Ken Starr You POS

But you knew the title was a lie. Which is why you posted it.

Yes I was wrong about the Maryland statute of limitations. But Kavaugh spent most of his early adulthood in Connecticut, where any such high school behavior would have continued.

And Connecticut does have a statue of limitations on felonies.

No, I knew it was false, that is WHY I posted Snopes about it, where they show that he was SUSPENDED, I knew all this YEARS ago!

I didn't claim he was disbarred at any time.

THINK fella!
Remember, McConnell scheduled the Kavanaugh hearings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Judge Kavanaugh and heard witness testimonies concerning his nomination to the Supreme Court over the course of a four-day hearing, September 4–7, 2018.

Both Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford testified before the Committee on September 27; the following day the nomination was forwarded to the full Senate on an 11–10 vote.

Then, on October 6, 2018, following a supplemental FBI investigation into the allegations, the Senate voted 50–48 to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Remember, McConnell scheduled the Kavanaugh hearings.

Remember, 3 months is more than "DAYS".
How come they don't file a CLASS ACTION lawsuit against Kavanaugh?

The statute of Limitations do not apply to sexual assault or rape in Maryland.

How come no one has ever filed a lawsuit against him?

Without evidence, how exactly would one go about filing a lawsuit?

Why exacrly do you think Brett Kavenaugh came up with the idea to go after Bill Clinton's sexual behaviour when they failed to find any corruption? Because Kavenaugh himself knew how vulnerable he would be if someone were to start digging around in his past.

When Kavenaugh blew up like a madman over the accusations in the Senate, and started berating and bullying the female Democratic Senators, I didn't see the righteous indignation of an innocent man. I saw an entitled asshole who thought the women were lucky to have had his attention. I was reminded of the woman who worked on for the Special Prosecutor's office who said out of the blue, Kavenaugh pushed her up against a wall outside a DC restaurant, until she fought back.

This asshole should NEVER have been elevated to the Supreme Court.
Non credible blather. A case that's been in the media like the Kavanaugh hearings is likely to find thousands of douchebags willing to perjure themselves.
May I point out how that applies to the election fraud allegations, that had the allegations actually given to, and read by federal judges.
Yet you think all the crazies claiming they saw cheating in the election are all completely honest. Imagine that.
There were thousands of people involved, moron, not just a couple. How could 4500 possibly have any personal knowledge of the events? It isn't physically possible. These people are obviously liars.

This creep is at the heart of the rot that has overtaken the GOP
For the record, I never criticized Bill Clinton for "cheating" on that nasty woman. They both had their women.

But Bill Clinton LIED UNDER OATH. Odd that a Democrat would pay any price for that though
Yet you think all the crazies claiming they saw cheating in the election are all completely honest. Imagine that.
The difference is the election fraud allegations were given to federal judges who read and evaluated them.

The senate never got to see them.
Without evidence, how exactly would one go about filing a lawsuit?

Why exacrly do you think Brett Kavenaugh came up with the idea to go after Bill Clinton's sexual behaviour when they failed to find any corruption? Because Kavenaugh himself knew how vulnerable he would be if someone were to start digging around in his past.

When Kavenaugh blew up like a madman over the accusations in the Senate, and started berating and bullying the female Democratic Senators, I didn't see the righteous indignation of an innocent man. I saw an entitled asshole who thought the women were lucky to have had his attention. I was reminded of the woman who worked on for the Special Prosecutor's office who said out of the blue, Kavenaugh pushed her up against a wall outside a DC restaurant, until she fought back.

This asshole should NEVER have been elevated to the Supreme Court.

You have NOTHING to show here but a lot of babble.

Ford named 4 people as witnesses, none of them under oath supported her including her long time friend.

Stop making a fool of yourself!
No, I knew it was false, that is WHY I posted Snopes about it, where they show that he was SUSPENDED, I knew all this YEARS ago!

I didn't claim he was disbarred at any time.

THINK fella!
They why the f*** did you post just the deceptive title.

You knew it was false, but you posted it without disclaimer or the disclaiming quotes.

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