Kelly Conway compares consensual sex & attempted rape

The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

One really happened and one is a made up story. They are not really good comparisons.

One happened & was consensual.

One reported by a well education, well renowned college professor against a drunken POS who just lied under oath and anm attempted rape.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

One really happened and one is a made up story. They are not really good comparisons.

One happened & was consensual.

One reported by a well education, well renowned college professor against a drunken POS who just lied under oath and anm attempted rape.
Seems you have the evidence, why don't you post what you have on the board? If not, why don't you STFU
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.

So an adult female who works for another person aggressively pursues you, you are exploiting her. Ummmmmmmm

What was that lie? Are you sure it was a lie?

You voted for Trump you fucking moron. An amoral POS who cheated on each of his wives & was accused of spousal rape, abuse by 18 woman & had to pay off a porn star. So as long as you keep worshiping that mushroom headed short dicked POS< you have no ground to say anything about anyone else.

In the Executive Branch hierarchy, Clinton was the equivalent of the CEO - everyone worked for him. So that rationalization doesn't work.

And Boo-Frelling-Hoo about Trump's consensual sexcapades. He's never hidden who he is. And as you Leftwing Whackjobs have been telling us for two decades, sex doesn't matter. So stop clutching your pearls when the right applies the same rules as you.

The issue with Clinton is abusing power over a subordinate employee on work time in the office. A corporate CEO would be fired for that, and rightly so.
Trump's consensual aspects when he was cheating on his wife.,

I know you pretend "family value" people don.t give a rat's ass about morality. You ignored tTRumps many accusations of sexual assault.

You ignore that the Democrats kicked out those like Edwards, Franken, and Spitzer.

You assholes keep electing them like David Viitter.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
you do not know the laws--look them up most states, if someone is in a position of authority/power [ and POTUS Clinton undoubtedly was ], even if the person agrees to sex, it is still rape/sexual assault
“You have to look at the power dynamics, the coercion, the manipulation,” says Jeanie Kurka Reimer, a longtime advocate in the area of sexual assault. “The threatening and grooming that perpetrators use to create confusion and compliance and fear in the minds of the victims. Just going along with something does not mean consent.
In sex assault laws, definition of consent varies widely | WTOP
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
What did they nail slick Willy on?
oh yeah, it was lying
If you can't keep up with the conversation, STFU.

He supposedly lied while being INVESTIGATED for having co sensual sex.

But hey, don't investigate attempted rape. Noooooooooooooo. Asshole
Supposedly lied????? :auiqs.jpg:
That's what they busted him on you buffoon. LOL!
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

One really happened and one is a made up story. They are not really good comparisons.

One happened & was consensual.

One reported by a well education, well renowned college professor against a drunken POS who just lied under oath and anm attempted rape.
Seems you have the evidence, why don't you post what you have on the board? If not, why don't you STFU
The victims testimony. A testimony that seemingly pinpointed Kavanaugh;'s drunken lifestyle.

All you have is Kavanaugh's word. " A shouting, drooling, crying testimony where he dodged half the questions.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

One really happened and one is a made up story. They are not really good comparisons.

One happened & was consensual.

One reported by a well education, well renowned college professor against a drunken POS who just lied under oath and anm attempted rape.
Seems you have the evidence, why don't you post what you have on the board? If not, why don't you STFU
The victims testimony. A testimony that seemingly pinpointed Kavanaugh;'s drunken lifestyle.

All you have is Kavanaugh's word. " A shouting, drooling, crying testimony where he dodged half the questions.
So a lie from one person is all the evidence you need? :auiqs.jpg: You're a bigger buffoon than what I had envisioned, and that was a pretty big one.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.

So an adult female who works for another person aggressively pursues you, you are exploiting her. Ummmmmmmm

What was that lie? Are you sure it was a lie?

You voted for Trump you fucking moron. An amoral POS who cheated on each of his wives & was accused of spousal rape, abuse by 18 woman & had to pay off a porn star. So as long as you keep worshiping that mushroom headed short dicked POS< you have no ground to say anything about anyone else.

In the Executive Branch hierarchy, Clinton was the equivalent of the CEO - everyone worked for him. So that rationalization doesn't work.

And Boo-Frelling-Hoo about Trump's consensual sexcapades. He's never hidden who he is. And as you Leftwing Whackjobs have been telling us for two decades, sex doesn't matter. So stop clutching your pearls when the right applies the same rules as you.

The issue with Clinton is abusing power over a subordinate employee on work time in the office. A corporate CEO would be fired for that, and rightly so.
Trump's consensual aspects when he was cheating on his wife.,

I know you pretend "family value" people don.t give a rat's ass about morality. You ignored tTRumps many accusations of sexual assault.

You ignore that the Democrats kicked out those like Edwards, Franken, and Spitzer.

You assholes keep electing them like David Viitter.

Scuze moi, but you all lectured us for 20 years that consensual extra-marital sex is a private family matter.

NOBODY voted for Trump because they mistakenly thought he was Billy Graham.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
you do not know the laws--look them up most states, if someone is in a position of authority/power [ and POTUS Clinton undoubtedly was ], even if the person agrees to sex, it is still rape/sexual assault
“You have to look at the power dynamics, the coercion, the manipulation,” says Jeanie Kurka Reimer, a longtime advocate in the area of sexual assault. “The threatening and grooming that perpetrators use to create confusion and compliance and fear in the minds of the victims. Just going along with something does not mean consent.
In sex assault laws, definition of consent varies widely | WTOP

Bullshit. There needs to be more.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.

So an adult female who works for another person aggressively pursues you, you are exploiting her. Ummmmmmmm

What was that lie? Are you sure it was a lie?

