Keep an eye out on the upcoming Louisiana senate run-off election

Show us in the constitution where having an abortion is a "right' and we will go along with you.

Owning a military-style assault weapon whose only purpose is to kill as many people in the least number of minutes is also NOT in the Constitution......
But, individual rights and pursuit of happiness surely were written in there.
Show us in the constitution where having an abortion is a "right' and we will go along with you.

Owning a military-style assault weapon whose only purpose is to kill as many people in the least number of minutes is also NOT in the Constitution......
But, individual rights and pursuit of happiness surely were written in there.
Yes it is in the Constitution. The second amendment provides that the citizenry have access to military grade firearms per the framers desire.
The only thing they can do is try to get Democrats to agree to tweek it to get the cost down.

Which (the above), Obama never was against doing.......But, one wonders if after the tweaking, right wingers will STILL call it Obamacare.....LOL
Who would have thought that Louisiana's senate election (now due to a run-off next month) would be so damn important.......As it currently stands, the GOP has 51 senate seats to Dems. 48, and the run-off may either make the count 52-48 or 51-49.

This run-off is important because of the possible filibusters that Dems would apply when fighting off the GOP's wishes to also control the SCOTUS.

Bear in mind that the SCOTUS status will impact on the upholding of Roe v. Wade and the continuation of Dodd-Frank...the only safeguard toward another WS banks' possible claim that they're too big to fail.

There is only one seat to fill at this point and the Court will stay 5-4 on Roe vs Wade in favor for it if Trump nominated someone like Ted Cruz to the USSC.

The only way the court flips is if one of the Liberal judges retire or die, and then it changes the game...

Republican administrations over the last many decades have refused to give abortion litmus tests to court nominees. Hillary Clinton now leading with 1.7 million votes says his mandate's are extremely weak. So I doubt that Republicans would approve of a far Reich wing nominee--mainly out of fear that they would lose their own seats.

Trump is a one termer, that is if he doesn't get impeached first. Democrats will most certainly take over both houses in 2018--so all of these existing court justices can certainly make it through the next 2 years.

And Hillary Clinton was to handily be President....

You can't win on just the electoral college vote and lose by 2 million votes without Americans noticing that. Those noticing are Republican Senators & House Members who will always protect their own seats FIRST, including voting against Trump, if required.

Trump is NOT a religious zealot or ideolog. He will not select justices based on Roe v Wade or overturning gay marriage. He's already stated that Planned Parenthood does a lot of good for women, and that Gay Marriage is the law of the land and it's going to stay. He will consider the same with Roe V Wade. Born & raised in New York--says he's more of a Democrat than a Republican. He's just a great actor.

You morons keep forgetting that it was a right leaning court that gave us Roe V Wade, and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since, and nothing has changed. Nor will it. A woman's right to choose is here to stay.

For the first time in this nation's history, the President Elect has had to barricade himself inside the Trump tower, and his communication with the outside world has been reduced to a tweeter account. This is why Trump will not win a second term. Republicans may want to primary him. Over half the population in this country hate the guy and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. Most Presidents don't start to get criticized until several months AFTER they've been sworn in, so this is a first time also.


The delusions of the regressives, so entertaining. Keep up the good work, the world needs more laughs.
Also, did you know that the left promised since Roe's inception, that federal dollars would NEVER be used for abortion, even as it were legal; until this President, Mr Obama. Allowing it to happen is one thing, but to force taxpayers to subsidize it, is another.

Ah, so Obama overturned the Hyde amendment???? Did not know that......LOL
Republican administrations over the last many decades have refused to give abortion litmus tests to court nominees. Hillary Clinton now leading with 1.7 million votes says his mandate's are extremely weak. So I doubt that Republicans would approve of a far Reich wing nominee--mainly out of fear that they would lose their own seats.

Trump is a one termer, that is, if he doesn't get impeached first. Democrats will most certainly take over both houses in 2018--so all of these existing court justices can certainly make it through the next 2 years.

