Kennedy Assassination Question

If the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSDB, struck the back of President Kennedy's head at a downward angle, where is the exit wound that would be in his face???

He was shot in the temple (just like Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff shows after talking to the Parkland doctors)


And the back of his head was blown out, just like Dr. McClelland shows in the sketch he drew and the picture, along with about 20 other Parkland doctors, nurses and medical assistants saw.


ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD: "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." (WC--V6:33)


it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
newton laws does not apply nice try though

Trajectory of CE399 according to some critics. Trajectories such as this one gave rise to the term "magic bullet

Trajectory of CE399 according to modern analysis. Note relative positions of seats.

Discovery Channel's reenactment of bullet CE 399's path

A Discovery Channel special, Unsolved History: JFK — Beyond the Magic Bullet, attempted to replicate as well as possible the conditions of that day. The participants set up blocks of ballistics gel with a substance similar to human bone inside. These studies showed that it was possible to produce largely undeformed bullets, if they were slowed by a passage through a tissue-like substance before striking bone.

Next, two mannequin figures made of ballistic anatomical substances (animal skin, gelatin, and interior bone-like cast) were set up in the exact relative position of JFK and Connally. A marksman fired the same rifle model found in the Book Depository from a distance equal to that of the sixth floor of the Book Depository building, using a round from the same batch of Western Cartridge Company 6.5x52 mm ammunition purchased with the surplus Carcano weapon in early 1963. The path of their single bullet (followed by high speed photography) duplicated, almost exactly, the wounds suffered by the victims that day, the only difference being that the bullet did not quite have enough energy to penetrate the "thigh" substance in front of the Connally figure, because it struck an extra bone in the "rib" model (i.e., it fractured 2 ribs in the model vs. one rib in Connally). It was also slightly more deformed than CE 399, possibly for the same reason. However, this bullet came close to duplicating all wounds in both men with a single shot, with a bullet having little deformation.[75
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Draw your own conclusions then

Based on your evidence....where did the shot come from?

The trunk of JFKs car?

The only wound that matches a shot from the TSBD is Connolly's. The wound in the President's neck was an entry wound. The wound in his back was shallow and at a steep angle and did not exit into his plural cavity. The fatal head wound came from the front right (knoll/overpass area). There was a hole in the windshield, a ding in the top of the side window frame. There could have been as many as 10 shots in "a flurry of shells come into the car" that agent Roy Kellerman testified about.

My approach, as I as said before is not to create conspiracies. I am not smart enough to know who killed the President. But I do know that the Warren Report is a sham, and the single bullet theory is false, thus, there was more than one gunman.

Dont recall the hole in the windshield. The glass should have been all over the driver and passengers.
The Assassination Chronicles Vol. 1. Issue 4 Winter '95

(not all photos are included in this reproduction.)

Best Witness: JFK's Limousine

Anthony Marsh

The best witness to the JFK assassination was the Presidential limousine.

As other JFK researchers have pointed out, eyewitness testimony can be unreliable. Witnesses can be confused, lie, misremember events, or can be susceptible to suggestion. The damage to the limousine tells a story of its own, an accurate and truthful account of the events in Dealey Plaza.
One of the most important points of damage to the limousine was the dent of the chrome topping above the windshield. Was it caused by a direct hit of a bullet or a bullet fragment? Six Seconds in Dallas, (footnote 16 of chapter 5) cites a letter from Chief of the Secret Service James Rowley, who claimed that the dent was caused way in November 1, 1961, by routine maintenance. The Warren Report was ambiguous about the dent. It appears that the Warren Commission did not attempt to examine any photographs to determine if the chrome topping was undented before the assassination. They might have examined several photographs which could have resolved the issue. Many photographs and films were taken in Dealey Plaza before the shooting started. Several were taken at Love Field which showed the limousine in its pristine condition, such as the one by Tom Dillard (Figure 1). JFK Lancer - President John F. Kennedy Assassination Latest News and Research
The President's neck wound was an entry wound, and the fatal head shot came from the front, threw the President's head against the trunk lid and his wife climbed out on the trunk to retrieve part of his skull. The back of the President head was blown out, it was an exit wound.
Isn't it amazing that they can't even see something as obvious as this? · · :cuckoo:
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.
This here is consistent:
The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion | heshamtillawi

And they do it throught shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco!!

