Kentucky Clerk Jailed for Contempt of Court

This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
Why should a gay couple have to go to another county for a marriage license if gay marriage has been declared legal throughout the country by the courts? Your argument is the same one used when the courts struct down segregation in businesses open to public. The blacks can go to some other motel, restaurant, or store.
OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! They had to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to be affected. How does a gay couple getting married AFFECT YOU! How fucking simplistic do I need to get. Does their getting married tear a hole in the space time continuum and you get sucked into it?

What possible affect does a gay couple have on you.

The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
Yes I did.

But I will go even a lil further for you westwall. A small privately held Christian business owner providing personal services has the right to not go along. The same sex couple can bake their own cake or hit a corporation to get their cake or go start their own little cake business. If one of these same sex couples asked me to paint a painting or provide a sculpture for them and I said no I'm not interested in doing such for you should they have the right to sue me?

No, they shouldn't. I don't believe that government should be able to compel anyone to do anything. However, the clerk is a government official which means she is OBLIGATED to follow the laws of the land. To do otherwise, IS tyranny.
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
Why should a gay couple have to go to another county for a marriage license if gay marriage has been declared legal throughout the country by the courts? Your argument is same one used when the courts struct down segregation in businesses open to public. The blacks can go to some other motel, restaurant, or store.

How about asking the even bigger question. Why should anyone be required to get a license from the government to marry? That to me is the ultimate question. How the hell did we the people ever allow the government to become involved in that?
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
Why should a gay couple have to go to another county for a marriage license if gay marriage has been declared legal throughout the country by the courts? Your argument is same one used when the courts struct down segregation in businesses open to public. The blacks can go to some other motel, restaurant, or store.

How about asking the even bigger question. Why should anyone be required to get a license from the government to marry? That to me is the ultimate question. How the hell did we the people ever allow the government to become involved in that?

Maybe to get the government benefits of being married.
Hopefully they still fine her too. To recoup some of the taxpayer's money she's still receiving despite refusing to do her job.

That would be her dream come true. She will start a gofundme account and gather triple the fine and make a profit from it
GoFundMe stated a long time ago they wouldn't allow fundraisers for criminals.

But that said, if religious nutters want to fund the state's budget while this dumb broad is in jail then I have no problem with that. :thup:
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
Why should a gay couple have to go to another county for a marriage license if gay marriage has been declared legal throughout the country by the courts? Your argument is same one used when the courts struct down segregation in businesses open to public. The blacks can go to some other motel, restaurant, or store.

How about asking the even bigger question. Why should anyone be required to get a license from the government to marry? That to me is the ultimate question. How the hell did we the people ever allow the government to become involved in that?

Maybe to get the government benefits of being married.

Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.

'Why should anyone be required to get a license from the government to marry?"

Because marriage is contract law, written by the states and administered by state courts – the license indicates the couple is eligible to enter into the marriage contract, a contract in which the state also participates, where the license documents that binding agreement.

Issues such as legal separation, divorce, marital assets, child custody, and child support are resolved in the context of marriage and family civil law; marriage cannot be made 'separate' from government because the state writes the law that makes the marriage contract legal and enforceable.
The homos went to the baker, it's also known some of these cases are setups. I don't care if they get pretend married, have at it, I've always said that. With that said I don't have to accept it as normal and I won't.

And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
Yes I did.

But I will go even a lil further for you westwall. A small privately held Christian business owner providing personal services has the right to not go along. The same sex couple can bake their own cake or hit a corporation to get their cake or go start their own little cake business. If one of these same sex couples asked me to paint a painting or provide a sculpture for them and I said no I'm not interested in doing such for you should they have the right to sue me?

No, they shouldn't. I don't believe that government should be able to compel anyone to do anything. However, the clerk is a government official which means she is OBLIGATED to follow the laws of the land. To do otherwise, IS tyranny.
The supreme court made up their rulings after she was already elected to that position by the people of that county. It is not like she took the job prior to the latest decisions. Her objection is that it is her name on that document that she is unwilling to issue. If it were my name I may very well do the same.
And they refused to BAKE A FUCKING CAKE! The "homo's" weren't telling them to bend over! They were trying to pay them money to bake a cake! And you can't see the ridiculousness of this situation?

They weren't telling the bakers "you have to be gay to bake my cake!" I do think that the State of Oregon has gone totally batshit crazy in the punishment they have handed out, that is the very definition of "cruel and unusual punishment". But how in the hell a person can think that baking a cake is somehow violating their religious principles is beyond me.

That is a level of batshit crazy that I will never understand.
And you do not see how ridiculous it is for a private business enterprise to be put out of business when they refuse to be a part of sanctifying such an arrangement; with something they totally disagree with according to their religious faith? Hell they could bake their own fucking cake.

I already said I thought the punishment to be ridiculous. Are you blind? However you still haven't been able to tell me how baking a cake for a gay wedding, affects the baker.
Yes I did.

But I will go even a lil further for you westwall. A small privately held Christian business owner providing personal services has the right to not go along. The same sex couple can bake their own cake or hit a corporation to get their cake or go start their own little cake business. If one of these same sex couples asked me to paint a painting or provide a sculpture for them and I said no I'm not interested in doing such for you should they have the right to sue me?

No, they shouldn't. I don't believe that government should be able to compel anyone to do anything. However, the clerk is a government official which means she is OBLIGATED to follow the laws of the land. To do otherwise, IS tyranny.
The supreme court made up their rulings after she was already elected to that position by the people of that county. It is not like she took the job prior to the latest decisions. Her objection is that it is her name on that document that she is unwilling to issue. If it were my name I may very well do the same.

