Kelly Conway compares consensual sex & attempted rape

I mean how often do you hear about a republican having consensual sex?
A lot less often than you hear about Democrats sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping, and paying women for their silence using tax dollars.....
I mean how often do you hear about a republican having consensual sex?
A lot less often than you hear about Democrats sexually harassing, sexually assaulting, raping, and paying women for their silence using tax dollars.....
Yup, and since that almost never happens (it's really a republican kinda thing, just ask tRump) it just proves my theory that republicans reproduce by fission.

Like all the rest of the bacteria.
You know for sure that Ford's story is completely false? Interesting, I would like to see your absolute proof of this.
Zero Evidence.

Admitted she was intoxicated.

Can not remember where the party was.

Can not remember when the party was - not even the YEAR.

Has Zero witnesses.

The 4 'witnesses' she identified say it NEVER HAPPENED.

Can't even remember the polygraph test.

Claimed she has a fear of flying....but it seems only when flying to Congressional hearings.

Refused to answer when asked if she presented her Therapist's notes or just her own summary.

Told the Washington Post a story that her Therapist's notes contradicts - claims the Therapist's notes are wrong, not her faulty memory.

Expert Sex Crimes Prosecutor Mitchell stated this is a 'She-Said-He-Said' case with no evidence' that in cases like this it boils down to the witness's testimony and that Ford's testimony was filled with memory gaps, lack of details, false statements, and zero evidence'. Stated Ford's testimony was 'compelling' due to emotional intensity of her statements but that they are 'not very credible'. Finally Mitchell stated she would NOT take this case to court because there is NOTHING there, not enough to charge Kavanaugh with due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

Despite what snowflakes and corrupt POS Democrats like Feinstein claim, the burden of proof does NOT fall on the accused, Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty - not the other way around, and finally Democrats claiming that if Kavanaugh were innocent he would demand an FBI investigation is stupid as hell (see point #1), not to mention dishonest as hell. Feinstein held onto the letter for 6 weeks during which time she could have gone to the FBI at any time to ask for an investigation. She held onto it until 2 days before the Confirmation vote and released it for maximum impact / delay, betraying Ford in the process.

In the eyes of the law and US Justice / Legal System, based on zero evidence, Ford failed to prove her case, and Kavanaugh is still INNOCENT because nothing was presented to prove his guilt.

Is that enough for you snowflakes or do you need someone to draw you a picture, too?
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Then Harvey Weinstiens escapades were consensual as well.


It can't be consensual when it is a superior to a subordinate, you fucking Nazi.

Don't you Nazicrats get sexual harassment training?

Bull shit.

Monica was the aggressor & was an adult.

Clinton did not lock the door, turn up the music, throw her on the floor, put his hand over her mouth & try to rape her like your buddy Kavanaugh is accused of doing.

It is so sad you have such a low opinion of women & think assaulting them is just fine.

You are a vile liar.
Don;t blame your ignorance & stupidity on me.

I'm not the one lying about what Bill Clinton, pretending an utterly unsupported accusation is fact, and then smearing people based on the utterly moronic assumption that they share my idiotic views.

That was you, that was such an ass.
Can you repeat that in English?

It was in english, but I will try my best to dumb it down enough for you.





DId you understand that, moron?
Yup, and since that almost never happens (it's really a republican kinda thing, just ask tRump) it just proves my theory that republicans reproduce by fission.
THIS is why you have almost ZERO credibility....

Teddy 'Let Her Drown' Kennedy

Bill 'Career/Life-Long Sexual Predator' Clinton
-- Hillary 'Enabler' Clinton

Anthony 'Pedophile' Weiner

Jesse 'Rainbow Baby' Jackson

Al 'Grope 'Em While They Sleep' / 'I Ain't Sorry' Franken

Keith 'Punch 'Em Inna Mouth' Ellison

John 'Pay That Bit@h Off' Conyers & his DNC Committee that paid for the silence of DNC Sexual Crimes victims for 15 years


Once AGAIN we see snowflakes / Democrats accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who THEY are....

Scuze moi, but you all lectured us for 20 years that consensual extra-marital sex is a private family matter.

NOBODY voted for Trump because they mistakenly thought he was Billy Graham.

So, it is ok that Trump had 18 women accuse him of sexual abuse? Yet you voted for Trump.

