Keep it classy, Fox

LEFTARD; no less than Dem Senator Feinstein has come out against releasing THESE GUYS
Is PTSD or mental breakdown recognised in the armed forces as an injury?
Would it be a mitigating factor in a desertion investigation?

Don't know PTSD as I understand it is usually something that affects you after you come home but suffice it to say I'm no expert on that from what I have heard from the letters and e-mails he wrote shortly before taking off he did not seem to be suffering from either I suspect the military will be looking into these possibilities though.

Surely that's the right thing to do...until conclusions are made he should be treated as a rescued soldier.
Is PTSD or mental breakdown recognised in the armed forces as an injury?
Would it be a mitigating factor in a desertion investigation?

Don't know PTSD as I understand it is usually something that affects you after you come home but suffice it to say I'm no expert on that from what I have heard from the letters and e-mails he wrote shortly before taking off he did not seem to be suffering from either I suspect the military will be looking into these possibilities though.

Surely that's the right thing to do...until conclusions are made he should be treated as a rescued soldier.

I'm not going as far as some and call him a traitor but as I said on another thread he has some serious questions to answer before I would call him a hero or even say he served honorably there is a lot of stuff here that does not pass the smell test that said lets here what he has to say.
Don't know PTSD as I understand it is usually something that affects you after you come home but suffice it to say I'm no expert on that from what I have heard from the letters and e-mails he wrote shortly before taking off he did not seem to be suffering from either I suspect the military will be looking into these possibilities though.

Surely that's the right thing to do...until conclusions are made he should be treated as a rescued soldier.

I'm not going as far as some and call him a traitor but as I said on another thread he has some serious questions to answer before I would call him a hero or even say he served honorably there is a lot of stuff here that does not pass the smell test that said lets here what he has to say.

You're right.
Walking off into enemy territory with no weapons or body armour might not be the actions of a person acting rationally.
Slander a soldier and his family, but we still have good ratings, and that's all that matters. Fuck you. Go pound sand troll

he's a deserter; idiot

go cry

Convicting him without a fair trial. Typical. Go step in front of a fast moving bus.....pussy

Bowe went AWOL. His actions cost other men their lives.

Revealed: Hunt for Bowe Bergdahl left troops unprotected in infamous Afghan battle that left EIGHT U.S. soldiers dead and 22 wounded and produced two Medal of Honor recipients

Just 53 U.S. soldiers were left to defend an ammunition depot with no air support or reserves on Oct. 3, 2009 after nearly 350 Taliban attacked a combat outpost and 35 Afghan National Army soldiers fled their posts

Sources tell MailOnline that 8 U.S. soldiers died and 22 were wounded because additional troops and air cover were diverted to hunt for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

'Those guys didn't have the complete support they needed ... because all the assets and everything were diverted to us,' a member of Bergdahl's platoon said

Combat Outpost Keating was the site of one of the bloodiest battles during America's engagement in Afghanistan, with 150 Taliban paying for the armed assault with their lives

Two US Army sergeants won the Medal of Honor, the military's highest award for bravery, in the Battle of Kamdesh in eastern Afghanistan

Hunt for Bowe Bergdahl left 8 US troops dead and 22 wounded | Mail Online
Even McCarthyism isn't mccarthyism. It's just propaganda, and you're just a schill and a hack.

We all know it, I don't know why you even play this game.

We all know that you are the crazy lady.

You do too.
The difference between Fox and the Left news channels like MSNBC is that Fox only slurs ex-American soldiers who've already slurred themselves by virtue of their having DESERTED THEIR BROTHERS IN THE FOXHOLES, while the lowlife talking heads on MSNBC and the like slur the soldiers who are ACTUALLY STILL IN UNIFORM AND FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Fuck MSNBC and all its chickenshit liberal ideologues who've never gotten their hands dirty as much as one time in their entire fucking lives.

Be specific. Give us examples of MSNBC etc of slurring our soldiers.

Shart, you are guilty of lying not just a false tu quo que.

Goddamn, you're stupid.

I gave you a specific instance ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD, moron. The link in which Keith Olbermann is calling one of our soldiers still in uniform a "coward."

That is an opinion. Opinions are not facts.

Now stop playing games or fail the OP.

Be specific. Give us examples of MSNBC slurring troops.

Here, I will help.

MSNBC slurred troops when _______________________ and again

MSNBC slurred troops when _______________________
How was the parade fake?..oh thats right it was cancelled because the guy is a deserter,traitor, whatever He should be in Leavenworth at best or firing squad at worst
While insulting a POW's father may bode well for street cred with your crazed wingnut audience, it is, in fact, utterly class-less and just goes to show how low you will stoop in opposing anything Obama does.

Go fuck yourself, Fox News.

Fox News Host Makes Disgusting Comment About Bowe Bergdahl's Father

On Tuesday, host Steve Doocy wondered why President Obama embraced Bergdahl's parents at the White House given reports that Bergdahl had left his post without permission.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade also chimed in with criticism of Bergdahl's father, Robert Bergdahl.

“I mean, he says he was growing his beard because his son was in captivity," Kilmeade said. "Well, your son’s out now. So if you really don’t — no longer look like a member of the Taliban, you don’t have to look like a member of the Taliban. Are you out of razors?”

Bergdahl had grown his beard, the Washington Post said, in order to mark the time that his son had been gone, and in an effort to win sympathy from his son's captors. The Post reported that he spent the last five years learning Pashto, the language of southern Afghanistan, and studying the culture of those holding his son captive.

That most on Fox are rightwing partisan hacks comes as no surprise.

And it’s particularly reprehensible for those on the partisan right to attack Bergdahl’s father in a deplorable effort to attack the president.

Yeah, no joke, smart guy.

'Cause it's not like the partisan Left ever attacked any little children with the surname Palin in reprehensibly by-proxy efforts to denigrate her mother when she was the GOP veep nominee, or former President George W. Bush's daughters in reprehensibly by-proxy efforts to denigrate him when he was president, huh?

Some of you hypersensitive idiot libs really need to get outta your damned glass houses.

An elephant never forgets.

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