Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

...The Will of the People would appear to support same sex marriage: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

Methinks that the "people's representatives" might want to get in touch with "the people".

1. the recent SCOTUS ruling is reverse

2. States begin to pass Defense of Marriage -type referenda and statute once again.

3. this time, those referenda and statute withstand judicial scrutiny, with a more tradition-sympathetic court

People were dead-set against homosexual marriage for a very long time, until very, very recently, according to various polls.

People began to give-up on defensing the sanctity of marriage, as it became increasingly clear, that their own government was out to torpedo it.

Latter-day polls reflect this giving-up, if-you-can't-fight-'em-join-'em, taking-the-path-of-least-resistance approach - exhausted after years of fighting the good fight.

If some backbone were once again injected into this fight, along with some realistic prospect of actually winning, and reversing this perversion, those Polls would change.

In a heartbeat.

That is what will be required, in any Next Round of the Battle, in which the country is now engaged.

And, given that the only polls that truly count, are the ballot box, and given that State after State had formerly passed Defense of Marriage -like referenda or legislation - only to have them struck-down by activist judges...

The TRUE polling track-record (all those referenda and statute) do not support your conclusion, in this regard.

America needs to find its backbone again, in this matter.

We may be seeing the opening gambit of just such a thing, this very day.
And...just for chuckles....what timeframe are you giving this scenario?
...I didn't, MORON! Pay attention to who you are engaging.
Damned feeble...

...And...just for chuckles....what timeframe are you giving this scenario?
Who-the-hell knows?

I don't have a crystal ball.

I merely show you what needs to be done, in order to reverse this latest round of Liberal Aberrations.

I can tell you that vast and increasing numbers of your countrymen have pretty much had it with Liberals for a while, and are about ready to give the other guys another turn.

And, (1) if that happens, and (2) we get a hard-ass in the White House, then the odds improve dramatically, that things will be set right, once again.

As to whether it truly WILL happen, or the TIMING... hell... I don't know... anymore than you do.
...And...just for chuckles....what timeframe are you giving this scenario?
Who-the-hell knows?

I don't have a crystal ball.

I merely show you what needs to be done, in order to reverse this latest round of Liberal Aberrations.

I can tell you that vast and increasing numbers of your countrymen have pretty much had it with Liberals for a while, and are about ready to give the other guys another turn.

And, (1) if that happens, and (2) we get a hard-ass in the White House, then the odds improve dramatically, that things will be set right, once again.

As to whether it truly WILL happen, or the TIMING... hell... I don't know... anymore than you do.
You don't? After that long winded post giving a scenario of the future? Damn, you disappoint me. Or could this just be you blowing smoke?
...The Will of the People would appear to support same sex marriage: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

Methinks that the "people's representatives" might want to get in touch with "the people".

1. the recent SCOTUS ruling is reverse

2. States begin to pass Defense of Marriage -type referenda and statute once again.

3. this time, those referenda and statute withstand judicial scrutiny, with a more tradition-sympathetic court

People were dead-set against homosexual marriage for a very long time, until very, very recently, according to various polls.

People began to give-up on defensing the sanctity of marriage, as it became increasingly clear, that their own government was out to torpedo it.

Latter-day polls reflect this giving-up, if-you-can't-fight-'em-join-'em, taking-the-path-of-least-resistance approach - exhausted after years of fighting the good fight.

If some backbone were once again injected into this fight, along with some realistic prospect of actually winning, and reversing this perversion, those Polls would change.

In a heartbeat.

That is what will be required, in any Next Round of the Battle, in which the country is now engaged.

And, given that the only polls that truly count, are the ballot box, and given that State after State had formerly passed Defense of Marriage -like referenda or legislation - only to have them struck-down by activist judges...

The TRUE polling track-record (all those referenda and statute) do not support your conclusion, in this regard.

America needs to find its backbone again, in this matter.

We may be seeing the opening gambit of just such a thing, this very day.

Support for same sex marriage has grown as a new generation of Americans enter adulthood. More than half the American population supports it. The Supreme Court is not acting against the will of the people - but, more importantly - the will of the people should have NO bearing on the Supreme Court decisions. Rights should not be held hostage to popular appeal. That ruling is unlikely to be reversed.
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
It's all about normalizing faggotry and forcing everyone to accept it by judicial fiat. That's no way to run a Society. We are free people and not to be forced into shit we disagree with. That is what is behind this fight. Liberal's want to force their ideology on us. There is going to be pushback.

I'm sure that's what the lunch counter crackers said when they found out they had to serve blacks too. Well here we are today and they are nowhere to be found. Enjoy the afterglow while someone still gives a fuck.
...You don't? After that long winded post giving a scenario of the future? Damn, you disappoint me. Or could this just be you blowing smoke?
Always glad to disappoint you. All part of the friendly service. No extra charge.

The post outlined exactly what it needed to outline - the approach vector for reversing recent Gay Mafia gains.

It made no pretense of having a 'lock' on whether or not such conditions would actually materialize.

It made no pretense of having insight into the timing for any such undertakings.

