Kayleigh McEnany Details How The Media Undermined The Trump Administration In New Book

Well, that makes her the loser. The popular vote means nothing. In fact, as the country gets dumbed down, I expect the popular vote to almost always go for the Democrat. That’s why the Dems are import the semi-literal illegals in by the millions: quick path to citizenship, and they’ll vote for themselves freebies from honest Americans.
The Cry Baby Loser lost, can't handle the truth, and keeps lying and whining about it.

The Cry Baby Loser lost, can't handle the truth, and keeps lying and whining about it.

He only lost because the media launched an all-out war against him. If they had reported correctly, he would have won by a landslide.
I don't think Trump will run again in 2024.. He can't afford being a loser again.
Remember, though, he has a built in excuse. He’d be able to play the MEGA victim if he just says the Dems “cheated” twice.

The great patriotic American hero (cough), giving his deepest love and service to America, only to be vanquished by the evil devil Hitler commies. I can see it now.

I’d be pretty surprised if he didn’t run. And right now, he’s have a decent chance of winning.
He only lost because ...
The Cry Baby Loser lost because over seven million more Americans decided to dump him at their first opportunity, having disapproved of him consistently and relentlessly for four years.

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He needs to develop a modicum of testicular fortitude, put the nation ahead of his pathetic ego, and show he can handle the truth.

His lying only incites his goons:

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Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
schmidlap Here in the US, we don't elect Presidents by popular vote Comrade. The REAL margin was 40,000 votes in 4 swing states that all had undeniable evidence of election tampering. But keep posting, you probably need the money.
The Cry Baby Loser lost because over seven million more Americans decided to dump him at their first opportunity, having disapproved of him consistently and relentlessly for four years.

He needs to develop a modicum of testicular fortitude, put the nation ahead of his pathetic ego, and show he can handle the truth.

His lying only incites his goons:

View attachment 571450

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
The vote count was manipulated. Deny it all you want, but there is no valid reason to halt the count in five states in the middle of the night, all at the same time. They went to Plan B.
schmidlap Here in the US, we don't elect Presidents by popular vote Comrade. The REAL margin was 40,000 votes in 4 swing states that all had undeniable evidence of election tampering. But keep posting, you probably need the money.
The most obvious one was Georgia. A toilet leaked in another part of the building, so they scream “burst pipe!,” send all the Republicans home, and then three Democrats sneak back in, pull suitcases of ballots out from under the table, and voila! Biden pulls out from behind.

And the country is paying the price for that. Only the most deluded leftists think he was a better choice than Trump.
The vote count was manipulated. Deny it all you want, but there is no valid reason to halt the count in five states in the middle of the night, all at the same time. They went to Plan B.
The lie you swallow is exposed by the reality that no Republican officeholder or prosecutor in any of those states has contrived any evidence to contest the election results, nor identify even a single suspect in the Loser's imaginary vast conspiracy to steal a nonsensical "Landslide!"

You can parrot your baseless dogma incessantly, but why have the most worshipful of Trumpies all been impotent in offering anything of substance that meets minimal credibility in any legitimate venue - even in Republican-run state administrations, legislatures, or courts presided over by Republican (and even Trump-appointed) judges?

Is it consistent that a president who was unpopular for his entire term - as confirmed by multiple independent surveys throughout - who had lost the popular vote by 2.9 million when he was elected, would be defeated by over 7 million votes when the American electorate was finally given the chance to dispose of him?

You can be rational and assess the facts, the overwhelming empirical data, or spout the the irrational articles of faith of the weird worship of one dude.

The Loser persists in spouting his lie, and pleasuring himself with his vendettas against anyone who acknowledges the truth.

