Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

  • Yes

  • No

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Here's what we have seen from the nominee in the past week.

Reports of heavy drinking and socially unacceptable behaviors. His denials about problem drinking. The crying jags, the outbursts of anger. He even has the splotchy face of a problem drinker.

It sounds to me like Bart O'Kavanaugh needs to go to AA.

The first part of recovery is admitting you have a problem.


Your avatar shows you have some serious problems.
Does that mean anyone who has an Obama clown avatar has some serious problems?

It’s now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
Schumer is a slick politician and a pretty good actor but if you listen carefully he speaks in political cliches. He is an empty suit and it is becoming more obvious every day. This Kavanaugh stuff isn't flying with real Americans and it will backfire on the closed minded hypocritical democrat leadership.
So a natural question is why, four years after the remodeling, which also added two rooms and a bathroom, is the installation of that second door still such a bone of contention between the couple that it was an issue in the counseling they were undergoing in May 2012?"
To be fair, all women are crazy and will store up bullshit to bring up decades later. You should know this if you are married or in a long-term relationship with a woman.
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...

This is payback for Garland! Period! Chuckle is an asshole!

If so, why didn’t Democrats do the same thing with Gorsuch?
They had more motivation

The reason is that Gorsuch was clean
Kavenaugh isn’t
Gorsuch didn't matter, he was replacing another conservative. Kavanaugh will be replacing a swing voter.
Sorry, but every conservative judge is a swing voter.
They believe in following the law, not re-writing laws from the bench.
After all, the law is the law, despite the fact that you don't like the law.
Your job is to uphold those laws, not change them or ignore them.
Some are more inclined to be sympathetic to the left. Some are not.
Flake: Kavanaugh investigation 'no good' if it 'just gives us more cover'

GOP Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) on Monday said that he wants the FBI's investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to be "fulsome," adding that it's "no good" if it is just to give senators "cover."

"We certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation and we are working to make sure that that happens," Flake said at the Forbes "30 under 30" summit, noting that he's talking with colleagues and the White House counsel's office.

He added that the FBI's investigation should be "up to standard" and that any "current, credible" allegation should be investigated.

"It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover, for example. We actually need to find out what we can find out," Flake said when asked if he would continue his threat to vote “no” on Kavanaugh if the investigation doesn't meet his standard.

Sen. Jeff Flake says "we certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation" on Brett Kavanaugh: "It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover...we actually need to find out what we can find out." White House eases limits on FBI's investigation of Brett Kavanaugh pic.twitter.com/duhBTNFplP

— ABC News (ABC) October 1, 2018

Flake led a group of moderate senators late last week in demanding that the FBI be given a week to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh, effectively delaying the Senate's vote on the nomination.

Shortly after Flake's remarks, The New York Times reported that the White House has told the bureau that it could interview anyone it deems appropriate as long as the investigation is finished by the end of the week.

WHAT IS THE RUSH? :eusa_think:

Congress has a DUTY but there is NOTHING that Team Tramp won't compromise!

CREDIBILITY OF WITNESSES... IF they were not credible 35 years ago they are not credible today... Deflect, distract, and delay is all you got...
cowardly fraud Rethuglcans DON'T CARE about BK's true character they just want political COVER!

lol @ them now HOPING for a cursory report from their erstwhile FBI boogeyman! :eusa_clap:
Flake: Kavanaugh investigation 'no good' if it 'just gives us more cover'

GOP Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) on Monday said that he wants the FBI's investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to be "fulsome," adding that it's "no good" if it is just to give senators "cover."

"We certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation and we are working to make sure that that happens," Flake said at the Forbes "30 under 30" summit, noting that he's talking with colleagues and the White House counsel's office.

He added that the FBI's investigation should be "up to standard" and that any "current, credible" allegation should be investigated.

"It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover, for example. We actually need to find out what we can find out," Flake said when asked if he would continue his threat to vote “no” on Kavanaugh if the investigation doesn't meet his standard.

Sen. Jeff Flake says "we certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation" on Brett Kavanaugh: "It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover...we actually need to find out what we can find out." White House eases limits on FBI's investigation of Brett Kavanaugh pic.twitter.com/duhBTNFplP

— ABC News (ABC) October 1, 2018

Flake led a group of moderate senators late last week in demanding that the FBI be given a week to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh, effectively delaying the Senate's vote on the nomination.

Shortly after Flake's remarks, The New York Times reported that the White House has told the bureau that it could interview anyone it deems appropriate as long as the investigation is finished by the end of the week.

WHAT IS THE RUSH? :eusa_think:

Congress has a DUTY but there is NOTHING that Team Tramp won't compromise!
If the assholes wanted longer why did they agree on one week?