The proof:

[ame=]Obama's Reptillian Shapeshifting Alien BodyGuard!!! 2013!! NEW - YouTube[/ame]

Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.
This here is consistent:
The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion | heshamtillawi

And they do it throught shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco!!

The proof:

[ame=]Obama's Reptillian Shapeshifting Alien BodyGuard!!! 2013!! NEW - YouTube[/ame]

what a lack of balls, a computer generated voice, unless of course it's a farce.
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.
This here is consistent:
The Israeli Occupation of America: How Israel Gained Control of American Foreign Policy and Public Opinion | heshamtillawi

And they do it throught shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco!!

The proof:

[ame=]Obama's Reptillian Shapeshifting Alien BodyGuard!!! 2013!! NEW - YouTube[/ame]


WOW, you have really proven that you are an intellectual lightweight. No turning back now.

And they do it throught shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco!!

The proof:

[ame=]Obama's Reptillian Shapeshifting Alien BodyGuard!!! 2013!! NEW - YouTube[/ame]


WOW, you have really proven that you are an intellectual lightweight. No turning back now.
really? spewing conspiracy nonsense is the bottom feeding of intellectuality.
it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
newton laws does not apply nice try though

Trajectory of CE399 according to some critics. Trajectories such as this one gave rise to the term "magic bullet

Trajectory of CE399 according to modern analysis. Note relative positions of seats.

Discovery Channel's reenactment of bullet CE 399's path

A Discovery Channel special, Unsolved History: JFK — Beyond the Magic Bullet, attempted to replicate as well as possible the conditions of that day. The participants set up blocks of ballistics gel with a substance similar to human bone inside. These studies showed that it was possible to produce largely undeformed bullets, if they were slowed by a passage through a tissue-like substance before striking bone.

Next, two mannequin figures made of ballistic anatomical substances (animal skin, gelatin, and interior bone-like cast) were set up in the exact relative position of JFK and Connally. A marksman fired the same rifle model found in the Book Depository from a distance equal to that of the sixth floor of the Book Depository building, using a round from the same batch of Western Cartridge Company 6.5x52 mm ammunition purchased with the surplus Carcano weapon in early 1963. The path of their single bullet (followed by high speed photography) duplicated, almost exactly, the wounds suffered by the victims that day, the only difference being that the bullet did not quite have enough energy to penetrate the "thigh" substance in front of the Connally figure, because it struck an extra bone in the "rib" model (i.e., it fractured 2 ribs in the model vs. one rib in Connally). It was also slightly more deformed than CE 399, possibly for the same reason. However, this bullet came close to duplicating all wounds in both men with a single shot, with a bullet having little deformation.[75

Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newton's law ALWAYS applies. You are trying to change the subject of the fatal head wound to the phony single bullet.
The only wound that matches a shot from the TSBD is Connolly's. The wound in the President's neck was an entry wound. The wound in his back was shallow and at a steep angle and did not exit into his plural cavity. The fatal head wound came from the front right (knoll/overpass area). There was a hole in the windshield, a ding in the top of the side window frame. There could have been as many as 10 shots in "a flurry of shells come into the car" that agent Roy Kellerman testified about.

My approach, as I as said before is not to create conspiracies. I am not smart enough to know who killed the President. But I do know that the Warren Report is a sham, and the single bullet theory is false, thus, there was more than one gunman.

Dont recall the hole in the windshield. The glass should have been all over the driver and passengers.
The Assassination Chronicles Vol. 1. Issue 4 Winter '95

(not all photos are included in this reproduction.)

Best Witness: JFK's Limousine

Anthony Marsh

The best witness to the JFK assassination was the Presidential limousine.

