Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?

they are noting that person did something that led to his death

like grabbing a cops gun
because the thought of possibly going to jail for strong-arm roberry committed moments before was a bummer to them?

Funny, but I don't see any gun grabbing going on here.

South Carolina police officer shoots black man in the back as he runs away video US news The Guardian

you must have not seen where that cop is being charged with murder too leftard

try again
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.


How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?

Thats why they always say someone "wasnt an angel" or wasnt "innocent" as a reason to why it was sorta ok for that person whoever he or she maybe to be abused.

What human is an angel?

they are noting that person did something that led to his death

like grabbing a cops gun
because the thought of possibly going to jail for strong-arm roberry committed moments before was a bummer to them?

Funny, but I don't see any gun grabbing going on here.

South Carolina police officer shoots black man in the back as he runs away video US news The Guardian

I like how your video doesnt show the three fights the cop and the suspect had that led up to the shooting.
Here's the bizarre ugly reality folks...

African Americans are committing crimes against Whites so often, the Communist/Progressive Media assholes don't even report on it anymore. They don't consider it 'Newsworthy.' So do white lives matter? Not to those assholes.
Yup. The defense of "I didn't see it so it doesn't exist"

Sadly it is a common defense among those who go through like with their heads up their own asses.

Do you also see anything in my statement that resembles the bolded? I can explain my words but I cant and wont defend what you THINK I mean when I say things.

Hey, but did you say that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture like you do blacks or not?
Trailer trash is trailer trash bro. Wannabes are wannabes. I bash white trash constantly. Just look at Matthew or shootspeeders or that dumbfuck with the monkey as president for an avatar. I mock them near daily.
My judgement goes both ways.
You on the other hand are just a race baiting pos.

What exactly you want me to say is beyond me.

Mock them? Why dont you assume their the result of white culture Mr. Not about Race? You seem really into mocking people when they are white and making leaps about the entire race when they are black Mr Not about race. How could that be?

I got Matthew to tone down his racist rhetoric. That's why dumbass. I TRY to help those that need help.
You on the other hand just bait everyone.

Why? Because you seem to jump to that conclusion when they are black but your Not about race routine runs out when you address whites. They are treated as individual dummies. Blacks, not so much Mr Credible

Wrong. I have tried to make a difference. I even got that idiot with the Obama monkey to change his avatar for awhile. And I received quite a bit of ridicule for it. I thought it was worth it to publicly humiliate him. I have put my money where my mouth is.
You on the other hand remain close minded & ignorant to the fact that your silence is basically a permission slip for the insanity to continue
Here's the bizarre ugly reality folks...

African Americans are committing crimes against Whites so often, the Communist/Progressive Media assholes don't even report on it anymore. They don't consider it 'Newsworthy.' So do white lives matter? Not to those assholes.

LOL...There goes those white people camp fire stories. Dont tell this guy to look up stats tho his poor heart wouldnt be able to take it
bask in the racism of the right

they HATE people of color

we arent the ones who enslaved black people with government dependency and victimhood ideology; told them their fathers didnt MATTER; only Uncle Sam and that check to mommy...etc

ur a clown
Do you also see anything in my statement that resembles the bolded? I can explain my words but I cant and wont defend what you THINK I mean when I say things.

Hey, but did you say that white people who dress bad are the product of white culture like you do blacks or not?
Trailer trash is trailer trash bro. Wannabes are wannabes. I bash white trash constantly. Just look at Matthew or shootspeeders or that dumbfuck with the monkey as president for an avatar. I mock them near daily.
My judgement goes both ways.
You on the other hand are just a race baiting pos.

What exactly you want me to say is beyond me.

Mock them? Why dont you assume their the result of white culture Mr. Not about Race? You seem really into mocking people when they are white and making leaps about the entire race when they are black Mr Not about race. How could that be?

I got Matthew to tone down his racist rhetoric. That's why dumbass. I TRY to help those that need help.
You on the other hand just bait everyone.