The United States has been conducting presidential elections for 232 years. No modern candidate has ever refused to accept the results and recognize the winner’s legitimacy...
[D]espite Trump’s refusal to concede, there is every indication that it was run honestly and the results tabulated accurately — a tribute to the professionalism and integrity of officials across the country.
Before Election Day, the Trump administration invited a delegation of 28 international experts from the Organization of American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the vote. Its preliminary report found zero evidence of significant fraud.
Of top election officials in 49 of 50 states ...Not one, Democrat or Republican, reported “that fraud or other irregularities played a role in the outcome of the presidential race.”
...Trump’s own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history” and that “there is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”
And all but one of the 60 post-election lawsuits filed by Trump and his allies to challenge the results has failed in the courts or been withdrawn. Dozens of those cases were dismissed by conservative judges appointed by Trump or other Republicans.
The Cry Baby Loser is selfishly inflicting damage on democracy by his persistent lie. It incited his goons to savage America's proud tradition of over 200 years of peaceful transfers of power, and decent Americans find that disgusting.

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NOTE: This post is for regular people, and not the Biden defender I‘m replying to.

I’ve always said that the REAL fraud was perpetuated by the MSM, which hid all of Biden’s many deficiencies and spent four years trying to cover up all of Trump’s positives. Had the media been even 75% objective, Trump would have won by a landslide. THAT IS THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD: the complicit media in ousting a good president.

Even today, the anti-Trump brainwashed continue to parrot out and out lies about him, and they also parrot the continuing lies by the media even today. Last week, my hairdresser, who I will now cease to go to, made a remark to me (knowing I voted for Trump) as to how Trump “invited the white supremacist” to Mar-a-Logo, and when I said he wasn’t a white supremacist, she started arguing with me how “he two innocent people” because they supported BLM.

Do you get how bad that is? A person I HIRE to do my hair starts repeating the lie, essentially, that Trump supports white supremacists, and by extension, that I support racists. Never a word about all the racist comments made by Biden over the years. Just a condemnation of me, via my vote - and I PAY her! That is how arrogant and hateful Dems have become.

So yes, people are falling for lies. It is basically why Biden, despite his obvious dementia, was elected. The Dems are evil people, or at the minimum doing the work of evil people, and I am disgusted that so many Americans are falling for it.
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NOTE: This post is for regular people, and not the Biden defender I‘m replying to.

I’ve always said that the REAL fraud was perpetuated by the MSM, which hid all of Biden’s many deficiencies and spent four years trying to cover up all of Trump’s positives. Had the media been even 75% objective, Trump would have won by a landslide. THAT IS THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD: the complicit media in ousting a good president.

Even today, the anti-Trump brainwashed continue to parrot out and out lies about him, and they also parrot the continuing lies by the media even today. Last week, my hairdresser, who I will now cease to go to, made a remark to me (knowing I voted for Trump) as to how Trump “invited the white supremacist” to Mar-a-Logo, and when I said he wasn’t a white supremacist, she started arguing with me how “he two innocent people” because they supported BLM.

Do you get how bad that is? A person I HIRE to do my hair starts repeating the lie, essentially, that Trump supports white supremacists, and by extension, that I support racists. Never a word about all the racist comments made by Biden over the years. Just a condemnation of me, via my vote - and I PAY her! That is how arrogant and hateful Dems have become.

So yes, people are falling for lies. It is basically why Biden, despite his obvious dementia, was elected. The Dems are evil people, or at the minimum doing the work of evil people, and I am disgusted that so many Americans are falling for it.
The only brainwashed fraud here is you and your idea that you create jobs by getting your old blue hair cut.
Who are the Deep State? Name them.
James Comey.
Christopher Wray
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Lisa Page
Rod Rosenstein
Kevin Clinesmith
Igor Danchenko

"An anonymous government worker - with access to White House officials"
Alexander Vindman
Kurt Volker
Gordon Sondland
Marie Yovanovitch
Fiona Hill
Laura Cooper

Read up on them. It's a shocking story of two groups who each were composed primarily of Obama-era holdovers who conspired (within each group) to undermine the duly elected president of the United States because he did not conform to their world-view.

