Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

Guys, we should give the collectivist a a break on this Roosevelt thing. frank Roosevelt did more than any other socialist to bring more Americans to embrace the Borg in their eyes, he is a hero....he took the steps necessary to control their lives so they wouldn't have to...for a collectivist...that's pretty special.

I mean, think about it...he helped them along the path of surrendering their individual humanity to the collective...for them...that is The heaven on earth they dream of....

True..for those of us who believe in being distinct, and special is complete insanity....and we have to fight even harder to keep from being absorbed..but til then...let them have their fun...
Burns is good at these documentaries. Most of the Roosevelt stuff I've seen many times, so none of it is new, but it's nice to have it gathered in all together like that and in sequence and narrated.

I agree.
I watched this show, loved it. But I was left wondering about the media NOW. TMZ and every paparazzi under god's green earth would have shouted out every failure, every indiscretion and the fact FDR had a physical disability since 1921....Why did the media have so much discretion then and none NOW?

I agree. The media then would never print anything detremental to the POTUS.

Today Roosevelt would be out on his ass for all of his infidelities. Same goes for Kennedy.

Wonder if Burns will be mentioning those little factoids in his documentary??

Roosevelt was a great war time Prez but he did nothing to end the great depression. In fact the things he did do extended that depression. He wasn't as great as some would like to believe.
Oh, there were plenty things in the media that were detrimental to FDR, maybe not by today's standards but certain for that era. His policies were widely criticized in press. He was often referred to as dictator, a lier, the crazy man in the white house and a trader to his own class in the press. They also printed rumors that his disability was caused syphilis and any number of fatal diseases.

Fortunately through the perspective of time we can now laugh at those kind of dim witted characterizations.
Of course, now we have others: Kenyan Socialist, Manchurian Candidate, al Qaeda plant, illegitimate president...
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

You're a military genius... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the confirmation that you can't explain your position - twice now.
Guys, we should give the collectivist a a break on this Roosevelt thing. frank Roosevelt did more than any other socialist to bring more Americans to embrace the Borg in their eyes, he is a hero....he took the steps necessary to control their lives so they wouldn't have to...for a collectivist...that's pretty special.

I mean, think about it...he helped them along the path of surrendering their individual humanity to the collective...for them...that is The heaven on earth they dream of....

True..for those of us who believe in being distinct, and special is complete insanity....and we have to fight even harder to keep from being absorbed..but til then...let them have their fun...
How the hell would you know, did you live during that period in history?
Hmmm, interesting theory.

However, the Soviet Union first started falling apart in 1990-1991, 2-3 years after Reagan left office.
Was he also responsible for what happened between 1989-1991?

And you are giving Reagan entirely the credit for all of this? Really?

Funny how Reagan is responsible for what happened right after his terms ended, but George W. Bush isn't responsible for what happened right after his terms ended.


Ask a democrat about the down-turning economy/recession George W. Bush inherited from Clinton and they deny it. None of this, however, has anything to do with Ken Burns' documentary as far as I can tell though
Bush inherited the weakest recession in American history with a -,3% fall in GDP. Without 9-11, there may have been no recession at all. By Comparison, Obama inherited the worst recession since the great depression

doesn't change that the economy was trending down before Bush took office and the worst recession since the great depression was the direct result of the Financial Services Modernization Act which was signed into law by Bill Clinton, but thanks for proving the point I was making.
Who authored it, forced it through Congress with their majority, and sent it to the President's desk, all directly on the heals of Clinton's impeachment?
My point is that if FDR had not started to build the military defense industry to help Britain and the Soviets, we would have been unable to respond to Pearl Harbor in any effective way. It takes years to ramp that industry up, and change auto factories into tank factories, etc.

Even with the buildup, it was a close war. Japan and Germany were not paper tigers.

It took only WEEKS to bend the sheet metal into different shapes in Detroit. You're a rude idiot posing as some kind of authority on subjects you know nothing about. :blahblah:
It took only weeks to transition from building 1930s automobiles to building tanks?
My point is that if FDR had not started to build the military defense industry to help Britain and the Soviets, we would have been unable to respond to Pearl Harbor in any effective way. It takes years to ramp that industry up, and change auto factories into tank factories, etc.

Even with the buildup, it was a close war. Japan and Germany were not paper tigers.

It took only WEEKS to bend the sheet metal into different shapes in Detroit. You're a rude idiot posing as some kind of authority on subjects you know nothing about. :blahblah:
It took only weeks to transition from building 1930s automobiles to building tanks?
I remember well that period, in fact was involved in the building of the Dodge plant in Clearing Illinois that would build the Engines for the B29's. This was 1942. I also remember the building at the same time of the Studebaker plant in clearing, said to be for tanks. United Airlines at Midway Airport drawing up plans to convert DC3's to troop carriers. The nation was gearing for war big time. The newly drafted army was drilling with sticks and learning to salute. I think a lot of those plans had been worked out even before Pearl Harbor.
My point is that if FDR had not started to build the military defense industry to help Britain and the Soviets, we would have been unable to respond to Pearl Harbor in any effective way. It takes years to ramp that industry up, and change auto factories into tank factories, etc.

