Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Black lives only matter when the media and black race baiters can make a federal case of it and or get some money out of it.

See? Just ask the white boy. They know all about it
Do you see Sharpton and Jackson whining about the endless black on black deaths in Chicago,Baltimore etc? I don't. I only see them out race baiting when a cop shoots a thug.
That's because they too are thugs. White collar thugs. They make money as the thugs pimps.
Here's the bizarre ugly reality folks...

African Americans are committing crimes against Whites so often, the Communist/Progressive Media assholes don't even report on it anymore. They don't consider it 'Newsworthy.' So do white lives matter? Not to those assholes.

LOL...There goes those white people camp fire stories. Dont tell this guy to look up stats tho his poor heart wouldnt be able to take it

Happens so often, Communist/Progressive assholes don't consider it 'Newsworthy' anymore. Now, you got a white person harming a black person, you got your 24/7 Race-Baiting frenzy. CNN, NBC, NY Times are all over it. It's 'Big News' for them. Buncha Race-Baiter scumbags
What if all whites left America and just blacks controlled the whole country, would America be better?
fucking racists asshole

what is racist about this question?

not all white people hate black people like you do evil fuck

there are massive white populations who hate you too you fucking racists

the leftard doth protesteth too much!!
maybe he's guilty of something
Here's the bizarre ugly reality folks...

African Americans are committing crimes against Whites so often, the Communist/Progressive Media assholes don't even report on it anymore. They don't consider it 'Newsworthy.' So do white lives matter? Not to those assholes.

LOL...There goes those white people camp fire stories. Dont tell this guy to look up stats tho his poor heart wouldnt be able to take it

if you were a man you would produce stats that rebut it if you think it isnt true

i bet you white too. do you know any white people that go around phuking with black people?

Right, the stats show Black on White crime is far more frequent than White on Black crime. Blacks are harming white people much more than whites are harming black people. That's fact.
Mock them? Why dont you assume their the result of white culture Mr. Not about Race? You seem really into mocking people when they are white and making leaps about the entire race when they are black Mr Not about race. How could that be?

I got Matthew to tone down his racist rhetoric. That's why dumbass. I TRY to help those that need help.
You on the other hand just bait everyone.

Why? Because you seem to jump to that conclusion when they are black but your Not about race routine runs out when you address whites. They are treated as individual dummies. Blacks, not so much Mr Credible

Wrong. I have tried to make a difference. I even got that idiot with the Obama monkey to change his avatar for awhile. And I received quite a bit of ridicule for it. I thought it was worth it to publicly humiliate him. I have put my money where my mouth is.
You on the other hand remain close minded & ignorant to the fact that your silence is basically a permission slip for the insanity to continue

Bitch I said you failed to make that about white culture and you keep coming back saying something else. Thanks for the confirmation. With a white person they are an individual...with black people its all blacks in general. They dont get the luxury from shit heads like yourself as being an individual.
I smacked you square in the jaw. I practice what I preach. You're just a punk with a black chip on your shoulder.


I know, keep it up One day you'll find someone that says your leaps about all blacks being responsible for one is exactly the same as mocking one guy for his stupidity.
Not avoiding anything. I just clarified that white meth users and black cocaine users like drugs. You concluded, incorrectly, that I therefore believe white lives doesn't matter. One has nothing to do with the other.

I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.

I'm not ignoring anything, the topic relates to the phrase "black lives matter", I'm pointing out the ignorance of the liberal left regarding that phrase.

Blacks abort at three times the rate of whites. Sorry if these facts bother you.
Black lives only matter when the media and black race baiters can make a federal case of it and or get some money out of it.

See? Just ask the white boy. They know all about it
Do you see Sharpton and Jackson whining about the endless black on black deaths in Chicago,Baltimore etc? I don't. I only see them out race baiting when a cop shoots a thug.

Of course you dont because you cant see something you're not looking for.
I didnt conclude that I was just using the logic everyone here is using but when applied to white people you call it false logic. I agree its false logic thats the point. Thanks

Your logic is as a fucked up as your ideology.

Its funny that I used the same logic you had no problem with being used against blacks and NOW you're able to see its false logic. ONLY when I do it tho!!! You're a credible guy!

This is what I said about blacks in more detail and it had nothing to do with drug use.

Blacks aborting babies at three times the rate as whites and the black on black crime that is witnessed daily contradicts the notion that black lives matter.

Yeah you keep pointing out blacks and only blacks while complaining about whites being brought up.

Whites abort more actual babies than blacks. Just like they commit more actual crimes than blacks. Just like they use more actual drugs than blacks.

But in order to ignore this is the case you break out a calulator and tell us how averages means so much more than a pile of bodies.

I'm not ignoring anything, the topic relates to the phrase "black lives matter", I'm pointing out the ignorance of the liberal left regarding that phrase.

Blacks abort at three times the rate of whites. Sorry if these facts bother you.

It doesnt bother me but knowing that more actual bodies of aborted babies are white seems to make you talk about rates and stuff.
Black lives only matter when the media and black race baiters can make a federal case of it and or get some money out of it.

See? Just ask the white boy. They know all about it
Do you see Sharpton and Jackson whining about the endless black on black deaths in Chicago,Baltimore etc? I don't. I only see them out race baiting when a cop shoots a thug.

Of course you dont because you cant see something you're not looking for.

Then please show us where either Sharpton or Jackson is out speaking on behalf of black on black murders.

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