Yale classmate says Kavanaugh has "not told the truth"
I like the part where she said that after the 1982 or 83 or 81 attack she got home by calling an Uber on her cellphone
who cares about a SCOTUS judge who repeatedly lies under oath..

pathological liars like BK even lie about things they don't have to!

"ralph" club winner bbbbecause spicy food! :laugh2:

Yale classmate says Kavanaugh has "not told the truth"
NO link and not credible.... Nice FAIL

oh gee, no link so i guess it just didn't happen then, huh? :itsok:

"I can unequivocally say that in denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and in downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, Brett has not told the truth," Chad Ludington said in a statement to CNN.
Ludington said in the statement he often drank with Kavanaugh when they were classmates, and said Kavanaugh had played down "the degree and frequency" of his drinking in his testimony. Ludington said he often saw Kavanaugh "staggering from alcohol consumption," and said he often became "belligerent and aggressive" while drinking.
In his testimony to the judiciary committee Thursday, Kavanaugh denied ever blacking out from drinking.
Ludington said in his statement he witnessed Kavanaugh throw a beer in a man's face once for making a semi-hostile remark, "starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail."
READ: Yale classmate's full statement on Kavanaugh

"It is truth that is at stake," Ludington said

Yale classmate says Kavanaugh has "not told the truth"
NO link and not credible.... Nice FAIL

oh gee, no link so i guess it just didn't happen then, huh? :itsok:

"I can unequivocally say that in denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and in downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, Brett has not told the truth," Chad Ludington said in a statement to CNN.
Ludington said in the statement he often drank with Kavanaugh when they were classmates, and said Kavanaugh had played down "the degree and frequency" of his drinking in his testimony. Ludington said he often saw Kavanaugh "staggering from alcohol consumption," and said he often became "belligerent and aggressive" while drinking.
In his testimony to the judiciary committee Thursday, Kavanaugh denied ever blacking out from drinking.
Ludington said in his statement he witnessed Kavanaugh throw a beer in a man's face once for making a semi-hostile remark, "starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail."
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READ: Yale classmate's full statement on Kavanaugh
"It is truth that is at stake," Ludington said

I read this article full of conjecture and what if bull shit... THIS IS WHAT YOU IDIOTS ARE REDUCED TO LYING ABOUT? Pathetic...
Inspired here: So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Did she fight him off hard? Or was she drunk too and giggling/play pushing him off of her?

I've seen many drunk girls at parties in the 1980s. I can tell you that a girl going to a party with the intent of getting drunk around a bunch of horny young guys also getting drunk KNOWS the situation she's willingly walking into. Ladies, don't go to bawdy parties with horny young guys getting drunk, get drunk yourself, and then not anticipate some "rubbing up against you" or serious efforts to get into your panties.

Why is nobody talking about how the judge stopped undressing the girl and walked away instead of actually raping her? He showed restraint while young and drunk with a young drunk girl in front of him who came to the party with an inkling that horny young drunk men would be there attentive to her sexual attractiveness?

Come here, come here come here....get away, get away, get away...come here come here come here... etc.

So did he show restraint by stopping, drunk, young, male and horny with a drunk party girl in front of him? Discuss
Just listening to this morons statement..

1. He can't see how Finestine with-holding evidence for 8 weeks is a problem..

2. He can't see how his parties actions degenerate women and use them as political pawns..

3. He cant see how using non-credible lies and deceptions to forward his agenda shows his credibility as that of a pile of crap.

4. Lyin Chuck accuses Kavanaugh of being unbalanced when this lying piece of shit lies with every breath..

Fuck you CHUCK! You and your ilk are nothing but liars and abusers of women... Using your own standard you have to disprove your not...
He said Kavenaugh was partisan and misleading in his testimony

He is correct
The Democrats flaunted their partisanship, and Kavanaugh was not only right to show anger, because his family was threatened before, during, and after Mrs. Ford's lying spew was spat out at the feet of the American people. It's just that the Democrats think they're the only ones who can use literary devices to win an election and in this case with the clever use of myth creation devised to assassinate an appointee to the Supreme Court. They put us in the position of noticing which device was used to perpetrate the fibbie d'jour and presenting it right back to the American public to make them chary of any fabrication that has been so brazenly perpetrated.
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I have to throw this in here too: The same folks screaming foul that a woman being violated in an undressing situation are the same folks advocating that women should be sued for objecting to strange deranged men in their undressing rooms at showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. Just thought I'd point out the irony. We have a group of people trying to block a Justice who would vote to protect women in their showers, locker rooms and bathrooms..


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