Even with the buildup, it was a close war. Japan and Germany were not paper tigers.

It took only WEEKS to bend the sheet metal into different shapes in Detroit. You're a rude idiot posing as some kind of authority on subjects you know nothing about. :blahblah:
It took only weeks to transition from building 1930s automobiles to building tanks?
I remember well that period, in fact was involved in the building of the Dodge plant in Clearing Illinois that would build the Engines for the B29's. This was 1942. I also remember the building at the same time of the Studebaker plant in clearing, said to be for tanks. United Airlines at Midway Airport drawing up plans to convert DC3's to troop carriers. The nation was gearing for war big time. The newly drafted army was drilling with sticks and learning to salute. I think a lot of those plans had been worked out even before Pearl Harbor.
Damn! How old are you, sir?
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
If the US had continued on it's path of isolationism, pacification, and disarmament which existed until about 1937, there's no doubt Britain would fallen and eventually Russia. It seems to me very unlikely, Hitler would have stopped at that point.

What he (or whoever had assumed leadership by that point) would have done would be to consolidate the German position in Europe instead of squandering it all in a quixotic attempt at conquering an overseas continent. Does anyone think that the US would not have been bolstering defense, even if just at home, in light of events around the world if that POS scumbag FDR wasn't in office? You nuthuggers are truly irrational.
Isolationists were in both parties not just Republicans. Half of the country was divided on the war issues.

Very true. I would even say that half is being generous. Most of the country wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe.

That's where FDR's leadership came into play. He knew it was coming our way, especially if Britain fell.

That ideology went out the window when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, so no we would not be speaking or typing in German or Japanese no matter who was in the White House.

Do you have any clue what our military strength was before FDR built it up to send equipment to Britain and the USSR? It was pathetic. Our experience in WWI turned the country against spending on the military, and the policies of Coolidge and Hoover during the 1920s had no emphasis on defense spending.

Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

You really need to watch this documentary.

Whenever America is attacked we all come together and agree on war, against anyone who attacks us, be it in WWII or the World Trade Center.


Well, that was easy.

That was not on American Soil
Oh, so now you are qualifying your previous statement?

What's next: "Whenever America is attacked (on American soil) we all come together (as long as the president is a Republican)?

Why are you reading into something that was not said or implied ?

Did Americans that were divided on going to war in WWII come together and did want to go to war after Pearl Harbor? YES
Did the majority of Americans want to go to war after the World Trade Center? YES
We have been divided on war when it has been embassies.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
If the US had continued on it's path of isolationism, pacification, and disarmament which existed until about 1937, there's no doubt Britain would fallen and eventually Russia. It seems to me very unlikely, Hitler would have stopped at that point.

What he (or whoever had assumed leadership by that point) would have done would be to consolidate the German position in Europe instead of squandering it all in a quixotic attempt at conquering an overseas continent. Does anyone think that the US would not have been bolstering defense, even if just at home, in light of events around the world if that POS scumbag FDR wasn't in office? You nuthuggers are truly irrational.

Many Americans want to believe their leaders were great men. So they believe the fairy tales told them in the government schools. Sadly this belief overrides their ability to think.

The political class is the worst of us. They are liars, thieves, and fools. When Americans realize this and recognize that they are not like us, we will be a better nation.
Post #133

Why do you keep insisting that we revere Nazi newspapers the way you do?

We don't. We're Americans. What the hell are you?

If you believe that you represent Americans, you must have a very low opinion of Americans.

You represent indoctrinated, brain-dead, uneducated simpletons.

In fact, you can carry the parade banner.
Post #133

Why do you keep insisting that we revere Nazi newspapers the way you do?

We don't. We're Americans. What the hell are you?

I love it!

Posts# 267 and 277 not only prove everything I've posted, e.g., that Roosevelt, Mussolini, and Hitler has the same economic policies.... of all.....expose what dolts you and your little playpals are.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

"....before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s."

Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence. I always is the link that would both prove my veracity.....again....and point you toward an education:

Foreign Policy timeline 20s-40s

Interesting, huh....I'm never wrong, you're never right.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

"....before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s."

Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence. I always is the link that would both prove my veracity.....again....and point you toward an education:

Foreign Policy timeline 20s-40s

Interesting, huh....I'm never wrong, you're never right.

Oh, really.

Gawd, you are fun playtoy.

From the link you provided:

January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

You really are quite a disgusting political hack, but somehow fun to bat around.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

"....before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s."

Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence. I always is the link that would both prove my veracity.....again....and point you toward an education:

Foreign Policy timeline 20s-40s

Interesting, huh....I'm never wrong, you're never right.

Oh, really.

Gawd, you are fun playtoy.

From the link you provided:

January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

You really are quite a disgusting political hack, but somehow fun to bat around.

Time for your daily beating???


