Keep The Jews Out!!!

I bet most college students supported FDR's executive order to place American citizens behind barbed wire and confiscate their real estate in 1941. The dirty little secret is that the liberal media made sure college students as well as the rest of America would support any democrat administration. People are better informed than they were when FDR was getting away with impeachable offenses.

Indeed. I don't recall any public outcry for FDR imprisoning Japanese Americans. Not one committed any type of violence, yet they were locked up with the consent of the populace.

But now we have Islamic refugees, some of whom are now proven terrorists, trying to come to America, and are being told by Dims that we must accept them?:

Why is it that the Dims are always on the wrong side of history?
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Anti-Syrian Muslim Refugee Rhetoric Mirrors Calls to Reject Jews During Nazi Era

During the 1930s and early 1940s, the United States resisted accepting large numbers of Jewish refugees escaping the Nazi terror sweeping Europe, in large part because of fearmongering by a small but vocal crowd.

They claimed that the refugees were communist or anarchist infiltrators intent on spreading revolution; that refugees were part of a global Jewish-capitalist conspiracy to take control of the United States from the inside; that the refugees were either Nazis in disguise or under the influence of Nazi agents sent to commit acts of sabotage; and that Jewish refugees were out to steal American jobs.

Many rejected Jews simply because they weren’t Christian.

In recent days, similar arguments are being resurrected to reject Syrian refugees fleeing sectarian terrorists and civil war.

From talk radio to the blogosphere to leading American politicians, anti-Syrian rhetoric claims that refugees are simply ISIS infiltrators; that migrants are Muslim invaders seeking to establish a “global caliphate” and impose Sharia law on America; and that Syrian refugees are lying about escaping violence and are focused instead on abusing the American welfare system.

And in a rehash of history, politicians are arguing that only Christian, not Muslim, refugees from Syria should be welcomed.

Jews as dangerous revolutionaries and communists
“I have heard on good authority that an Executive order has given immigration authorities permission to let down the usual bars in favor of the so-called Jewish refugees from Germany,” declared Julia Cantacuzene, a Republican activist in New York, according to a front page New York Times article that ran on May 18, 1938. Cantacuzene, the granddaughter of President Ulysses Grant and an ardent opponent of President Franklin Roosevelt, claimed that the Soviet revolution occurred only because Communist agents had snuck into Russia to “instill their insidious poison onto the Russian people.” She claimed that the same would happen here: “Under these lax regulations, many Communists are coming to this country to join the ranks of those who hate our institutions and want to over throw them.”

During congressional debate in 1940, John B. Trevor, a prominent Capitol Hill lobbyist, argued against a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in Alaska, claiming they would be potential enemies — and charging that Nazi persecution of the Jews had occurred “in very many cases … because of their beliefs in the Marxian philosophy.” Trevor had notably helped author the Immigration Act of 1924, a law designed to curb Jewish migration from Eastern Europe, in part because of anarchist Jewish Americans of Russian descent including Emma Goldman.

Rep. Jacob Thorkelson, a Republican from Montana, warned at the time that Jewish migrants were part of an “invisible government,” an organization he said was tied to the “communistic Jew” and to “Jewish international financiers.”

William Dudley Pelley, a leading anti-Semite and organizer of the “Silver Shirts” nationalist group, claimed that Jewish migration was part of a Jewish-Communist conspiracy to seize control of the United States. Pelley, whose organization routinely used anti-Semitic smears such as “Yidisher Refugees” and “Refugees Kikes,” attracted up to 50,000 to his organization by 1934. James B. True, an anti-communist activist affiliated with the Silver Shirt movement, coined the term “refu-Jew” to mock refugees, according to researcher David S. Wyman, the author of Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941.

George Van Horn Moseley, a retired general active in Christian nationalist groups, traveled the country warning that Jews were financing a communist revolution, and that citizens should arm themselves for a coming confrontation. He also protested the resettlement of Jewish refugees and called for forced sterilization of refugees that had arrived in the country.

