opinion. They are being seen as liars and abusers and they are losing controlling the house to boot in the midterms.
We should have NO TIME LINE ON THE INVESTIGATION....but we waited 2 months to begin it!!

Politics, and Ford is the pawn.

Chucky said this delay has nothing to do with Democrats.

When he feels he has to lie that blatantly, it's time to turn the channel.

When it comes to some of these vile, utterly wicked and repulsive sociopaths democrooks put in office, I don't turn on a channel they're likely to appear on. I don't have cable at all anymore. No Dish, No Direct TV, none of it.

Still on the occasion a radio station I'm listening too will begin to play a soundbite from obozo, chucky, hitlery, pilousy, or some other piece of shit, I immediately shut it off or change the station so their painful stupidity can not even penetrate my ears.

I was raped and murdered by pilousy once already in 1975, getting lie fucked in the ear by her is not something I do willingly.

According to her Ex Boyfriend and father of the child they had together, Julie is a little nutty, and likes to make up stories just like Ford. She also threatened to kill their unborn child. So abortion is an important issue to her being able to murder her own offspring and claiming that as a right, while denying the right to life of a unborn viable in vitro US Citizen.

Ex-boyfriend says Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick threatened to kill his unborn child, 'was exaggerating everything'

The ex-boyfriend of Julie Swetnick, the third woman to make uncorroborated, lurid allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told Fox News exclusively on Monday that she had threatened to kill his unborn child and at times even bizarrely asked him to hit her..

"Right after I broke up with her, she basically called me many times and at one point she basically said, 'You will never, ever see your unborn child alive,'" Richard Vinneccy said on "The Ingraham Angle."

Vinneccy, who said he dated Swetnick off-and-on for seven years, maintained that Swetnick never once mentioned to him her extraordinary claims, apparently made for the first time last month, that Kavanaugh had engaged in systemic gang rapes decades ago. He said the relationship spanned from 1994 to 2001.

"Never, never once [did] she mention that to me," he told host Laura Ingraham. "We used to talk about everything. She never once mentioned that at all. ... If you ask me personally if I believe her, I don't believe her. I really don't believe her. Nobody knows Julie Swetnick better than me."

He added that while he was not aware of Swetnick's political tendencies, "She always wanted to be the center of attention. . .. She was exaggerating everything. Everything that came out of her mouth was just exaggerations."

Kinda like this chic, right?


She called Uber, right?
The dems are making fools of themselves.....again.....just get out of the way and let them self destruct.....
Just Now..... FOX News reporting..

FBI Announces all credible witnesses have been interviewed... Judge was the last one and it is finished!

LOL...How soon do we see the vote?

Now FOX is walking this back a bit explaining democrats want more people interviewed along with the principals Kavanaugh and Ford.

Goal posts moving AGAIN>>

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