Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

I smacked you square in the jaw. I practice what I preach. You're just a punk with a black chip on your shoulder.


I know, keep it up One day you'll find someone that says your leaps about all blacks being responsible for one is exactly the same as mocking one guy for his stupidity.
I at least TRY to make a difference.

I said Mocking one white guy for the way he dresses is not the same as blaming the entire black race for styles of dress.

Your response: "At least I'm trying to make a difference" :rofl:
Now you're just making up shit. I've shoved your ridiculous point of view so far up your ass you can't think straight.
You got NOTHING BUT PERSONAL ATTACKS. Nothing. You're as empty headed as you claimed Palin to be.

And FYI I know not every black follows the thug gangster culture.

Yeah, the personal attack that you dont blame the white culture for one white but you do it for blacks. Right. Real personal, you want a tissue or will you respond with more unrelated bullshit?
You're not taking getting pwned very well
I know, keep it up One day you'll find someone that says your leaps about all blacks being responsible for one is exactly the same as mocking one guy for his stupidity.
I at least TRY to make a difference.

I said Mocking one white guy for the way he dresses is not the same as blaming the entire black race for styles of dress.

Your response: "At least I'm trying to make a difference" :rofl:
Now you're just making up shit. I've shoved your ridiculous point of view so far up your ass you can't think straight.
You got NOTHING BUT PERSONAL ATTACKS. Nothing. You're as empty headed as you claimed Palin to be.

And FYI I know not every black follows the thug gangster culture.

Yeah, the personal attack that you dont blame the white culture for one white but you do it for blacks. Right. Real personal, you want a tissue or will you respond with more unrelated bullshit?
You're not taking getting pwned very well

Your reverse psychology is lacking...try harder

Do black lives, indeed, matter?

Answer honestly nutbags. Simple yes or no.
Are you so slanted that you think some here believe black lives do not matter?

That is not an actual yes. A Yes or No please.
Are you another hateful leftist that thinks I and others here do not think black lives matter? Do you really think there are millions of Americans who think black lives do not matter? Answer the questions....please.

I know your leftist news sources teach to hate all who do not think like you. You really should get out more.
I at least TRY to make a difference.

I said Mocking one white guy for the way he dresses is not the same as blaming the entire black race for styles of dress.

Your response: "At least I'm trying to make a difference" :rofl:
Now you're just making up shit. I've shoved your ridiculous point of view so far up your ass you can't think straight.
You got NOTHING BUT PERSONAL ATTACKS. Nothing. You're as empty headed as you claimed Palin to be.

And FYI I know not every black follows the thug gangster culture.

Yeah, the personal attack that you dont blame the white culture for one white but you do it for blacks. Right. Real personal, you want a tissue or will you respond with more unrelated bullshit?
You're not taking getting pwned very well

Your reverse psychology is lacking...try harder

no it's working; nobody expected you to admit it
One problem is that that phrase is used with regard to cases where blacks were the perpetrators/criminals, not the victims, such as the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings. Martin was shot while he was violently assaulting a neighborhood watchman because he thought the watchman was gay (and this was after Martin had waited for at least 2 minutes out of sight at the "T" junction in the hope of assaulting the watchman, when Martin could have simply gone to his alleged destination), and Brown was shot after resisting arrest and then charging a police officer. When you apply "black lives matter" to two violent thugs whose conduct caused their own deaths, you are misusing and discrediting the phrase.
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black..
How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
I draw the line at whatever the law says a cop can do, and hope that his training and behavior are appropriate in the heat of the moment.

If not, bingo bango, he should be punished accordingly.

I just don't assume that he's acting inappropriately, nor do I want his career and life to be destroyed when he's not found guilty, nor do I automatically group him with bad cops with the type of hyperbole and outright lies I been seeing for quite some time now.

Crazy, huh?


So you agree with me. Ha. Stop ragging on people who agree with you then.
I'll do as I please.

And you somehow managed to ignore the sentence that begins "I just don't assume..."

Always fascinating to observe.


When have you ever heard me or anyone else around here say they wanted an innocent cop to be wrongly convicted of a crime?
I see the exact opposite. According to the Democrats and Communist/Progressive-dominated Media, it's white lives that don't matter. Whites are raped and murdered by blacks shockingly frequently. It happens so often, CNN, NBC, and the NY Times don't even consider it 'News.'


Can you name many liberals who believe that black guys who rape white women shouldn't be prosecuted for it?
If liberals care about justice for police officers, why have they been so slow to acknowledge the facts about the Michael Brown shooting? Even the Obama Justice Department concluded the credible evidence in the case supported Officer Wilson's account and discredited the tale told by Brown's accomplice. Yet, liberal talking heads still refer to Brown's death as a murder of an innocent man, and they still refer to Trayvon Martin as a "victim" when the evidence overwhelmingly shows that he was a violent thug who was shot while violently assaulting a neighborhood watchman who thought his involvement with Martin was over and was arranging to meet a police car in the housing area.

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