Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?
It alters the entire fabric of this society when you make an exception for an illness to over ride my faith and beliefs. Marriage is a religious institution.
not exclusively. our government has been recognizing marriages for years without any religious involvement
If the government wants to issue a license for people to whatever to one another then make a separate license with the governments name on it for they can share their deviant behavior but don't force others to lower their standards to that.
separate but equal, huh?

Gays used to tell me that they had a right to have sex on public ground and in public facilities.
no they didn't.
Today if I were in that same position according to many of the people that post on this board I should be thrown I jail if I tell them go do their thing in private or go rent a room.
no, they wouldn't
If I wanted to start a business of any kind by what you are saying judges can tell me I would be breaking their law.
Again the deviants would call for me to be put in jail. If I deny access for them to my children today I'd once again be falsely arrested by some out of control judge for protecting the children God put into my charge against predators.
what the hell are you talking about?
And once again I would hope that the people when they hear the truth they would rise up and say enough and throw the out of control sickos out of their positions.
what truth is that? that elected officials should be allowed to treat homosexuals differently?
I am not wasting my time by responding fully to your total ignorance.

But that IS the question. Why are you afraid to address it?

Should some groups or individuals be treated differently?

Where in the Constitution does it say that?

Is that what you want for the US?
Not afraid just not wasting effort.
“We should seek a balance between government’s responsibility to abide by the laws of our republic and allowing people to stand by their religious convictions,” Mr. Rubio said in a statement to The New York Times, his first public remarks on the case.
At least Rubio and other conservatives are consistent in their ignorance of the law.

Again, the arrest had nothing to do with Davis' faith, it had to do with her refusal to obey a lawful court order.

Davis could have simply had her staff issue the licenses, relieving her of any 'religious conflict.'

That many on the reprehensible right such as Cruz and Rubio are attempting to contrive a 'controversy' where none exists for some perceived political gain also comes as no surprise.
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
I was not on account of her religion...She's a sinner and no room to judge...
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like.
There most certainly is christian sharia law and you support it.....and if you don't know what it is running our country thru your interpretation of what your god wants....NOT on the U.S. Consititution.

There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anything as 'stupid.'

Yeah? I don't give a rat's ass. How's that? Now go bother someone else, tool. You're a nothing
Gee, maybe if you learned to drop your anger.......
I think that once one has the upper hand, how they handle it is an indication of their true character.

So please, continue trying to crush these God fearing Christians like a jack-booted thug.
Not letting christians dictate how to enforce or not enforce our nation's laws is fighting christian sharia. You support christian sharia.....oh, and in case you forgot the is wanting to run our country thru YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants, not the U.S. Constitution.
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
16" double headed dildo for you?
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like. you are saying that any marriage that has sodomy isn't protected? What about all those straight couples that commit sodomy.....a lot? Who's gonna enforce this? Who's gonna peak into everyone's bedroom? You?
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like.
So it's the missionary position with a sheet dividing the spouses, and the sheet has a hole cut at the place of a religiously sanctioned location....???
No, your post is wrong, in addition to being ignorant.

The arrest was lawful and consistent with the Constitution, having nothing to do whatsoever with her religion.

That the likes of Cruz 'stands' with Davis, both exhibiting their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, comes as no surprise.

Davis would have been jailed if she were Muslim or Jewish, or a person free from faith – for whatever reason she might defy a lawful, Constitutional court order.
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
16" double headed dildo for you?
Damn! What is it with you guys thinking we need a dick? even a fake one?
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
16" double headed dildo for you?
Damn! What is it with you guys thinking we need a dick? even a fake one?
I see, you have big hands, okay....Just asking......Jodie Foster fist?
It is what you want...christian sharia law...running our country based on YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants....not on the U.S. Constitution. That's why you support Kim Davis.'re using a made up term. There is no such thing. Keep spewing it but it won't change the facts
The facts are that anyone who supports Kim Davis and what she did is a supporter of christian sharia law. That is what she tried to put in place.
I think if you learned to drop your anger and forgive people for their transgressions then you might be a happier person.
What anger? I'm actually quite happy today. It is a joy to see our U.S. Constitution in action....and our secular system put in place by our Founders work so well. It doesn't always...Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson for examples.

