Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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Your avatar is disturbing, dumb Leftist. And of course you want to refute an accuser's claim if it is not true.
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.

It makes her a hypocrite, you Holocaust denier. Duh.
What is hypocritical about being for women's rights and "sporting a stripper"?

Because while she works for dollar bills, Avenatti makes tens of thousands off her. Exploitation is terrible. Duh. Stupid, holocaust denying leftist.
So...lawyers are exploitation?
So far this only stands as a reminder that the cover-up of any info in an attempt to protect yourself is usually what gets you into trouble, not the accusation itself.

So far what I have read, like the other several cases, there is no 'smoking gun' / no solid evidence.

Ramirez, for example, admitted that she was highly intoxicated at the party she attended, where she claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her.

"In the New Yorker story outlining the event, Ramirez makes some careful distinctions, saying she remembers “a penis being in front of [her] face,” that Kavanaugh was next to her, and that he pulled up his pants. She acknowledged she was heavily drunk at the time and admits to having gaps in her memory."

A total of 4 people were named as having been involved / connected to what happened and/or who were reportedly 'there':
1. Unnamed classmate: 2nd-Hand Knowledge - 'Heard About The Allegation'

2. Richard Oh: " Oh remembers a tearful female student telling a friend about an incident involving a fake penis gag and then a student exposing himself." - A friend was told of an incident....3rd-Hand knowledge about a 'gag'

3. James Roche: Says "Kavanaugh was a “notably heavy drinker” at the time and that “he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.” 'Heavy Drinker' is not evidence of the incident, witnessed nothing.

4. Ramirez’s mother and sister: Ramirez says she told them about a 'disturbing incident' but gave no specific details.


Like Ford, again, it is a 'She Said - He Said'.

Like with Ford, this would never hold up in an official trail / courtroom, which means the only court in which the Democrats have a chance of finding Kavanaugh 'Guilty' is the 'Court Of Public Opinion', which is why they will do their best to 'try' this in public ... and drag it out for as long as possible while claiming 'Kavanaugh is 'Guilty until proven innocent' - the 'burden of proof is on the accused'.

Everything we know about the allegations against Kavanaugh

A contemporaneous account is evidence, dipshit.
deplorables live on spreading these false narratives... it is their ultimate bread and butter. :blahblah:

NEWSFLASH: D's lied! benghaaaaazii was TERROR!! :uhoh3:
yea, she's touting womans right while sporting a stripper. kinda funny.

It makes her a hypocrite, you Holocaust denier. Duh.
What is hypocritical about being for women's rights and "sporting a stripper"?

Because while she works for dollar bills, Avenatti makes tens of thousands off her. Exploitation is terrible. Duh. Stupid, holocaust denying leftist.
So...lawyers are exploitation?

What does that question even mean? Lawyers are lawyers.
He should be Investigated by The Ethics Committee and then The FBI and the Federal Elections Commission.

He should be dragged out to sea, put on Flag Mast and executed IAW the UCMJ.

He is a traitor to the republic, a hostile enemy of the COTUS and he should not enjoy protection in a court of law.
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.
Nobody has a monopoly on hypocricy.
Here's what we have seen from the nominee in the past week.

Reports of heavy drinking and socially unacceptable behaviors. His denials about problem drinking. The crying jags, the outbursts of anger. He even has the splotchy face of a problem drinker.

It sounds to me like Bart O'Kavanaugh needs to go to AA.

The first part of recovery is admitting you have a problem.

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who cares about putting an ill-tempered bullyboy on SCOTUS?

certainly not the deplorable Team Tramp! :eusa_clap:
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.
Nobody has a monopoly on hypocricy.
won't even try to argue that. sometimes we can forget that in an effort to be understood.
In her opening statement Thursday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein gave a forceful defense of her decision not to immediately hand over Christine Blasey Ford’s original letter to the Judiciary Committee.

“Yes, I did receive a letter from Dr. Ford,” Feinstein, the California Democrat, said. “I held it confidential, up to a point where the witness was willing to come forward.”