Why? Because you seem to jump to that conclusion when they are black but your Not about race routine runs out when you address whites. They are treated as individual dummies. Blacks, not so much Mr Credible

Wrong. I have tried to make a difference. I even got that idiot with the Obama monkey to change his avatar for awhile. And I received quite a bit of ridicule for it. I thought it was worth it to publicly humiliate him. I have put my money where my mouth is.
You on the other hand remain close minded & ignorant to the fact that your silence is basically a permission slip for the insanity to continue

Bitch I said you failed to make that about white culture and you keep coming back saying something else. Thanks for the confirmation. With a white person they are an individual...with black people its all blacks in general. They dont get the luxury from shit heads like yourself as being an individual.
Here's the bizarre ugly reality folks...

African Americans are committing crimes against Whites so often, the Communist/Progressive Media assholes don't even report on it anymore. They don't consider it 'Newsworthy.' So do white lives matter? Not to those assholes.

LOL...There goes those white people camp fire stories. Dont tell this guy to look up stats tho his poor heart wouldnt be able to take it

if you were a man you would produce stats that rebut it if you think it isnt true

i bet you white too. do you know any white people that go around phuking with black people?
Trailer trash is trailer trash bro. Wannabes are wannabes. I bash white trash constantly. Just look at Matthew or shootspeeders or that dumbfuck with the monkey as president for an avatar. I mock them near daily.
My judgement goes both ways.
You on the other hand are just a race baiting pos.

What exactly you want me to say is beyond me.

Mock them? Why dont you assume their the result of white culture Mr. Not about Race? You seem really into mocking people when they are white and making leaps about the entire race when they are black Mr Not about race. How could that be?

I got Matthew to tone down his racist rhetoric. That's why dumbass. I TRY to help those that need help.
You on the other hand just bait everyone.

Why? Because you seem to jump to that conclusion when they are black but your Not about race routine runs out when you address whites. They are treated as individual dummies. Blacks, not so much Mr Credible

Wrong. I have tried to make a difference. I even got that idiot with the Obama monkey to change his avatar for awhile. And I received quite a bit of ridicule for it. I thought it was worth it to publicly humiliate him. I have put my money where my mouth is.
You on the other hand remain close minded & ignorant to the fact that your silence is basically a permission slip for the insanity to continue

Bitch I said you failed to make that about white culture and you keep coming back saying something else. Thanks for the confirmation. With a white person they are an individual...with black people its all blacks in general. They dont get the luxury from shit heads like yourself as being an individual.

yawn; NO IT ISNT LWNJ; that is just the false narrative you were spoon-fed to regurgitate
What if all whites left America and just blacks controlled the whole country, would America be better?
Trailer trash is trailer trash bro. Wannabes are wannabes. I bash white trash constantly. Just look at Matthew or shootspeeders or that dumbfuck with the monkey as president for an avatar. I mock them near daily.
My judgement goes both ways.
You on the other hand are just a race baiting pos.

What exactly you want me to say is beyond me.

Mock them? Why dont you assume their the result of white culture Mr. Not about Race? You seem really into mocking people when they are white and making leaps about the entire race when they are black Mr Not about race. How could that be?

I got Matthew to tone down his racist rhetoric. That's why dumbass. I TRY to help those that need help.
You on the other hand just bait everyone.

Why? Because you seem to jump to that conclusion when they are black but your Not about race routine runs out when you address whites. They are treated as individual dummies. Blacks, not so much Mr Credible

Wrong. I have tried to make a difference. I even got that idiot with the Obama monkey to change his avatar for awhile. And I received quite a bit of ridicule for it. I thought it was worth it to publicly humiliate him. I have put my money where my mouth is.
You on the other hand remain close minded & ignorant to the fact that your silence is basically a permission slip for the insanity to continue

Bitch I said you failed to make that about white culture and you keep coming back saying something else. Thanks for the confirmation. With a white person they are an individual...with black people its all blacks in general. They dont get the luxury from shit heads like yourself as being an individual.
I smacked you square in the jaw. I practice what I preach. You're just a punk with a black chip on your shoulder.

Black lives only matter when the media and black race baiters can make a federal case of it and or get some money out of it.

See? Just ask the white boy. They know all about it
Do you see Sharpton and Jackson whining about the endless black on black deaths in Chicago,Baltimore etc? I don't. I only see them out race baiting when a cop shoots a thug.

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