Zone1 Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
"O wretched man that I am! Who will save me from this body of death?"--Romans 7:24
Your money won't save you.

Your knowledge won't save you.

Your marriage won't save you.

Your children and parents won't save you.

Not even your good deeds.

Not even all the love you have poured out and lived in your life.

Many of those are good, but they're not good enough for a Holy God.

So what can save?

"Thanks be to God, who delivers me though Jesus Christ our Lord"--Romans 7:25
I think that the whole Faith vs Works thing has been resolved, to the satisfaction of most believers. Faith alone won't "save" you, nor will good works. But if you have faith, good works must follow.
I think that the whole Faith vs Works thing has been resolved, to the satisfaction of most believers. Faith alone won't "save" you, nor will good works. But if you have faith, good works must follow.

Faith alone will save you--witness the thief on the cross, who professed faith and Jesus said "Today you will be with Me in paradise".

But genuine faith will show in good works, and believers in Heaven will be rewarded according to that work.
I refer you to Hebrews. And Romans.
Catholics reference is the entirety of the Bible. People living the Way of Salvation bring salvation and the knowledge of salvation into their marriage, into the lives of their family, and into their deeds. We are called to center our present life--our present existence--around God. Giving God the first place in our lives now is the first Commandment and is the Way of Salvation.
Faith alone will save you--witness the thief on the cross, who professed faith and Jesus said "Today you will be with Me in paradise".

But genuine faith will show in good works, and believers in Heaven will be rewarded according to that work.
^ And there you have it. :113:
- proving a person is not a sinner by their triumph over evil is the only way to free their spirit to be judged and granted admission to the everlasting.
Without the saving grace of Jesus Christ, no man can be saved. So no matter how much faith, how much work, or how much of anything else, without the grace of Jesus Christ no man or woman can be saved into the kingdom of heaven and no man or woman can become immortal. Through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will become immortal and be resurrected to live forever and ever in bodies of flesh and bone. Also through the atonement of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sin can be obtained to allow one to gain entrance into the kingdom of heaven. So without Christ no one can be saved. This much should not be debated among any believer in Christ Jesus.

However, does Christ require at our hands faith and works, which are not the saving force behind salvation, but a requirement of us before he will extend his saving grace upon us?


Good Works

Catholics reference is the entirety of the Bible. People living the Way of Salvation bring salvation and the knowledge of salvation into their marriage, into the lives of their family, and into their deeds. We are called to center our present life--our present existence--around God. Giving God the first place in our lives now is the first Commandment and is the Way of Salvation.

So you don't need Jesus. Got it.
Without the saving grace of Jesus Christ, no man can be saved. So no matter how much faith, how much work, or how much of anything else, without the grace of Jesus Christ no man or woman can be saved into the kingdom of heaven and no man or woman can become immortal. Through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ all mankind will become immortal and be resurrected to live forever and ever in bodies of flesh and bone. Also through the atonement of Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sin can be obtained to allow one to gain entrance into the kingdom of heaven. So without Christ no one can be saved. This much should not be debated among any believer in Christ Jesus.

However, does Christ require at our hands faith and works, which are not the saving force behind salvation, but a requirement of us before he will extend his saving grace upon us?


Good Works

There is nothing we can do on our own to "earn" salvation. It is a free gift of grace. Without Christ we are utterly condemned.
There is nothing we can do on our own to "earn" salvation. It is a free gift of grace. Without Christ we are utterly condemned.

To the complete and utter contrary , imho

Your Karma travels within your soul and only you can enlighten it .
Will almost certainly take thousands of incarnations .
This counts for nothing because Time does not exist within Universe . As distict from here in a four dimension Matterium .

Variety is -------
So you don't need Jesus. Got it.
You may wish to rethink that. In taking into account the entirety of the Bible, one brings the entirety of Jesus and the entirety of salvation into one's life.

There is so much more to both than simply saying, Yes, I accept Jesus as savior; see all who do in heaven. It is discombobulating when people find a verse here and a verse there to show that is all that is needed, ignoring the avalanche of other verse. There are over 31,000 verses in the Bible. When quoting a couple of verses, consider what is being left out.

I do the same with news stories. What makes the news so interesting is not what is being presented, but what is not being addressed.
To the complete and utter contrary , imho

Your Karma travels within your soul and only you can enlighten it .
What St. Paul explains and what Sweet Sue is addressing may equate to Karma itself. You note that Karma travels within our souls. Consider, does one have to first earn Karma for it to be present, or is Karma simply there upon the soul's creation--no earning necessary?

In the same way as Karma, Redemption and the Way of Salvation is ever present and open. One can accept what Karma, Redemption, and the Way of Salvation offer or choose different ways and those consequences.
There is nothing we can do on our own to "earn" salvation. It is a free gift of grace. Without Christ we are utterly condemned.

jesus never claimed to be a messiah and taught liberation theology, self determination.

your books of forgeries and fallacies, christian bible - desert religions - there are 3 of those you have no idea what is written is authentic, factual of purely illusionary -

that wager christians rely on, to be safe would best be served by a person doing whats right for salvation than praying to a book.
You may wish to rethink that. In taking into account the entirety of the Bible, one brings the entirety of Jesus and the entirety of salvation into one's life.

There is so much more to both than simply saying, Yes, I accept Jesus as savior; see all who do in heaven. It is discombobulating when people find a verse here and a verse there to show that is all that is needed, ignoring the avalanche of other verse. There are over 31,000 verses in the Bible. When quoting a couple of verses, consider what is being left out.

I do the same with news stories. What makes the news so interesting is not what is being presented, but what is not being addressed.

Guarantee you leave off the ones about Jesus' brothers and sisters, right?
What St. Paul explains and what Sweet Sue is addressing may equate to Karma itself. You note that Karma travels within our souls. Consider, does one have to first earn Karma for it to be present, or is Karma simply there upon the soul's creation--no earning necessary?

In the same way as Karma, Redemption and the Way of Salvation is ever present and open. One can accept what Karma, Redemption, and the Way of Salvation offer or choose different ways and those consequences.

That's great I guess, but it's certainly nowhere near Christianity.

Just so readers are clear on that.
Guarantee you leave off the ones about Jesus' brothers and sisters, right?
Not at all. I go back to the etymology of the Hebrew/Aramaic where there are no words for cousins, nieces, nephews, step-children, etc. The word used was first translated as 'brethren' which included all in a household no matter what the actual blood relationship. In the early church, when 'brethren' was chosen as the translation, someone warned one of the Church fathers that people might interpret that as full brothers and sisters. That Church father laughed and scoffed, "Who would ever consider that?"

In any case, I have no problem with people believing Jesus had half-sisters and half-brothers as he considered all who heard the word of God and followed it his mother, brothers, and sisters. Arguing about Mary's sex life is a distraction that need not be addressed.

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