I never voted for Clinton. You voted for an sadultere, women abusing PIOS.

How the fuck is that the same?
accuse does not mean guilty
HUGE difference
I accuse you of raping me
Keep your fantasies to yourself.

Denial does not mean innocence.
so - you ARE like the nazis/etc--guilty and not even a trial

Look. You are the one declaring Kavanaugh innocent because of lack of concrete proof.

It is impossible for you you grasp the idea that some crimes do not have concrete proof or outside witnesses. In those cases, you just ignore the accuser. I get it. You ignored all those accusations against Trump. You are ignoring the accusations about Kavanaugh.

If it were up to you, Jerry Sadusky would be still out there molesting children as would the priests & Bill Cosby.

If there isn't enough evidence to prove someone committed a crime, prosecutors decline to prosecute. That's how Due Process works.

And bogus comparisons to Sandusy and Cosby. There is plenty of contemporaneous and corroborating evidence for both of their crimes.
You know for sure that Ford's story is completely false? Interesting, I would like to see your absolute proof of this.
Zero Evidence.

Admitted she was intoxicated.

Can not remember where the party was.

Can not remember when the party was - not even the YEAR.

Has Zero witnesses.

The 4 'witnesses' she identified say it NEVER HAPPENED.

Can't even remember the polygraph test.

Claimed she has a fear of flying....but it seems only when flying to Congressional hearings.

Refused to answer when asked if she presented her Therapist's notes or just her own summary.

Told the Washington Post a story that her Therapist's notes contradicts - claims the Therapist's notes are wrong, not her faulty memory.

Expert Sex Crimes Prosecutor Mitchell stated this is a 'She-Said-He-Said' case with no evidence' that in cases like this it boils down to the witness's testimony and that Ford's testimony was filled with memory gaps, lack of details, false statements, and zero evidence'. Stated Ford's testimony was 'compelling' due to emotional intensity of her statements but that they are 'not very credible'. Finally Mitchell stated she would NOT take this case to court because there is NOTHING there, not enough to charge Kavanaugh with due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

Despite what snowflakes and corrupt POS Democrats like Feinstein claim, the burden of proof does NOT fall on the accused, Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty - not the other way around, and finally Democrats claiming that if Kavanaugh were innocent he would demand an FBI investigation is stupid as hell (see point #1), not to mention dishonest as hell. Feinstein held onto the letter for 6 weeks during which time she could have gone to the FBI at any time to ask for an investigation. She held onto it until 2 days before the Confirmation vote and released it for maximum impact / delay, betraying Ford in the process.

In the eyes of the law and US Justice / Legal System, based on zero evidence, Ford failed to prove her case, and Kavanaugh is still INNOCENT because nothing was presented to prove his guilt.

Is that enough for you snowflakes or do you need someone to draw you a picture, too?

So like I said you do not know if her statements are completely false. And no the 4 witnesses did not say it didn't happen, they said they do not remember.

And that is not even the part I was or am focused on. It is his lying about his drinking since now many have come forward and said he is lying about it. If he will lie about something so trivial as high school and college drinking what else is he lying about?
So like I said you do not know if her statements are completely false.

Ummm, no.

Her claim that she was attacked -, not NOT true until proven / substantiated.
Her claim Kavanaugh attacked her -, not NOT true until proven / substantiated.
Her claim the event even happened -, not NOT true until proven / substantiated
Her claim she has a fear of flying - debunked by facts / her history of flying
Her account to the Washington Post - debunked by her Therapist's notes


Provide the evidence that any of it happened. No such evidence was presented during the hearing.
So, it is ok that Trump had 18 women accuse him of sexual abuse? Yet you voted for Trump.

I never voted for Clinton. You voted for an sadultere, women abusing PIOS.

How the fuck is that the same?
accuse does not mean guilty
HUGE difference
I accuse you of raping me
Keep your fantasies to yourself.

Denial does not mean innocence.
so - you ARE like the nazis/etc--guilty and not even a trial

Look. You are the one declaring Kavanaugh innocent because of lack of concrete proof.

It is impossible for you you grasp the idea that some crimes do not have concrete proof or outside witnesses. In those cases, you just ignore the accuser. I get it. You ignored all those accusations against Trump. You are ignoring the accusations about Kavanaugh.

