Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

I can only say one thing to all the poor little lefties trying so desperately to turn this into a Martin Bashir type controversy bless your heart. Those in the South know what it means.

This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

you need some cheese
and there is NO comparison to what Kelly said and that vile man Bashir said
As I said bless your heart BL.
I can only say one thing to all the poor little lefties trying so desperately to turn this into a Martin Bashir type controversy bless your heart. Those in the South know what it means.

This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

Want it you got it. Everyone should shit in Michelle Obamas mouth. Is that what you want?

You can crap in Palins mouth. That's what this guy says is acceptable. So lets all call for everyone to shit in Michelles mouth. Hey why we are at it. Let's shit in the girls mouths too.

Now I almost barfed typing that, but that's what you want. To debase us. It's not right. And I won't have it on any board I'm posting on.

Its wrong. It is beyond wrong.
What is the most lofty, philosophical and altogether intelligent sounding way I can tell someone to go eat shit?
Bashir was vile, while Kelly is merely specious.

Not too worry, guys. Keep it in reality, huh.
I can only say one thing to all the poor little lefties trying so desperately to turn this into a Martin Bashir type controversy bless your heart. Those in the South know what it means.

This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

you need some cheese
and there is NO comparison to what Kelly said and that vile man Bashir said

I agree, Bashir's comment was truthful for how disgusting Palin is, Kelly's comment is downright insane and racist.

Baldwin got fired simply for calling a paparazzi a fag, Kelly went into insane mode with likely the most racist comments ever, and not a single right winger steps up to hold her accountable to be fired.
One more time for all the lefties trying to make this into something it's not bless your heart.
This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story

"On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired."

This is the difference between those on the left and the right wing scum.

Bashir makes a metaphor and the right wing propaganda machine and their sheep go absoutly ballistic in faux outrage, but MSNBC are a legitimate network at let him go.

Kelly says likely the dumbest and most outrageous thing in cable news history and she isn't fired, on the contrary gets a pat on the back and doubles down on her stupidity.

This is another example of how those on the left hold their people accountable, while the right wing filth praise those that are fellow scumbags.

you need some cheese
and there is NO comparison to what Kelly said and that vile man Bashir said

I agree, Bashir's comment was truthful for how disgusting Palin is, Kelly's comment is downright insane and racist.

Baldwin got fired simply for calling a paparazzi a fag, Kelly went into insane mode with likely the most racist comments ever, and not a single right winger steps up to hold her accountable to be fired.

it is a sad commentary on Murdoch/Talil TV and those who watch them (the 21% of America that votes Repub :( )
I agree, Bashir's comment was truthful for how disgusting Palin is, Kelly's comment is downright insane and racist.

Baldwin got fired simply for calling a paparazzi a fag, Kelly went into insane mode with likely the most racist comments ever, and not a single right winger steps up to hold her accountable to be fired.

Oh, cow pucky, dude. Bashir is a foul sunuvabuck and got hammered righteously. Kelly is simply a silly twit who is twitting foolishly. Stupid, sure. Racist, don't think so.
I would just like to remind everyone the highly liberal MSNBC did not fire Bashir over his highly disgusting Palin comment he resigned outside of his having to apologize MSNBC took no action against him at all. In fact they tried their damndest to avoid doing anything and I will submit to if they had not fired Baldwin for breaking liberal doctrine and making his anti gay slur which in turn put the spotlight back on Bashir and the lack of action taken against him he would still be there.
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I would just like to remind everyone the highly liberal MSNBC did not fire Bashir over his highly disgusting Palin comment he resigned outside of his having to apologize MSNBC took no action against him at all. In fact they tried their damndest to avoid doing anything and I will submit to if they had not fired Baldwin for breaking liberal doctrine and making his anti gay slur which in turn put the spotlight back on Bashir and the lack of action taken against him he would still be there.

You submit that, huh? Cool.
I would just like to remind everyone the highly liberal MSNBC did not fire Bashir over his highly disgusting Palin comment he resigned outside of his having to apologize MSNBC took no action against him at all. In fact they tried their damndest to avoid doing anything and I will submit to if they had not fired Baldwin for breaking liberal doctrine and making his anti gay slur which in turn put the spotlight back on Bashir and the lack of action taken against him he would still be there.

You submit that, huh? Cool.
Glad you think so.
I would just like to remind everyone the highly liberal MSNBC did not fire Bashir over his highly disgusting Palin comment he resigned outside of his having to apologize MSNBC took no action against him at all. In fact they tried their damndest to avoid doing anything and I will submit to if they had not fired Baldwin for breaking liberal doctrine and making his anti gay slur which in turn put the spotlight back on Bashir and the lack of action taken against him he would still be there.


If Baldwin hadn't made such a good point about him being fired for ordinary everyday crudity on his day off, while Bashir was still employed after his extraordinarily vicious remarks on the air, Bashir's apology would have been deemed more than enough. No reason to think they'd even have asked for an apology.

But Baldwin didn't take his firing lying down and so MSNBC was on the hot seat.
Kelly's comments are historically accurate. Santa Claus originated as Sinterklaas in Northern Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria). It is highly doubtful that the medieval people who celebrated Sinterklaas didn't view him as being physically similar to themselves....WHITE PEOPLE.
I would just like to remind everyone the highly liberal MSNBC did not fire Bashir over his highly disgusting Palin comment he resigned outside of his having to apologize MSNBC took no action against him at all. In fact they tried their damndest to avoid doing anything and I will submit to if they had not fired Baldwin for breaking liberal doctrine and making his anti gay slur which in turn put the spotlight back on Bashir and the lack of action taken against him he would still be there.


If Baldwin hadn't made such a good point about him being fired for ordinary everyday crudity on his day off, while Bashir was still employed after his extraordinarily vicious remarks on the air, Bashir's apology would have been deemed more than enough. No reason to think they'd even have asked for an apology.

But Baldwin didn't take his firing lying down and so MSNBC was on the hot seat.

Not only that Bashir's comments were scripted this was part of a commentary he was doing which means more than one person at the network had to see that and sign off on it.

Are you kidding me? Anything on this subject published in the 19th century is helplessly out of date. The race and ethnicity ideas of those time have been routinely dismissed. Oh, and here's a pro tip: Anything that invokes reference to an "Aryan" race cannot be taken seriously.

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