Ken Starr Thinks Resignation Imminent

Hopefully the GOP.
Another hard core Republican under the bus huh?

He's an elitist that doesn't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans. He'd fit in perfectly with your Democratic masters.
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

They have kept Pence pretty well isolated. And they would have zero reason to even attempt at deposing pence with so little time left in his presidency. They know he's unelectable on his own. The Reps would be too busy regrouping from the Rump era and getting ready for 2020 with a new Candidate who is hopefully a decent pick. Who knows, they might even win.

The Democrats might have zero reason to try and depose Pence, but Pence would have almost no reason to stay either. Since he wouldn't be able to get anything done, why bother, why not just get on with his life's work?

True but hey at least he can say he was president of the US and that is some powerful elixir

But definitely Barr has to go as he is nothing but the presidents personal lawyer
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.

It was actually 1.5 trillion dumbass

And that cup of coffee most people got...yea well

How about the millions who got tax increases...hefty ones
Please Move this to The Flame Zone, Rubber Room, or some equally appropriate place.

Starr said that He did not think that would happen and that we are way far away from even thinking about that.

This is just flame bait.
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.

It was actually 1.5 trillion dumbass

And that cup of coffee most people got...yea well

How about the millions who got tax increases...hefty ones
Why no link?

Um, the vast majority of tax payers use the standard deduction, which Trump doubled.

Link to those millions who got a tax increase too.......
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

They have kept Pence pretty well isolated. And they would have zero reason to even attempt at deposing pence with so little time left in his presidency. They know he's unelectable on his own. The Reps would be too busy regrouping from the Rump era and getting ready for 2020 with a new Candidate who is hopefully a decent pick. Who knows, they might even win.

The Democrats might have zero reason to try and depose Pence, but Pence would have almost no reason to stay either. Since he wouldn't be able to get anything done, why bother, why not just get on with his life's work?

True but hey at least he can say he was president of the US and that is some powerful elixir

But definitely Barr has to go as he is nothing but the presidents personal lawyer

Pence could spend a week in office and still say he was President, briefly. And he would still get a pension, and a Presidential Library to work on.
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?
Might I be bold enough to suggest that if you insist on keeping your head up your fat lazy ass, you at least do yourself a favor and occasionally check for polyps. The impeachment hearings are a debacle for the Democrats. Of course you don't believe so because CNN and MSNBC tell you it looks bad for Trump. But remember, they promised for three years that Mueller was going to have Trump frog marched out of the WH in handcuffs and that they wouldn't cum in your mouth. Surely you learned your lesson and aren't that gullible anymore?
America should promise Trump to make his day of resignation a national holiday with parades and speeches galore; all lauding Trump, and his failed presidency. I think he would buy "TRUMP DAY" and Trump Day just might be the savior of America?
Another hard core Republican under the bus huh?

He's an elitist that doesn't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans. He'd fit in perfectly with your Democratic masters.
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.
Funny how when Obama signed a $858 billion tax cut in 2010, I don't recall you dick sucking future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When he extended the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2012-- I don't recall you dumb ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"..

When after that, he cut the payroll tax, I dont recall you idiotic future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When Obama again made permanent the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level, I don't recall you goofy ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

But when Trump gives 85% of a trillion dollar tax cut to the top 10% of people, suddenly you want to claim "My Daddy gave me a tax cut!!" --- when Trump then gave himself a special tax cut just because he happens to own a golf course, you goofy ass trumpers didn't say a word.....When those tax cuts exploded the deficit to where he has to once again borrow 1 trillion dollars for the second straight year, you trumpers didn't say shit....

When Trump had to lie before the 2018 midterms and claim he was passing a special middle class tax cut -- that was him admitting his tax cuts wasn't for you and me (unless you are rich) -- and when it came out he was lying about passing those middle class tax cuts -- you trumpers still aint said fuck what you saying now...

Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money
He's an elitist that doesn't give a damn about poor and middle-class Americans. He'd fit in perfectly with your Democratic masters.
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.
Funny how when Obama signed a $858 billion tax cut in 2010, I don't recall you dick sucking future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When he extended the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2012-- I don't recall you dumb ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"..

When after that, he cut the payroll tax, I dont recall you idiotic future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When Obama again made permanent the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level, I don't recall you goofy ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

But when Trump gives 85% of a trillion dollar tax cut to the top 10% of people, suddenly you want to claim "My Daddy gave me a tax cut!!" --- when Trump then gave himself a special tax cut just because he happens to own a golf course, you goofy ass trumpers didn't say a word.....When those tax cuts exploded the deficit to where he has to once again borrow 1 trillion dollars for the second straight year, you trumpers didn't say shit....

When Trump had to lie before the 2018 midterms and claim he was passing a special middle class tax cut -- that was him admitting his tax cuts wasn't for you and me (unless you are rich) -- and when it came out he was lying about passing those middle class tax cuts -- you trumpers still aint said fuck what you saying now...

Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money

Trump's record speaks for itself. Black unemployment is at an all-time low, he's the best President for African Americans since Honest Abe.
Democrats took a walk to the Clinton White House during the impeachment but it was to reassure the pervert that they wouldn't abandon him.
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?
Mr. Star spoke after hearing the lies this morning. This afternoon, when this ambassador history told the truth, a lot of people were confused why he didn't stick with his faerie tale that got the Democrats all excited.

Democrats have made huge bums of themselves this time.

Impeachment Hearing Day 4 Transcript - Gordon Sondland Testifies - Rev

Dan Goldman: (33:41)
So, let me break this down with you. By this time you, and many top officials, knew that that coveted White House meeting for President Zelensky was conditioned on these investigations, right?

Gordon Sondland: (33:55)
The announcement of the investigations, correct.

Dan Goldman: (33:56)
Thank you. And that includes Secretary Pompeo right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:01)
Many, many people.

Dan Goldman: (34:03)
And well, Secretary Pompeo?

Gordon Sondland: (34:04)

Dan Goldman: (34:05)
And acting chief of staff Mulvaney.

Gordon Sondland: (34:06)

Dan Goldman: (34:08)
And you testified that this was a quid pro quo, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:11)
I did.

Dan Goldman: (34:12)
And you, at this point by the end of August, knew that the aide had been held up for at least six weeks. Is that correct?

Gordon Sondland: (34:19)
I believe I found out through Ambassador Taylor that the aid had been held up around July 18th, is when I heard originally.

Dan Goldman: (34:28)
And even though you searched for reasons, you were never given a credible explanation, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:34)
That’s right.

Dan Goldman: (34:35)
And no one you spoke to thought that the aid should be held to your knowledge, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:41)
I never heard anyone advocate for holding the aid.

Dan Goldman: (34:45)
And now, by this point, at the end of August it went public and the Ukrainians knew about it. Right?

Gordon Sondland: (34:51)
I believe there was some press reports, you know, presuming or who knows, but I think at that point it became sort of common knowledge that everything might be tied together.

Dan Goldman: (35:02)
And in fact, President Zelensky brought it up at that September 1st meeting with Vice President Pence that you were at. Right?

Gordon Sondland: (35:08)
I don’t know if he brought it up specifically, but asked where the aid was I think was more … I think he sort of asked, again, very vague recollection because I don’t have a readout of the bilateral meeting, but why don’t I have my check, essentially?

Dan Goldman: (35:25)
And you understood the Ukrainians received no credible explanation, is that right?

Gordon Sondland: (35:31)
I certainly didn’t, couldn’t give them one.

Dan Goldman: (35:33)
So, is this kind of a two plus two equals four conclusion that you reached?

Gordon Sondland: (35:39)
Pretty much.

Dan Goldman: (35:41)
Is the only logical conclusion to you that, given all of these factors, that the aid was also a part of this quid pro quo?

