Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People


the idiotic Left; the ones who would step over the bodies of OVER SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE KILLED BY OTHER BLACK PEOPLE EACH YEAR, ON THE WAY DOWN TO THE "HANDS-UP, DONT SHOOT" demonstration/riot, just need a meme to keep them angry and full of phony self-righteous indignation, while they contine to avoid the honest debate on race in this country that they have avoided for DECADES, because the Jackass Party was too busy RACIAL PANDERING FOR VOTES

Let's not forget the millions of black babies carved up for body parts by Planned Parenthood.

only blacks ones? We're back to that again?

You're the ones who claim that only Black Lives Matter, bub.
The fallacy in that is that NOTHING can make everyone 100% safe.

They'll discuss traffic accidents only from blacks and determine that its black culture fault. Anything really they can use to say black people suck they'll run with it.

but but but....its not about race tho guys


There is absolutely no proof that they discuss only TRAFFIC ACCIDENT FROM BLACKS blah blah blah. This happens only in your feverish Prog worldview.

We're talking about drug use only for blacks, abortions only for blacks and crimes only against blacks. Not much of a stretch since you guys fight tooth and nail to avoid talking about white people peoblems
We have talked at length about the two latest white shooters. What more do you want? I think they should both be IMMEDIATELY hung in the public square.
I dare you to share that kind of honesty about the scumbags destroying your neighborhoods

Did I say talk about the shooters or did I say talk about the problems in your community? Maybe you believe that 2 guys was the sum total of whites problems! lol...
Whites shootin up the suburbs?

Just shut up

the idiotic Left; the ones who would step over the bodies of OVER SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE KILLED BY OTHER BLACK PEOPLE EACH YEAR, ON THE WAY DOWN TO THE "HANDS-UP, DONT SHOOT" demonstration/riot, just need a meme to keep them angry and full of phony self-righteous indignation, while they contine to avoid the honest debate on race in this country that they have avoided for DECADES, because the Jackass Party was too busy RACIAL PANDERING FOR VOTES

Let's not forget the millions of black babies carved up for body parts by Planned Parenthood.

only blacks ones? We're back to that again?

You're the ones who claim that only Black Lives Matter, bub.

Only? Hearing things again or is that your sensitive clitoris talking?
Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, president of Senate Conservatives Fund, participated in a a panel Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” along with former South Carolina State Representative Bakari Sellers and addressed the resentment aimed at the saying “black lives matter.”

Although Democratic primary candidate former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) was booed and forced to apologize after he said in front of a group of “black lives matter” protesters that “all lives matter,” Sellers wanted everyone to know that an implicit “too” goes after the saying “black lives matter” and he explained that African-Americans saying “black lives matter” is them saying, “Stop killing us. We’re saying, ‘My life matters'” because he is “the only person at the table whose next interaction may cause them to be a hashtag.”

Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if black lives matter then why do so many blacks kill other blacks? Just more divisive rhetoric that emanates from the top on down. Stop killing each other at such high rates and stop aborting babies as a form of birth control.
And, yes, that's the first time I've heard the phrase "insulting to white people". Someone in politics or the televised media needs to say those words.
Most on the right are truly ridiculous and clueless.
The truth is, not all lives matter, at least not that much. Case in point, tens of thousands die needlessly on the nation's highways every year. A large portion of those lives could be saved by simply reducing the maximum speed cars are able to move to say 50 kph. We don't do that, because we value moving people and things at high speeds more than we do the lives lost. All lives matter, until preserving them becomes inconvenient to us.

The fallacy in that is that NOTHING can make everyone 100% safe.

They'll discuss traffic accidents only from blacks and determine that its black culture fault. Anything really they can use to say black people suck they'll run with it.

but but but....its not about race tho guys
I think what people are saying boils down to this:


Christians, take care of the hypocrites who wail about homosexuals while carrying on affairs with your secretaries.
Muslims, take care of your murderous psychopaths. Americans and Jews are not out to destroy you.
White people, take care of your inability to see outside of the cul-de-sac. People who look different are people too, with their own hopes and dreams. You could make a friend now and then.
Black people, take care of the thug culture that demeans your women and destroys your families. When a cop approaches you, pull your pants up, be polite and don't run away. IOW, don't be an idiot.
Rich people, take care of your arrogance towards the rest of the world. You have it good, stop complaining.
Poor people, take care of your envy toward those who either lucked out or worked their butts off and have more than you do. Be happy with what you have.

And everybody. Be smart, stay in school, sit down, shut up and quit ruining my life!
They'll discuss traffic accidents only from blacks and determine that its black culture fault. Anything really they can use to say black people suck they'll run with it.

but but but....its not about race tho guys


There is absolutely no proof that they discuss only TRAFFIC ACCIDENT FROM BLACKS blah blah blah. This happens only in your feverish Prog worldview.

