Keep Talking Chelsea


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2015
Always consult a six year old for your theology.

“I find it quite insulting sometimes when people say to my mom, my dad or me . . . that they question our faith,’ said Chelsea. “I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did, because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday school — that’s a true story.”

“My mother is very deeply a person of faith,” Chelsea said. “It is deeply authentic and real for my mother, and it guides so much of her moral compass, but also her life’s work.”

“I recognized that there were many expressions of faith that I don’t agree with and feel [are] quite antithetical to how I read the Bible,” Chelsea said. “But I find it really challenging when people who are self-professed liberals kind of look askance at my family’s history.”

more here
Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion
Always consult a six year old for your theology.

“I find it quite insulting sometimes when people say to my mom, my dad or me . . . that they question our faith,’ said Chelsea. “I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did, because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday school — that’s a true story.”

“My mother is very deeply a person of faith,” Chelsea said. “It is deeply authentic and real for my mother, and it guides so much of her moral compass, but also her life’s work.”

“I recognized that there were many expressions of faith that I don’t agree with and feel [are] quite antithetical to how I read the Bible,” Chelsea said. “But I find it really challenging when people who are self-professed liberals kind of look askance at my family’s history.”

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Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion
“My mother is very deeply a person of faith,” Chelsea said.

I would like to see more proof of that. Or at least a description of the "faith" she is referring to.

I find Chelsea's speech to be kind of insulting. She is telling Jesus of the Bible -- your churches are bad because they spoke of abortion, so to heck with the whole operation.

Neither Chelsea or Hillary are the least bit open or brave enough to give specifics on their faith. And if they will not, then do not have the audacity to imply to us it is honorable to leave these churches because you know better. Know what ?
Didn't all you heathens know? Hillary has been a deeply devout Christian for decades.
Going back to when she agreed to have Webb Hubble's baby because poor Webb's wife was not fertile.
Hillary, with Bill's help smuggled in tons of much needed cocaine into AK to sell to the needy hillbillies (ironic word if ever there was one) at cut rate prices.
We'll see for ourselves Hillary's devotion to the Church.
Right now she is having a dress made with HUGE bright flower prints on it and a HUGE matching hat and a pair of 'virgin-white' gloves. She will be wearing her new outfit this Sunday when she 'speaks to' her negro base AKA 'Firewall' in a S. Baptist church using her best brushed up on 'Ebonics'. The 'OJ jurors might even hear a little 'speaking in tongues' from Hillary if they are well behaved.
Always consult a six year old for your theology.

“I find it quite insulting sometimes when people say to my mom, my dad or me . . . that they question our faith,’ said Chelsea. “I was raised in a Methodist church and I left the Baptist church before my dad did, because I didn’t know why they were talking to me about abortion when I was 6 in Sunday school — that’s a true story.”

“My mother is very deeply a person of faith,” Chelsea said. “It is deeply authentic and real for my mother, and it guides so much of her moral compass, but also her life’s work.”

“I recognized that there were many expressions of faith that I don’t agree with and feel [are] quite antithetical to how I read the Bible,” Chelsea said. “But I find it really challenging when people who are self-professed liberals kind of look askance at my family’s history.”

more here
Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church at Age Six Over Abortion

It doesn't say she left the church when she was six. It says she left the church because of what happened when she was six

Baptists can be total assholes
Didn't all you heathens know? Hillary has been a deeply devout Christian for decades.
Going back to when she agreed to have Webb Hubble's baby because poor Webb's wife was not fertile.
Hillary, with Bill's help smuggled in tons of much needed cocaine into AK to sell to the needy hillbillies (ironic word if ever there was one) at cut rate prices.
We'll see for ourselves Hillary's devotion to the Church.
Right now she is having a dress made with HUGE bright flower prints on it and a HUGE matching hat and a pair of 'virgin-white' gloves. She will be wearing her new outfit this Sunday when she 'speaks to' her negro base AKA 'Firewall' in a S. Baptist church using her best brushed up on 'Ebonics'. The 'OJ jurors might even hear a little 'speaking in tongues' from Hillary if they are well behaved.

Welcome to Conservative Bizarro World
Classical left wing double talk playing both sides of the fence. The sad thing is how it works on the simple minded morons that follow such shit.
I call bull on the church talking to her about abortion at age 6. She probably heard it in sermons but that would be much different.
That would have been about the time Sir Edmund Hillary was climbing Everest. You know. How Hillary got her name.
Or was that the time she was running for her life under gun fire after landing in Bosnia?
I find all her fucking habitual bullshit lies too many to keep straight.

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