If the said Jews were running around blowing things up and shooting people then I reckon they would not be welcome anywhere.
Isn't that what these rightwingers are warning they will do if let into the country in 1938?

Try a little honesty. You'll actually have to read the article before you can answer intelligently.
How many Jews were committing in mass shootings? Beheadings? Suicide bombings? Drawing parallels between the two are beyond desperate. I expected better from you libs.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
How many Jewish refugees from Europe blew themselves up in a crowd to go to paradise? Would that be possibly zero?

Too many of these ragheads are crazy psychos. Keep them out unless they can prove they're not a terrorist. Then Americans will know that every raghead they see has been vetted as a non terrorist.
^^^ Another bigot retard who didn't read the article

During congressional debate in 1940, John B. Trevor, a prominent Capitol Hill lobbyist, argued against a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in Alaska, claiming they would be potential enemies — and charging that Nazi persecution of the Jews had occurred “in very many cases … because of their beliefs in the Marxian philosophy.” Trevor had notably helped author the Immigration Act of 1924, a law designed to curb Jewish migration from Eastern Europe, in part because of anarchist Jewish Americans of Russian descent including Emma Goldman.

Bigoted rightwingers in the 1930s believed that Jews were dangerous and meant to do America harm.

What part of that don't you understand, retard?

Your leftist hero FDR locked up American citizens..You must be proud He also hated Jews, you and he have that in common:slap:

But not until I read (or reread) some of Roosevelt’s most despicable statements about Jews, extensively documented in a series of on-line commentaries by Rafael Medoff, founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, did the depths of Roosevelt’s loathing for Jews, and refusal to lift a finger (which, unlike his legs, was not paralyzed) to rescue them, fully penetrate. As far back as 1920, when FDR was the Democratic party candidate for vice president, he had proposed that “the greater part of the foreign population of the City of New York” should be “distributed to different localities upstate” so as to feel pressure to “conform to the manners and customs and requirements of their new home.” As a member of the Harvard board of directors he supported a Jewish admissions quota.

In 1941 he told his Cabinet that too many Jews were federal employees in Oregon. One of his grandsons recalled that the protagonists in FDR’s jokes “were always Lower East Side Jews with heavy accents.” At a wartime White House luncheon with Prime Minister Churchill, he suggested “the best way to settle the Jewish question” was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world.” Indeed, enlightened Hyde Park residents surely would not object to adding “four or five Jewish families.” At the 1945 Yalta conference, FDR indicated to Stalin that as a concession to the king of Saudi Arabia he would “give him the six million Jews in the United States.”

Tragically, Roosevelt’s embedded anti-Semitism was not confined to jokes. It was displayed in the refusal of the American government in 1939 to admit the desperate refugees on board the S.S. St. Louis, who were returned to Germany – or to even fill the quotas that authorized the limited admission of Germans. It was revealed in American government suppression of information about the mass murder of European Jews. The White House opposed a resolution to create the War Refugee Board and delayed its establishment for fourteen months. Orders to bomb railroad tracks leading to the extermination camps were never given, although Nazi facilities merely five miles away were destroyed. And special American missions were launched to rescue art treasures – and performing Lipizzaner horses.

Roosevelt’s anti-Semitism did not cause the Holocaust. But his indifference to the annihilation of European Jewry contributed to its horrific consequences.
Anti-Syrian Muslim Refugee Rhetoric Mirrors Calls to Reject Jews During Nazi Era

During the 1930s and early 1940s, the United States resisted accepting large numbers of Jewish refugees escaping the Nazi terror sweeping Europe, in large part because of fearmongering by a small but vocal crowd.

They claimed that the refugees were communist or anarchist infiltrators intent on spreading revolution; that refugees were part of a global Jewish-capitalist conspiracy to take control of the United States from the inside; that the refugees were either Nazis in disguise or under the influence of Nazi agents sent to commit acts of sabotage; and that Jewish refugees were out to steal American jobs.

Many rejected Jews simply because they weren’t Christian.

In recent days, similar arguments are being resurrected to reject Syrian refugees fleeing sectarian terrorists and civil war.