FDR, the communist/socialist/totalitarian spent all of his time beating up on capitalists....until it was evident that he needed them, and the defense machinery that they could provide.

1. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”

2. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

a. “…we are calling upon the resources, the efficiency and the ingenuity of the American manufacturers of war material of all kinds -- airplanes and tanks and guns and ships, and all the hundreds of products that go into this material. The Government of the United States itself manufactures few of the implements of war.

Private industry will continue to be the source of most of this material, and private industry will have to be speeded up to produce it at the rate and efficiency called for by the needs of the times….Private industry will have the responsibility of providing the best, speediest and most efficient mass production of which it is capable.” On National Defense - May 26 1940

Look who got 'batted around.'
Turns out I'm correct again, huh?

I love doing that to ignorant, foul-mouthed, lying Liberals like you.

Kinda made my day.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

"....before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s."

Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence. I always is the link that would both prove my veracity.....again....and point you toward an education:

Foreign Policy timeline 20s-40s

Interesting, huh....I'm never wrong, you're never right.

Oh, really.

Gawd, you are fun playtoy.

From the link you provided:

January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

You really are quite a disgusting political hack, but somehow fun to bat around.

Time for your daily beating???


FDR, the communist/socialist/totalitarian spent all of his time beating up on capitalists....until it was evident that he needed them, and the defense machinery that they could provide.

1. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”

2. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

a. “…we are calling upon the resources, the efficiency and the ingenuity of the American manufacturers of war material of all kinds -- airplanes and tanks and guns and ships, and all the hundreds of products that go into this material. The Government of the United States itself manufactures few of the implements of war.

Private industry will continue to be the source of most of this material, and private industry will have to be speeded up to produce it at the rate and efficiency called for by the needs of the times….Private industry will have the responsibility of providing the best, speediest and most efficient mass production of which it is capable.” On National Defense - May 26 1940

Look who got 'batted around.'
Turns out I'm correct again, huh?

I love doing that to ignorant, foul-mouthed, lying Liberals like you.

Kinda made my day.
That is supposed to be an argument?

Go play with your toys now.

Really, a great deal of what you write is just simply batshit crazy and the work of loons who twist every detail they can. Enjoy your ODS.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

"....before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s."

Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

To quote George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country". FDR had underestimated the Japanese and the Pearl Harbor attack devastated the American Navy and exposed the president's incompetence. I always is the link that would both prove my veracity.....again....and point you toward an education:

Foreign Policy timeline 20s-40s

Interesting, huh....I'm never wrong, you're never right.

Oh, really.

Gawd, you are fun playtoy.

From the link you provided:

January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

You really are quite a disgusting political hack, but somehow fun to bat around.

Time for your daily beating???


FDR, the communist/socialist/totalitarian spent all of his time beating up on capitalists....until it was evident that he needed them, and the defense machinery that they could provide.

1. On May 16, 1940, Roosevelt had addressed Congress and asked for more than a billion dollars for defense, with a commitment for fifty thousand military aircraft. He knew, also, that he needed the good will of business to win the war: no longer would he call them “privileged princes…thirsting for power.”

2. On May 26, 1940 his Fireside Chat signaled a new relationship with business: he would insure their profits, and assuage their fears that he would nationalize their factories.

a. “…we are calling upon the resources, the efficiency and the ingenuity of the American manufacturers of war material of all kinds -- airplanes and tanks and guns and ships, and all the hundreds of products that go into this material. The Government of the United States itself manufactures few of the implements of war.

Private industry will continue to be the source of most of this material, and private industry will have to be speeded up to produce it at the rate and efficiency called for by the needs of the times….Private industry will have the responsibility of providing the best, speediest and most efficient mass production of which it is capable.” On National Defense - May 26 1940

Look who got 'batted around.'
Turns out I'm correct again, huh?

I love doing that to ignorant, foul-mouthed, lying Liberals like you.

Kinda made my day.
That is supposed to be an argument?

Go play with your toys now.

Really, a great deal of what you write is just simply batshit crazy and the work of loons who twist every detail they can. Enjoy your ODS.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well, I haven't been able to teach you to lose graciously....but I have corrected you language.

A start.
My point is that if FDR had not started to build the military defense industry to help Britain and the Soviets, we would have been unable to respond to Pearl Harbor in any effective way. It takes years to ramp that industry up, and change auto factories into tank factories, etc.

Even with the buildup, it was a close war. Japan and Germany were not paper tigers.

It took only WEEKS to bend the sheet metal into different shapes in Detroit. You're a rude idiot posing as some kind of authority on subjects you know nothing about. :blahblah:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Sheet metal? Are you fucking kidding or what? Is an M-1 rifle made out of sheet metal? How about a Sherman Tank? Did Ford start producing B-24s on December 8th?

Hey dickhead....Detroit wasn't building the M-1...what about the Sherman Tank? Do you have any idea how a tank is armored? Do you think nobody was building bombers before 1942? Fact of the matter is you don't know your pecker from your pinky.....idiot leftist twit. :badgrin:

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