Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.

Oh so you want the impossible? Thats reasonable and shows you have a very valid point faggot
Hey, that was the the post. You decided to claim the impossible. Next time, think before reacting.

Stuck on the word everytime is a good dodge. I would hide there too if I were you
It also isnt the reason why white people are rotting out either. But black lives matter more to you and thats why you cannot address the bullshit in your own community. Right? Right?
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.
Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.

Oh so you want the impossible? Thats reasonable and shows you have a very valid point faggot
Hey, that was the the post. You decided to claim the impossible. Next time, think before reacting.

Stuck on the word everytime is a good dodge. I would hide there too if I were you

you're in an alternate reality doosh

i dont see anybody dodging anything

i see some straight-talking right-wingers openly confronting the false narrative on race that you hate-filled hypocrites on the left are trying to dicate the debate with

Nobody has ever denied that "White lives matter"

That is why we have a slogan of "Black lives matter" When a white is murdered it is front page news. Black deaths get pushed to the rear or ignored completely. Our society does not care about blacks killed by police, does not care about the number of blacks in prison and does not care about black deaths in general

That is why "Black Lives Matter" has been an issue

Cops kill far more whites than blacks so where's the front page coverage and the multi cycle cable news coverage?

The fact is Blacks kill more Blacks than do police.

So the evidence says that Black people don't think other Black lives matter

Black lives matter

Doesn't mean white lives don't only that black deaths are just overlooked. I don't think blacks excuse black on black violence. It just doesn't receive the same attention as other murders

When one say All lives matter and then is deemed racist there is nothing but groupthink in the black community

It's just as stupid as white pride.

For those of you people who say we have to end racism it sure as shit seems you all want to keep it alive and well
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

He's congenitally unable.

But go figure: The Progs twist up a complex pretzel logic in order to represent the random acts of isolated mentally ill people as being endemic to White Culture...but when repeated assassinations are carried out by Radical Muslims yelling "Allah is Great", they cannot bring themselves to name the common denominator.

If it doesn't fit their narrative-programming, their synapses freeze.
Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.

You want one example or do you want an impossible example of EVERYTIME a black child gets murdered?
The post I was responding to said "you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered". I said false, you said I was a liar. Prove it, or admit you had a knee jerk reaction that wasn't fact based.

Oh so you want the impossible? Thats reasonable and shows you have a very valid point faggot
Hey, that was the the post. You decided to claim the impossible. Next time, think before reacting.

Stuck on the word everytime is a good dodge. I would hide there too if I were you
So, you're going with knee jerk?
Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

He's congenitally unable.

But go figure: The Progs twist up a complex pretzel logic in order to blame the random acts of isolated mentally ill people into being representative of White Culture...but when repeated assassinations are carried out by Radical Muslims yelling "Allah is Great", they cannot bring themselves to name the common denominator.

If it doesn't fit their narrative-programming, their synapses freeze.
Thread killer. Good post
I am on topic, you just want to avoid it like Grampa Murked just did

Not avoiding anything. I just clarified that white meth users and black cocaine users like drugs. You concluded, incorrectly, that I therefore believe white lives doesn't matter. One has nothing to do with the other.

I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.
Ha, it's so reversed at this point. If you observe Democrats and the Communist/Progressive Press, it's very clear they don't feel white lives matter. When a black or hispanic brutally murders a white person, CNN, NBC, and the NY Times don't seem to care much. It happens so often, it's not 'News' to them.

However, if a white person murders a black person, it's a 24/7 Race-Baiting frenzy for em. Ole Wolfboy Blitzer and Rachel Maddcow can't stop ranting & raving about it. It's all just a sad joke at this point. Some just love the Race-Baiting division. And we all know who they are. They're evil assholes who profit off it.
Not avoiding anything. I just clarified that white meth users and black cocaine users like drugs. You concluded, incorrectly, that I therefore believe white lives doesn't matter. One has nothing to do with the other.

I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.
Where is the pile of bodies dumbass? South Chicago or Olathe Kansas?
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

Thats the thing, white culture is culture to you is everything...negative.

So the history of racism from whites to you isnt a culture. Just a coinky dink OH BOY but sagging PANTS OMG OMG OMG is the result of Fatherless households or something totally unrelated.