You voted for Trump you fucking moron. An amoral POS who cheated on each of his wives & was accused of spousal rape, abuse by 18 woman & had to pay off a porn star. So as long as you keep worshiping that mushroom headed short dicked POS< you have no ground to say anything about anyone else.

In the Executive Branch hierarchy, Clinton was the equivalent of the CEO - everyone worked for him. So that rationalization doesn't work.

And Boo-Frelling-Hoo about Trump's consensual sexcapades. He's never hidden who he is. And as you Leftwing Whackjobs have been telling us for two decades, sex doesn't matter. So stop clutching your pearls when the right applies the same rules as you.

The issue with Clinton is abusing power over a subordinate employee on work time in the office. A corporate CEO would be fired for that, and rightly so.
Trump's consensual aspects when he was cheating on his wife.,

I know you pretend "family value" people don.t give a rat's ass about morality. You ignored tTRumps many accusations of sexual assault.

You ignore that the Democrats kicked out those like Edwards, Franken, and Spitzer.

You assholes keep electing them like David Viitter.

Scuze moi, but you all lectured us for 20 years that consensual extra-marital sex is a private family matter.

NOBODY voted for Trump because they mistakenly thought he was Billy Graham.

So, it is ok that Trump had 18 women accuse him of sexual abuse? Yet you voted for Trump.

I never voted for Clinton. You voted for an sadultere, women abusing PIOS.

How the fuck is that the same?
Bull shit.

Monica was the aggressor & was an adult.

Clinton did not lock the door, turn up the music, throw her on the floor, put his hand over her mouth & try to rape her like your buddy Kavanaugh is accused of doing.

It is so sad you have such a low opinion of women & think assaulting them is just fine.
If that Ford skank has a semen-stained dress, let her bring it forward. Besides, it wasn't sex. A Clinton would never lie!
Bull shit.

Monica was the aggressor & was an adult.

Clinton did not lock the door, turn up the music, throw her on the floor, put his hand over her mouth & try to rape her like your buddy Kavanaugh is accused of doing.

It is so sad you have such a low opinion of women & think assaulting them is just fine.
If that Ford skank has a semen-stained dress, let her bring it forward. Besides, it wasn't sex. A Clinton would never lie!

The accusation is not having sex you fucking moron. It is attempted rape.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion so that I may make fun of your lack of logical reasoning ability?
The idiots on the left can't seem to tell the difference between an allegation of a crime and actual proof the crime was committed. Those who have called Kavanaugh guilty or claimed he must prove his innocence or said he should withdraw his nomination based on nothing more than an unsubstainated allegation are in no position to judge ayone else's comments.
Yet another women hating, Trump lovin' POS who thinks it is OK at assault women if there are no witnesses.

WHO witnesses the priests molesting children? Where the fuck was THAT proof.

You God damn idiots need to find anotherfexcuse for your supporting of raping women.
Oh you fuck you lying useless piece of shit unlike you far left hate filled bastards I don't judge a person guilty on just an accusation. No one on this goddam board in Congress or the media knows what if anything happened between those two 36 years buy you all act like you do if evidence is presented to prove Kavanaugh did what he is accused of I will change my opinion on this but I wont hold anyone Democrat or Republican to the standard of guilty till proven innocent if you can't handle that then you can fuck off.
The idiots on the left can't seem to tell the difference between an allegation of a crime and actual proof the crime was committed. Those who have called Kavanaugh guilty or claimed he must prove his innocence or said he should withdraw his nomination based on nothing more than an unsubstainated allegation are in no position to judge ayone else's comments.
Yet another women hating, Trump lovin' POS who thinks it is OK at assault women if there are no witnesses.

WHO witnesses the priests molesting children? Where the fuck was THAT proof.

You God damn idiots need to find anotherfexcuse for your supporting of raping women.
You support the raping of women, children and kittens.
Considering this comes from Kelly Conway (Home of the "Alternate Facts") and the GOP's definitions of rape:



I give its credibility, less than zero.
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Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.

So an adult female who works for another person aggressively pursues you, you are exploiting her. Ummmmmmmm

What was that lie? Are you sure it was a lie?

You voted for Trump you fucking moron. An amoral POS who cheated on each of his wives & was accused of spousal rape, abuse by 18 woman & had to pay off a porn star. So as long as you keep worshiping that mushroom headed short dicked POS< you have no ground to say anything about anyone else.

In the Executive Branch hierarchy, Clinton was the equivalent of the CEO - everyone worked for him. So that rationalization doesn't work.

And Boo-Frelling-Hoo about Trump's consensual sexcapades. He's never hidden who he is. And as you Leftwing Whackjobs have been telling us for two decades, sex doesn't matter. So stop clutching your pearls when the right applies the same rules as you.

The issue with Clinton is abusing power over a subordinate employee on work time in the office. A corporate CEO would be fired for that, and rightly so.
Trump's consensual aspects when he was cheating on his wife.,

I know you pretend "family value" people don.t give a rat's ass about morality. You ignored tTRumps many accusations of sexual assault.

You ignore that the Democrats kicked out those like Edwards, Franken, and Spitzer.

You assholes keep electing them like David Viitter.

Scuze moi, but you all lectured us for 20 years that consensual extra-marital sex is a private family matter.

NOBODY voted for Trump because they mistakenly thought he was Billy Graham.

So, it is ok that Trump had 18 women accuse him of sexual abuse? Yet you voted for Trump.

I never voted for Clinton. You voted for an sadultere, women abusing PIOS.

How the fuck is that the same?

I don't accept allegations as proof of guilt. And I do not care what Trump did in the bedroom with consenting adults prior to becoming President (in fact, I don't care what he does now as long as it doesn't open him to blackmail).

I do believe that he is a target of Ritual Defamation by the Fusion-Party-Corporate-Surveillance-State.

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