Keep Gun Regulations Away From Liberals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One of the defining characteristics of Liberalism is the intention to do good.....sound good, or mean well, is even more important than actually accomplishing good results.
Is the aim to solve problems, and keep Americans safe, or to SOUND LIKE the aim is to solve problems, and keep Americans safe?

"Despite the recent congressional failure to pass a comprehensive bill to strengthen gun safety laws, Vice President Joe Biden insisted Tuesday that the Obama administration has "not given up" on the pursuit of tougher gun laws - and that the momentum is actually moving in his favor." Biden on gun laws: "We have not given up" - CBS News

My contention is that values and morality are the key...not an issue of guns laws. That is why Liberals should never be allowed in any position of power.
Let's explore the efficacy of gun regulation:

My first witness: Anderson Baker

1. "CAMDEN, N.J. — Anderson Baker lives in a state with a litany of gun regulations. But no law stopped him from becoming a teenage drug dealer who could easily acquire, and use, his weapon of choice..... the legislative approach to reducing gun violence... would do little to stem violence.... Dozens of frustrated city leaders, residents, law enforcement officials and other experts interviewed by USA TODAY echo the conclusion that the blood running in Camden’s streets isn’t just about gun laws.

a. ... the focus was not on gun laws but on long-standing issues that fed Baker’s struggles: a failing education system, a dearth of jobs and a street culture that rewards and even encourages criminal behavior.... “You have this paradox in that New Jersey has arguably the toughest gun laws in the nation yet has a city within it that has gun violence at Third World country rates.”

b. Camden’s school district has the second-lowest graduation rate in New Jersey, declining enrollment and at least three schools among the state’s worst performers. This spring, state officials moved to take over Camden’s schools.

c. Camden suffers with more people passing their days without work or even real prospects for a job. While the nation’s unemployment rate — 7.5% — has been on a steady, if slow, decline, 12.8% of Camden is still unemployed.

2. “I wanted to shoot people because that’s what I saw growing up,” said Baker, 20, a Camden native who spent four years in jail after being involved in several shootings. “When I was younger, I would see my boys and cousins going into jail and when they got out, all the girls wanted them. So, I wanted to go to jail. I wanted to be like America’s Most Wanted. I wanted my name to be known on the streets.”.... this mentality is alive and well in the streets of Camden, which statistics confirm is one of the poorest and most dangerous cities in the USA.

a. Census records show that 42.5% of the city’s 77,000 residents were living in poverty in 2011. Camden’s murder rate — 61 per 100,000 people — was about 12 times the U.S. and New Jersey rates. Sixty-seven homicides were recorded in the city last year, breaking a grim record of 58 set in 1995.

3. ... the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which advocates stricter gun laws, considered New Jersey the state with the second strongest gun laws in America. New Jersey topped the list because among other things, the state requires permits to purchase any handgun, a special identification card to purchase long guns, and background checks in issuing permits. It requires firearms dealers to be licensed and prohibits the possession and transfer of assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines..... Thomson pointed out that desperate people on the streets can easily work around the many gun laws in place.

4. “All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, a non-profit group based in Bellevue, Wash., that supports lessening gun regulations. He said authorities should focus on arresting criminals rather than toughening laws...

5. ... many in New Jersey shrug at the well-intended but often fruitless efforts by lawmakers in states such as Maryland and Connecticut who pass sweeping laws aimed at curbing gun violence. Sometimes, they argue, it’s about changing a mindset rather than just the laws.

6. Baker said his decisions to start selling drugs at 13, join the Bloods gang at 15 and carry out dozens of shootings were about manhood and making a name for himself the only way he knew how.... This brash teenager didn’t need gun shows or shops, nor was he slowed by background checks or waiting periods or reams of documentation. Baker secured his weapons of choice by borrowing guns from family and friends. In each instance, he was never encumbered by New Jersey’s tough-as-nails laws."
New Jersey gun laws don?t curb violence in Camden | Yamiche Alcindor

What does it take for the Liberal voters to understand the reality???

" ....Vice President Joe Biden insisted Tuesday that the Obama administration has "not given up" on the pursuit of tougher gun laws...."

“All these laws do is retard law-abiding people in New Jersey from having guns to protect themselves,”....

'...well-intended but often fruitless efforts by [Liberal?] lawmakers...'

Liberals in power are killing law-abiding Americans.
Mr Biden says to shoot up in the air to scare away your aggressor. What a waste of ammo. One shot, one kill. If the best they can do is Dianne Feinstein, we're all doomed.
we can not allow liberals to have the votes in congress to enact gun legislation. they have clearly demonstrated that given the votes they will strip away yet another constitutional right.

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