Sen. Feinstein pushes back against Republican criticism over timing of letter release

Nobody cares
they've already shown they don't care what bullshit they are in rage about, just so long as they get their way. lying is cool. defamation is cool. destroying our political process is cool. as long as they get what THEY want NOW.

but man alive does their ass hurt when these tactics come back to them.
"defamation is cool"

Like when Trump accused Ted Cruz's dad of killing Kennedy?

Like when Trump accused Obama of falsifying his birth certificate?
In her opening statement Thursday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein gave a forceful defense of her decision not to immediately hand over Christine Blasey Ford’s original letter to the Judiciary Committee.

“Yes, I did receive a letter from Dr. Ford,” Feinstein, the California Democrat, said. “I held it confidential, up to a point where the witness was willing to come forward.”

Sen. Feinstein pushes back against Republican criticism over timing of letter release

She Lied!

Finestine had the duty to report it to Grassley and allow a confidential investigation that would not have outed her at any time.. Finestine intended to make this a spectacle and abused Ford as a political pawn and that is REPREHENSIBLE CONDUCT!
Here's what we have seen from the nominee in the past week.

Reports of heavy drinking and socially unacceptable behaviors. His denials about problem drinking. The crying jags, the outbursts of anger. He even has the splotchy face of a problem drinker.

It sounds to me like Bart O'Kavanaugh needs to go to AA.

The first part of recovery is admitting you have a problem.


Your avatar shows you have some serious problems.
SOME women have come out and declared Judge Kavanaugh is GUILTY of the accusations made against him, despite the complete lack of evidence behind the accusations.

SOME women have declared that Kavanaugh is GUILTY until PROVEN innocent, that the burden of proof lies on him, the accused, rather than on the accuser, which goes against the very basic principles of Justice in this country, under our laws, and under our constitution.

The Kavanaugh Confirmation circus has brought forward the question, 'Are All Women Ruled (MORE) By Emotion Rather Than Facts / Evidence'?

SOME women have declared Dr, Ford to be a very 'credible' witness based on her emotional testimony, although...
- Ford can not remember where it took place
- Ford can not remember when it took place - not even the year
- Ford admits to being intoxicated
- Ford has no witnesses that back her claims
- The witnesses she did name say the incident she claims never happened
- Her therapist's notes contradict her story, but Ford says her therapist got it wrong
- Ford claimed to have a fear of flying, contradicted by her frequent flights all over
- Ford can not remember the polygraph test she took
- There is no evidence whatsoever to substantiate her claims
- Special Expert Prosecutor Mitchell said this is worse than a 'She-Said-He-Said' case because there is no evidence to back Ford's story

...yet this is what SOME women now call being 'credible'.


Only, perhaps, SOME women are:

Women Are Not Too Weak, Stupid, Or Emotional To Bypass Evidence

"I am a woman, and I don’t think with my genitals.

I am a woman, and I don’t vote with my genitals, either.

I am a woman, and I don’t need to declare that fact to validate my ideas.

I am a woman, and I am able to consider evidence and ideas without using my sex as a shield for weak thinking, or an excuse for reprehensible behavior.

I am a woman, and just because I’ll never be able to bench press what just about every man can, doesn’t mean I need to take refuge in magical thinking, lies, smears, and identity politics. Women can think just as smart, fast, and hard as men, and I can do it while nursing and gestating new human beings.

I don’t need people to tell me that because I am a woman the standards of evidence are lower for my claims.

I don’t need people to tell me that because I am a woman I have an excuse for table-turning temper tantrums when I don’t get what I want out of politics, relationships, or anything else. I can rise to just the same standards men can. I welcome a friendly competition towards the highest bar, not the worst betrayal. Women are better than that. We are not just the survivors, but the invalidators of the left’s bigotry of low expectations.

I don’t need slogans. I don’t need marches. I don’t need a vulgar pink hat. I don’t need abortion, and I don’t need to wallow in self-pitying victimhood so the great white government can swoop in and rescue poor little helpless me.