As other JFK researchers have pointed out, eyewitness testimony can be unreliable. Witnesses can be confused, lie, misremember events, or can be susceptible to suggestion. The damage to the limousine tells a story of its own, an accurate and truthful account of the events in Dealey Plaza.
One of the most important points of damage to the limousine was the dent of the chrome topping above the windshield. Was it caused by a direct hit of a bullet or a bullet fragment? Six Seconds in Dallas, (footnote 16 of chapter 5) cites a letter from Chief of the Secret Service James Rowley, who claimed that the dent was caused way in November 1, 1961, by routine maintenance. The Warren Report was ambiguous about the dent. It appears that the Warren Commission did not attempt to examine any photographs to determine if the chrome topping was undented before the assassination. They might have examined several photographs which could have resolved the issue. Many photographs and films were taken in Dealey Plaza before the shooting started. Several were taken at Love Field which showed the limousine in its pristine condition, such as the one by Tom Dillard (Figure 1). JFK Lancer - President John F. Kennedy Assassination Latest News and Research

You'd figure they'd mention a hole in the windshield...strange that you only get that information on Internet message boards.
someone farted in here.:lol: the trolls handlers are getting worried the truth is being posted thats why they are sending their agents like candyass,dawgshit and rightwinger out in full force now.:lol:
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Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.

anyone who thinks oswald shot kennedy is a complete idiot or a disinformation agent troll like rightwinger.The facts are overwhelming that oswald was innocent and there were many forces behind his assassination.these are the facts the lone nut theorists cant get around that exonerate oswald and prove he was innocent and there was a conspiracy that nobody has ever been able to debunk.

cause again,like i said,not ONE SINGLE lone nut theorist has even attempted to debunk these facts below.all they say is they believe oswald did it without showing any evidence that supports their belief that hasnt been shreadded to pieces.Here again are the facts below that prove there was a conspiracy and oswald was innocent that the lone nut theorists all refuse to address cause they know they cant counter them. your just afraid of the truth, been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and only see what you WANT to see which is why you will ignore all these facts as we both know.there were many people who came forward who gave versions different than the governments who wound up dying in mysterious deaths.

2.some witnesses to the tippet shooting reported seeing TWO men fire at tippet and their descriptions did not fit oswald.neither did the descrptions of the few witnesses who said they saw oswald in the 6th floor window.matter of fact,a film taken of the event that was focused on the 6th floor window,shows TWO figures moving around.

3.oswald was sure nonchalent about getting in position and getting up there to shoot the president in the fact that his limo was suppose to arrive at 12:20 where a witness in the book depository said she saw oswald at 12:25 in the second floor room drinking a coke and the limo was running late and did not arrive till 12:30 TEN MINUTES LATE!!. so oswald is all of a sudden a psychic and knows Jfk is going to run late all of a sudden? your funny.

4.witnesses claimed the warren commission altered many of their testimonys,a crime itself that the commission members should have all gone to jail for:yep,no conspiracy there.
the most important one they altered was sandra stiles and another girl who gave testimony they were walking down the stairs in the same timeframe the commission said oswald went down the later years after refusing to admit their time frame was wrong,they received harrassment by the police and eventually changed their names and address to get away from that harrassment.

6.witnesses that were there that day have come forward years later identifying themselves in the photos that they were there that day saying they saw a rifleman behind the picket fence.they kept quiet because of all the people who started dying who gave versions different than the governments.they are old and no longer afraid of them anymore and they are talking.Plus Grodens book THE KILLING OF A PRESIDENT indeed shows a pic of a rifleman behind the picket cant find it on the computer but its in that book.

7.many photographer experts have concluded the zapruder film has been altered which is why you dont see Greer the driver who had connections to to the CIA,turn around and fire the fatal head shot to the head. some of the surgeons said that the bullet that killed him came from a HANDGUN shot at close range so the driver indeed did it.the man behind the picket fence was a diversion to get everyones attention away from him.

8.they have also concluded the autopsy photos were altered as well.

9 at least two days before the assassination,Rose Cheramie,a lady whom a highway police officer found off to the side of the highway dumped from a car in Lousiana,was taken into a hospital and told the doctors while she was still awake before they sedated her,that there was a plot of MEN traveling to dallas to kill Kennedy.the doctors did not take her seriously since they found her to be on drugs but after the assassination,they then took her serious and notified the dallas police and of course she later on died mysteriously after that.How conveinient for the warren commission,yep no conspiracy there.

10.all the dallas doctors said the head wound and neck wound were both ENTRANCE wounds. clearly dont know anything at all about the laws of physics since a persons head goes FORWARD if shot from behind.Not ony have many people come on before and posted in the JFK section saying they are hunters and have never seen an animals head go backwards when shot from behind,but an experienced sniper from vietnam who had several DOZEN of sniper kills and was one of the most highly decorated,wrote a book about it as well saying he has never seen a mans head go backwards after shooting them from behind.

