Kelly: Lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War

Kelly's belief on what led to Civil War is "dangerous," historians say

Four decades before the war started, Congress allowed for the Missouri Compromise, which permitted Missouri to join the Union as a slave state in exchange for Maine being a free state.

In addition, the Compromise of 1850 ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C., while mandating that citizens in free states help capture escaped slaves.

Neither action prevented the Civil War. "Lincoln wasn't willing to compromise on the issue of slavery and his new Republican Party wasn't willing to either," Foster said.
Historical records and the action of secessionists make it clear the Civil War was fought over slavery.

Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederate States of America, gave his 1861 "Cornerstone Speech" — weeks before the Civil War was declared — and said a new government was founded on "the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition."

By Kelly suggesting there were noble people "on both sides" of the war, he's upholding the ideology of the "Lost Cause," said Karen Cox, a history professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

"Lost Cause" hews to the idea that the war wasn't about slavery but states' rights and that slavery was good because it brought Christianity to Africans. Southern heritage groups use the ideology to justify why the war occurred, Cox added.

My first thought also. Though slavery would have died out, it meant decades more suffering of slaves to wait.

But then how much suffering did the "Civil" War cause?

Enormous amounts, but the South chose to fire on Fort Sumter.

Of course. Do you think the US would allow a foreign nation to man and continue reinforcing a fort on US territory blocking a US port? Blockading a port is an act of war as is foreign invasion.

The suffering was the same on both sides no matter who you think started it.
We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

only due to the depolorables INSANE 8 year response to a black president whose name rhymes with osama.

deplorables and their IGNORANT apologists are blowing 'the whole thing' by emboldening our enemies and excusing crimes against our country.

mr trump is nothing more than ignorant charlatan with a big ego, in the right place at the right time, who recognized a perfect storm of opportunity.

our patently dishonest propaganda president is willing to compromise ANYthing in order to have power...

rethuglican trump apologists sacrifice national unity while peddling divisive hateful 'back to the 50s' rhetoric.

trump has effectively undermined and weakened our country and dumbos like you have given him a big assist.

SHOCKING the decorated irish guy from southie doesn't quite grasp the depths of the civil rights movement. :uhoh3:

My first thought also. Though slavery would have died out, it meant decades more suffering of slaves to wait.

But then how much suffering did the "Civil" War cause?

Enormous amounts, but the South chose to fire on Fort Sumter.

Of course. Do you think the US would allow a foreign nation to man and continue reinforcing a fort on US territory blocking a US port? Blockading a port is an act of war as is foreign invasion.

The suffering was the same on both sides no matter who you think started it.

It is obvious the South 'started it'. One can argue is was going to happen either way however. The Missouri Compromise meant -0-.
Kelly's belief on what led to Civil War is "dangerous," historians say

Four decades before the war started, Congress allowed for the Missouri Compromise, which permitted Missouri to join the Union as a slave state in exchange for Maine being a free state.

In addition, the Compromise of 1850 ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C., while mandating that citizens in free states help capture escaped slaves.

Neither action prevented the Civil War. "Lincoln wasn't willing to compromise on the issue of slavery and his new Republican Party wasn't willing to either," Foster said.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 lit the fuse. The Republican Party was founded the same year. Pressure built from that point onward.
We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

only due to the depolorables INSANE 8 year response to a black president whose name rhymes with osama.

deplorables and their IGNORANT apologists are blowing 'the whole thing' by emboldening our enemies and excusing crimes against our country.

mr trump is nothing more than ignorant charlatan with a big ego, in the right place at the right time, who recognized a perfect storm of opportunity.

our patently dishonest propaganda president is willing to compromise ANYthing in order to have power...

rethuglican trump apologists sacrifice national unity while peddling divisive hateful 'back to the 50s' rhetoric.

trump has effectively undermined and weakened our country and dumbos like you have given him a big assist.

SHOCKING the decorated irish guy from southie doesn't quite grasp the depths of the civil rights movement. :uhoh3:


Obama was shit. The damage he caused the country is still being assessed.

You won't see another black Democrat president for at least a generation.
Kelly's belief on what led to Civil War is "dangerous," historians say

Four decades before the war started, Congress allowed for the Missouri Compromise, which permitted Missouri to join the Union as a slave state in exchange for Maine being a free state.

In addition, the Compromise of 1850 ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C., while mandating that citizens in free states help capture escaped slaves.

