Kavanaugh proves ONE thing.

I'm pleased they did not allow themselves to be stampeded by the vile media.

The vile media will always continue for as long Trump is in Office. If Trump wins in 2020, count on four more years on the same BS!
The spineless Republicans in the Senate have had enough cow towing to Democratic lies manipulation and threats. Perhaps from now on when the Dems whine and throw a hissy fit the Republican majority will REMEMBER it IS the majority and vote accordingly.

Proverbs 16:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

What Retired describes is not "Pride". MOre "Courage".

Obviously you haven't read much here. Enjoy your prideful displays while you can.

Calling on people to man up and fight, is not pride.

Pride would be more of assuming victory and gloating ahead of time. And that's more your lib SOP.
The spineless Republicans in the Senate have had enough cow towing to Democratic lies manipulation and threats. Perhaps from now on when the Dems whine and throw a hissy fit the Republican majority will REMEMBER it IS the majority and vote accordingly.

Proverbs 16:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Well sheeee-it. The Democrats are nothing if not "haughty", and without reason at that.
The vile media will always continue for as long Trump is in Office. If Trump wins in 2020, count on four more years on the same BS!

That's a given, lol. Don't you see a corollary to 'approval ratings' from other Countries, Nations etc. around the globe. There are a dearth of members here on this board that take low approval ratings as a sign that America is failing because its competitors around the globe aren't singing its praises. Same as with the aforementioned MSM.

Wear that 'disapproval' as an ideological badge of Nationalism, cus guess what, the foreign entities around the globe give accolades & approval when they are getting one over on us; just as the MSM starts purring as the Constitution is legislated away from the bench, the sovereignty of our borders melts away into the either & our free market economy is eroded away by 'big Sis' the Nanny State! The louder the MSM shrieks the better off we are as a Nation, (period)!
The spineless Republicans in the Senate have had enough cow towing to Democratic lies manipulation and threats. Perhaps from now on when the Dems whine and throw a hissy fit the Republican majority will REMEMBER it IS the majority and vote accordingly.

No they are still spineless.
I don’t know. Grassley twice in the last few days has been spitting mad.
If you follow Marquis of Queensbury rules in a street fight, you will die.

Republicans need to understand this, and curb their courteous natures. Right now.
The spineless Republicans in the Senate have had enough cow towing to Democratic lies manipulation and threats. Perhaps from now on when the Dems whine and throw a hissy fit the Republican majority will REMEMBER it IS the majority and vote accordingly.

Impeachment 2019 - LOL
You are aware that it takes 67 Senators to successfully impeach someone? And if they bring it with only 48 they will look even stupider then they already do?

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