12.oh and this photo clearly shows this marine sniper and myself unlike you people who are in denial and have been brainwashed by the media,know what we are talking about in the fact his head is going forward after being shot from behind as well.the proof is in the pudding.

13.finally, the hughes film which was taken in dealy plaza by cant remember his first name but last name was Hughes,his film was focused on the alleged 6th floow window and close up photos that have been shown at seminars in dallas over the years show closeups taken seconds before,during,and after the shooting and there is NOBODY in that window!!!!!!

Now if you were saying he was PART of a conspiracy,you would have a case because of these facts below of unnaccountable bullets found at the scene and photographed but as I just proved,that falls apart as well cause of the testimony of the two ladies going down the stairs in the same timeframe the warren commission said oswald went down.

14.these are the facts you cant get around that there WAS a conspiracy.

love the logic of the lone nut theorists.the warren commission was so biased of an investigation its a sick joke It doesnt even touch on many key facts such as several of the witnesses testimony were altered by the warren commission,itself an illegal act,or the many unnaccountable bullets found that day like an entrance shot to the windshield that forensic officers said was an indeed an entrance shot,or the bullet photographed in the doorframe,or the one on the curb that was replaced two days later and plastered over with,or the one on the street marked by an officer,and the one in the street sign seen in the zapruder film that witnesses saw which was taken down and replaced a day later, or the one where a police officer is seen picking it up one off the grass and putting it in his pocket and walking away with it illegally removing evidence

and according to two women, they altered the testimony of two theirs of having gone down the same stairway the warren commission said oswald went down during the same timeframe.altering their timeframe they gave.

again they altered many witnesses testimony.a crime itself.

you all are also ignorant of the testimony of Rose Cherimae, whom you see in the beginning of the film JFK she was a woman found on the side of a highway in Louisiana by a highway patrol officer who was taken to a hospital and told doctors a couple days before the assassination that there was a plot to kill kennedy.that there were MEN traveling to dallas to kill kennedy.they did not take her serious at first because she was found to be on drugs, but after the assassination,they then took her seriously and called the dallas police,and how conveinent for the government that she ended up dying mysteriously after that.

many witnesses who came forward and gave testimony that did not fit the governments version of events ended up dying fact,some witnesses kept quiet for many years because they were afraid of winding up as mysterious deaths if they camer forward and talked about a gunman they saw firing a rifle behind the picket fence.Now they are old and close to death so they dont care anymore and are no longer afraid.

you lone nut theorists have no answers for any of these facts.

So, if what you're claiming is true, and you are the "expert" you claim to be on the Kennedy shooting, why haven't you proven this for all the world to plainly see and the crime solved? I think you're blowing smoke, and calling me names doesn't change my mind on the event nor does it strengthen your case.

your funny.It HAS been proven for all the world to see.aagin its not my faault you only see what you WANT to see and ignore all these facts.what cracks me up about you lone nut theorists is you guys are so dense you dont even seem to realise even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even concluded the warren commission was wrong and that there was a second shooter but was unable to locate him.:lol: thats funny you claim I am blowing smoke when you cant refute the facts listed there or the ones in that video I posted that proves all this to be true and Bushs complicity,comedy gold.:lmao::
Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
newton laws does not apply nice try though

Trajectory of CE399 according to some critics. Trajectories such as this one gave rise to the term "magic bullet

Trajectory of CE399 according to modern analysis. Note relative positions of seats.

Discovery Channel's reenactment of bullet CE 399's path

A Discovery Channel special, Unsolved History: JFK — Beyond the Magic Bullet, attempted to replicate as well as possible the conditions of that day. The participants set up blocks of ballistics gel with a substance similar to human bone inside. These studies showed that it was possible to produce largely undeformed bullets, if they were slowed by a passage through a tissue-like substance before striking bone.

