Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

President Trump had just returned to the White House on Saturday from his final inauguration event, a tranquil interfaith prayer service, when the flashes of anger began to build.

Trump turned on the television to see a jarring juxtaposition — massive demonstrations around the globe protesting his day-old presidency and footage of the sparser crowd at his inauguration, with large patches of white empty space on the Mall.

As his press secretary, Sean Spicer, was still unpacking boxes in his spacious new West Wing office, Trump grew increasingly and visibly enraged. :2up:
KellyAnn LyingBitch never admitted that Spicer lied.

Chuck Todd exposed what a iar she is, what a liar spicer is & what a liar Trump is.

Alternative facts. That describes Trump to a T.
Good Lord. No wonder President Trump likes Kellyanne Conway. She just gave Chuck Todd a serious beatdown! LOL
Green Bay did the same to the Atlanta Falcons [Alternative Fact]

Kellyanne Conway owned Chuck Todd. Call it whatever kind of fact you like. Here's another fact for you - Trump is President and is just getting started!
KellyAnn LyingBitch never admitted that Spicer lied.

Chuck Todd exposed what a iar she is, what a liar spicer is & what a liar Trump is.

Alternative facts. That describes Trump to a T.

Keep watching MSNBC and CNN, Dave! You won't get facts...but you will be happily ignorant!
Where is that bust of MLK? Was it a fact when the press said Trump removed it? Notice how the libtards ignore this "fact"?

He may of and brought it back in to take a pic, I would not doubt it. Now you would think MLK would be more imp than Churchill, since MLK was an American.
Nope! It was there all along! The press lied. Imagine that shit!
Sure, and bragging about grabbing women's pussies was just "locker room talk"...

Good to see you're finally moving on from your BS claim about Spicer.
The irony is that you don't see the link between the parsing, and the spin of the two statements.

There is no irony here. You have no idea what I think about Trump's 'pussy' comment and your pathetic segue into a red herring won't save your ego. You lost the debate. Suck it up.
The only one lost is you. Spicer lied, and today he told everyone that he didn't really say what he said, and you have bought the spin.

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Just curious, Czernobog...are you far left shills going to spend the entire four years Trump is President obsessing about things like "crowd size"?
Only when he chooses to lie about it publicly. I intend to spend the next four years obsessing about every single perceived dishonest utterance from this administration. After all, isn't that what you guys did the last 8 years with Obama?

Here's a novel about you worry about the success or failure of Trump's agenda and leave this nonsense to idiots like Chuck Todd?
Here's a concept. How about you hold your guy to the same standards you held Obama to for the last eight years.

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Where is that bust of MLK? Was it a fact when the press said Trump removed it? Notice how the libtards ignore this "fact"?

He may of and brought it back in to take a pic, I would not doubt it. Now you would think MLK would be more imp than Churchill, since MLK was an American.
Nope! It was there all along! The press lied. Imagine that shit!
Yeah, because Trump said so. And he had the biggest crowd ever at his inauguration, The New York Times apologised to Trump, and 14% of noncitizens are registered to vote.

So, yeah, Trump is definitely a reliable source...

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Not at all. Like all the Liberal media, you misinterpreted it because you hate Trump. You were looking for something to attack Trump with and you thought you had found it but you screwed up. Now you're just trying to save your hurt ego.

The error was all yours, not his.
Sure, and bragging about grabbing women's pussies was just "locker room talk"...

Good to see you're finally moving on from your BS claim about Spicer.
The irony is that you don't see the link between the parsing, and the spin of the two statements.

There is no irony here. You have no idea what I think about Trump's 'pussy' comment and your pathetic segue into a red herring won't save your ego. You lost the debate. Suck it up.
Quite the opposite. You, along with Spicer, Conway, and Trump look silly trying to push alternate facts. The great majority of America will not accept them, which, in turn, will affect how successful Trump will be. Or not.
If truth be told, the Democrats have a job of work here too. The system is such that they need to win blue collar states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Bill Clinton even said as much during the campaign...

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk
Good to see you're finally moving on from your BS claim about Spicer.
The irony is that you don't see the link between the parsing, and the spin of the two statements.

There is no irony here. You have no idea what I think about Trump's 'pussy' comment and your pathetic segue into a red herring won't save your ego. You lost the debate. Suck it up.
The only one lost is you. Spicer lied, and today he told everyone that he didn't really say what he said, and you have bought the spin.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Just curious, Czernobog...are you far left shills going to spend the entire four years Trump is President obsessing about things like "crowd size"?
Only when he chooses to lie about it publicly. I intend to spend the next four years obsessing about every single perceived dishonest utterance from this administration. After all, isn't that what you guys did the last 8 years with Obama?

Here's a novel about you worry about the success or failure of Trump's agenda and leave this nonsense to idiots like Chuck Todd?
Here's a concept. How about you hold your guy to the same standards you held Obama to for the last eight years.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm fine with that, Czernobog! The standard I held Barack Obama to was judging him on what he actually DID and not on what he SAID he would do! I'm more than happy to judge Donald Trump in exactly the same manner. Are you?
If truth be told, the Democrats have a job of work here too. The system is such that they need to win blue collar states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Bill Clinton even said as much during the campaign...

Sent from my ALE-L21 using Tapatalk

Donald Trump was sitting down with union leaders today in the Oval Office...showing them that his policies to create jobs will be good for union workers. If Trump succeeds then the Democrats can kiss those "blue collar" States goodbye for a generation.
The irony is that you don't see the link between the parsing, and the spin of the two statements.

There is no irony here. You have no idea what I think about Trump's 'pussy' comment and your pathetic segue into a red herring won't save your ego. You lost the debate. Suck it up.
The only one lost is you. Spicer lied, and today he told everyone that he didn't really say what he said, and you have bought the spin.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Just curious, Czernobog...are you far left shills going to spend the entire four years Trump is President obsessing about things like "crowd size"?
Only when he chooses to lie about it publicly. I intend to spend the next four years obsessing about every single perceived dishonest utterance from this administration. After all, isn't that what you guys did the last 8 years with Obama?

Here's a novel about you worry about the success or failure of Trump's agenda and leave this nonsense to idiots like Chuck Todd?
Here's a concept. How about you hold your guy to the same standards you held Obama to for the last eight years.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

I'm fine with that, Czernobog! The standard I held Barack Obama to was judging him on what he actually DID and not on what he SAID he would do! I'm more than happy to judge Donald Trump in exactly the same manner. Are you?

You blamed him for everything bad that happened and credited him for nothing good that happened.

That was your standard for judging Obama. We'll see if you do the same for Trump. Vegas odds are against you.
I watched the first 4 minutes of the OP's linked interview's silliness. Conway was agreeing with Todd that crowd size was a trivial matter but her point that it was wrong for the press to emphasize that the White House press secretary was emphasizing it was hilarious. Sort of reminded me of Abbot and Costello's "Who's on First?" routine except Abbot and Costello knew how to end it when it ran its course.

Complete interview beat down


Not answering questions is your idea of a beat down?? I guess you too live in a world of alternative facts. :dunno:

meh, one thing for sure is I now live in Red, White and Blue America again



You were living under a rock until now?

No, just under 8 years of a militant black mans rule

Thanks, but the light is once again prevalent

Chuck Todd got Conway to proclaim "alternative facts"

Game, Set, Match

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