Ken Starr Thinks Resignation Imminent

Ken Starr is in no position to say shit about impeachment......or anything else....ever

Why? Because he's a partisan Republican?

Because much too often our idiotic media is all too willing to rehab people who should have no place in our public discourse......if there is no real accountability for these people, the cycle repeats....

Just a week or so ago, Ken Starr was the one parroting the same Trumper theory of presidents being above the law, despite the fact this is the guy who headed the whitewater investigation.....and now since he says something you wish would happen, his opinion matters??

Understand that Starr will go right back to parroting the same GOP talking points again and you would be looking goofy for giving his opinion any merit...

Ask Ken Starr why he had to resign as president of Baylor University, ask him why he covered up sexual assaults for football players because you know, we gotta protect our football team....but this is the guy who switched his whole investigation from a land deal to worrying about who got his dick sucked...fuk Ken Starr....

Court filing claims Starr and other Baylor leaders helped student accused of sexual misconduct


Every one of your bullshit excuses has blown up
Keep telling yourself that at night...I know it helps you sleep.
No judge would proceed....but it's all the dems have and it's not going to get better for them.

The Dems keep saying this is the beginning of the end for Trump-Pence, but I think they will continue to say things clean to the end of the 2nd Jared Kushner administration.
From what would Ken Starr be resigning?

Hopefully the GOP.
Another hard core Republican under the bus huh?

He's an elitist that doesn't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans. He'd fit in perfectly with your Democratic masters.
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit
Just a week or so ago, Ken Starr was the one parroting the same Trumper theory of presidents being above the law, despite the fact this is the guy who headed the whitewater investigation.....and now since he says something you wish would happen, his opinion matters??

That's exactly WHY this is meaningful
Starr said "he didn't think so", so WTF is all the democrats optimism about?
Trump isn't going anywhere, no crime was committed.
If the democrats impeach Trump the Senate will make them regret that during the trail.
Imagine the witness list they could come up with: Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), the Bidens, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, the Ohrs, as many as they need to prove the deep state coup attempts against Trump.
Hopefully the GOP.
Another hard core Republican under the bus huh?

He's an elitist that doesn't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans. He'd fit in perfectly with your Democratic masters.
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit

The Elite- the Obamas, and Clintons and Soros and Warren Buffett hate Trump- because with them its about the power. The idea that the common people should have any say in this country is anathema to them. It isn't about the money, really, its about the power to tell others what to do.
Starr said "he didn't think so", so WTF is all the democrats optimism about?
Trump isn't going anywhere, no crime was committed.
If the democrats impeach Trump the Senate will make them regret that during the trail.
Imagine the witness list they could come up with: Schiff, Ciaramella (WB), the Bidens, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, the Ohrs, as many as they need to prove the deep state coup attempts against Trump.
He's priming the pump...
Ask Ken Starr why he had to resign as president of Baylor University, ask him why he covered up sexual assaults for football players because you know, we gotta protect our football team.

Ya mean the way Gym Jordan did?
Yes, exactly the same way Jordan did, but even worse....

And guess what, Ken Starr was and will again be parroting the same talking points Jim Jordan is.....

Here is what Ken Starr also said “He did nothing that sounds in the nature of a corrupt bargain,” Starr said. “. . . There were 17 people on the phone, including the Secretary of State, so the president was so open, and shall I say transparent, about it that that goes to his intent. There was no corrupt bargain, or attempt to achieve a corrupt bargain.”

The facts in the case have not changed much and Starr was still saying it wasn't anything wrong with what Trump all of a sudden he is wondering if Trump will resign? gtfoh….these people are clowns
Ask Ken Starr why he had to resign as president of Baylor University, ask him why he covered up sexual assaults for football players because you know, we gotta protect our football team.

Ya mean the way Gym Jordan did?

Powerful GOP politician accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse at Ohio State

At Ohio State, those who the late Dr. Strauss supposedly sexually abused were all grown men in the wrestling program and he was supposed to have done it for 20 years. Yet, none of these supposed victims ever gave Strauss a stone-cold stunner, and RKO or an F-5 when he acted inappropriately?

I have my doubts, really.

Ohio State men aren't innocent and defenseless children. No little doctor is going to pork them in the caboose unless they want it.
Ken Starr asks if GOP senators will ask Trump to resign.

Did you hear? GOP senators are thinking about asking Trump to resign.

I heard that a group of senators is at the white house now asking Trump to resign.

GOP senators have asked Trump to resign and he refused.

CNN breaking news. Republican senators plead with Trump to resign. He has security escort those senators from the white house.

This is how democommiecrats operate.
These hearings are so boring and trivial that 90% of all people have stopped watching. This is just a bullshit story trying to rekindle some of the interest.
These hearings are so boring and trivial that 90% of all people have stopped watching. This is just a bullshit story trying to rekindle some of the interest.

This is not going to help the Democrat Party with folks who are missing their soaps and their Price is Right because of this.

My mother is a bit petulant about this. Now she's no lib, but there are liberal gals who do keep up with their stories and are mighty po'ed over this witch hunt.
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

They have kept Pence pretty well isolated. And they would have zero reason to even attempt at deposing pence with so little time left in his presidency. They know he's unelectable on his own. The Reps would be too busy regrouping from the Rump era and getting ready for 2020 with a new Candidate who is hopefully a decent pick. Who knows, they might even win.
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

They have kept Pence pretty well isolated. And they would have zero reason to even attempt at deposing pence with so little time left in his presidency. They know he's unelectable on his own. The Reps would be too busy regrouping from the Rump era and getting ready for 2020 with a new Candidate who is hopefully a decent pick. Who knows, they might even win.

Who do you think the Republicans would nominate that would be able to actually win? Donald Jr. ? Eric? Jared?
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

They have kept Pence pretty well isolated. And they would have zero reason to even attempt at deposing pence with so little time left in his presidency. They know he's unelectable on his own. The Reps would be too busy regrouping from the Rump era and getting ready for 2020 with a new Candidate who is hopefully a decent pick. Who knows, they might even win.

The Democrats might have zero reason to try and depose Pence, but Pence would have almost no reason to stay either. Since he wouldn't be able to get anything done, why bother, why not just get on with his life's work?

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