Neither action prevented the Civil War. "Lincoln wasn't willing to compromise on the issue of slavery and his new Republican Party wasn't willing to either," Foster said.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 lit the fuse. The Republican Party was founded the same year. Pressure built from that point onward.

It goes back the Missouri Compromise
You can't let Maine in as a free state unless you make Missouri a slave state

A short term fix that left the issue of slavery open and made the war inevitable
Lincoln gets credit for "saving" the Union when it collapsed under his lack of leadership. It's amazing that the Lincoln myth still persists in the face of generations of historians who should have known better. Wouldn't you think the left that is busy tearing down monuments would take a closer look at the first republican administration? It shows that long standing (media) propaganda trumps racial unrest and anger about republican administrations.You can't even call Lincoln a rigid political ideolog because he didn't seem to have a handle on managing government except to have a platoon of sycophants who thought that his random thoughts should be set in stone. The U.S. lost an estimated 20% of it's population because Lincoln was apparently afraid to deal with hard headed and volatile secessionists and he apparently didn't have the skills to give a resounding speech calling for the Nation to unite to anyone but a friendly audience. Apparently Lincoln preferred to believe a fantasy offered by fools and sycophants that the War would only last a month. Doesn't that make it Lincoln's fault?
Blight said Kelly's decision to frame Lee as an "honorable man" is at odds in modern-day America.

"It's profoundly inaccurate. Even the best biographies of Lee, even the most sympathetic ones, show that Lee was a Confederate nationalist," Blight said. "He knew exactly what the Confederacy was about — he knew they were fighting to preserve a slaveholder republic
Lincoln gets credit for "saving" the Union when it collapsed under his lack of leadership. It's amazing that the Lincoln myth still persists in the face of generations of historians who should have known better. Wouldn't you think the left that is busy tearing down monuments would take a closer look at the first republican administration? It shows hat long standing propaganda trumps racial unrest and anger about republican administrations. ou can't even call Lincoln a Lincoln rigid political ideolog because he didn't seem to have a handle on managing government except to have a platoon of sycophants who thought that his random thoughts should be set in stone. The U.S. lost an estimated 20% of it's population because Lincoln was apparently afraid to deal with hard headed and volatile secessionists and he apparently didn't have the skills to give a resounding speech calling for the Nation to be preserved to anyone but a friendly audience. Apparently Lincoln preferred to believe a fantasy offered by fools and sycophants that the War would only last a month. Doesn't that make it Lincoln's fault?
The union collapsed before Lincoln took office
We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

Very true

The election of a black man did bring the racists out of the closet

He wouldn't have been elected twice without white voters.

Nope, it was his adoption and support of inner city thugs and anti-American activists.

Our racist elements....the deplorables if you may
had drifted into the shadows

With the election of Obama, we thought they were gone for good

But the election of a black President brought them out in force and led to the eventual election of Trump

We all know why they thought America was no longer great
No, Jugheads actions led to the election of Trump.

They couldn't stand the election of a black man

Trump was their reaction

We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

only due to the depolorables INSANE 8 year response to a black president whose name rhymes with osama.

deplorables and their IGNORANT apologists are blowing 'the whole thing' by emboldening our enemies and excusing crimes against our country.

mr trump is nothing more than ignorant charlatan with a big ego, in the right place at the right time, who recognized a perfect storm of opportunity.

our patently dishonest propaganda president is willing to compromise ANYthing in order to have power...

rethuglican trump apologists sacrifice national unity while peddling divisive hateful 'back to the 50s' rhetoric.

trump has effectively undermined and weakened our country and dumbos like you have given him a big assist.

SHOCKING the decorated irish guy from southie doesn't quite grasp the depths of the civil rights movement. :uhoh3:

And the civil rights movement would not have been successful without whites.

We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

only due to the depolorables INSANE 8 year response to a black president whose name rhymes with osama.

deplorables and their IGNORANT apologists are blowing 'the whole thing' by emboldening our enemies and excusing crimes against our country.

mr trump is nothing more than ignorant charlatan with a big ego, in the right place at the right time, who recognized a perfect storm of opportunity.

our patently dishonest propaganda president is willing to compromise ANYthing in order to have power...

rethuglican trump apologists sacrifice national unity while peddling divisive hateful 'back to the 50s' rhetoric.

trump has effectively undermined and weakened our country and dumbos like you have given him a big assist.

