Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2017
"Leaker found!

It’s Kellyannne Conway at a British Embassy party, loudly sharing White House gossip off-the-record to a group of reporters, while mocking Reince Priebus, asking what legislative director Marc Short does all day, and explaining that Trump told her to say, “Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes” but she converted that to, “No comment.”

A new Twitter account named “Kellyanneleaks”, whose profile reads: “If a NYT, Politico, or WaPo article hits @Reince45 (or other W.H. staff), good chance @KellyannePolls leaked,” busted Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway at the embassy party."

Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant

LOL, tough way to lose a job. Right after the installation of Trump I watched an interview she did on an early morning show. She was asked a question to which she simply couldn't resist patting herself on the back. (I forget what it was) She started her response with the words "So, I did something very clever....." I looked at my wife astounded at her ego. (Much as I am to many posters here)
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.

I was wondering wtf all that was about. That poster has never figured out the quote function so apparently can't keep track of what the topic is either.

Word Search sez: "Palin" not found
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.

Conway IS Palin. Cheap wig and she lost a few pounds. Her "alternative facts" remark was a dead giveaway.
It’s called checking the reliability of a source.

By following an entirely different story?

So you were hoping to plant your flag on a Poison the Well fallacy instead of dealing with its actual content?
See, that's the problem with this site.
Oh, I found out. A lying left wing site-

Unlike Easley, I’ll actually provide a link to the video here. You can see for yourself whether I am accurately quoting Governor Palin.

Now, Easley claimed on twitter that he was quoting from the official Fox News transcript of her interview. If that were the case, it’s curious why he wouldn’t provide a link to the transcript as I have been unable to find what he claims is an official Fox News transcript. Even if Easley was quoting from the Fox News transcript, he could see with his own eyes that that what he quoted her as saying was completely incorrect.

In any event, the left-wing radicals at Politicususa didn’t stop with just lying about what Governor Palin said. Easley then proceeded to lie about Fox News’ coverage of Palin’s comments in a pathetic attempt to create a narrative that Fox News was purposefully trying to diminish and minimize its star commentator:

Interestingly, Fox News hasn’t posted the video of this part of Palin’s interview. Instead they put up Palin’s comments supporting Donald Trump’s birtherism.

What isn’t interesting is how willing Easley is to deceive his far-left readership. Fox News has posted the first part of her Palin’s interview with Pirro here. In fact, at this moment, the video of the first part of her interview complements one of the headline articles on the Fox News website about how the Tea Party is responding to the budget compromise.

It’s clear that Easley and his extreme left-wing friends couldn’t find anything wrong with what the Governor said during her interview with Pirro. They had no other choice but to peddle lies that are easily disproven with video.

Are you drinking? I posted about Conway at a Party, Palin isn't even mentioned.

Conway IS Palin. Cheap wig and she lost a few pounds. Her "alternative facts" remark was a dead giveaway.


Kellyanne is Sarah, after the meth.
She will be
Threads and news predict so and so did something bad and will be fired. The orange and his cult call it fake news...few weeks later the person is fired LOL.
She will be
Threads and news predict so and so did something bad and will be fired. The orange and his cult call it fake news...few weeks later the person is fired LOL.

Leaking SHOULD get her fired.
As Pogo posted it is an attempt to poison the well; a logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information is posted to confuse the reader.

A common practice of many on the right who are dishonest and incapable of writing a rebuttal.
As Pogo posted it is an attempt to poison the well; a logical fallacy where irrelevant adverse information is posted to confuse the reader.

A common practice of many on the right who are dishonest and incapable of writing a rebuttal.

Partisans of either side are guilty of this.
"Leaker found!

It’s Kellyannne Conway at a British Embassy party, loudly sharing White House gossip off-the-record to a group of reporters, while mocking Reince Priebus, asking what legislative director Marc Short does all day, and explaining that Trump told her to say, “Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes” but she converted that to, “No comment.”

A new Twitter account named “Kellyanneleaks”, whose profile reads: “If a NYT, Politico, or WaPo article hits @Reince45 (or other W.H. staff), good chance @KellyannePolls leaked,” busted Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway at the embassy party."

Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant

LOL, tough way to lose a job. Right after the installation of Trump I watched an interview she did on an early morning show. She was asked a question to which she simply couldn't resist patting herself on the back. (I forget what it was) She started her response with the words "So, I did something very clever....." I looked at my wife astounded at her ego. (Much as I am to many posters here)

That was almost a year ago. Keep up with the pace.
Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant
News Flash: "Leaking WH Gossip" is gossiping.

The thing about gossip, "grapevine content," is that while the measure of its accuracy may or may not eventually be shown, until it's shown to be completely accurate, it is nothing other than hearsay, scuttlebutt, no matter how seemingly credible be the source of it.

Some, indeed most, people gossip. That always has been so; it will almost certainly continue to be so. The thing is that when people who have been shown to repeatedly utter absurd or unproven statements about things great and small engage in gossiping -- that is people of whom on myriad occasions when their mouth is open they have been found to be either eating, snoring or lying/paltering/prevaricating -- their credibility, thus that of the hearsay they spread, is highly suspect.

Such is the case with many of the Trump Admin. personnel, to say nothing of Trump himself. Thus just as one cannot rely upon what they say that's to their advantage, so too cannot one reply on what they say that disparages themselves. Quite simply, liars' attestations cannot at all be accepted as accurate -- factually or contextually -- unless and until one has verifies them. If one cannot verify a liar's assertions, one must disregard them (or risk being let down or worse if one relies on them when one should not have done), regardless of how much one may want or want not to do so, and form one's conclusions based on other, more credible and verifiable information.

Insofar as the above is how I deal with liars, I place no stock in what Conway said. She strikes me as one of those people who, when one of her cohorts lies, she'll swear to their lie.
"Leaker found!

It’s Kellyannne Conway at a British Embassy party, loudly sharing White House gossip off-the-record to a group of reporters, while mocking Reince Priebus, asking what legislative director Marc Short does all day, and explaining that Trump told her to say, “Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes” but she converted that to, “No comment.”

A new Twitter account named “Kellyanneleaks”, whose profile reads: “If a NYT, Politico, or WaPo article hits @Reince45 (or other W.H. staff), good chance @KellyannePolls leaked,” busted Counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway at the embassy party."

Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant

LOL, tough way to lose a job. Right after the installation of Trump I watched an interview she did on an early morning show. She was asked a question to which she simply couldn't resist patting herself on the back. (I forget what it was) She started her response with the words "So, I did something very clever....." I looked at my wife astounded at her ego. (Much as I am to many posters here)

A ten month old story and she's still there, nuff said.

Kellyanne Conway Gets Busted for Leaking WH Gossip In a Loud Off the Record Rant
News Flash: "Leaking WH Gossip" is gossiping.

The thing about gossip, "grapevine content," is that while the measure of its accuracy may or may not eventually be shown, until it's shown to be completely accurate, it is nothing other than hearsay, scuttlebutt, no matter how seemingly credible be the source of it.

Some, indeed most, people gossip. That always has been so; it will almost certainly continue to be so. The thing is that when people who have been shown to repeatedly utter absurd or unproven statements about things great and small engage in gossiping -- that is people of whom on myriad occasions when their mouth is open they have been found to be either eating, snoring or lying/paltering/prevaricating -- their credibility, thus that of the hearsay they spread, is highly suspect.

Such is the case with many of the Trump Admin. personnel, to say nothing of Trump himself. Thus just as one cannot rely upon what they say that's to their advantage, so too cannot one reply on what they say that disparages themselves. Quite simply, liars' attestations cannot at all be accepted as accurate -- factually or contextually -- unless and until one has verifies them. If one cannot verify a liar's assertions, one must disregard them (or risk being let down or worse if one relies on them when one should not have done), regardless of how much one may want or want not to do so, and form one's conclusions based on other, more credible and verifiable information.

Insofar as the above is how I deal with liars, I place no stock in what Conway said. She strikes me as one of those people who, when one of her cohorts lies, she'll swear to their lie.
Yep.....Obama never lied and everything Trump and his administration says is a lie.

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