Kelly Ayotte, staunch advocate for gun safety? Not.

That is all the longer it should take.

Remember, in a free country, the Government has to prove you can't own something. You don't have to prove that you can.

I understand that sentiment but I think the counterargument is stronger. Guns are dangerous things and their only purpose is to inflict harm. Responsible people should ABSOLUTELY be allowed to own them. Hell even some former criminals should be able to own them (and I emphasize SOME). But if you have "crazy" in your background the seller should be forced to stop the transaction.

Look at fireworks! Their purchase is more restricted than guns.

At the risk of being called a black helicopter wing nut (and admitting that background checks sounds perfectly reasonable to me in theory) I'm just not sure I trust the government to do a good job or not to overreach. It's bad enough that my taxes are being raised by people who can't balance a budget. It's bad enough that I'm a conservative who is beholden to the same IRS who seems to operate under a political agenda. I just don't know. If we had a more competent and less corrupt government then I would think more seriously about background checks.

I can sympathize with you and respect your opinion.

I used to be less hard assed about background checks and stuff.. but it seemed that every time we gave a little, they wanted even more. There just isn't a line where most of these people are willing to say "We've taken enough".

That goes for our money as well as our rights.

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