Ken Starr You POS

The republicans ramrodded the nomination through in DAYS, with a process where investigations normally took months.

That's awful!!!

Why wasn't he investigated between 2003 and 2018?

Yet the Kavanaugh confirmation couldn't wait 2 weeks for a thorough investigation.

He was nominated on July 9th. Confirmed on October 6th.
Almost 3 months.

Remember, McConnell scheduled the Kavanaugh hearings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Judge Kavanaugh and heard witness testimonies concerning his nomination to the Supreme Court over the course of a four-day hearing, September 4–7, 2018.

Both Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford testified before the Committee on September 27; the following day the nomination was forwarded to the full Senate on an 11–10 vote.

Then, on October 6, 2018, following a supplemental FBI investigation into the allegations, the Senate voted 50–48 to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.
How many calls were about beer?

The senate was working in the dark, because the FBI didn't bright evidence to them for their consideration.

Who stopped people from coming forward with evidence?
They thought they had come forward with their evidence.
Remember, McConnell scheduled the Kavanaugh hearings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee questioned Judge Kavanaugh and heard witness testimonies concerning his nomination to the Supreme Court over the course of a four-day hearing, September 4–7, 2018.

Both Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford testified before the Committee on September 27; the following day the nomination was forwarded to the full Senate on an 11–10 vote.

Then, on October 6, 2018, following a supplemental FBI investigation into the allegations, the Senate voted 50–48 to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Its amazing that the democrats on the judicial committee couldn't come up with a coherent provable case against Kavanaugh when they had a wide open chance.

Ford REFUSED to give the FBI evidence over part of her testimony she made.

Tips are not evidence, but allegations, surely that was obvious.

It was more than that. She created this story like it happened in this day and age.

According to that pig, after the supposed assault, she ran out of the house past several other party goers. When asked, she said she can't remember who she called for a ride or where she was at. Now wait a minute. I'm just a couple years older than Ford, and I can tell you back then, nobody had cell phones, especially kids.

That means in order to call somebody, she either had to go to a neighbors house or a pay phone at the time. To get somebody to pick her up, she would have had to give her location. Not once did she mention where she placed this phone call at. Furthermore we did not have electronic address books at the time. She either knew the number of the person by heart, or had to have a physical address book in her purse to look up a phone number.

She doesn't remember all of that?
Christine Blasey Ford told Congress on Thursday that she believes Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had tried to rape her when they were at a gathering of teenagers at a Maryland home when they were in high school in the early 1980s, according to prepared testimony released Wednesday evening"

bolding mine
Kavaugh had many accusers from his days in college in connecticut that were never heard from.
Do you think his high school behavior was limited to high school?
Need I mention the Trump election fraud allegations? That the courts actually looked at, unlike the FBI reports that got buried by the white house legal counsels office.
No one looked at the election fraud evidence, liar.
Kavaugh had many accusers from his days in college in connecticut that were never heard from.
Do you think his high school behavior was limited to high school?

You are now embarrassing yourself here, you were wrong, get over it!
If you don't like that link, then Google one for yourself. There are lots of them
It was more than that. She created this story like it happened in this day and age.

According to that pig, after the supposed assault, she ran out of the house past several other party goers. When asked, she said she can't remember who she called for a ride or where she was at. Now wait a minute. I'm just a couple years older than Ford, and I can tell you back then, nobody had cell phones, especially kids.

That means in order to call somebody, she either had to go to a neighbors house or a pay phone at the time. To get somebody to pick her up, she would have had to give her location. Not once did she mention where she placed this phone call at. Furthermore we did not have electronic address books at the time. She either knew the number of the person by heart, or had to have a physical address book in her purse to look up a phone number.

She doesn't remember all of that?

Meanwhile the 4 witnesses she named including her long time friend all deny it happened under oath.

Thus no credibility at all.

Snopes posted that title you IDIOT!, I posted the link to it, that was it.

But you knew the title was a lie. Which is why you posted it.

You have been wrong too many times here in the thread........

You were wrong about the Maryland statutes.

Yes I was wrong about the Maryland statute of limitations. But Kavaugh spent most of his early adulthood in Connecticut, where any such high school behavior would have continued.

And Connecticut does have a statue of limitations on felonies.
Meanwhile the 4 witnesses she named including her long time friend all deny it happened under oath.

Thus no credibility at all.


Yeah, kind of like she stalled the Senate for a week because she was afraid to fly. When she finally got there and was asked how she transported, she told them she flew there. Later her ex-boyfriend said how they used to go flying all the time in those little prop planes in Hawaii. She is a typical leftist, a born liar.

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