Trump's biggest weakness as a president was his lack of understanding of the Deep State and how those "career professionals," work to ensure continuity of their own globalist policies regardless of who happens to occupy the White House. Because he did not know who to fire and with whom to replace them, he left the vipers in their holes where they could do their worst under bureaucratic cover.
James Comey.
Christopher Wray
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Lisa Page
Rod Rosenstein
Kevin Clinesmith
Igor Danchenko

"An anonymous government worker - with access to White House officials"
Alexander Vindman
Kurt Volker
Gordon Sondland
Marie Yovanovitch
Fiona Hill
Laura Cooper

Read up on them. It's a shocking story of two groups who each were composed primarily of Obama-era holdovers who conspired (within each group) to undermine the duly elected president of the United States because he did not conform to their world-view.

Trump's biggest weakness as a president was his lack of understanding of the Deep State and how those "career professionals," work to ensure continuity of their own globalist policies regardless of who happens to occupy the White House. Because he did not know who to fire and with whom to replace them, he left the vipers in their holes where they could do their worst under bureaucratic cover.

Trump has been claiming he's a victim of a system rigged against him for more than 40 years. He's dumb and obnoxious. That's his problem.. NOT 'deep state'.............
Trump has been claiming he's a victim of a system rigged against him for more than 40 years. He's dumb and obnoxious. That's his problem.. NOT 'deep state'.............
So, you're perfectly fine with what Kevin Klinesmith did?

I figured you would duck and dodge if anyone called your "name names" bluff.
schmidlap Here in the US, we don't elect Presidents by popular vote Comrade. The REAL margin was 40,000 votes in 4 swing states that all had undeniable evidence of election tampering. But keep posting, you probably need the money.

Biden won the popular vote and the electoral vote.
The Cry Baby Loser lost because over seven million more Americans decided to dump him at their first opportunity, having disapproved of him consistently and relentlessly for four years.

He needs to develop a modicum of testicular fortitude, put the nation ahead of his pathetic ego, and show he can handle the truth.

His lying only incites his goons:

View attachment 571450

Politics isn't the weird worship of one dude.
and that’s only because the media launched an all-out assault against him for four years, brainwashing half the voters into thinking a demented old man hiding in his basement with nothing to offer was a better option.

The sad thing is, that some of these voters still think Biden was the better option - despite the crisis he created at the border, the surrender at Afghanistan stranding thousands of Americans behind Islamic terrorists lines, expanding the welfare state to the point people won’t work, driving up gas prices to the point people can’t fill a tank, widespread shortages at the grocery store I’ve never seen in my lifetime, siccing the FBI on parents who won’t submit to the liberal lies, calling an innocent teen a white supremacist for interfering with BLM destruction and arson, etc., etc., etc.

It speaks to how effective the media was in its brainwashing campaign - and how gullible half the voters are.
and that’s only because the media launched an all-out assault against him for four years, brainwashing half the voters into thinking a demented old man hiding in his basement with nothing to offer was a better option.

The sad thing is, that some of these voters still think Biden was the better option - despite the crisis he created at the border, the surrender at Afghanistan stranding thousands of Americans behind Islamic terrorists lines, expanding the welfare state to the point people won’t work, driving up gas prices to the point people can’t fill a tank, widespread shortages at the grocery store I’ve never seen in my lifetime, siccing the FBI on parents who won’t submit to the liberal lies, calling an innocent teen a white supremacist for interfering with BLM destruction and arson, etc., etc., etc.

It speaks to how effective the media was in its brainwashing campaign - and how gullible half the voters are.

You can't blame media for the things Trump says and does. He is very stupid and belligerent by nature.

The US has NO jurisdiction over Americans who have chosen to stay in Afghanistan.

Trump surrendered to the Taliban in Feb 2020 when he agreed to reduce troops from 13,000 to 2500 and release 5,000 prisoners.

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