I guess pushing people around and making enemies gives you a real chubby.....but I don't relish in other people's misfortune.

But that just the way I roll.
I don't get chubby's...that's YOUR fantasy. But, you know....if you learned to drop your anger and all.......
Yay! Now we can jail those officials of sanctuary cities for refusing to do their jobs. Disobeying laws that were already in place when they took the job, unlike this woman who's job was changed after she took office (I assume). No?
So...what happens if your job description changes in someway? Do you think your boss will accept you saying you're not doing the changes?

No. I don't. If I were in her position with her beliefs, I would have resigned in protest or, if I could not afford to do so, agreed to some sort of termination proceedings that would allow me time to find a job or collect unemployment. She may not have had the latter option as an elected official. I don't know. I just can't stand the outrage over someone not doing their sworn duty except when it is a law they don't like.

If the Mayor of San Fran were in jail for not enforcing the laws he swore to uphold, I would have said, "Good. Now we can jail that Ky CoC." It is the "I can but you are an $@×÷% when you do" that grates me.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
16" double headed dildo for you?
Damn! What is it with you guys thinking we need a dick? even a fake one?
I see, you have big hands, okay....Just asking......Jodie Foster fist?
Now don't you go dissing Jodie Foster!
He or she whatever the case may be is a liar Bonzi. Sodomy is not mention as a protected act in the Bill of Rights or Constitution. Judges do not make law legislators voted into office by the people do that.
Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like. you are saying that any marriage that has sodomy isn't protected? What about all those straight couples that commit sodomy.....a lot? Who's gonna enforce this? Who's gonna peak into everyone's bedroom? You?
No and now you are truly being ridiculous.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
16" double headed dildo for you?
Damn! What is it with you guys thinking we need a dick? even a fake one?
I see, you have big hands, okay....Just asking......Jodie Foster fist?
Now don't you go dissing Jodie Foster!
I can see why I never liked her, I would never have a chance to bury the bone in her yard.....
If there is anger, it is misplaced to direct it against the city offices. Direct that anger against the ones who deserve it. The gay couples themselves.

First of all tipsyloon, she is a county clerk.
Secondly, it's not the gays fault she is a retard.
Retardation seems to afflict some types of people more than others. Hmm.
...The Will of the People would appear to support same sex marriage: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

Methinks that the "people's representatives" might want to get in touch with "the people".

1. the recent SCOTUS ruling is reversed

2. States begin to pass Defense of Marriage -type referenda and statute once again.

3. this time, those referenda and statute withstand judicial scrutiny, with a more tradition-sympathetic court


People were dead-set against homosexual marriage for a very long time, until very, very recently, according to various polls.

People began to give-up on defending the sanctity of marriage, as it became increasingly clear, that their own government was out to torpedo it.

Latter-day polls reflect this giving-up, if-you-can't-fight-'em-join-'em, taking-the-path-of-least-resistance approach - exhausted after years of fighting the good fight.

If some backbone were once again injected into this fight, along with some realistic prospect of actually winning, and reversing this perversion, those Polls would change.

In a heartbeat.

That is what will be required, in any Next Round of the Battle, in which the country is now engaged.

And, given that the only polls that truly count, are the ballot box, and given that State after State had formerly passed Defense of Marriage -like referenda or legislation - only to have them struck-down by activist judges...

The TRUE polling track-record (all those referenda and statute) do not support your conclusion, in this regard.

America needs to find its backbone again, in this matter.

We may be seeing the opening gambit of just such a thing, this very day.
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Neither is any kind of sex. But it IS fascinating that you want to stick your nose, so to speak, in the sex lives of others.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like. you are saying that any marriage that has sodomy isn't protected? What about all those straight couples that commit sodomy.....a lot? Who's gonna enforce this? Who's gonna peak into everyone's bedroom? You?
No and now you are truly being ridiculous.
You realize that every kind of sex except the missionary position is defined as sodomy, right? You like a little oral? Too's sodomy and your marriage is no longer protected.

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