Kennedy Assassination Question

The President's neck wound was an entry wound, and the fatal head shot came from the front, threw the President's head against the trunk lid and his wife climbed out on the trunk to retrieve part of his skull. The back of the President head was blown out, it was an exit wound.
wrong! exit wounds are always larger then entry wounds.
most of the whole right side of Kennedy's head was blown forward not back. his being thrown back is not from a bullet, but from muscle spasms because that part of which controls movement was gone.
the grey matter and skull fragments found on trunk and inside the car were cause by his head exploding (ever heard of hydrostatic shock?) you did know that the brain is pressurized.
if the kill shot come from the front then there would have been much more skull and grey matter in on the trunk and in the limo not to mentioning the cops and secret service guy directly behind the limo.

If the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSDB, struck the back of President Kennedy's head at a downward angle, where is the exit wound that would be in his face???

He was shot in the temple (just like Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff shows after talking to the Parkland doctors)


And the back of his head was blown out, just like Dr. McClelland shows in the sketch he drew and the picture, along with about 20 other Parkland doctors, nurses and medical assistants saw.


ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD: "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." (WC--V6:33)


it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.
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Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.

anyone who thinks oswald shot kennedy is a complete idiot or a disinformation agent troll like rightwinger.The facts are overwhelming that oswald was innocent and there were many forces behind his assassination.these are the facts the lone nut theorists cant get around that exonerate oswald and prove he was innocent and there was a conspiracy that nobody has ever been able to debunk.

cause again,like i said,not ONE SINGLE lone nut theorist has even attempted to debunk these facts below.all they say is they believe oswald did it without showing any evidence that supports their belief that hasnt been shreadded to pieces.Here again are the facts below that prove there was a conspiracy and oswald was innocent that the lone nut theorists all refuse to address cause they know they cant counter them. your just afraid of the truth, been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and only see what you WANT to see which is why you will ignore all these facts as we both know.there were many people who came forward who gave versions different than the governments who wound up dying in mysterious deaths.

2.some witnesses to the tippet shooting reported seeing TWO men fire at tippet and their descriptions did not fit oswald.neither did the descrptions of the few witnesses who said they saw oswald in the 6th floor window.matter of fact,a film taken of the event that was focused on the 6th floor window,shows TWO figures moving around.

3.oswald was sure nonchalent about getting in position and getting up there to shoot the president in the fact that his limo was suppose to arrive at 12:20 where a witness in the book depository said she saw oswald at 12:25 in the second floor room drinking a coke and the limo was running late and did not arrive till 12:30 TEN MINUTES LATE!!. so oswald is all of a sudden a psychic and knows Jfk is going to run late all of a sudden? your funny.

4.witnesses claimed the warren commission altered many of their testimonys,a crime itself that the commission members should have all gone to jail for:yep,no conspiracy there.
the most important one they altered was sandra stiles and another girl who gave testimony they were walking down the stairs in the same timeframe the commission said oswald went down the later years after refusing to admit their time frame was wrong,they received harrassment by the police and eventually changed their names and address to get away from that harrassment.

6.witnesses that were there that day have come forward years later identifying themselves in the photos that they were there that day saying they saw a rifleman behind the picket fence.they kept quiet because of all the people who started dying who gave versions different than the governments.they are old and no longer afraid of them anymore and they are talking.Plus Grodens book THE KILLING OF A PRESIDENT indeed shows a pic of a rifleman behind the picket cant find it on the computer but its in that book.

7.many photographer experts have concluded the zapruder film has been altered which is why you dont see Greer the driver who had connections to to the CIA,turn around and fire the fatal head shot to the head. some of the surgeons said that the bullet that killed him came from a HANDGUN shot at close range so the driver indeed did it.the man behind the picket fence was a diversion to get everyones attention away from him.

8.they have also concluded the autopsy photos were altered as well.

