Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

I see the exact opposite. According to the Democrats and Communist/Progressive-dominated Media, it's white lives that don't matter. Whites are raped and murdered by blacks shockingly frequently. It happens so often, CNN, NBC, and the NY Times don't even consider it 'News.'


Can you name many liberals who believe that black guys who rape white women shouldn't be prosecuted for it?

Happens so often, Communist/Progressive Media Outlets like CNN, NBC, and NY Times, don't even consider it 'Newsworthy.' But oh boy, if a white person hurts a black person, the 24/7 Race-Baiter feeding-frenzy is on.

The reality is, Black on White crime is out of control. While at the same time, White on Black crime is almost nonexistent in today's America. It's about perspective. And you guys don't present reality and perspective. You've created this violent 'Open-Season On White People' environment. Shame on you.
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black..
How 'un-innocent' does a person have to be before it becomes excusable for the police to summarily beat him to a pulp, or even kill him?

Where do you draw that line?
I draw the line at whatever the law says a cop can do, and hope that his training and behavior are appropriate in the heat of the moment.

If not, bingo bango, he should be punished accordingly.

I just don't assume that he's acting inappropriately, nor do I want his career and life to be destroyed when he's not found guilty, nor do I automatically group him with bad cops with the type of hyperbole and outright lies I been seeing for quite some time now.

Crazy, huh?


So you agree with me. Ha. Stop ragging on people who agree with you then.
I'll do as I please.

And you somehow managed to ignore the sentence that begins "I just don't assume..."

Always fascinating to observe.

When have you ever heard me or anyone else around here say they wanted an innocent cop to be wrongly convicted of a crime?
In those precise words?


Do you have a link to this "out of control" stuff you're talking about or is it based more in feelings?
The PC Police want people to believe that blacks killed by (white) cops were absolutely innocent, just minding their own business, when they were mercilessly slaughtered for being black.

It's impossible to communicate with people who will stoop this low, and it surely doesn't heal anything.

But healing is not the goal for them.

I don't think they were innocent. I just don't think they were doing things that required the use of deadly or excessive force to deal with.

Deadly force they never would have used on a white person.
It just seems to me that the Blacks are not even a tenth as upset about blacks killing blacks as they are about blacks being killed by cops.

again. Blacks killing Blacks, someone gets prosecuted. They sometimes even prosecute the right guy, assuming the cops and prosecutors aren't corrupt or incompetent.

Cops killing Blacks, it gets swept under the rug unless someone happened to film it, and sometimes not even then.
Of course he did.

A lit cigarette can cause a lot of harm if thrown into your face.

Right. Her car, her right to have a cigarette. Sorry, man. The cop was out of line.

And he'll be thinking about it for years in prison, if a brother doesn't shank him in the lunch line.

no he wont leftard

that case is falling apart as we speak. you idiots never learn
Behave like a human being when interacting with police instead of trying to puff your chest like an animal. Problem solved....
Well, except for the fact that ya'll are exterminating each other over sneakers & other stupid shit.

Um Gramps, given your prison record, you are hardly one to complain about 'civilized' society.

By your own logic, the cops would have been perfectly justified in shooting you for whatever you went to prison for.
It just seems to me that the Blacks are not even a tenth as upset about blacks killing blacks as they are about blacks being killed by cops.

again. Blacks killing Blacks, someone gets prosecuted. They sometimes even prosecute the right guy, assuming the cops and prosecutors aren't corrupt or incompetent.

Cops killing Blacks, it gets swept under the rug unless someone happened to film it, and sometimes not even then.

why do you want innocent people to go to prison just because they are police officers?
he didn't do anything wrong; and he certainly isn't responsible for her suicide

Violation of her civil rights.
False Arrest
Filing a false police report

like they took the Trayvon martin and Michael brown case seriously?

how did those work out?

they didnt' take those cases seriously, which is why they will take this one seriously.
Of course he did.

A lit cigarette can cause a lot of harm if thrown into your face.

Right. Her car, her right to have a cigarette. Sorry, man. The cop was out of line.

And he'll be thinking about it for years in prison, if a brother doesn't shank him in the lunch line.

I don't think he was wrong asking her to put it out

A cigarette flicked into your face might make you see why he asked her to put it out
It just seems to me that the Blacks are not even a tenth as upset about blacks killing blacks as they are about blacks being killed by cops.

again. Blacks killing Blacks, someone gets prosecuted. They sometimes even prosecute the right guy, assuming the cops and prosecutors aren't corrupt or incompetent.

Cops killing Blacks, it gets swept under the rug unless someone happened to film it, and sometimes not even then.

You never think a cop killing someone is justified anyway
I don't think he was wrong asking her to put it out

A cigarette flicked into your face might make you see why he asked her to put it out

The cigarette was in the ashtray, not in her hand.

No, this guy was looking for an excuse to start a fight with her because she had the nerve to talk back to him...


The sad thing is, I don't think this is the first time this cop or this department has pulled shit like this.

We only know about it because the girl was so traumatized by this event she killed herself.

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