Keep it classy, Fox

The difference between Fox and the Left news channels like MSNBC is that Fox only slurs ex-American soldiers who've already slurred themselves by virtue of their having DESERTED THEIR BROTHERS IN THE FOXHOLES, while the lowlife talking heads on MSNBC and the like slur the soldiers who are ACTUALLY STILL IN UNIFORM AND FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Fuck MSNBC and all its chickenshit liberal ideologues who've never gotten their hands dirty as much as one time in their entire fucking lives.
Steve Doocy always makes stupid jokes that just aren't funny. I doubt he means to be offensive. He's just kind of a goober.

Enough with the faux outrage.

He's a snide fucker. He definitely means to get a reaction......and it isn't a positive one that he seeks.

I think you give Steve Doocy too much credit. He comes across as half retarded to me. ;)
Steve Doocy always makes stupid jokes that just aren't funny. I doubt he means to be offensive. He's just kind of a goober.

Enough with the faux outrage.

He's a snide fucker. He definitely means to get a reaction......and it isn't a positive one that he seeks.

I think you give Steve Doocy too much credit. He comes across as half retarded to me. ;)

He is ahead of you, then, because you come across as fully retarded to normal people.
The difference between Fox and the Left news channels like MSNBC is that Fox only slurs ex-American soldiers who've already slurred themselves by virtue of their having DESERTED THEIR BROTHERS IN THE FOXHOLES, while the lowlife talking heads on MSNBC and the like slur the soldiers who are ACTUALLY STILL IN UNIFORM AND FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Fuck MSNBC and all its chickenshit liberal ideologues who've never gotten their hands dirty as much as one time in their entire fucking lives.

Be specific. Give us examples of MSNBC etc of slurring our soldiers.

Shart, you are guilty of lying not just a false tu quo que.
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

On Tuesday, host Steve Doocy wondered why President Obama embraced Bergdahl's parents at the White House given reports that Bergdahl had left his post without permission.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade also chimed in with criticism of Bergdahl's father, Robert Bergdahl.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity," Kilmeade said. "Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

Bergdahl had grown his beard, the Washington Post said, in order to mark the time that his son had been gone, and in an effort to win sympathy from his son's captors. The Post reported that he spent the last five years learning Pashto, the language of southern Afghanistan, and studying the culture of those holding his son captive.

Blaming Fox isn't going to work this time.
this is straight out of the democrat playbook

whine how he's being he'll be getting death threats...the poor dear how did he ever survive all these years
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

On Tuesday, host Steve Doocy wondered why President Obama embraced Bergdahl's parents at the White House given reports that Bergdahl had left his post without permission.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade also chimed in with criticism of Bergdahl's father, Robert Bergdahl.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity," Kilmeade said. "Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

Bergdahl had grown his beard, the Washington Post said, in order to mark the time that his son had been gone, and in an effort to win sympathy from his son's captors. The Post reported that he spent the last five years learning Pashto, the language of southern Afghanistan, and studying the culture of those holding his son captive.

Blaming Fox isn't going to work this time.

Bergdahl will rise or fall on his own.

Fox has fallen on its own.

Fox can blame itself for developing a new page in McCarthyism.
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

Blaming Fox isn't going to work this time.

Bergdahl will rise or fall on his own.

Fox has fallen on its own.

Fox can blame itself for developing a new page in McCarthyism.

What about CNN, ABC, CBS, and all the other networks that are saying the same things?
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

On Tuesday, host Steve Doocy wondered why President Obama embraced Bergdahl's parents at the White House given reports that Bergdahl had left his post without permission.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade also chimed in with criticism of Bergdahl's father, Robert Bergdahl.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity," Kilmeade said. "Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

Bergdahl had grown his beard, the Washington Post said, in order to mark the time that his son had been gone, and in an effort to win sympathy from his son's captors. The Post reported that he spent the last five years learning Pashto, the language of southern Afghanistan, and studying the culture of those holding his son captive.

That most on Fox are rightwing partisan hacks comes as no surprise.

And it’s particularly reprehensible for those on the partisan right to attack Bergdahl’s father in a deplorable effort to attack the president.
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

Blaming Fox isn't going to work this time.

Bergdahl will rise or fall on his own.

Fox has fallen on its own.

Fox can blame itself for developing a new page in McCarthyism.

Gads you've finally totally nutted out.

It's not McCarthyism to try traitors.
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

On Tuesday, host Steve Doocy wondered why President Obama embraced Bergdahl's parents at the White House given reports that Bergdahl had left his post without permission.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade also chimed in with criticism of Bergdahl's father, Robert Bergdahl.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity," Kilmeade said. "Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

Bergdahl had grown his beard, the Washington Post said, in order to mark the time that his son had been gone, and in an effort to win sympathy from his son's captors. The Post reported that he spent the last five years learning Pashto, the language of southern Afghanistan, and studying the culture of those holding his son captive.

That most on Fox are rightwing partisan hacks comes as no surprise.

And it’s particularly reprehensible for those on the partisan right to attack Bergdahl’s father in a deplorable effort to attack the president.

like a trained seal
they hate fox so do you sheep in the Democrat party
fetch a fish, roll over, bark
Blaming Fox isn't going to work this time.

Bergdahl will rise or fall on his own.

Fox has fallen on its own.

Fox can blame itself for developing a new page in McCarthyism.

Gads you've finally totally nutted out.

It's not McCarthyism to try traitors.

It is McCarthyism to twist a story and not give the particulars.

It is McCarthyism to smear a father for his looks.

It is McCarthyism on your part to defend Fox McCarthyism.

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