9 at least two days before the assassination,Rose Cheramie,a lady whom a highway police officer found off to the side of the highway dumped from a car in Lousiana,was taken into a hospital and told the doctors while she was still awake before they sedated her,that there was a plot of MEN traveling to dallas to kill Kennedy.the doctors did not take her seriously since they found her to be on drugs but after the assassination,they then took her serious and notified the dallas police and of course she later on died mysteriously after that.How conveinient for the warren commission,yep no conspiracy there.

10.all the dallas doctors said the head wound and neck wound were both ENTRANCE wounds. clearly dont know anything at all about the laws of physics since a persons head goes FORWARD if shot from behind.Not ony have many people come on before and posted in the JFK section saying they are hunters and have never seen an animals head go backwards when shot from behind,but an experienced sniper from vietnam who had several DOZEN of sniper kills and was one of the most highly decorated,wrote a book about it as well saying he has never seen a mans head go backwards after shooting them from behind.

12.oh and this photo clearly shows this marine sniper and myself unlike you people who are in denial and have been brainwashed by the media,know what we are talking about in the fact his head is going forward after being shot from behind as well.the proof is in the pudding.

13.finally, the hughes film which was taken in dealy plaza by cant remember his first name but last name was Hughes,his film was focused on the alleged 6th floow window and close up photos that have been shown at seminars in dallas over the years show closeups taken seconds before,during,and after the shooting and there is NOBODY in that window!!!!!!

Now if you were saying he was PART of a conspiracy,you would have a case because of these facts below of unnaccountable bullets found at the scene and photographed but as I just proved,that falls apart as well cause of the testimony of the two ladies going down the stairs in the same timeframe the warren commission said oswald went down.

14.these are the facts you cant get around that there WAS a conspiracy.

love the logic of the lone nut theorists.the warren commission was so biased of an investigation its a sick joke It doesnt even touch on many key facts such as several of the witnesses testimony were altered by the warren commission,itself an illegal act,or the many unnaccountable bullets found that day like an entrance shot to the windshield that forensic officers said was an indeed an entrance shot,or the bullet photographed in the doorframe,or the one on the curb that was replaced two days later and plastered over with,or the one on the street marked by an officer,and the one in the street sign seen in the zapruder film that witnesses saw which was taken down and replaced a day later, or the one where a police officer is seen picking it up one off the grass and putting it in his pocket and walking away with it illegally removing evidence

and according to two women, they altered the testimony of two theirs of having gone down the same stairway the warren commission said oswald went down during the same timeframe.altering their timeframe they gave.

again they altered many witnesses testimony.a crime itself.

you all are also ignorant of the testimony of Rose Cherimae, whom you see in the beginning of the film JFK she was a woman found on the side of a highway in Louisiana by a highway patrol officer who was taken to a hospital and told doctors a couple days before the assassination that there was a plot to kill kennedy.that there were MEN traveling to dallas to kill kennedy.they did not take her serious at first because she was found to be on drugs, but after the assassination,they then took her seriously and called the dallas police,and how conveinent for the government that she ended up dying mysteriously after that.

many witnesses who came forward and gave testimony that did not fit the governments version of events ended up dying fact,some witnesses kept quiet for many years because they were afraid of winding up as mysterious deaths if they camer forward and talked about a gunman they saw firing a rifle behind the picket fence.Now they are old and close to death so they dont care anymore and are no longer afraid.

you lone nut theorists have no answers for any of these facts.

So, if what you're claiming is true, and you are the "expert" you claim to be on the Kennedy shooting, why haven't you proven this for all the world to plainly see and the crime solved? I think you're blowing smoke, and calling me names doesn't change my mind on the event nor does it strengthen your case.
wrong! exit wounds are always larger then entry wounds.
most of the whole right side of Kennedy's head was blown forward not back. his being thrown back is not from a bullet, but from muscle spasms because that part of which controls movement was gone.
the grey matter and skull fragments found on trunk and inside the car were cause by his head exploding (ever heard of hydrostatic shock?) you did know that the brain is pressurized.
if the kill shot come from the front then there would have been much more skull and grey matter in on the trunk and in the limo not to mentioning the cops and secret service guy directly behind the limo.

