Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

I wouldnt say they deserved it.
But they most definitely brought it on themselves.

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I" ...congratulations,your material is improving.

When you think it's a person's fault they were murdered by the cops for a misdemeanor resisting arrest,

you are scum.

yes they are

they cheered death repeatedly in the last debates

they are the EVIL party of hate
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black..
How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
I draw the line at whatever the law says a cop can do, and hope that his training and behavior are appropriate in the heat of the moment.

If not, bingo bango, he should be punished accordingly.

I just don't assume that he's acting inappropriately, nor do I want his career and life to be destroyed when he's not found guilty, nor do I automatically group him with bad cops with the type of hyperbole and outright lies I been seeing for quite some time now.

Crazy, huh?

Again, making excuses for police brutality.

Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I" ...congratulations,your material is improving.

When you think it's a person's fault they were murdered by the cops for a misdemeanor resisting arrest,

you are scum.

yes they are

they cheered death repeatedly in the last debates

they are the EVIL party of hate

They now consider 'bad attitude' a capital crime and have delegated the police the authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner.
ANYBODY ELSE THINK THESE 2 LEFT-WING LOSERS are the perfect reps for their warped, dying race-baiting left-wing ideology?? ^^^
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black..
How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
I draw the line at whatever the law says a cop can do, and hope that his training and behavior are appropriate in the heat of the moment.

If not, bingo bango, he should be punished accordingly.

I just don't assume that he's acting inappropriately, nor do I want his career and life to be destroyed when he's not found guilty, nor do I automatically group him with bad cops with the type of hyperbole and outright lies I been seeing for quite some time now.

Crazy, huh?


So you agree with me. Ha. Stop ragging on people who agree with you then.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

Thats the thing, white culture is culture to you is everything...negative.

So the history of racism from whites to you isnt a culture. Just a coinky dink OH BOY but sagging PANTS OMG OMG OMG is the result of Fatherless households or something totally unrelated.

Church murders are all throughout white history..but again, since nothing is culture for whites, whites can do it over and over and faggots like you will always claim its not about race...while you discuss things ONLY about blacks.
You know how I know I'm right? You can't stop defending the indefensible

You see a defense there?
Yup. The defense of "I didn't see it so it doesn't exist"

Sadly it is a common defense among those who go through like with their heads up their own asses.
Again,making excuses for the scummiest dredges of our society..

I'm not making excuses for you. What gave you that idea?

Thats right up there with "I know you are but what am I" ...congratulations,your material is improving.

When you think it's a person's fault they were murdered by the cops for a misdemeanor resisting arrest,

you are scum.

yes they are

they cheered death repeatedly in the last debates

they are the EVIL party of hate

They now consider 'bad attitude' a capital crime and have delegated the police the authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner.

gets the latest conspiricy theories downloaded straight into his rectum by george soros ^^^^^^
Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.
Where is the pile of bodies dumbass? South Chicago or Olathe Kansas?

Are we only choosing two locations now? Is that your new way of focusing only on blacks.

White pile of bodies dont matter. Let Gramps get out his Abacus to see what equation totals "outrage"

Or white crimes vs black crimes?
Point to a city in America where whites are murdering whites by the dozens every week.
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black..
How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
I draw the line at whatever the law says a cop can do, and hope that his training and behavior are appropriate in the heat of the moment.

If not, bingo bango, he should be punished accordingly.

I just don't assume that he's acting inappropriately, nor do I want his career and life to be destroyed when he's not found guilty, nor do I automatically group him with bad cops with the type of hyperbole and outright lies I been seeing for quite some time now.

Crazy, huh?


So you agree with me. Ha. Stop ragging on people who agree with you then.
I'll do as I please.

And you somehow managed to ignore the sentence that begins "I just don't assume..."

Always fascinating to observe.

Oh its coming...I noticed you didnt say you condemn the white mans culture did you? Again, are you using a different metric or do you want to go on record saying that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture?

Go ahead, show me that hypocrite power!!

Please point to the white culture that led to the last two mass shootings. Hate groups are not a culture. They are a subset of morons.
Do you even know what culture is? I'm beginning to think you dont.

Also I find it quite NORMAL that you can't admit you were wrong.

Thats the thing, white culture is culture to you is everything...negative.

So the history of racism from whites to you isnt a culture. Just a coinky dink OH BOY but sagging PANTS OMG OMG OMG is the result of Fatherless households or something totally unrelated.

Church murders are all throughout white history..but again, since nothing is culture for whites, whites can do it over and over and faggots like you will always claim its not about race...while you discuss things ONLY about blacks.
You know how I know I'm right? You can't stop defending the indefensible

You see a defense there?
Yup. The defense of "I didn't see it so it doesn't exist"

Sadly it is a common defense among those who go through like with their heads up their own asses.

Do you also see anything in my statement that resembles the bolded? I can explain my words but I cant and wont defend what you THINK I mean when I say things.

Hey, but did you say that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture like you do blacks or not?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?

they are noting that person did something that led to his death

like grabbing a cops gun
because the thought of possibly going to jail for strong-arm roberry committed moments before was a bummer to them?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?

We spend billions training police to be better than that.
lots of Black people tell Black youths to pull their freaking pants up; or at least think they look ridiculous

is there a poit to all this comical left-wing race-baiting stupidity?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?

We spend billions training police to be better than that.

you mean you failed at that too??
Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.
Where is the pile of bodies dumbass? South Chicago or Olathe Kansas?

Are we only choosing two locations now? Is that your new way of focusing only on blacks.

White pile of bodies dont matter. Let Gramps get out his Abacus to see what equation totals "outrage"

Or white crimes vs black crimes?
Point to a city in America where whites are murdering whites by the dozens every week.

When I say more whites commit crimes why are you trying to compare cities instead of crimes?

This is another dodge where you pretend white people dont commit a bunch of crimes and you want to focus on blacks because black lives matter. Apparently those piles of white bodies dont matter unless someone can name a violent city or something.

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