SHOCKING the decorated irish guy from southie doesn't quite grasp the depths of the civil rights movement. :uhoh3:

Obama was shit. The damage he caused the country is still being assessed.

You won't see another black Democrat president for at least a generation.

i was never a big fan of electing the inexperienced jr senator from illinois...

i think he made some mistakes but his ideals were mostly all right so he was BY NO MEANS "shit".

pity rethuglican deplorables were SO offended by the notion that racial justice matters.

GOP agenda is now officially DEPLORABLE, now that is some unAmerican SHIT. :eusa_clap:
I love Ben Ferguson's take on Kelly.

Ferguson argued that the Civil War was caused by a lack of compromise, explaining, “you had three quarters of a million people die, it’s very obvious in the Civil War there was not compromise.”

“There were a lot of people that said, ‘I’m going to stick with my state,’ there was…a lack of a compromise on slavery, it was a lack of a compromise on taxes, a lack of a compromise on representation,” Ferguson continued.

He also said that is scares him that a USMC General, who probably studied the Civil War for years in military school, is unable to discuss the Civil War without being accused of bigotry.

“It shouldn’t always be controversial to have a conversation about history,” Ferguson said. “It scares me in this country now that we can’t even discuss the Civil War without someone screaming that this is racially insensitive or, ‘that’s not exactly what you should be talking about.'”

CNN Commentator Defends Gen. Kelly--'It Scares Me' We Can't Discuss Civil War
We were all doing great until Obama got in. He blew the whole thing back to the Democrat 1950s.

only due to the depolorables INSANE 8 year response to a black president whose name rhymes with osama.

deplorables and their IGNORANT apologists are blowing 'the whole thing' by emboldening our enemies and excusing crimes against our country.

mr trump is nothing more than ignorant charlatan with a big ego, in the right place at the right time, who recognized a perfect storm of opportunity.

our patently dishonest propaganda president is willing to compromise ANYthing in order to have power...

rethuglican trump apologists sacrifice national unity while peddling divisive hateful 'back to the 50s' rhetoric.

trump has effectively undermined and weakened our country and dumbos like you have given him a big assist.

SHOCKING the decorated irish guy from southie doesn't quite grasp the depths of the civil rights movement. :uhoh3:

Obama was shit. The damage he caused the country is still being assessed.

You won't see another black Democrat president for at least a generation.

i was never a big fan of electing the inexperienced jr senator from illinois...

i think he made some mistakes but his ideals were mostly all right so he was BY NO MEANS "shit".

pity rethuglican deplorables were SO offended by the notion that racial justice matters.

GOP agenda is now officially DEPLORABLE, now that is some unAmerican SHIT. :eusa_clap:

More names. Keep going!!! Your divisive tactics are working so well every branch is R. Yayay!
I love Ben Ferguson's take on Kelly.

Ferguson argued that the Civil War was caused by a lack of compromise, explaining, “you had three quarters of a million people die, it’s very obvious in the Civil War there was not compromise.”

“There were a lot of people that said, ‘I’m going to stick with my state,’ there was…a lack of a compromise on slavery, it was a lack of a compromise on taxes, a lack of a compromise on representation,” Ferguson continued.

He also said that is scares him that a USMC General, who probably studied the Civil War for years in military school, is unable to discuss the Civil War without being accused of bigotry.

“It shouldn’t always be controversial to have a conversation about history,” Ferguson said. “It scares me in this country now that we can’t even discuss the Civil War without someone screaming that this is racially insensitive or, ‘that’s not exactly what you should be talking about.'”

CNN Commentator Defends Gen. Kelly--'It Scares Me' We Can't Discuss Civil War

pity modern day defenders of the confederacy can't handle legitimate criticism... conversations are sooo scary. :laugh:

It scares me in this country now that we can’t even discuss the Civil War without someone screaming that this is racially insensitive or, ‘that’s not exactly what you should be talking about.'”

Very true

The election of a black man did bring the racists out of the closet

He wouldn't have been elected twice without white voters.

Nope, it was his adoption and support of inner city thugs and anti-American activists.

Our racist elements....the deplorables if you may
had drifted into the shadows

With the election of Obama, we thought they were gone for good

But the election of a black President brought them out in force and led to the eventual election of Trump

We all know why they thought America was no longer great
No, Jugheads actions led to the election of Trump.

They couldn't stand the election of a black man

Trump was their reaction


What do you think was keeping America from being "great"?

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