If the shot came from the 6th floor of the TSDB, struck the back of President Kennedy's head at a downward angle, where is the exit wound that would be in his face???

He was shot in the temple (just like Asst. Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff shows after talking to the Parkland doctors)


And the back of his head was blown out, just like Dr. McClelland shows in the sketch he drew and the picture, along with about 20 other Parkland doctors, nurses and medical assistants saw.


ROBERT McCLELLAND, MD: "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." (WC--V6:33)


it's pretty fucking obvious that the bullet took the path of least resistance out the hole it had just made in the back right side of his head.
not one of those folks say it was a frontal shot
yes he was shot in the temple (from behind)
he was turning his head to the right when shot.
if the shot came from the front as he turned his head you'd expect the entry to be more toward the center of his face not his right temple.
btw if there were a grassy knoll shooter .also on his right the kill shot would have blown the left side of his head out not the right.

Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Ever hear of Issac Newton???

Newton's Laws - Lesson 1

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's first law of motion:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Only if you assume the bullet was fired from the front (such as from the grassy knoll) and then made a U-turn to enter from the rear... which is quite possible if it was done by shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco using boomerang bullets.:eek::eek:

The ability to maintain secrecy for a conspiracy is inversely proportional to the number of participants in the conspiracy multiplied by time it is maintained secret. ----> Legaleagle's theory of conspiracy dynamics.:cool:
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Oh, the bullet made a U-turn? Obviously? REALLY?? Now we are talking about a REAL magic bullet...:eek:

Only if you assume the bullet was fired from the front (such as from the grassy knoll) and then made a U-turn to enter from the rear... which is quite possible if it was done by shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco using boomerang bullets.:eek::eek:

The ability to maintain secrecy for a conspiracy is inversely proportional to the number of participants in the conspiracy multiplied by time it is maintained secret. ----> Legaleagle's theory of conspiracy dynamics.:cool:

How much reading and research have you done on the JFK assassination legaleagle?

What do your dynamics model tell you when the highest levels of government decide 3 days after the assassination of the leader of that government what the official story will be? When the succeeding leader and the head of that government's official investigating bureau have the power to create a blue ribbon panel to head off other branches of government from launching hearings and investigations, creates that this panel does no investigations, instead provides all the evidence and witnesses for that blue ribbon panels final results...WHAT conclusion will this blue ribbon panel come to?
What do your dynamics model tell you when the highest levels of government decide 3 days after the assassination of the leader of that government what the official story will be? When the succeeding leader and the head of that government's official investigating bureau have the power to create a blue ribbon panel to head off other branches of government from launching hearings and investigations, creates that this panel does no investigations, instead provides all the evidence and witnesses for that blue ribbon panels final results...WHAT conclusion will this blue ribbon panel come to?

My dynamics model tells me that shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco, with the active aid and assistance of Evil Bert killed Kennedy, bribed the Chief Justice of the United States together with Gerald Ford, Hale Boggs, Richard Russell and and a host of others to file a false report which is easily disproven by incontrovertible physical evidence involving a boomerang bullet fired from the grassy knoll by none other than George W. Bush who was a 17 year old shape shifting alien at the time and assisted by none other than Box Car Willie... which evidence any court in America would accept, unless of course, it is the one in New Orleans involving Shaw and Garrison, who is probably a shape shifting alien who intentionally sabotaged the case.

No doubt about it.
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really? since not everything is deducible and the facts you talk about are after the fact then you are no closer then you were when you started studying the jfk assassination.

I know that Oswald was not the lone assassin. So there was, by definition, a conspiracy.

Simple question

How did multiple assassins manage to only get off three shots?