That doesn't make a bit of difference. Ex Post Facto laws are only applicable to criminal cases and anything that will cost a person money to comply with the new law. The PEOPLE are grandfathered.....NOT the government. She is a part of the government. If she feels this strongly her only option is to resign her position as a protest. Happens all the time.
This Clerk is not keeping gays from getting married. They can find any one of many other Clerks that will sign the licenses. Their purpose here is make her sign the licenses just to say "We won!" again. That was the sole purpose for pushing for the redefinition of the word 'marriage'.

Insecure fucking idiots!
Why should a gay couple have to go to another county for a marriage license if gay marriage has been declared legal throughout the country by the courts? Your argument is same one used when the courts struct down segregation in businesses open to public. The blacks can go to some other motel, restaurant, or store.

How about asking the even bigger question. Why should anyone be required to get a license from the government to marry? That to me is the ultimate question. How the hell did we the people ever allow the government to become involved in that?

Maybe to get the government benefits of being married.

Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.
Neither do cell phones but most people have their exterior tracking chip and they actually pay for them.
Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.

Well marriage doesn't make sense either. Why do people feel the need to marry? Often people see it as security, false security. Seeing as 40% of first marriages end in divorce, a marriage doesn't offer anything. Doesn't stop cheating, doesn't stop problems, often causes problems.

I've been in relationships where the person suddenly gets complacent and then it goes downhill from there.

I've known someone whose parents never got married and they're still together 30 years later.

Marriage doesn't do anything except for give legal guarantees, like with inheritance and tax breaks and so on.

There was a gay couple, one guy adopted the other one so they could get most of this legal stuff. Then they had to unadopt so they could get married now that gay marriage is legal. It wasn't the marriage that was important, it was the being together.

The license is merely a way of giving many people what they seek from marriage. The feeling of security, the ritual, the telling everyone how much they love each other, the looking like a princess, the same surname (in various Western cultures) and so on.
Why are right wingers so scared of sodomy? Missionary gets boring after awhile, and dat ass is available :)
i find it funny that the op believes tyranny is jailing a public servant for contempt but that same public servant unilaterally denying services to citizens she disagrees with is not tyrannical.
The tyrant is trampling on her first amendment rights. Plain and simple. If he dislikes her choices so much why has the Kentucky Legislature in 3 months not impeached and removed her? Hmmmm?

Odium: The state legislature is not in session. It does not convene until January.
Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.

Well marriage doesn't make sense either. Why do people feel the need to marry? Often people see it as security, false security. Seeing as 40% of first marriages end in divorce, a marriage doesn't offer anything. Doesn't stop cheating, doesn't stop problems, often causes problems.

I've been in relationships where the person suddenly gets complacent and then it goes downhill from there.

I've known someone whose parents never got married and they're still together 30 years later.

Marriage doesn't do anything except for give legal guarantees, like with inheritance and tax breaks and so on.

There was a gay couple, one guy adopted the other one so they could get most of this legal stuff. Then they had to unadopt so they could get married now that gay marriage is legal. It wasn't the marriage that was important, it was the being together.

The license is merely a way of giving many people what they seek from marriage. The feeling of security, the ritual, the telling everyone how much they love each other, the looking like a princess, the same surname (in various Western cultures) and so on.

What do you care? If it doesn't affect you your opinion truly doesn't matter now does it?
Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.

Well marriage doesn't make sense either. Why do people feel the need to marry? Often people see it as security, false security. Seeing as 40% of first marriages end in divorce, a marriage doesn't offer anything. Doesn't stop cheating, doesn't stop problems, often causes problems.

I've been in relationships where the person suddenly gets complacent and then it goes downhill from there.

I've known someone whose parents never got married and they're still together 30 years later.

Marriage doesn't do anything except for give legal guarantees, like with inheritance and tax breaks and so on.

There was a gay couple, one guy adopted the other one so they could get most of this legal stuff. Then they had to unadopt so they could get married now that gay marriage is legal. It wasn't the marriage that was important, it was the being together.

The license is merely a way of giving many people what they seek from marriage. The feeling of security, the ritual, the telling everyone how much they love each other, the looking like a princess, the same surname (in various Western cultures) and so on.

What do you care? If it doesn't affect you your opinion truly doesn't matter now does it?

You're a mod and senior staff member on a message board, and you're opinion is that if it doesn't affect you then your opinion doesn't matter.

So, if I talk about WW2 with you, then our opinions don't matter because WW2 is history, and doesn't affect us at all anyway. Same goes with anything in the past that has no relation with the future.

Which then makes such a message board almost meaningless, which means only trolls would be on here, well, that's pretty close to the mark already.

But I'm still not sure why you think it doesn't affect me. It does. So.....
Licenses to marry are like being forced to get a license for a dog. They make no sense.

Well marriage doesn't make sense either. Why do people feel the need to marry? Often people see it as security, false security. Seeing as 40% of first marriages end in divorce, a marriage doesn't offer anything. Doesn't stop cheating, doesn't stop problems, often causes problems.

I've been in relationships where the person suddenly gets complacent and then it goes downhill from there.

I've known someone whose parents never got married and they're still together 30 years later.

Marriage doesn't do anything except for give legal guarantees, like with inheritance and tax breaks and so on.

There was a gay couple, one guy adopted the other one so they could get most of this legal stuff. Then they had to unadopt so they could get married now that gay marriage is legal. It wasn't the marriage that was important, it was the being together.

The license is merely a way of giving many people what they seek from marriage. The feeling of security, the ritual, the telling everyone how much they love each other, the looking like a princess, the same surname (in various Western cultures) and so on.

It is legal agreement and licenses are issued by the state. A person's religion has nothing to do with it.

The clerk should have followed the law. She is not being asked to perform the marriage ceremony in her church.

Her job required her to issue the license without prejudice under the law of the US.

Now she will spend an undetermined time in jail, and possibly her son will soon be there as well.

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