Next, two mannequin figures made of ballistic anatomical substances (animal skin, gelatin, and interior bone-like cast) were set up in the exact relative position of JFK and Connally. A marksman fired the same rifle model found in the Book Depository from a distance equal to that of the sixth floor of the Book Depository building, using a round from the same batch of Western Cartridge Company 6.5x52 mm ammunition purchased with the surplus Carcano weapon in early 1963. The path of their single bullet (followed by high speed photography) duplicated, almost exactly, the wounds suffered by the victims that day, the only difference being that the bullet did not quite have enough energy to penetrate the "thigh" substance in front of the Connally figure, because it struck an extra bone in the "rib" model (i.e., it fractured 2 ribs in the model vs. one rib in Connally). It was also slightly more deformed than CE 399, possibly for the same reason. However, this bullet came close to duplicating all wounds in both men with a single shot, with a bullet having little deformation.[75

Single bullet theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newton's law ALWAYS applies. You are trying to change the subject of the fatal head wound to the phony single bullet.
no just point out the massive holes (pun intended ) in your fiction.
btw it's the third law that's most applicable: Third law: When a first body exerts a force F1 on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force F2 = −F1 on the first body. This means that F1 and F2 are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
but only a little.
If the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSDB, struck the back of President Kennedy's head at a downward angle, where is the exit wound that would be in his face???

He was shot in the temple (just like Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff shows after talking to the Parkland doctors)


And the back of his head was blown out, just like Dr. McClelland shows in the sketch he drew and the picture, along with about 20 other Parkland doctors, nurses and medical assistants saw.


ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD: "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." (WC--V6:33)


it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

this spells it out for the lone nut theorists dummies style as best as you can.somehow all these experts doctors views seem to escape the deniars like black dog who is not a paid troll like dawgshit,candyass and rightwinger,just in denial and only sees what he wants to see.
it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

this spells it out for the lone nut theorists dummies style as best as you can.somehow all these experts doctors views seem to escape the deniars like black dog who is not a paid troll like dawgshit,candyass and rightwinger,just in denial and only sees what he wants to see.
JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids

Bogus Buff Ballistics

In any normal murder case, evidence as strong as the firearms evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald would virtually guarantee conviction. Thus writers wanting to get Oswald off the hook have to explain how this apparently very strong evidence doesn't really show the guilt of their boy Lee.
To make their case, the conspiracy authors have to invent a number of "principles" that sound plausible, but in fact are contrary to what real ballistics experts know to be true. Let's look at some of these.
Factoid: Damage to the windshield of the presidential limo indicated it had been hit from the front, and not from a bullet fired from behind.
In fact, the evidence indicates that the windshield was hit by a fragment from behind.

Factoid: The bullet fired at General Walker was a "steel-jacketed" bullet, and could not have been fired from Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.
The bullet matched Oswald's rifle in "class characteristics," and therefore could well have been fired from his rifle. However the bullet was badly mangled, and no positive identification was possible.

Factoid: The rifle recovered on the sixth floor of the Depository was in fact a Mauser, and not a Mannlicher-Carcano, such as Oswald owned.
The recovery of the rifle was filmed by Tom Alyea of WFAA-TV, and his footage shows the rifle to be a Mannlicher-Carcano. Here is one frame from his footage, and here is another. In fact, a Mannlisher-Carcano could easily be mistaken for a Mauser.

Factoid: Oswald's rifle had a "hair-trigger" and would have been very difficult to fire accurately.
The rifle did not have a "hair-trigger," and could indeed be fired accurately.

Factoid: Oswald had to have taken time to wipe the prints off the rifle, making it impossible for him to have made it downstairs soon enough for his confrontation with Officer Baker.
There were in fact two smudged prints on the trigger guard of Oswald's rifle, and the wooden parts of the gun were too rough to take prints. It is not, in fact, very common to find usable fingerprints on firearms used in crimes.

Factoid: The scope on the MC was "mounted for a left-handed shooter."
There in fact is no such thing as a "scope mounted for a left-handed shooter."

Factoid: The paraffin test showed that Oswald had not fired a rifle.
The paraffin test was unreliable, and produced both false positives and false negatives. Its only real use was to intimidate naive suspects into confessing.

Factoid: Oswald's rifle was not tested to see whether it had been recently fired.
There was not, and still is not, any test that can determine whether a rifle has been "recently fired."

Factoid: The dented shell casing found in the depository shows a conspiracy, since it could not have been fired from Oswald's gun.
The casing was almost certainly dented when it was ejected from the rifle, since the Mannlicher-Carcano regularly dents ejected hulls.