Bfgrn...that is what you call checkmate.
These are not just anomalies and contradictions. The whole Warren Commission's claim that Oswald was the lone assassin totally hinges on the single bullet theory. Without it there HAD to be a second gunman. Because of the bolt action rifle, the Zapruder film, the time frame of physical human reactions and clear evidence of the wounds to the President and the Governor it encapsulates, Oswald could have only gotten off three shots. BUT, we know one shot missed the limousine completely, struck a curb and caused a facial injury to bystander James Tague. So that means for Oswald to now be the lone assassin, one bullet had to cause the wound to Kennedy's throat and Connolly's wounds.

Thus, the contrived single bullet theory and the gross movement of the wounds to fit the theory, but not the body of the President.

Draw your own conclusions then

Based on your evidence....where did the shot come from?

The trunk of JFKs car?

The only wound that matches a shot from the TSBD is Connolly's. The wound in the President's neck was an entry wound. The wound in his back was shallow and at a steep angle and did not exit into his plural cavity. The fatal head wound came from the front right (knoll/overpass area). There was a hole in the windshield, a ding in the top of the side window frame. There could have been as many as 10 shots in "a flurry of shells come into the car" that agent Roy Kellerman testified about.

My approach, as I as said before is not to create conspiracies. I am not smart enough to know who killed the President. But I do know that the Warren Report is a sham, and the single bullet theory is false, thus, there was more than one gunman.

Dont recall the hole in the windshield. The glass should have been all over the driver and passengers.
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.

anyone who thinks oswald shot kennedy is a complete idiot or a disinformation agent troll like rightwinger.The facts are overwhelming that oswald was innocent and there were many forces behind his assassination.these are the facts the lone nut theorists cant get around that exonerate oswald and prove he was innocent and there was a conspiracy that nobody has ever been able to debunk.

cause again,like i said,not ONE SINGLE lone nut theorist has even attempted to debunk these facts below.all they say is they believe oswald did it without showing any evidence that supports their belief that hasnt been shreadded to pieces.Here again are the facts below that prove there was a conspiracy and oswald was innocent that the lone nut theorists all refuse to address cause they know they cant counter them. your just afraid of the truth, been brainwashed by our corrupt school system and only see what you WANT to see which is why you will ignore all these facts as we both know.there were many people who came forward who gave versions different than the governments who wound up dying in mysterious deaths.

2.some witnesses to the tippet shooting reported seeing TWO men fire at tippet and their descriptions did not fit oswald.neither did the descrptions of the few witnesses who said they saw oswald in the 6th floor window.matter of fact,a film taken of the event that was focused on the 6th floor window,shows TWO figures moving around.

3.oswald was sure nonchalent about getting in position and getting up there to shoot the president in the fact that his limo was suppose to arrive at 12:20 where a witness in the book depository said she saw oswald at 12:25 in the second floor room drinking a coke and the limo was running late and did not arrive till 12:30 TEN MINUTES LATE!!. so oswald is all of a sudden a psychic and knows Jfk is going to run late all of a sudden? your funny.

4.witnesses claimed the warren commission altered many of their testimonys,a crime itself that the commission members should have all gone to jail for:yep,no conspiracy there.
the most important one they altered was sandra stiles and another girl who gave testimony they were walking down the stairs in the same timeframe the commission said oswald went down the later years after refusing to admit their time frame was wrong,they received harrassment by the police and eventually changed their names and address to get away from that harrassment.

6.witnesses that were there that day have come forward years later identifying themselves in the photos that they were there that day saying they saw a rifleman behind the picket fence.they kept quiet because of all the people who started dying who gave versions different than the governments.they are old and no longer afraid of them anymore and they are talking.Plus Grodens book THE KILLING OF A PRESIDENT indeed shows a pic of a rifleman behind the picket cant find it on the computer but its in that book.