Of course, I hope you're correct....(although taking back the House would be tough with all the red gerrymandering)....

Additionally, not only would the current Justices need to hang on for the next 2 years, but the evil Scalia's seat needs to be filled and I wonder if Dems, in the senate have the backbone to filibuster.

Another small ray of hope is that Thomas (without Scalia's lap to sit on) may soon retire.

Republicans lost 2 senate seats and 6 house seats. Americans are pissed off, and those that normally wouldn't vote in a midterm are going to make certain they show up.

Supreme court Justices can be confirmed with a simple majority, but again you have Republicans in the Senate and the House that will be up for reelection in 2018 that aren't going to confirm some dip-shit Reich wing radical nominee. They just won't do it. Democrats will have a stink fit about it, Republicans can't afford to lose women--by attacking Roe V Wade or Planned Parenthood. While a Trump supporter is dumber than shit, Republicans in the house and senate aren't.

OBAMACARE--to repeal will require 60 votes in the Senate and that doesn't exist there. It took a sitting Democrat President and a Democrat super majority in both houses that gave us Obamacare, and anything less isn't going to repeal it. So they're dead in the water on that one. The only thing they can do is try to get Democrats to agree to tweek it to get the cost down.

Note to the clueless, the house has nothing to do with senate confirmations.
Note to the clueless, the house has nothing to do with senate confirmations.

Hey, moron...NO ONE is stating that the house is involved in SCOTUS confirmation.....If your reading comprehension was better, you'd see that the O/P also included such legislation as Dodd-Frank; something that the house would be involved in repealing.
Show us in the constitution where having an abortion is a "right' and we will go along with you.

Owning a military-style assault weapon whose only purpose is to kill as many people in the least number of minutes is also NOT in the Constitution......
But, individual rights and pursuit of happiness surely were written in there.

Please point the Article and clause where the pursuit of happiness is mentioned in the Constitution.
Please point the Article and clause where the pursuit of happiness is mentioned in the Constitution.

Moron, the Declaration for Independence is basically a preamble to the Constitution.
Note to the clueless, the house has nothing to do with senate confirmations.

Hey, moron...NO ONE is stating that the house is involved in SCOTUS confirmation.....If your reading comprehension was better, you'd see that the O/P also included such legislation as Dodd-Frank; something that the house would be involved in repealing.

Yet you didn't include the post I was responding to, would that not fit your lies?
Please point the Article and clause where the pursuit of happiness is mentioned in the Constitution.

Moron, the Declaration for Independence is basically a preamble to the Constitution.

Actually dimwit it was written long before the Constitution, in it's present form, was even contemplated. Also the preamble is the preamble not the DOI. Stop trying to rewrite history.
Who would have thought that Louisiana's senate election (now due to a run-off next month) would be so damn important.......As it currently stands, the GOP has 51 senate seats to Dems. 48, and the run-off may either make the count 52-48 or 51-49.

This run-off is important because of the possible filibusters that Dems would apply when fighting off the GOP's wishes to also control the SCOTUS.

Bear in mind that the SCOTUS status will impact on the upholding of Roe v. Wade and the continuation of Dodd-Frank...the only safeguard toward another WS banks' possible claim that they're too big to fail.

Harry Reid's nuclear option..
And we have the VP

Nobody is talking about the Congressional candidate the "US media" gave the most coverage to - David Duke.

He got 3% in a pre-debate poll. Then Raycom did a poll with him at 5.1%, just over the 5% threshold to attend the debate... at a NO HBC....

Then the election came, and he got 3%, proving the poll for the debate was a fraud, and that the "US media's" #1 talked about candidate was nothing but fringe....

Nobody cares about the top 6 finishers, because the media never discussed them. According to the media, Duke deserved more coverage than anyone. Why? Because the "US media" tried to portray the GOP as racist...

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