Factoid: The Mannlicher-Carcano had no ammunition clip with it, which means that it could have fired only one round, and not the three that the Warren Commission said it did.
Although poorly documented, the clip was with the rifle when it was recovered, and remained in evidence.

Factoid: The Mannlicher-Carcano was known in the Italian Army as the "humanitarian rifle" because it never harmed anybody.
The rifle was the standard Italian Army issue for a half-century, and was an effective infantry weapon.

Factoid: The Mannlicher-Carcano had a rusty firing pin, and therefore could not have been used to shoot Kennedy.
In a variety of tests, the firing pin proved perfectly functional.

Factoid: The Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was "well-oiled" and would have left oil on the paper bag had the bag been used to carry it to the Depository.
Only the firing pin and sping were described as "well-oiled." Further, a "well-oiled" gun does not drip oil, but rather has a thin but uniform coating of oil on the working parts.

Factoid: Ammunition for the Mannlicher-Carcano had not been manufactured since World War II therefore no reliable rounds would have been available to Oswald.
The ammunition was in fact recently manufactured by the Western-Cartridge Company, and was found to be highly reliable in Warren Commission tests, with no misfires in over 100 rounds (Warren Commission Report, pp. 193, 646). Further tests by Lattimer and Nichols confirmed its reliability.

Factoid: The Mannlicher-Carcano was inaccurate.
Ronald Simmons, of the Army's Ballistics Research Laboratory, bench tested Oswald's rifle for the Warren Commission, and found the dispersion to be .29 mils — a figure typical for high-powered rifles — and described it as "quite accurate" (3H442-443).

Factoid: Commission Exhibit 399 (the "magic bullet") is "pristine."
In fact, the bullet is quite misshapen when viewed end-on.

Factoid: Even if it is not pristine CE399 could not have caused all the non-fatal wounds and emerge in such good condition.
Ballistics tests by Lattimer and Fackler showed that a bullet like Oswald's round could inflict damage similar to what the Warren Commission's "Single Bullet" inflicted and emerge in similar condition.

Factoid: There was too much lead in John Connally to have come from CE399, showing that another bullet must have hit him.
The surgeon who removed the lead explained that the fragments were tiny, and would have to be weighed on the same sort of scale used to weigh a postage stamp. House Select Committee experts felt they could have come from CE399.

Factoid: The hulls found at the scene of the Tippit shooting were from an automatic weapon, not the revolver Oswald is supposed to have used.
Cops on the scene, finding hulls laying around, jumped to the conclusion that they must have been fired from an automatic, which automatically ejects spent cartridges. In fact, witnesses saw Oswald emptying hulls from the revolver.

Factoid: The bullets found in Tippit's body "didn't match" Oswald's revolver.
They were perfectly consistent with Oswald's revolver, but because the revolver had been converted from a .38 into a .38 Special, no bullet fired from it could be positively matched to it.

Factoid: The fact that the bullet that hit JFK in the head fragmented showed that it wasn't a full metal jacket bullet, and thus didn't match the rounds supposedly fired by Oswald.
Olivier (for the Warren Commission) and John Lattimer (a private researcher) shot skulls with rounds identical to those Oswald used, and the bullets fragmented.

Factoid: The bullet wound in Kennedy's throat was smaller in diameter than the 6.5 mm. caliber of Oswald's rifle, indicating it must have been fired from a different weapon.
This assertion is based on selective use of the testimony of the doctors who saw the wound, and who in fact gave varying estimates. However, it is possible for a bullet to pass through the skin and leave a defect smaller than the diameter of the bullet.
it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

this spells it out for the lone nut theorists dummies style as best as you can.somehow all these experts doctors views seem to escape the deniars like black dog who is not a paid troll like dawgshit,candyass and rightwinger,just in denial and only sees what he wants to see.

How did Kennedy shoot himself in the back of his own head like that?
whether Oswald was the lone shooter or not does not dispel an organised conspiracy !!with the associations Oswald had and then the convenient offing of Oswald by Ruby who had mob connections and then the convenient death of Ruby shortly after ...i mean come on !! :eusa_eh:

thats all just a little too complicated for the lone nut theorists to comprehend besides the fatc that even the HSCA investigation in the 70's even concluded there was a second shooter.:lol:

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