The rest is your own invention.
I am not sticking my nose into your sex life. Do your thing if you choose just don't expect me to agree with it when yo put it out into the public view.
You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like. you are saying that any marriage that has sodomy isn't protected? What about all those straight couples that commit sodomy.....a lot? Who's gonna enforce this? Who's gonna peak into everyone's bedroom? You?
No and now you are truly being ridiculous.
You realize that every kind of sex except the missionary position is defined as sodomy, right? You like a little oral? Too's sodomy and your marriage is no longer protected.
Actually Bodecca you are in error as Sodomites are a little more than what the New English defines. But hey that is okay. You have a right to think what you like, do what you like or whatever. You merely do not have a right to impose your beliefs over the top of mine. Have a good evening I am finished with this conversation.
...all anyone had to do was obey the law...
A bad law, or, more properly, a bad interpretation of law... favoring sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality)... anathema to most decent folk.
Choose not to be gay then. Problem solved.

Folks are still required by law to associate with such unclean beasts in public life, in order to conduct business.

The problem will be solved when the requirement is abolished.

A highly desirable outcome, and a goal, for the Opposition to work towards.
There is no such thing as Christian sharia law. Just stop already, it's stupid
Given your posting history, you're in no position to refer to anything as 'stupid.'

Yeah? I don't give a rat's ass. How's that? Now go bother someone else, tool. You're a nothing
Gee, maybe if you learned to drop your anger.......
I think that once one has the upper hand, how they handle it is an indication of their true character.

So please, continue trying to crush these God fearing Christians like a jack-booted thug.
Not letting christians dictate how to enforce or not enforce our nation's laws is fighting christian sharia. You support christian sharia.....oh, and in case you forgot the is wanting to run our country thru YOUR interpretation of what YOUR god wants, not the U.S. Constitution.
Like I said.....Obama picks and chooses which laws he wants to obey or we can't blame others for doing the same exact thing.

You want everyone to obey the letter of the law......except when you think the law is bullshit.

So deal with it.
Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America," Ted Cruz said. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion."

Ted Cruz is wrong.

She was placed in jail for not doing her job as a public official and ordering her subordinates not to do theirs.

She could have easily avoided jail. Do her job as the law requires or resign. She choose to go to jail instead just so the gays couldn't get a marriage license.

You go on about sodomy not being legal or in the Constitution. Ok, how do you enforce any law against sodomy then? And I've a ton more hetero sex out in public view than any gay sex. Half the commercials on tv are based on the premise that sex sells.
Sodomy is not protected under the Constitution therefore the marriage of it is not either. I don't have or watch a TV, haven't for years. Did not have one when the children were little either.
I have no intention of enforcing any laws on your sexual deviance. There is a though God's law and that you will to take up with the spirit in your self if you like. you are saying that any marriage that has sodomy isn't protected? What about all those straight couples that commit sodomy.....a lot? Who's gonna enforce this? Who's gonna peak into everyone's bedroom? You?
No and now you are truly being ridiculous.
You realize that every kind of sex except the missionary position is defined as sodomy, right? You like a little oral? Too's sodomy and your marriage is no longer protected.
Actually Bodecca you are in error as Sodomites are a little more than what the New English defines. But hey that is okay. You have a right to think what you like, do what you like or whatever. You merely do not have a right to impose your beliefs over the top of mine. Have a good evening I am finished with this conversation.
Sodomy is everything except for missionary. Just like other christian sharia supporters, you don't get to change definitions willy nilly.
Ah....civil disobedience is just so sweet when it's a white person, isn't it?

it's right up there with how MLK did his, let the system arrest you to show the injustice of the system.
:rolleyes: MLK wasn't getting himself arrested so he could discriminate against black people.

I'm talking methods, not reasons.
Then why did you post "injustice of the system" as the only injustice being done is being done by her.

SHE perceives an injustice, I actually think she is in the wrong.

I just like seeing government have to go through the motions of force instead of a person just knuckling under and complying.
I agree
...I didn't, MORON! Pay attention to who you are engaging.
Damned feeble...


Yes, your complete lack of ability to pay attention to who, and what they are saying is feeble indeed. But, as they say, once you have figured out you have a problem, and admitted it, you are on your way to recovery. Congratulations, you might figure it out someday.
And if a gay couple gets married how the hell does that affect YOU?

It sure affected a certain baker and now a clerk.

OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! They had to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be affected. How does a gay couple getting married AFFECT YOU! How fucking simplistic do I need to get. Does their getting married tear a hole in the space time continuum and you get sucked into it?

What possible affect does a gay couple have on you.

The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
It sure affected a certain baker and now a clerk.

OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! They had to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be affected. How does a gay couple getting married AFFECT YOU! How fucking simplistic do I need to get. Does their getting married tear a hole in the space time continuum and you get sucked into it?

What possible affect does a gay couple have on you.

The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
Yes I did.

But I will go even a lil further for you westwall. A small privately held Christian business owner providing personal services has the right to not go along. The same sex couple can bake their own cake or hit a corporation to get their cake or go start their own little cake business. If one of these same sex couples asked me to paint a painting or provide a sculpture for them and I said no I'm not interested in doing such for you should they have the right to sue me?

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