Kennedy Clan Want's Warren

Liz Warren gets Kennedy and Obama blessing, what Democrat powers are left to back Hillary? The Kennedys and Obamas just flat out do not like the Clintons. If the Democrat powers liked Hillary, they would have backed her in 2008 with Obama as VP.
It's important in the future, after this country has a cold reboot, that the names, Bush, and Clinton never be allowed to to have a vote cast for them. I don't give a rat's ass if everyone of their family members are exterminated, just as long as their bloodline is not allowed to run this place.
I find it funny that the two major candidates for Democratic Party nomination, the party that rails against the rich...meets with one the wealthiest families in America to kiss-ass. Ain't life funny!

The Dems don't rail against the rich.

They rail against the rich who offshore their companies and money and don't pay taxes, who don't want to pay a living wage and who have idiots like you out defending them against your own interests.
It's not surprising that the main Massachusetts Democratic political family is urging the Massachusetts democratic senator to run for President.

I think that we all (i.e. liberals) would like to see Warren run in the primaries. It would give her great national exposure.

A Clinton\Warren ticket would be hard to beat!

Then again a Clinton\Obama ticket in '08 would have been the smartest ticket for the Democrats. Sometimes I wonder WTF the DNC is thinking....
Could you imagine a Warren-Sanders ticket, vs. a Cruz- Bachman ticket! Oh about polar opposites.

What kind of stupid do they breed in your neck of the woods? Warren would go for a centrist moderate to balance her ticket. Most likely someone from the south or southwest.
Could you imagine a Warren-Sanders ticket, vs. a Cruz- Bachman ticket! Oh about polar opposites.

A fucking nightmare!

Cruz is too smart to run for POTUS. He's knows he'd never get the votes in the heaviest, bluest most populated regions: the northeast and California. He's going to build his power base as senator and then retire to a cushy job as a lobbyist.

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