From talk radio to the blogosphere to leading American politicians, anti-Syrian rhetoric claims that refugees are simply ISIS infiltrators; that migrants are Muslim invaders seeking to establish a “global caliphate” and impose Sharia law on America; and that Syrian refugees are lying about escaping violence and are focused instead on abusing the American welfare system.

And in a rehash of history, politicians are arguing that only Christian, not Muslim, refugees from Syria should be welcomed.

Jews as dangerous revolutionaries and communists
“I have heard on good authority that an Executive order has given immigration authorities permission to let down the usual bars in favor of the so-called Jewish refugees from Germany,” declared Julia Cantacuzene, a Republican activist in New York, according to a front page New York Times article that ran on May 18, 1938. Cantacuzene, the granddaughter of President Ulysses Grant and an ardent opponent of President Franklin Roosevelt, claimed that the Soviet revolution occurred only because Communist agents had snuck into Russia to “instill their insidious poison onto the Russian people.” She claimed that the same would happen here: “Under these lax regulations, many Communists are coming to this country to join the ranks of those who hate our institutions and want to over throw them.”

During congressional debate in 1940, John B. Trevor, a prominent Capitol Hill lobbyist, argued against a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in Alaska, claiming they would be potential enemies — and charging that Nazi persecution of the Jews had occurred “in very many cases … because of their beliefs in the Marxian philosophy.” Trevor had notably helped author the Immigration Act of 1924, a law designed to curb Jewish migration from Eastern Europe, in part because of anarchist Jewish Americans of Russian descent including Emma Goldman.

Rep. Jacob Thorkelson, a Republican from Montana, warned at the time that Jewish migrants were part of an “invisible government,” an organization he said was tied to the “communistic Jew” and to “Jewish international financiers.”

William Dudley Pelley, a leading anti-Semite and organizer of the “Silver Shirts” nationalist group, claimed that Jewish migration was part of a Jewish-Communist conspiracy to seize control of the United States. Pelley, whose organization routinely used anti-Semitic smears such as “Yidisher Refugees” and “Refugees Kikes,” attracted up to 50,000 to his organization by 1934. James B. True, an anti-communist activist affiliated with the Silver Shirt movement, coined the term “refu-Jew” to mock refugees, according to researcher David S. Wyman, the author of Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941.

George Van Horn Moseley, a retired general active in Christian nationalist groups, traveled the country warning that Jews were financing a communist revolution, and that citizens should arm themselves for a coming confrontation. He also protested the resettlement of Jewish refugees and called for forced sterilization of refugees that had arrived in the country.

If the said Jews were running around blowing things up and shooting people then I reckon they would not be welcome anywhere.
Isn't that what these rightwingers are warning they will do if let into the country in 1938?

Try a little honesty. You'll actually have to read the article before you can answer intelligently.

A right winger? What constitute a rightwinger? Let me guess, it is someone who is bigoted and prone to violence and loves the military.

Well I guess that makes people like FDR a rightwinger.
Anti-Syrian Muslim Refugee Rhetoric Mirrors Calls to Reject Jews During Nazi Era

During the 1930s and early 1940s, the United States resisted accepting large numbers of Jewish refugees escaping the Nazi terror sweeping Europe, in large part because of fearmongering by a small but vocal crowd.

They claimed that the refugees were communist or anarchist infiltrators intent on spreading revolution; that refugees were part of a global Jewish-capitalist conspiracy to take control of the United States from the inside; that the refugees were either Nazis in disguise or under the influence of Nazi agents sent to commit acts of sabotage; and that Jewish refugees were out to steal American jobs.

Many rejected Jews simply because they weren’t Christian.

In recent days, similar arguments are being resurrected to reject Syrian refugees fleeing sectarian terrorists and civil war.

From talk radio to the blogosphere to leading American politicians, anti-Syrian rhetoric claims that refugees are simply ISIS infiltrators; that migrants are Muslim invaders seeking to establish a “global caliphate” and impose Sharia law on America; and that Syrian refugees are lying about escaping violence and are focused instead on abusing the American welfare system.