7.many photographer experts have concluded the zapruder film has been altered which is why you dont see Greer the driver who had connections to to the CIA,turn around and fire the fatal head shot to the head. some of the surgeons said that the bullet that killed him came from a HANDGUN shot at close range so the driver indeed did it.the man behind the picket fence was a diversion to get everyones attention away from him.Yuri

8.they have also concluded the autopsy photos were altered as well.

9 at least two days before the assassination,Rose Cheramie,a lady whom a highway police officer found off to the side of the highway dumped from a car in Lousiana,was taken into a hospital and told the doctors while she was still awake before they sedated her,that there was a plot of MEN traveling to dallas to kill Kennedy.the doctors did not take her seriously since they found her to be on drugs but after the assassination,they then took her serious and notified the dallas police and of course she later on died mysteriously after that.How conveinient for the warren commission,yep no conspiracy there.

10.all the dallas doctors said the head wound and neck wound were both ENTRANCE wounds. clearly dont know anything at all about the laws of physics since a persons head goes FORWARD if shot from behind.Not ony have many people come on before and posted in the JFK section saying they are hunters and have never seen an animals head go backwards when shot from behind,but an experienced sniper from vietnam who had several DOZEN of sniper kills and was one of the most highly decorated,wrote a book about it as well saying he has never seen a mans head go backwards after shooting them from behind.

12.oh and this photo clearly shows this marine sniper and myself unlike you people who are in denial and have been brainwashed by the media,know what we are talking about in the fact his head is going forward after being shot from behind as well.the proof is in the pudding.

13.finally, the hughes film which was taken in dealy plaza by cant remember his first name but last name was Hughes,his film was focused on the alleged 6th floow window and close up photos that have been shown at seminars in dallas over the years show closeups taken seconds before,during,and after the shooting and there is NOBODY in that window!!!!!!

Now if you were saying he was PART of a conspiracy,you would have a case because of these facts below of unnaccountable bullets found at the scene and photographed but as I just proved,that falls apart as well cause of the testimony of the two ladies going down the stairs in the same timeframe the warren commission said oswald went down.

14.these are the facts you cant get around that there WAS a conspiracy.

love the logic of the lone nut theorists.the warren commission was so biased of an investigation its a sick joke It doesnt even touch on many key facts such as several of the witnesses testimony were altered by the warren commission,itself an illegal act,or the many unnaccountable bullets found that day like an entrance shot to the windshield that forensic officers said was an indeed an entrance shot,or the bullet photographed in the doorframe,or the one on the curb that was replaced two days later and plastered over with,or the one on the street marked by an officer,and the one in the street sign seen in the zapruder film that witnesses saw which was taken down and replaced a day later, or the one where a police officer is seen picking it up one off the grass and putting it in his pocket and walking away with it illegally removing evidence

and according to two women, they altered the testimony of two theirs of having gone down the same stairway the warren commission said oswald went down during the same timeframe.altering their timeframe they gave.

again they altered many witnesses testimony.a crime itself.

you all are also ignorant of the testimony of Rose Cherimae, whom you see in the beginning of the film JFK she was a woman found on the side of a highway in Louisiana by a highway patrol officer who was taken to a hospital and told doctors a couple days before the assassination that there was a plot to kill kennedy.that there were MEN traveling to dallas to kill kennedy.they did not take her serious at first because she was found to be on drugs, but after the assassination,they then took her seriously and called the dallas police,and how conveinent for the government that she ended up dying mysteriously after that.

many witnesses who came forward and gave testimony that did not fit the governments version of events ended up dying fact,some witnesses kept quiet for many years because they were afraid of winding up as mysterious deaths if they camer forward and talked about a gunman they saw firing a rifle behind the picket fence.Now they are old and close to death so they dont care anymore and are no longer afraid.

you lone nut theorists have no answers for any of these facts.