Gordon Sondland: (35:48)
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?
Not gonna happen.

Trump would burn the country to the ground before he would ever resign. He does not have the class Nixon had. Not even close.

Actually, you have it half ass backwards. If Trump were to abdicate, and leave this nation to the mercy of Bolsheviks like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie, then our nation would be burned to the ground.

Donald J. Trump is the only factor saving the nation from chaos
you think TRUMP gives a crap about poor and middle class folks?

How stupid are you...

Of course President Trump cares about the common man. Why would he bother running for President in the first place and upset the Elite if he didn't?

Trump is the modern day version of Wat Tyler, bringing the Deplorables (in Tyler's day , they called them "peasants" or "villians" ) to the capital. Maybe the elitists will prevail over the people again, we will see.

But Donald J. Trump is one of the common people
How do you upset the elite when you give them a trillion dollar tax cut??

Why do you folks think Trump isn't nothing more than the same ole GOP president who blows up the deficit by giving huge tax cuts to the rich while demanding the middle class pay for it by having their medicare and social security cut...

The only thing you idiots like about Trump is that he says the quiet parts loud unlike his previous candidates....and by quiet parts, I mean he hates the same people you hate in the way you want to hate them, with insults and smears and depraved bull shit
Link to this "trillion dollar tax cut"?

Oh, and everyone got a tax cut, not just the rich. You need new lies.
Funny how when Obama signed a $858 billion tax cut in 2010, I don't recall you dick sucking future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When he extended the Bush tax cuts for the middle class in 2012-- I don't recall you dumb ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"..

When after that, he cut the payroll tax, I dont recall you idiotic future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

When Obama again made permanent the Bush tax cuts for those below a certain income level, I don't recall you goofy ass future trumpers cheering it and saying "Obama gave us a tax cut"

But when Trump gives 85% of a trillion dollar tax cut to the top 10% of people, suddenly you want to claim "My Daddy gave me a tax cut!!" --- when Trump then gave himself a special tax cut just because he happens to own a golf course, you goofy ass trumpers didn't say a word.....When those tax cuts exploded the deficit to where he has to once again borrow 1 trillion dollars for the second straight year, you trumpers didn't say shit....

When Trump had to lie before the 2018 midterms and claim he was passing a special middle class tax cut -- that was him admitting his tax cuts wasn't for you and me (unless you are rich) -- and when it came out he was lying about passing those middle class tax cuts -- you trumpers still aint said fuck what you saying now...

Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money

Trump's record speaks for itself. Black unemployment is at an all-time low, he's the best President for African Americans since Honest Abe.
Why didn't you say anything about black unemployment when Obama lowered by the greatest margin in US history??

Only a dumb ass like you think lowering something by 1% is more impressive than lowering it by 8%

This is why I have zero respect for what any of you dumb asses say....

Post a chart like this then come talk to me about unemployment....or else, shut the fuk up
Ken Starr On Fox: Will GOP Senators Ask Trump To Resign?

So will the Trump dead enders accept this if it happens?

Well if they follow the Nixon road map that is the way to go

Resign before it gets worse and then Pence can pardon him for any wrongdoing

Of course, I would expect that Pence would also quickly leave office as well. Might as well. If the libs had the votes to get rid of Trump, they also have them to get rid of Pence.

Nixon didn't do anything either but he was pardoned anyway by the VP who had become the President.

If Trump resign, Pence would become President

impeachment only removes Trump from office and has no meaning for Pence unless he was under investigation and he is not.

Pardon him for what? He didn't do anything.
Do you understand that impeachment does not remove a president? Only a conviction can do that.
Ken Starr concluded that Vince Foster did commit "suicide" in Ft. Marcy Park.

That is all anyone needs to know about the credibility of Ken Starr. Ken Starr is a TRAITOR, a ZIONIST TRAITOR.

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