And in a rehash of history, politicians are arguing that only Christian, not Muslim, refugees from Syria should be welcomed.

Jews as dangerous revolutionaries and communists
“I have heard on good authority that an Executive order has given immigration authorities permission to let down the usual bars in favor of the so-called Jewish refugees from Germany,” declared Julia Cantacuzene, a Republican activist in New York, according to a front page New York Times article that ran on May 18, 1938. Cantacuzene, the granddaughter of President Ulysses Grant and an ardent opponent of President Franklin Roosevelt, claimed that the Soviet revolution occurred only because Communist agents had snuck into Russia to “instill their insidious poison onto the Russian people.” She claimed that the same would happen here: “Under these lax regulations, many Communists are coming to this country to join the ranks of those who hate our institutions and want to over throw them.”

During congressional debate in 1940, John B. Trevor, a prominent Capitol Hill lobbyist, argued against a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in Alaska, claiming they would be potential enemies — and charging that Nazi persecution of the Jews had occurred “in very many cases … because of their beliefs in the Marxian philosophy.” Trevor had notably helped author the Immigration Act of 1924, a law designed to curb Jewish migration from Eastern Europe, in part because of anarchist Jewish Americans of Russian descent including Emma Goldman.

Rep. Jacob Thorkelson, a Republican from Montana, warned at the time that Jewish migrants were part of an “invisible government,” an organization he said was tied to the “communistic Jew” and to “Jewish international financiers.”

William Dudley Pelley, a leading anti-Semite and organizer of the “Silver Shirts” nationalist group, claimed that Jewish migration was part of a Jewish-Communist conspiracy to seize control of the United States. Pelley, whose organization routinely used anti-Semitic smears such as “Yidisher Refugees” and “Refugees Kikes,” attracted up to 50,000 to his organization by 1934. James B. True, an anti-communist activist affiliated with the Silver Shirt movement, coined the term “refu-Jew” to mock refugees, according to researcher David S. Wyman, the author of Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941.

George Van Horn Moseley, a retired general active in Christian nationalist groups, traveled the country warning that Jews were financing a communist revolution, and that citizens should arm themselves for a coming confrontation. He also protested the resettlement of Jewish refugees and called for forced sterilization of refugees that had arrived in the country.

If the said Jews were running around blowing things up and shooting people then I reckon they would not be welcome anywhere.
Isn't that what these rightwingers are warning they will do if let into the country in 1938?

Try a little honesty. You'll actually have to read the article before you can answer intelligently.

A right winger? What constitute a rightwinger? Let me guess, it is someone who is bigoted and prone to violence and loves the military.

Well I guess that makes people like FDR a rightwinger.


The anti-Semites are in left winged organizations like OCW.

Just like Hitler, they hate the "rich" Jews. Just like Hitler, they wish to destroy capitalism. Just like Hitler, they embrace socialism and free everything. Just like Hitler, they value animals and the environment more than they do real people like the unborn or the Jew.

It is then truly mind blowing that people call Hitler right winged.
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Attack this messenger, bitch.

^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.
Odium is not a conservative, and most posters have him on ignore.
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.

the idiot didn't say anything worth responding to... But ill keep an eye out:thup:
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.
Odium is not a conservative, and most posters have him on ignore.
He ain't no Liberal!
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.

the idiot didn't say anything worth responding to... But ill keep an eye out:thup:
Im 66 and sometimes things get little crossed up there. Hey but I am still great 116 yds in. :)
^^^ Like I predicted: no cross words for his fellow wingnut, no matter how much of an anti-Semite he is.
You're going to have to help me out a little (wo sarcasm)
I'm 100 pct behind Israel. I've called out a few on this forum for being anti-semite.
But who's the con that's a anti semite so I can straighten em out?
Post #7.

He's lamenting the fact that we had to go to war against his "racial brothers", the Germans.
Ya, irony. My father inlaw was a company commander at the Battle of the Bulge then his youngest daughter marries a hitler youth. I mean this guy was 20 years her elder.

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