So, if what you're claiming is true, and you are the "expert" you claim to be on the Kennedy shooting, why haven't you proven this for all the world to plainly see and the crime solved? I think you're blowing smoke, and calling me names doesn't change my mind on the event nor does it strengthen your case.

Rimjob failed to properly count to 10...I doubt he could solve how to close the shower curtain
What do your dynamics model tell you when the highest levels of government decide 3 days after the assassination of the leader of that government what the official story will be? When the succeeding leader and the head of that government's official investigating bureau have the power to create a blue ribbon panel to head off other branches of government from launching hearings and investigations, creates that this panel does no investigations, instead provides all the evidence and witnesses for that blue ribbon panels final results...WHAT conclusion will this blue ribbon panel come to?

My dynamics model tells me that shape shifting reptilian aliens from the Constellation Draco, with the active aid and assistance of Evil Bert killed Kennedy, bribed the Chief Justice of the United States together with Gerald Ford, Hale Boggs, Richard Russell and and a host of others to file a false report which is easily disproven by incontrovertible physical evidence involving a boomerang bullet fired from the grassy knoll by none other than George W. Bush who was a 17 year old shape shifting alien at the time and assisted by none other than Box Car Willie... which evidence any court in America would accept, unless of course, it is the one in New Orleans involving Shaw and Garrison, who is probably a shape shifting alien who intentionally sabotaged the case.

No doubt about it.

From the condescending to the asshole route eh? You are no legal eagle, you are a government parrot.

Here is another dynamics model to contemplate:

Please spell out the benefits vs. the dangers, damage and propaganda fuel for our cold war enemies if the US government came out and said: "we believe we have on of the shooters, but he is deceased, the other shooter(s) are still at large. We don't know who was behind the coup e'tat of the most powerful man on the planet that took place at high noon on domestic soil in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street of a major city.

You can even LISTEN to this conversation: LBJ-Russell 11-29-63, 2nd call

This fascinating conversation between President Johnson and his old mentor Senator Richard Russell is very revealing. Johnson begins by reading to Russell the announcement of the formation of the President's Commission to study the assassination, to which he has named Russell. Not realizing that it's a done deal, Russell complains that he "couldn't serve on it with Chief Justice Warren--I don't like that man" and pleads with Johnson to reconsider. LBJ tells him that "Dick, it's already been announced and you can serve with anybody for the good of America, and this is a question that has a good many more ramifications than on the surface and we've got to take this out of the arena where they're testifying that Khruschev and Castro did this and did that and kicking us into a war that can kill 40 million Americans in an hour."

Toward the end of the conversation, Johnson re-invokes the image of 40 million Americans killed in a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union, and then tells Russell how he got Warren to serve on the Commission. After Warren refused several times, Johnson called him to the Oval Office and told him "what Hoover told me about a little incident in Mexico City," whereupon Warren began crying and told Johnson "well I won't turn you down, I'll just do whatever you say."

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
In an interview with Walter Cronkite, LBJ discusses potential conspiracy in the JFK assassination. This portion of the interview wasn't aired and edited out of the broadcast at the request of LBJ under the grounds of national security. It was aired years after his death.

[ame=]LBJ speaks of conspiracy. - YouTube[/ame]
Parkland doctor Dr. Charles Crenshaw explains entry wound in the President's throat and that the fatal shot came from the front.

Not long before he died, LBJ was interviewed by his friend and writer Leo Janos. In the July, 1973 issue of "The Atlantic Monthly," Janos relates that LBJ told him:

1. "that the assassination in Dallas had been part of a conspiracy; 2. "I never believed that Oswald acted alone.

