Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Next the not about race crowd is going to eventually bring up fashion...only for blacks tho.
I already brought it up a couple posts back and I mentioned it ABOUT WHITE LOSERS. I'll leave you to condemn the blacks........

Ps. I won't be holding my breath

Sure you did....
Scroll back a couple pages dumbfuck

No thanks, Fool me once shame on you...I wont be fooled again
I did it for you, coward
why does the right insist on hating black people?
To put it as simply as possible, and to make it as easy to understand as possible, they just don't.


the right is full of racists

you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered
That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
To put it as simply as possible, and to make it as easy to understand as possible, they just don't.


the right is full of racists

you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered
That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.
i think some of you; especially the white boys on the Left; should all put on grey or black hoodies in honor of Trayvon martin, and because you're all so unafraid of black people and all, come walking through my neighborhood at night; which is almost all Black and/or Hispanic

cuz you're so open-minded and stuff


idiots and hypcrites
That was tragic no doubt but not really relevant to my post. Children are just children and a bad cop or a good cop making a bad decision are not the reason your culture is rotting from the inside out.

It also isnt the reason why white people are rotting out either. But black lives matter more to you and thats why you cannot address the bullshit in your own community. Right? Right?
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!
i think some of you; especially the white boys on the Left; should all put on grey or black hoodies in honor of Trayvon martin, and because you're all so unafraid of black people and all, come walking through my neighborhood at night; which is almost all Black and/or Hispanic

cuz you're so open-minded and stuff


idiots and hypcrites
While they're at it, they should carry signs saying "I believe no one should have a gun".

the right is full of racists

you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered
That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.

Oh so you want the impossible? Thats reasonable and shows you have a very valid point faggot
AHHH YES!!! nothing gets the self-righteous, sanctimonious left-wing nutjobs' panties in a knot like confronting them openly with their idotic and false, hypocritical narrative on race!!

That was tragic no doubt but not really relevant to my post. Children are just children and a bad cop or a good cop making a bad decision are not the reason your culture is rotting from the inside out.

It also isnt the reason why white people are rotting out either. But black lives matter more to you and thats why you cannot address the bullshit in your own community. Right? Right?
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.

Oh so you want the impossible? Thats reasonable and shows you have a very valid point faggot
Hey, that was the the post. You decided to claim the impossible. Next time, think before reacting.
I agree, so please stay on topic.

I am on topic, you just want to avoid it like Grampa Murked just did

Not avoiding anything. I just clarified that white meth users and black cocaine users like drugs. You concluded, incorrectly, that I therefore believe white lives doesn't matter. One has nothing to do with the other.

I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

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