If it were up to you, Jerry Sadusky would be still out there molesting children as would the priests & Bill Cosby.

If there isn't enough evidence to prove someone committed a crime, prosecutors decline to prosecute. That's how Due Process works.

And bogus comparisons to Sandusy and Cosby. There is plenty of contemporaneous and corroborating evidence for both of their crimes.

Both parties are interviewed and decisions are made to prosecute or not based on those interviews,.

S0 don't be so stupid to think this does not happen.

Here we are looking years afterwards. Any evidence would be lost.

You are wrong about Sandusky. It was all testimony by victims.

What ewas the evidence
You know for sure that Ford's story is completely false? Interesting, I would like to see your absolute proof of this.
Zero Evidence.

Admitted she was intoxicated.

Can not remember where the party was.

Can not remember when the party was - not even the YEAR.

Has Zero witnesses.

The 4 'witnesses' she identified say it NEVER HAPPENED.

Can't even remember the polygraph test.

Claimed she has a fear of flying....but it seems only when flying to Congressional hearings.

Refused to answer when asked if she presented her Therapist's notes or just her own summary.

Told the Washington Post a story that her Therapist's notes contradicts - claims the Therapist's notes are wrong, not her faulty memory.

Expert Sex Crimes Prosecutor Mitchell stated this is a 'She-Said-He-Said' case with no evidence' that in cases like this it boils down to the witness's testimony and that Ford's testimony was filled with memory gaps, lack of details, false statements, and zero evidence'. Stated Ford's testimony was 'compelling' due to emotional intensity of her statements but that they are 'not very credible'. Finally Mitchell stated she would NOT take this case to court because there is NOTHING there, not enough to charge Kavanaugh with due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

Despite what snowflakes and corrupt POS Democrats like Feinstein claim, the burden of proof does NOT fall on the accused, Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty - not the other way around, and finally Democrats claiming that if Kavanaugh were innocent he would demand an FBI investigation is stupid as hell (see point #1), not to mention dishonest as hell. Feinstein held onto the letter for 6 weeks during which time she could have gone to the FBI at any time to ask for an investigation. She held onto it until 2 days before the Confirmation vote and released it for maximum impact / delay, betraying Ford in the process.

In the eyes of the law and US Justice / Legal System, based on zero evidence, Ford failed to prove her case, and Kavanaugh is still INNOCENT because nothing was presented to prove his guilt.

Is that enough for you snowflakes or do you need someone to draw you a picture, too?

She said she had one beer. Maybe a panty waist like you gets drunk with one beer but most people do not.

Thefour never said it never happened. They said they can not remember it.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

One was sex and one wasn't. You mean that?
You know for sure that Ford's story is completely false? Interesting, I would like to see your absolute proof of this.
Zero Evidence.

Admitted she was intoxicated.

Can not remember where the party was.

Can not remember when the party was - not even the YEAR.

Has Zero witnesses.

The 4 'witnesses' she identified say it NEVER HAPPENED.

Can't even remember the polygraph test.

Claimed she has a fear of flying....but it seems only when flying to Congressional hearings.

Refused to answer when asked if she presented her Therapist's notes or just her own summary.

Told the Washington Post a story that her Therapist's notes contradicts - claims the Therapist's notes are wrong, not her faulty memory.

Expert Sex Crimes Prosecutor Mitchell stated this is a 'She-Said-He-Said' case with no evidence' that in cases like this it boils down to the witness's testimony and that Ford's testimony was filled with memory gaps, lack of details, false statements, and zero evidence'. Stated Ford's testimony was 'compelling' due to emotional intensity of her statements but that they are 'not very credible'. Finally Mitchell stated she would NOT take this case to court because there is NOTHING there, not enough to charge Kavanaugh with due to a LACK OF EVIDENCE.

Despite what snowflakes and corrupt POS Democrats like Feinstein claim, the burden of proof does NOT fall on the accused, Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty - not the other way around, and finally Democrats claiming that if Kavanaugh were innocent he would demand an FBI investigation is stupid as hell (see point #1), not to mention dishonest as hell. Feinstein held onto the letter for 6 weeks during which time she could have gone to the FBI at any time to ask for an investigation. She held onto it until 2 days before the Confirmation vote and released it for maximum impact / delay, betraying Ford in the process.

