Keith Olbermann Back Tomorrow

Hee hee hee haw haw!!!

I hope he ends his foolish suspension of Worst Persons.
The Dailykos, DemocratUnderground and as we see a few here will be creaming their jeans..

The rest of us will be :rofl:

You know that her and her ugly step sister Stephie live in trailer parks, weigh about 300 pounds and sweat profusely, right? Remember the mother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. That's who I see when I read their

You know that her and her ugly step sister Stephie live in trailer parks, weigh about 300 pounds and sweat profusely, right? Remember the mother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. That's who I see when I read their

they need anger management.
Glad to hear it. They suspended him for such a stupid reason. Let him speak all he wants.

You know that her and her ugly step sister Stephie live in trailer parks, weigh about 300 pounds and sweat profusely, right? Remember the mother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. That's who I see when I read their

you know I still luv ya though.:lol:
Good to hear. I was worried they would put someone else on that could actually make a decent attempt at explaining socialism in a convincing way.
wow, willow, could you post uglier??

What's ugly about fresh clean tampons? The other night our gang was into the other kind. All kinds of ugly talk. Where were you then? hummmm dearie? Oh I see, they get a pass. they is uglycrats.

You know that her and her ugly step sister Stephie live in trailer parks, weigh about 300 pounds and sweat profusely, right? Remember the mother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. That's who I see when I read their

they need anger management.

They need anger management? I watched Overbite once and in the five minutes I could stand without seriously contemplating suicide all he did was whine about Bill O'reilly. That was the last talking head I decided to ever watch/listen to again, I'm not into hearing my own brain cells die in agony.

Terrible horrible news. Day ruining awful stuff. I bet they bring back Ed Schultz before the week is over as well. Woe is me, woe woe woe indeed.

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