Church murders are all throughout white history..but again, since nothing is culture for whites, whites can do it over and over and faggots like you will always claim its not about race...while you discuss things ONLY about blacks.
Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

Thats the thing, white culture is culture to you is everything...negative.

So the history of racism from whites to you isnt a culture. Just a coinky dink OH BOY but sagging PANTS OMG OMG OMG is the result of Fatherless households or something totally unrelated.

Church murders are all throughout white history..but again, since nothing is culture for whites, whites can do it over and over and faggots like you will always claim its not about race...while you discuss things ONLY about blacks.
You know how I know I'm right? You can't stop defending the indefensible
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, president of Senate Conservatives Fund, participated in a a panel Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” along with former South Carolina State Representative Bakari Sellers and addressed the resentment aimed at the saying “black lives matter.”

Although Democratic primary candidate former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) was booed and forced to apologize after he said in front of a group of “black lives matter” protesters that “all lives matter,” Sellers wanted everyone to know that an implicit “too” goes after the saying “black lives matter” and he explained that African-Americans saying “black lives matter” is them saying, “Stop killing us. We’re saying, ‘My life matters'” because he is “the only person at the table whose next interaction may cause them to be a hashtag.”

Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if black lives matter then why do so many blacks kill other blacks? Just more divisive rhetoric that emanates from the top on down. Stop killing each other at such high rates and stop aborting babies as a form of birth control.
And, yes, that's the first time I've heard the phrase "insulting to white people". Someone in politics or the televised media needs to say those words.

Some claim it's a cause specifically for victims of racism. Of course, we have different charity organizations designed to raise money for certain causes and we have organizations raising money for specific diseases. The fund for ALS doesn't claim that other diseases aren't as worthy, but they target that one. On the other hand, they don't get angry when people say all research is important.

It is true that most blacks are murdered by other blacks, but it's not about black lives. It's about fueling the race war by creating the illusion that most cops (most whites, for that matter) are racist.

All lives do matter and the people who get angry when someone says that are the real problem here. There are more white people shot by cops, but you don't hear about that much. You can look it up on the government statistic site. The left won't recognize that the vast majority of shootings by cops are completely justified. If you listen to the radical people pushing this, you would think all minorities shot by cops are innocent victims. We have minority liberal professors claiming that it should be illegal for any white person to shoot a minority under any circumstances and claims that white people bring on terror for blacks just for existing. Not sure how they want whites to atone for their skin color, but they are working on that right now.

Institutional racism should always be fought, but that hasn't existed for a long time. Laws favoring minorities are on the books and enforced. Bad part is that racism is assumed in most cases. You never hear about a minority being charged with a hate crime for killing a white person no matter how many racist names are screamed during the murder.

The left refers to Hispanics as brown people and forever cry racism when people want the border secured or illegal aliens to be deported. Only when a brown person named Zimmerman shot Martin did the left lump whites and Hispanics into the same group. They do whatever suits their agenda and usually that means dividing people into groups and making assumptions about how they think. That practice is the very definition of racism.
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

Thats the thing, white culture is culture to you is everything...negative.

So the history of racism from whites to you isnt a culture. Just a coinky dink OH BOY but sagging PANTS OMG OMG OMG is the result of Fatherless households or something totally unrelated.

Church murders are all throughout white history..but again, since nothing is culture for whites, whites can do it over and over and faggots like you will always claim its not about race...while you discuss things ONLY about blacks.
You know how I know I'm right? You can't stop defending the indefensible

You see a defense there?
I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.
Where is the pile of bodies dumbass? South Chicago or Olathe Kansas?

Are we only choosing two locations now? Is that your new way of focusing only on blacks.

White pile of bodies dont matter. Let Gramps get out his Abacus to see what equation totals "outrage"

Or white crimes vs black crimes?
Are you aware that the idiot poster you're buddying up with said in post 46 that 98% of these blacks killed by cops deserved it?

I wouldnt say they deserved it.
But they most definitely brought it on themselves.

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I" ...congratulations,your material is improving.

When you think it's a person's fault they were murdered by the cops for a misdemeanor resisting arrest,

you are scum.
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
'Black lives matter' is insulting?

I guess then that makes 'Black lives don't matter' politically correct from the RW's POV.

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