Keep it classy, Fox

Even McCarthyism isn't mccarthyism. It's just propaganda, and you're just a schill and a hack.

We all know it, I don't know why you even play this game.
The difference between Fox and the Left news channels like MSNBC is that Fox only slurs ex-American soldiers who've already slurred themselves by virtue of their having DESERTED THEIR BROTHERS IN THE FOXHOLES, while the lowlife talking heads on MSNBC and the like slur the soldiers who are ACTUALLY STILL IN UNIFORM AND FIGHTING AND DYING FOR THEIR COUNTRY.

Fuck MSNBC and all its chickenshit liberal ideologues who've never gotten their hands dirty as much as one time in their entire fucking lives.

Be specific. Give us examples of MSNBC etc of slurring our soldiers.

Shart, you are guilty of lying not just a false tu quo que.

Goddamn, you're stupid.

I gave you a specific instance ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS THREAD, moron. The link in which Keith Olbermann is calling one of our soldiers still in uniform a "coward."

oh my gawd
they can't come up with a politician to hate on, like their own dear leader

so it's a NEWS STATION

what sad sad sheep
Obama obtained the release of an America-Hating Deserter, by trading 5 top taliban terrorists for him.

The leftys are trying their damnest to spin it. Stupid bastards.

it's fox news fault...
they can't very well blame BOOOOOOOOSH OR Republicans YET
A couple day just wait....:badgrin:
Look at the Bergdahls....This is what liberals look like. American hating Allah praising assholes who endanger good people. Of course the progressives take offense to jokes about them....They ARE THE Bergdahls
Obama obtained the release of an America-Hating Deserter, by trading 5 top taliban terrorists for him.

The leftys are trying their damnest to spin it. Stupid bastards.

it's fox news fault...
they can't very well blame BOOOOOOOOSH OR Republicans YET
A couple day just wait....:badgrin:
Better than blaming the soldier and wishing death upon him - an American soldier - you sick fucking bitch
He's a deserter and a traitor who's looking at the death penalty.

You spit on the soldiers who died trying to save him every time you defend his pig ass.

But you know that. That is what anti-American pigs do. They revel in the activities that get good soldiers killed.
He's a deserter and a traitor who's looking at the death penalty.

You spit on the soldiers who died trying to save him every time you defend his pig ass.

But you know that. That is what anti-American pigs do. They revel in the activities that get good soldiers killed.

they have to bow for their masters in the party
Billy boy Clinton started this war on fox news and they have faithfully obeyed to carry it on no matter how frikken foolish they all look
First when you leave your post of your own accord with the intention to desert and yes there is evidence to support that your no longer a POW second the left has no business calling anyone else out for a lack of class given the shitty way they treat people they dislike and disagree with.
Is PTSD or mental breakdown recognised in the armed forces as an injury?
Would it be a mitigating factor in a desertion investigation?
Those Gitmo prisoners would have been released in the near future, when the Afghanistan conflict is ended. It's just a chance for the Right to protest Obama.
Is PTSD or mental breakdown recognised in the armed forces as an injury?
Would it be a mitigating factor in a desertion investigation?

Don't know PTSD as I understand it is usually something that affects you after you come home but suffice it to say I'm no expert on that from what I have heard from the letters and e-mails he wrote shortly before taking off he did not seem to be suffering from either I suspect the military will be looking into these possibilities though.

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