Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anything as 'stupid.'

Yeah? I don't give a rat's ass. How's that? Now go bother someone else, tool. You're a nothing
Gee, maybe if you learned to drop your anger.......

Don't start none, won't be none. A very simple concept.
As I said...if you learned to drop your anger, maybe you'd be a happier person.

I really don't think so.

There are some here who thrive on their hate and ignorance. She's one of those.

If you want to incur her wrath, just call her on her stupidity. She can't take that.

Note to sassy-whatever: Don't like equality? Leave. Problem solved.
Care to show me how a lesbian is going to be sodomizing her partner? For that matter many hetero couples enjoy anal sex so there you go, you have now stated that all of them are criminals. See how that works?
No but you can do whatever you like in privacy. You do not have the right to pin your illnesses onto me. See how that works.

And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution.
not exclusively. our government has been recognizing marriages for years without any religious involvement
If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.
separate but equal, huh?

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities.
no they didn't.
Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room.
no, they wouldn't
If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law.
Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators.
what the hell are you talking about?
And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.
what truth is that? that elected officials should be allowed to treat homosexuals differently?
I am not wasting my time by responding fully to your total ignorance.
You not into anal sex? Not fisting or double penetration....Just a finger or a part of the head....get her used to it...Don't forget the KY, unless you spit and rim.....
And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?

It sure affected a certain baker and now a clerk.

OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! They had to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be affected. How does a gay couple getting married AFFECT YOU! How fucking simplistic do I need to get. Does their getting married tear a hole in the space time continuum and you get sucked into it?

What possible affect does a gay couple have on you.

The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.
so you're cool with an establishment saying you can't eat there because you're christian? you're cool with the owners asking you if the anniversary you're celebrating is to your first spouse and kicking you out if it isn't? you're good with the bank giving you an interest rate, then changing that rate over the phone and then changing that rate when they find out your race/sex/religion?
Care to show me how a lesbian is going to be sodomizing her partner? For that matter many hetero couples enjoy anal sex so there you go, you have now stated that all of them are criminals. See how that works?
No but you can do whatever you like in privacy. You do not have the right to pin your illnesses onto me. See how that works.

And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution.
not exclusively. our government has been recognizing marriages for years without any religious involvement
If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.
separate but equal, huh?

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities.
no they didn't.
Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room.
no, they wouldn't
If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law.
Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators.
what the hell are you talking about?
And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.
what truth is that? that elected officials should be allowed to treat homosexuals differently?
I am not wasting my time by responding fully to your total ignorance.
you waste your time by posting lies, why can't you respond to me calling you out on them?
Care to show me how a lesbian is going to be sodomizing her partner? For that matter many hetero couples enjoy anal sex so there you go, you have now stated that all of them are criminals. See how that works?
No but you can do whatever you like in privacy. You do not have the right to pin your illnesses onto me. See how that works.

And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution.
not exclusively. our government has been recognizing marriages for years without any religious involvement
If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.
separate but equal, huh?

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities.
no they didn't.
Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room.
no, they wouldn't
If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law.
Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators.
what the hell are you talking about?
And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.
what truth is that? that elected officials should be allowed to treat homosexuals differently?
I am not wasting my time by responding fully to your total ignorance.

But that IS the question. Why are you afraid to address it?

Should some groups or individuals be treated differently?

Where in the Constitution does it say that?

Is that what you want for the US?
Care to show me how a lesbian is going to be sodomizing her partner? For that matter many hetero couples enjoy anal sex so there you go, you have now stated that all of them are criminals. See how that works?
No but you can do whatever you like in privacy. You do not have the right to pin your illnesses onto me. See how that works.

And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution.
not exclusively. our government has been recognizing marriages for years without any religious involvement
If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.
separate but equal, huh?

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities.
no they didn't.
Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room.
no, they wouldn't
If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law.
Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators.
what the hell are you talking about?
And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.
what truth is that? that elected officials should be allowed to treat homosexuals differently?
I am not wasting my time by responding fully to your total ignorance.
Why can't you simply answer his question?
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.

I guess you are okay with getting rid of the conscientious objector designation if we ever have a draft.

You also don't grok what "public accommodation" means in the context of the Civil Rights Act.
BTW, the others who defied the law were not elected and should be fired.

Don't do the job you were hired to do?

Go find a different job.
You want to kill their first born no doubt. Are you a homo, per chance? You're taking objections quite personally. angry. Maybe if you let go of your anger you might be a happier person....perhaps even clearer thinking....did you just put abortion and homosexuality together?
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.

I guess you are okay with getting rid of the conscientious objector designation if we ever have a draft.

You also don't grok what "public accommodation" means in the context of the Civil Rights Act.
Do you know how much paperwork and investigative work is done for a CO designation? And that many of them are denied anyways? A CO candidate can't just say "Hey, my religious belief tells me not to do this".
We do not live as they did hundreds of years ago when religions would join ranks with the worst despots......having under their control, required tithing, which they collected like taxes, forcibly if needed......Religion has even joined the ranks of the Nazi's terror...tsk, ,tsk..
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Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
Well they called Lincoln a tyrant too.

NYC pins the bogometer, como siempre.

The clerk is not preventing gays from getting married; she just doesn't want to participate in the process. That doesn't keep them from getting a marriage license elsewhere or from someone else.

This is yet another instance of Tolerance not being enough. One must Accept and Participate and given up Independent Thought.

Slavery is Freedom.

Yeah, well turning black people away from your restaurant doesn't keep them from going to another neighborhood either.

Tyranny is when you abandon the democratic system you have in place and start letting one person make up their own set of laws. In this case, this clerk is the one person.

I guess you are okay with getting rid of the conscientious objector designation if we ever have a draft.

You also don't grok what "public accommodation" means in the context of the Civil Rights Act.

This woman was not drafted, you idiot.
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."

She was arrested for contempt of court.

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