I want the truth. I want justice. Getting those requires due process. It means the presumption of innocence, the ability to face one’s accusers in a court of law, the ability to present evidence and speak on one’s own behalf. It means weighing evidence, not “credibility” or “believability” or, heaven save me, “passion.” It means setting aside my biases to weigh claims based on the facts at hand.

Because I think I should earn my credibility, rather than have it handed to me because I fit somebody’s identity politics image slot as a useful idiot, I’ve actually read some books and learned some history. I know what good comes from mobs out for “slitting the throats of their enemies.” That’s not the country I want for myself, for my children, or for anyone.

Women are not so morally craven that we need to punish some politically convenient scapegoat for the sins of completely different men. That’s not justice. Don’t put that blood on my hands, or on the hands of women as a collective. We want no part in this political lynching of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — except as the unshakable defenders of truth.

We are not the mob, we are the defenders of truth, justice, and our nation’s integrity.

These are women who deserve the name, who represent our sex at its finest, the way we should all want to be known — not as people whose minds are too weak to be used robustly, whose emotions are too strong to be controlled, and who use those who have suffered horrible crimes as human shields for an evil political attack."

:clap: :thewave: :yes_text12: :thankusmile: :woohoo:

Women who refuse to be partisanly, emotionally manipulated but instead hold to the rules of law that say FACTS are the only thing important, that people are 'Innocent until proven Guilty'...

If only ALL women believed that / felt that way.....

If only EVERYONE - men and women felt that way.....

Women Are Not Too Weak, Stupid, Or Emotional To Bypass Evidence

Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

Libtardos better clutch their #metoo buttons and find another liar to attack Kavanaugh.

The dingbat claimed Kananaugh's name came up in a therapy session regarding contention with her husband about the addition of a second front door.

Total bullshit, the remodel of the house was completed 4 years before the therapy session.

You better read the article, libtardos, before you make idiots of yourselves.

"So begin at the beginning of her Senate Judiciary Committee testimony: “I had never told the details to anyone until May 2012, during a couple’s counseling session. The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”

"The Fords bought the house on June 20, 2007. And the “very extensive, very long remodel,” including the second front door, were completed under a building permit granted in 2008.

So a natural question is why, four years after the remodeling, which also added two rooms and a bathroom, is the installation of that second door still such a bone of contention between the couple that it was an issue in the counseling they were undergoing in May 2012?"

Records Raise Questions About Ford's Double-Door Story | RealClearPolitics
Flake: Kavanaugh investigation 'no good' if it 'just gives us more cover'

GOP Sen. Jeff Flake (Ariz.) on Monday said that he wants the FBI's investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to be "fulsome," adding that it's "no good" if it is just to give senators "cover."

"We certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation and we are working to make sure that that happens," Flake said at the Forbes "30 under 30" summit, noting that he's talking with colleagues and the White House counsel's office.

He added that the FBI's investigation should be "up to standard" and that any "current, credible" allegation should be investigated.

"It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover, for example. We actually need to find out what we can find out," Flake said when asked if he would continue his threat to vote “no” on Kavanaugh if the investigation doesn't meet his standard.

Sen. Jeff Flake says "we certainly want the FBI to do a real investigation" on Brett Kavanaugh: "It does no good to have an investigation that just gives us more cover...we actually need to find out what we can find out." White House eases limits on FBI's investigation of Brett Kavanaugh pic.twitter.com/duhBTNFplP

— ABC News (ABC) October 1, 2018

Flake led a group of moderate senators late last week in demanding that the FBI be given a week to investigate the allegations against Kavanaugh, effectively delaying the Senate's vote on the nomination.

Shortly after Flake's remarks, The New York Times reported that the White House has told the bureau that it could interview anyone it deems appropriate as long as the investigation is finished by the end of the week.

WHAT IS THE RUSH? :eusa_think:

Congress has a DUTY but there is NOTHING that Team Tramp won't compromise!

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