We're talking about drug use only for blacks, abortions only for blacks and crimes only against blacks. Not much of a stretch since you guys fight tooth and nail to avoid talking about white people peoblems
We have talked at length about the two latest white shooters. What more do you want? I think they should both be IMMEDIATELY hung in the public square.
I dare you to share that kind of honesty about the scumbags destroying your neighborhoods

Did I say talk about the shooters or did I say talk about the problems in your community? Maybe you believe that 2 guys was the sum total of whites problems! lol...
Whites shootin up the suburbs?

Just shut up

Where'd that question come from? I said problems in your community. I think you believe that all the problems come from the 2 latest shooters and talking about them is enough. LOL
Next the not about race crowd is going to eventually bring up fashion...only for blacks tho.
I already brought it up a couple posts back and I mentioned it ABOUT WHITE LOSERS. I'll leave you to condemn the blacks........

Ps. I won't be holding my breath

Sure you did....
Scroll back a couple pages dumbfuck

No thanks, Fool me once shame on you...I wont be fooled again
why does the right insist on hating black people?
To put it as simply as possible, and to make it as easy to understand as possible, they just don't.


the right is full of racists

you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered
That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

the idiotic Left; the ones who would step over the bodies of OVER SIX THOUSAND BLACK PEOPLE KILLED BY OTHER BLACK PEOPLE EACH YEAR, ON THE WAY DOWN TO THE "HANDS-UP, DONT SHOOT" demonstration/riot, just need a meme to keep them angry and full of phony self-righteous indignation, while they contine to avoid the honest debate on race in this country that they have avoided for DECADES, because the Jackass Party was too busy RACIAL PANDERING FOR VOTES

Let's not forget the millions of black babies carved up for body parts by Planned Parenthood.

only blacks ones? We're back to that again?

You're the ones who claim that only Black Lives Matter, bub.

Only? Hearing things again or is that your sensitive clitoris talking?

Your news channel broadcast it (and your post deserves a Trigger Warning for Condescending Misogyny):

Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, president of Senate Conservatives Fund, participated in a a panel Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” along with former South Carolina State Representative Bakari Sellers and addressed the resentment aimed at the saying “black lives matter.”

Although Democratic primary candidate former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) was booed and forced to apologize after he said in front of a group of “black lives matter” protesters that “all lives matter,” Sellers wanted everyone to know that an implicit “too” goes after the saying “black lives matter” and he explained that African-Americans saying “black lives matter” is them saying, “Stop killing us. We’re saying, ‘My life matters'” because he is “the only person at the table whose next interaction may cause them to be a hashtag.”

Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if black lives matter then why do so many blacks kill other blacks? Just more divisive rhetoric that emanates from the top on down. Stop killing each other at such high rates and stop aborting babies as a form of birth control.
And, yes, that's the first time I've heard the phrase "insulting to white people". Someone in politics or the televised media needs to say those words.
Most on the right are truly ridiculous and clueless.

you morons call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"
you got the guy who nominated your Messiah for a Nobel peace prize demoted because the world is on fire
saudia arabia and israel agree the iran nuclear deal is absurd; mortal enemies

and you call others clueless?

why does the right insist on hating black people?
To put it as simply as possible, and to make it as easy to understand as possible, they just don't.


the right is full of racists

you ugly fucks cheer every time a black child gets murdered
That is not only demonstrably false, its stupidity quotient ranks up there with the best of them.

Prove it. Show where anyone (besides Planned Parenthood officials) cheers every time a black child gets murdered. Go on, we'll wait.
Yeah like Tamir Rice that big fucking 11 year old had 2 whole seconds to stop and listen. Cops shot him dead. Thats the 11 year olds fault for looking at them angrily or something
That was tragic no doubt but not really relevant to my post. Children are just children and a bad cop or a good cop making a bad decision are not the reason your culture is rotting from the inside out.

It also isnt the reason why white people are rotting out either. But black lives matter more to you and thats why you cannot address the bullshit in your own community. Right? Right?
You are so afraid to face your own issues all you can do is point to others.
Protip: Billy Bob cookin meth in his trailer isn't the cause of your problems either. Billy Bob isn't shooting up Chicago, the Treyvons are.

Are you saying this while looking in the mirror? Or am I held to a different standard?
Hey dumbfuck.

YOU are the one defending the bullshit. If you don't wanna be the target stop defending the indefensible.

Me? When a white man commits crimes I condemn him. When he wears his pants around his ankles I condemn him. When he sings about rape & pillaging I condemn him.

That is the difference between you and me. I can judge the man in the mirror. You won't even look at him.
Here is ME referring to fashion about WHITES.

Your prediction of us talking about fashion for blacks came AFTER this post.

Keep grasping cc

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