In the eyes of the law and US Justice / Legal System, based on zero evidence, Ford failed to prove her case, and Kavanaugh is still INNOCENT because nothing was presented to prove his guilt.

Is that enough for you snowflakes or do you need someone to draw you a picture, too?

She said she had one beer. Maybe a panty waist like you gets drunk with one beer but most people do not.

Thefour never said it never happened. They said they can not remember it.

Most 15 yr old girls weigh ~110 pds? One beer and they are toast.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
She wasnt raped, by her own admission. If there was any crime, it was a misdemeanor, but there is no reason for anyone to believe a word she said, unless you're being partisan. It seems pretty clear at this point that she is just ruining Kavanaughs reputation because shes a terrible person.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
Clinton was impeached and Kelly Ann wants the same for Black-out Brett?
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.
And Clinton was impeached and disbarred for it. Glad to see you are on board for the same happening to Black-out Brett.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,
If women believed more in equality;

they could simply insist on being proactive, if not ambitious necessarily, and proclaim a gender safety need to fornicate any such Bad intentions, right out of us.

Ambition and proactivity should be considered a virtue in any given sector.
The absolute most ridiculous Kelly Conway called Democrats on the Kavanaugh committee hypocrites because they did not vote to oust Clinton for oral sex in the Oval Office.

One was consensual.

One wasn't.

Republicans either can't tell the difference or they don't care.,

Clinton sexually exploited a subordinate employee in the office and then lied about it under oath. These facts are indisputable.

Clinton should have been removed from office. But the Dems always give Raping-Sexual Abusing-Exploitive Dems in power the Droit du Seigneur.

So an adult female who works for another person aggressively pursues you, you are exploiting her. Ummmmmmmm

What was that lie? Are you sure it was a lie?

You voted for Trump you fucking moron. An amoral POS who cheated on each of his wives & was accused of spousal rape, abuse by 18 woman & had to pay off a porn star. So as long as you keep worshiping that mushroom headed short dicked POS< you have no ground to say anything about anyone else.

In the Executive Branch hierarchy, Clinton was the equivalent of the CEO - everyone worked for him. So that rationalization doesn't work.

And Boo-Frelling-Hoo about Trump's consensual sexcapades. He's never hidden who he is. And as you Leftwing Whackjobs have been telling us for two decades, sex doesn't matter. So stop clutching your pearls when the right applies the same rules as you.

The issue with Clinton is abusing power over a subordinate employee on work time in the office. A corporate CEO would be fired for that, and rightly so.
Trump's consensual aspects when he was cheating on his wife.,

I know you pretend "family value" people don.t give a rat's ass about morality. You ignored tTRumps many accusations of sexual assault.

You ignore that the Democrats kicked out those like Edwards, Franken, and Spitzer.

You assholes keep electing them like David Viitter.
Dennis Hastert.
Bull shit.

Monica was the aggressor & was an adult.

Clinton did not lock the door, turn up the music, throw her on the floor, put his hand over her mouth & try to rape her like your buddy Kavanaugh is accused of doing.

It is so sad you have such a low opinion of women & think assaulting them is just fine.
If that Ford skank has a semen-stained dress, let her bring it forward. Besides, it wasn't sex. A Clinton would never lie!
"that Ford skank".......don't understand the misogyny rep the Right is getting.
The idiots on the left can't seem to tell the difference between an allegation of a crime and actual proof the crime was committed. Those who have called Kavanaugh guilty or claimed he must prove his innocence or said he should withdraw his nomination based on nothing more than an unsubstainated allegation are in no position to judge ayone else's comments.
Yet another women hating, Trump lovin' POS who thinks it is OK at assault women if there are no witnesses.

WHO witnesses the priests molesting children? Where the fuck was THAT proof.

You God damn idiots need to find anotherfexcuse for your supporting of raping women.
Oh you fuck you lying useless piece of shit unlike you far left hate filled bastards I don't judge a person guilty on just an accusation. No one on this goddam board in Congress or the media knows what if anything happened between those two 36 years buy you all act like you do if evidence is presented to prove Kavanaugh did what he is accused of I will change my opinion on this but I wont hold anyone Democrat or Republican to the standard of guilty till proven innocent if you can't handle that then you can fuck off.
You sound upset.

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