The Last Days of the President

LBJ in retirement

by Leo Janos

During coffee, the talk turned to President Kennedy, and Johnson expressed his belief that the assassination in Dallas had been part of a conspiracy. "I never believed that Oswald acted alone, although I can accept that he pulled the trigger." Johnson said that when he had taken office he found that "we had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean." A year or so before Kennedy's death a CIA-backed assassination team had been picked up in Havana. Johnson speculated that Dallas had been a retaliation for this thwarted attempt, although he couldn't prove it. "After the Warren Commission reported in, I asked Ramsey Clark [then Attorney General] to quietly look into the whole thing. Only two weeks later he reported back that he couldn't find anything new." Disgust tinged Johnson's voice as the conversation came to an end. "I thought I had appointed Tom Clark's son—I was wrong."
Not long before he died, LBJ was interviewed by his friend and writer Leo Janos. In the July, 1973 issue of "The Atlantic Monthly," Janos relates that LBJ told him:

1. "that the assassination in Dallas had been part of a conspiracy; 2. "I never believed that Oswald acted alone.

The Last Days of the President

LBJ in retirement

by Leo Janos

During coffee, the talk turned to President Kennedy, and Johnson expressed his belief that the assassination in Dallas had been part of a conspiracy. "I never believed that Oswald acted alone, although I can accept that he pulled the trigger." Johnson said that when he had taken office he found that "we had been operating a damned Murder Inc. in the Caribbean." A year or so before Kennedy's death a CIA-backed assassination team had been picked up in Havana. Johnson speculated that Dallas had been a retaliation for this thwarted attempt, although he couldn't prove it. "After the Warren Commission reported in, I asked Ramsey Clark [then Attorney General] to quietly look into the whole thing. Only two weeks later he reported back that he couldn't find anything new." Disgust tinged Johnson's voice as the conversation came to an end. "I thought I had appointed Tom Clark's son—I was wrong."

Even leftie fringe guy Clark said 'nothing new'

get a grip. If anyone helped Oswald it would have come out by now. People cannot keep secrets
The Warren Commission apparently did not have the sort of cooperative relationship with the FBI one might have wished for in so important an investigation. “The evidence,” the House Select Committee on Assassinations discovered, “indicates that Hoover viewed the Warren Commission more as an adversary than a partner in a search for the facts of the assassination.” The HSCA’s chief counsel, Robert Blakey, an experienced criminal investigator and prosecutor himself, was impressed with neither the Commission’s vigor nor its independence from the FBI. “What was significant,” Blakey has written, “was the ability of the FBI to intimidate the Commission, in light of the bureau’s predisposition on the questions of Oswald’s guilt and whether there had been a conspiracy.

At a January 27 [1964] Commission meeting, there was another dialogue [among Warren Commissioners]:

“John McCloy: … the time is almost overdue for us to have a better perspective of the FBI investigation than we now have … We are so dependent on them for our facts … .

Commission counsel J. Lee Rankin: Part of our difficulty in regard to it is that they have no problem. They have decided that no one else is involved … .

Senator Richard Russell: They have tried the case and reached a verdict on every aspect.

Senator Hale Boggs
: You have put your finger on it. (Closed Warren Commission meeting.)”


FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
(LBJ Library Photo)

Hoover may have succeeded in intimidating the Commission by employing one of his favorite dirty tricks. “[D]erogatory information pertaining to both Commission members and staff was brought to Mr. Hoover’s attention,” the Church Committee discovered. During an appearance before the HSCA in 1977, no less than Warren Commission chief counsel J. Lee Rankin sheepishly conceded, “Who could protest against what Mr. Hoover did back in those days?” Apparently not even presidential appointees.

Thus, with the exposes of the Church and Select Committees, the government has itself granted one of the more potent criticisms of Warren Commission skeptics: that its final conclusions had been determined even before work had commenced. Looked at this way, the reasons for the Commission’s inattention to clear conflicts in the medical and autopsy evidence can be seen as of a piece with the Commission’s general disinterest in anyone other than Oswald, an orientation that is well explored in the works of skeptics such as Sylvia Meagher, Harold Weisberg, Josiah Thompson, Henry Hurt, Peter Dale Scott, Robert Blakey, etc.

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